47 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Action of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Tendon Disease

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    Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a promising therapeutic tool to treat tendon disease. Aiming to establish successful treatment approaches and to fully exploit the regenerative potential of the MSC, it is crucial to understand their mechanisms of action. However, these can be multifaceted and strongly context-sensitive and are still not well-understood in the context of tendon disease. This review aims to shed light on the different possible mechanisms, including engraftment, tenogenic differentiation, extracellular matrix synthesis and remodeling, immunomodulation, pro-angiogenetic effects, trophic support, and protection of resident tendon cells. Evidence from experimental and clinical (veterinary) case studies was compiled and interpreted in conjunction with the respective in vitro and animal models used

    Klinische Anwendung und vergleichende Charakterisierung equiner mesenchymaler Stromazellen

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    Mesenchymale Stromazellen (MSCs) werden beim Pferd bereits mit vielversprechenden Ergebnissen zur Behandlung von muskuloskelettalen Erkrankungen, insbesondere von Sehnenerkrankungen, eingesetzt. In bisherigen klinischen Studien lag das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Behandlung von Erkrankungen der Oberflächlichen Beugesehne bei Rennpferden, die jedoch in Deutschland nur einen verhältnismäßig kleinen Anteil des Patientenaufkommens darstellen. Die zu erwartenden Ergebnisse nach MSC-Behandlung von Fesselträgererkrankungen sind dagegen noch nicht bekannt. Darüber hinaus sind die grundlegenden Kenntnisse zur Biologie equiner MSCs noch unzureichend, was Verständnis und Optimierung des bestehenden Therapiekonzeptes erschwert. Häufig wird die Verwendung alternativer Gewebequellen für MSCs diskutiert, wobei jedoch nur wenige vergleichende Daten zu den jeweiligen zellulären Eigenschaften vorliegen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, zum einen mehr Kenntnisse über die zu erwartenden klinischen Ergebnisse nach MSC-Behandlung von Sehnenerkrankungen zu erlangen, einschließlich Erkrankungen des Fesselträgers, zum anderen den Wissensstand hinsichtlich der in-vitro-Charakterisierung equiner MSCs zu erweitern, wobei ein Vergleich klinisch relevanter Charakteristika zwischen MSCs aus verschiedenen Gewebequellen angestrebt wurde. In die klinische Studie wurden 98 Pferde, die aufgrund von Sehnen- und Banderkrankungen mit MSCs behandelt worden waren, einbezogen. Von 58 dieser Tiere konnten Langzeitergebnisse nach einem Beobachtungszeitraum von mindestens einem Jahr erhoben werden. Diese wurden hinsichtlich des Behandlungserfolges sowie möglicher Einflussfaktoren ausgewertet, wobei die Behandlung als erfolgreich bewertet wurde, wenn die Patienten nach dem Beobachtungszeitraum voll trainiert oder im Sport eingesetzt werden konnten und dabei kein Rezidiv aufgetreten war. Die Behandlung mit MSCs wurde bei 84,5 % der Pferde als erfolgreich eingestuft, wobei Erkrankungen der Oberflächlichen Beugesehne mit 84,2 % und Erkrankungen des Fesselträgers mit 83,3 % gleichermaßen gute Ergebnisse zeigten. Tendenziell beeinflussten Nutzungsdisziplin, Erkrankungsstadium und Patientenalter das klinische Ergebnis ebenso wie bei konventioneller Behandlung. Insgesamt war nach MSC-Behandlung das Auftreten von Rezidiven deutlich seltener zu beobachten als in der Literatur für die konventionelle Behandlung beschrieben wird. Für die in-vitro-Studie zur vergleichenden Charakterisierung equiner MSCs aus verschiedenen Quellen wurden Knochenmark, Fett- und Sehnengewebe sowie Nabelschnurblut und -gewebe