1,433 research outputs found

    COVID-19: Revisión de la literatura y su impacto en la realidad sanitaria peruana: COVID-19: Literature review and its impact on the Peruvian health reality

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    Introduction: The disease called COVID-19 is a pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome 2). In Peru, patient zero or first case with COVID-19 was detected on March 6 and since then the virus has continued to spread. The national government fights against this disease on several fronts, but the health situation differs greatly from developed countries. Objective: To review the current state of the disease and analyze its possible impact on the Peruvian health system. Methods: A bibliographic search of various studies was carried out since the appearance of the disease (December 2019) in the different databases (PUBMED, MEDLINE, PLOs, SciELO) and in Google Scholar. Results: It was found that the virus is transmitted mainly by the respiratory route; the average incubation period is 14 days; most patients have mild disease or are asymptomatic but 5% of these will require hospitalization, some will even require intensive therapy with mechanical ventilation; the current treatment is basically symptomatic, but antibiotics, antivirals and antiparasitics have also been used. Conclusions: The quarantine with strict measures of isolation and social distancing is accurate given the Peruvian health reality and the imminent contagion of the population.Introducción: La enfermedad denominada COVID-19 es una pandemia causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 (síndrome agudo respiratorio severo 2). En el Perú, el paciente cero o primer caso con COVID-19 fue detectado el último 6 de marzo y desde entonces el virus continúa su propagación. El gobierno nacional lucha contra esta enfermedad desde varios frentes, pero la situación sanitaria difiere mucho con la de países desarrollados. Objetivo: Revisar el estado actual de la enfermedad y analizar su posible impacto en el sistema de salud peruano. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de diversos estudios desde la aparición de la enfermedad (diciembre 2019) en las diferentes bases de datos (PUBMED, MEDLINE, PLOs, SciELO) y también en Google Académico. Resultados: Se encontró que el virus se trasmite principalmente por vía respiratoria; el periodo de incubación promedio es 14 días; la mayoría de los pacientes tienen una enfermedad leve o son asintomáticos pero un 5% de estos requerirá hospitalización, algunos incluso requerirán terapia intensiva con ventilación mecánica; el tratamiento actual es básicamente sintomático, pero también antibióticos, antivirales y antiparasitarios. Conclusiones: La cuarentena con medidas estrictas de aislamiento y distanciamiento social es precisa, dada la realidad sanitaria peruana y el inminente contagio de la población

    Biotecnologías de reproducción animal con posibilidad de aplicación para optimizar el potencial reproductivo y productivo de los animales. Una revisión

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    Animal reproductive biotechnology, represents an opportunity to optimize the potential reproductive and productive animals. The aim of this paper is a brief review of biotechnology in animal reproduction with future possibility of application to optimize thepotential reproductive and productive animals, such as in vitro fertilization, cloning and transgenesis.Las biotecnologías de reproducción animal, representan una oportunidad para optimizar el potencial reproductivo y productivo de los animales. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una breve revisión de las biotecnologías de reproducción animal con posibilidad futura de aplicación para optimizar el potencial reproductivo y productivo de los animales, tales como: fecundación in vitro, clonación y transgénesis

    The animal hygiene in the new century

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    The objective of this work is to present a prospective viewpoint of animal hygiene in the new century. A short history of the International Society for Animal Hygiene and its recommendations to improve animal production, food protection and public health in the immediate future, are detailed

    Control reproductivo del verraco

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    El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue actualizar los métodos utilizados para evaluar al reproductor porcino y enfatizar su importancia en las unidades de producción de cerdos. Para tal fin, se incluyó el examen de los órganos genitales, la valoración macroscópica y microscópica del semen, el comportamiento en la monta y los factores capaces de alterar la fertilidad

    Evaluación termodinámica de la adición de calcio y magnesio a un Ultisol: II CaS04

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of CaS04 additions on the chemical properties of an Ultisol. Four levels of calcium and three levels of magnesium were combined in a 4 x 3 complete factorial experimental design. As expected, the addition of CaS04 resulted in significant increases in the levels of calcium in solution. Furthermore, a decrease in the amount of exchangeable magnesium was observed. This was in turn reflected in an increase in the concentration of magnesium in solution. The correlation between the amount of magnesium in the exchange phase and in solution suggests that the fixation phenomenon frequently observed in limed soils does not occur when CaS04  is used. To evaluate the effect of increases in pH in these samples, NaOH was added a month after CaS04 addition. As in the case of Ca(OH)2, a decrease in the levels of magnesium in solution was observed. This led us to conclude that the presence of SO42- can not prevent the fixation of magnesium, and that aluminum and pH might be the controlling factors of said mechanism.Se condujo un experimento con el propósito de determinar los efectos de la aplicación de CaS04 a un Ultisol de la montaña. Cuatro niveles de calcio y tres niveles de magnesio se combinaron en un diseño experimental factorial completo 4 x 3. La aplicación de CaS04 causó un incremento significativo en los niveles de calcio en solución. Esto estuvo acompañado por una disminución en los niveles de magnesio intercambiable y por un aumento significativo en los niveles de magnesio en solución. La relación entre los niveles de magnesio intercambiable y magnesio en solución sugiere que el mecanismo de fijación de magnesio típico en suelos ácidos que han sido encalados no ocurre si se utiliza CaS04. Para evaluar los efectos de incrementos en pH en estas muestras, le añadimos NaOH a las mismas un mes luego de la aplicación de CaS04. Los aumentos en pH observados estuvieron acompañados de una disminución en los niveles de magnesio en solución similares a los observados con Ca(OH)2. Por tal motivo se concluyó que la presencia de SO4 2- no pudo prevenir la fijación de magnesio y que el aluminio y el pH son los factores que controlan dicho mecanismo

    Evaluación termodinámica de la adición de calcio y magnesio a un Ultisol

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of two calcium sources on the chemistry of an Ultisol at various magnesium levels. A 2 x 4 x 3 complete factorial experimenta! design had two calcium sources [Ca(OH)2, CaSO4]; four calcium levels: control (0 Ca added), 1x Ca (1 meq Ca/meq Al), 2x Ca (2 meq Ca/meq Al), 3x Ca (3 meq Ca/meq Al), and three levels of magnesium: Control (0, Mg), 1x Mg (10% CEC), and 2x Mg (20% CEC). The addition of Ca(OH)2 increased the pH of the soil to approximately the following values: Control - 4.40; 1x Ca - 6.40; 2x Ca - 6.70; 3x Ca - 6.90. This rise in pH more than doubled the sites available for exchangeable cations as pH dependent charges were created. A 20% decrease in exchangeable magnesium was observed without a consequent increase in the levels of magnesium in solution. This finding suggests that a fixation mechanism was precluding magnesium from becoming available, a condition which may create magnesium deficiency problems for the crops grown in these soils.The addition of magnesium to these samples increased their levels of soluble and exchangeable magnesium but had little effect on the overall fixation of magnesium. A decrease in pH in those samples previously limed with Ca(OH)2 caused a dramatic increase in the levels of calcium and magnesium in solution as a result of the release of cations from pH dependent charges in the case of calcium as well as the liberation of the magnesium possibly being held as a Mg-Al precipitate in the case of magnesium.Se realizó un experinemto para determinar el efecto de dos fuentes de calcio en la química de un Ultisol a varios niveles de magnesio. El diseño experimental consistió de un factorial 2 x 4 x 3 con dos fuentes de calcio: [Ca(OH)2, CaSO4], cuatro niveles de calcio: control (0 Ca), 1x Ca (1 meq Ca/meq Al), 2x Ca (2 meq Ca/meq Al) y tres niveles de magnesio: control (0 Mg), 1x Mg (10% del CEC total), 2x Mg (20% del CEC total). La adición de Ca(OH)2, causó un incremento en el pH del suelo en la siguiente proporción: control, 4.40; 1x Ca, 6.40; 2x Ca, 6.70; 3x Ca - 6.90. Este aumento en pH más que duplicó la capacidad de intercambio catiónico del suelo. Sin embargo, el magnesio intercambiable disminuyó en un 20% a consecuencia del incremento en pH. Tampoco se observó ningún incremento en los niveles de magnesio en solución. Los resultados indican que un mecanismo de fijación evitó que el magnesio se hiciera disponible. La adición de magnesio al suelo causó un aumento en los niveles de magnesio intercambiable y en solución, pero no tuvo efecto alguno en el mecanismo de fijación de magnesio. Una reducción en el pH de las muestras previamente encaladas [ Ca(OH)2] causó un aumento considerable en los niveles de calcio y magnesio en solución. Esto se debe a la liberación de ambos cationes de las cargas dependientes de pH, además de la liberación del magnesio previamente fijado