gewonnen. Aus diesen Proben wurden jeweils die plastikadhärenten MSCs isoliert und hinsichtlich Zellausbeute, Proliferations- und Migrationseigenschaften, tripotentem Differenzierungspotential sowie der Expression der Sehnenmarker Kollagen 1A2 und Skleraxis vergleichend untersucht. Die Ausbeute an MSCs war bei allen soliden Geweben (Fett-, Sehnen-, und Nabelschnurgewebe) hochsignifikant höher (p < 0,001). Ebenso proliferierten MSCs aus Fett- und Sehnengewebe signifi-kant schneller als MSCs aus Knochenmark oder Nabelschnurblut (p < 0,01). Von letzteren wurden darüber hinaus etwa drei viertel aller Zellkulturen vor der achten Passage seneszent. Das höchste Migrationspotential zeigten wiederum MSCs aus Sehnen- und Fettgewebe, wobei hier MSCs aus Nabelschnurgewebe das ungünstigste Ergebnis erzielten (p < 0,01). Die adipogene Differenzierung gelang bei MSCs aus allen Quellen vergleichbar gut. Bei der osteogenen Differenzierung erreichten MSCs aus Knochenmark das beste Ergebnis, während MSCs aus Nabelschnurblut und –gewebe nur schwach osteogen differenzierten (Tag 21: p < 0,01; Tag 35: p < 0,05). Im Gegensatz dazu erreichten MSCs aus Nabelschnurblut bei der chondrogenen Differenzierung die meisten Scorepunkte, MSCs aus Knochenmark dagegen die wenigsten (p < 0,05). Kollagen 1A2 wurde von MSCs aus Fettgewebe am höchsten exprimiert, Skleraxis von MSCs aus Nabelschnurblut. MSCs aus Sehnengewebe exprimierten beide Sehnenmarker auf fast ebenso hohem Level. MSCs aus Knochenmark dagegen zeigten hier jeweils die niedrigste Expression (p < 0,05 für Kollagen 1A2). Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der klinischen Studie ist die MSC-Therapie nach wie vor als vielversprechende Behandlungsoption für Sehnenerkrankungen anzusehen und ist auch für die Behandlung von Fesselträgererkrankungen geeignet. Zukünftige, kontrollierte klinische Studien müssen jedoch die Wirksamkeit der MSC-Therapie noch weitergehend bestätigen. Die in-vitro-Studie zeigte signifikante Unterschiede zwischen equinen MSCs aus verschiedenen Quellen auf, die bei der Auswahl einer Gewebequelle für die MSC-Isolierung für klinische Anwendungen berücksichtigt werden sollten. MSCs aus Fettgewebe erscheinen aufgrund ihrer sehr guten Proliferations- und zuverlässigen Differenzierungseigenschaften als eine gute Alternative zu MSCs aus Knochenmark für autologe Therapien. MSCs aus Sehnengewebe sind den hier vorliegenden Ergebnissen zufolge besonders gut für die Behandlung von Sehnenerkrankungen geeignet; vor einer routinemäßigen Anwendung dieser MSCs sollten jedoch ihre Eigenschaften weiterführend untersucht werden.In horses, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are used for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, especially tendon injuries, with promising results. Previous clinical studies mainly focused on the treatment of superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in racehorses, which, however, represent only a relatively small percentage of the overall equine case load in Germany. Average outcome to be expected following MSC treatment of suspensory ligament injuries was not yet determined. Moreover, basic knowledge on equine MSC biology is still deficient, hampering the understanding and thus the optimisation of the existing treatment regime. The use of alternative MSC sources is frequently discussed, yet to date, only few data comparing the cellular properties of equine MSCs from different sources have been published. The aim of this study was, on the one hand, to gain more knowledge concerning the expected outcome after MSC treatment of tendon injuries, including injuries to the suspensory ligament. On the other hand, it was aimed at expanding the knowledge on equine MSC characterisation in vitro, thereby focusing on the comparison of clinically relevant properties of MSCs derived from different sources. In the clinical study, 98 horses were included, all of which had received MSC treatment for tendon or ligament injuries. In 58 of these horses, long term results after a follow-up period of at least one year could be collected. These data were analysed with respect to treatment outcome and potential influencing factors. Treatment was considered successful when horses were back to full training or competition after the follow-up period, without having suffered a re-injury. The overall success rate was 84.5 %. Success rates in horses suffering from superficial digital flexor tendon injuries and in horses suffering from suspensory ligament injuries were comparably good (84.2 % and 83.3 %, respectively). Similar to conventional therapies, the sports discipline in which the horses performed, age and disease stage tended to influence the outcome. Overall, re-injury rates after MSC treatment were considerably lower than those described in the literature following conventional treatment. For the comparative characterisation of MSCs from different sources in vitro, samples of bone marrow, adipose and tendon tissue, as well as umbilical cord blood and –tissue were collected. Plastic-adherent MSCs were isolated out of these samples and comparatively characterised focusing on cell yields, proliferation and migration properties, trilineage differentiation potential and the expression of the tendon markers collagen 1A2 and scleraxis. MSC yields were significantly higher in all solid tissues (adipose, tendon and umbilical cord tissue) (p < 0.001). Further, MSCs from adipose and tendon tissue proliferated significantly faster than MSCs from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood (p < 0.01). Moreover, approximately three quarters of the samples derived from the latter sources underwent senescence before reaching passage eight. The highest migration potential was found in MSCs derived from tendon and adipose tissue again, while MSCs from umbilical cord tissue showed the least (p < 0.01). The adipogenic differentiation potential was comparably good in MSCs from all different sources. The osteogenic differentiation was most distinct in MSCs from bone marrow, while MSCs from umbilical cord blood and tissue showed only weak evidence of differentiation (day 21: p < 0.01; day 35: p < 0.05). In contrast, following chondrogenic differentiation, MSCs from umbilical cord blood scored highest and MSCs from bone marrow scored lowest (p < 0.05). Collagen 1A2 was most highly expressed in MSCs from adipose tissue, highest scleraxis expression levels were found in MSCs from umbilical cord blood. MSCs from tendon tissue, however, expressed both markers at almost evenly high levels. Contrastingly, lowest expression levels of both markers were found in MSCs derived from bone marrow (p < 0.05 for collagen 1A2). Based on the results of the clinical study, MSC therapy can still be considered a very promising treatment option for tendon diseases and is also a suitable treatment for suspensory ligament injuries. In the future, controlled clinical studies will have to further confirm the efficacy of this treatment regime. The in-vitro-study showed significant differences between equine MSCs derived from different sources, which should be considered when choosing a MSC source for clinical applications. For autologous therapies, MSCs derived from adipose tissue appear to be a good alternative to MSCs derived from bone marrow, due to their remarkable proliferation and reliable differentiation capacities. Furthermore, according to this study, MSCs derived from tendon tissue are especially suitable for treating tendon injuries. Prior to routine clinical applicability of these MSCs, however, their properties should be further investigated