    Evaluation of Intangible Assets and Best Practices in a Medium-sized Port Community

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    AbstractThis paper analyses the main factors involved in the knowledge management of different actors participating in a Chilean port community. The intangible assets participating in the creation of value of the port community, which are expressed in ideas, attitudes, perceptions, experiences, information and knowledge management, are evaluated and classified according to community members’ core competencies. Then, the current situation of public institutions and companies participating in the port community is diagnosed utilizing interviews to experts and relevant actors. The role of the intellectual, structural, and social capital is examined in relation to strategic statements present in the missions of public and private port system companies. The results of the assessment enable to identify the main critical factors in knowledge management, transference, dissemination, collaboration and team work, storage, and best practices. In particular, the Conversation System stage of the Primary Model is analyzed and evaluated, as well as its causes, by actors of the port community and experts. Initiatives fostering collective work and encouraging conversations are proposed. Some of the best practices developed by the port community to create and disseminate stakeholders’ knowledge are presented. Also, a set of knowledge management indicators and indexes is developed and presented

    Archeological Survey for the Loop 410 Improvements Project City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

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    The Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) of the University of Texas at San Antonio was contracted by the HNTB Corporation (contracted by TxDOT) in 2000 to conduct an archeological survey of the proposed Loop 410 Improvements Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) is the current ROW and the proposed new ROW along Loop 410 and the three highways intersected by the loop. The project area is located along the southwestern portion of Loop 410 beginning about 0.61 miles northeast of FM 3487 (Culebra Road) and ending 2.25 miles east of IH 35 South. In addition, the project area included varying distances along three highways that intersect with Loop 410: SH 151, US 90, and US 35. The archeological work was conducted under Texas Antiquities Committee permit #3003 with Steve A. Tomka serving as Principal Investigator during the Phase I and Jennifer L. Thompson serving during Phase II and III. The intensive pedestrian survey was conducted in three phases. Phase I was conducted from July to September 2005. Phase II, was completed in April and May of 2007. No new archeology sites were documented during Phase I and II of archeological investigations. Four sites were revisited (41BX555, 41BX556, 41BX683 and 41BX704). All proved to be impacted by development and no cultural material was recovered. Phase III of the project consisted of 16 backhoe trenches placed in areas where deeply buried cultural deposits were probable. Only one trench (BHT 13) encountered artifacts. Testing was recommended on this site to determine if the site retains enough significance to make it eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and/or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (SAL). Tex Site forms requesting a trinomial were submitting and the field site was deemed 41BX1749. Access to properties along the proposed ROW was limited and 18 properties within the proposed ROW remain unsurveyed. CAR recommends survey of these properties when access is granted. All artifacts and records collected or generated during this project are curated at the Center for Archaeological Research according to Texas Historical Commission guidelines

    Procedimientos para aumentar el potencial reproductivo en ovejas y cabras

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    El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar la importancia de algunos procedimientos que pueden ser utilizados para aumentar el potencial reproductivo en ovinos y caprinos. Se presentan métodos de sincronización del estro, estimulación de la ovulación, inseminación artificial, transferencia de embriones y manipulación genética


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    Dr. France A. Córdova was appointed Purdue University’s eleventh president on July 16, 2007, as well as professor of physics and astronomy for the University. Prior to joining Purdue, she served as chancellor and distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California (UC) Riverside from 2002 to 2007. An internationally recognized astrophysicist, Córdova served from 1996 to 2002 as a professor of physics and vice chancellor for research at UC Santa Barbara and initiated a “Research Across Disciplines” program that funded and encouraged both interdisciplinary and “blue sky” projects. Before joining UC Santa Barbara, she was chief scientist at NASA from 1993 to 1996, serving as the primary scientific advisor to the NASA administration and the principal interface between NASA headquarters and the broader scientific community. In that role she evaluated the science mission and budget for NASA and worked with the National Science and Technology Council, federal government agencies, and National Academies on a broad range of science policy initiatives