    Extracellular Matrix Synthesis and Remodeling by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Is Context-Sensitive

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    Matrix remodeling could be an important mode of action of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) in extracellular matrix (ECM) disease, but knowledge is limited in this respect. As MSC are well-known to adapt their behavior to their environment, we aimed to investigate if their mode of action would change in response to healthy versus pathologically altered ECM. Human MSC-derived ECM was produced under different culture conditions, including standard culture, culture on Matrigel-coated dishes, and stimulation with the pro-fibrotic transforming growth factor-1 (TGF1). The MSC-ECM was decellularized, characterized by histochemistry, and used as MSC culture substrate reflecting different ECM conditions. MSC were cultured on the different ECM substrates or in control conditions for 2 days. Culture on ECM increased the presence of surface molecules with ECM receptor function in the MSC, demonstrating an interaction between MSC and ECM. In MSC cultured on Matrigel-ECM and TGF1-ECM, which displayed a fibrosis-like morphology, gene expression of collagens and decorin, as well as total matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity in the supernatant were decreased as compared with control conditions. These results demonstrated that MSC adapt to their ECM environment, which may include pathological adaptations that could compromise therapeutic efficacy

    Functional properties of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells cultured with equine platelet lysate

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    Successful translation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-based therapies into clinical reality relies on adequate cell production procedures. These should be available not only for human MSC, but also for MSC from animal species relevant to preclinical research and veterinary medicine. The cell culture medium supplementation is one of the critical aspects in MSC production. Therefore, we previously established a scalable protocol for the production of buffy-coat based equine platelet lysate (ePL). This ePL proved to be a suitable alternative to fetal bovine serum (FBS) for equine adipose-derived (AD-) MSC culture so far, as it supported AD-MSC proliferation and basic characteristics. The aim of the current study was to further analyze the functional properties of equine AD-MSC cultured with the same ePL, focusing on cell fitness, genetic stability and pro-angiogenic potency. All experiments were performed with AD-MSC from n = 5 horses, which were cultured either in medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 10% ePL or 2.5% ePL. AD-MSC cultured with 2.5% ePL, which previously showed decreased proliferation potential, displayed higher apoptosis but lower senescence levels as compared to 10% ePL medium (p < 0.05). Non-clonal chromosomal aberrations occurred in 8% of equine AD-MSC cultivated with FBS and only in 4.8% of equine AD-MSC cultivated with 10% ePL. Clonal aberrations in the AD-MSC were neither observed in FBS nor in 10% ePL medium. Analysis of AD-MSC and endothelial cells in an indirect co-culture revealed that the ePL supported the pro-angiogenic effects of AD-MSC. In the 10% ePL group, more vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) was released and highest VEGF-A concentrations were reached in the presence of ePL and co-cultured cells (p < 0.05). Correspondingly, AD-MSC expressed the VEGF receptor-2 at higher levels in the presence of ePL (p < 0.05). Finally, AD-MSC and 10% ePL together promoted the growth of endothelial cells and induced the formation of vessel-like structures in two of the samples. These data further substantiate that buffy-coat-based ePL is a valuable supplement for equine AD-MSC culture media. The ePL does not only support stable equine AD-MSC characteristics as demonstrated before, but it also enhances their functional properties

    Long-Term Cell Tracking Following Local Injection of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in the Equine Model of Induced Tendon Disease.

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    Tendon disease has been treated with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in the equine large-animal model with promising success. The aim of this study was to gain more insight into the fate and biodistribution of MSCs after local application into tendon lesions by long-term cell tracking in this large-animal model. Superficial digital flexor tendon lesions were induced in all limbs in six horses and injected with 10 × 10 6 Molday ION Rhodamine B™-labeled MSCs suspended in serum or serum alone. Follow-up was performed using low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), flow cytometry, and histology. Cell tracking based on the hypointense artifacts induced by the superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) labeling agent in MRI as well as based on Rhodamine B fluorescence was feasible. However, Prussian blue staining for assessment of histology was not entirely specific for SPIO. Labeled cells could be traced at their injection site by MRI as well as histology for the whole follow-up period of 24 weeks. Although the numbers of labeled cells within the injected tendon lesions decreased over time, part of the applied cells appeared to remain viable and integrated within the injured tissue. Furthermore, small numbers of labeled cells were identified in peripheral blood within the first 24 h after cell injection and could also be found until week 24 within the contralateral control tendon lesions that had been injected with serum. The present findings unveil details on MSC biodistribution and persistence after their local application, which are of clinical relevance with regard to MSC safety and mechanisms of action

    Phospholipid Profiles for Phenotypic Characterization of Adipose-Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) have emerged as therapeutic tools for a wide range of pathological conditions. Yet, the still existing deficits regarding MSC phenotype characterization and the resulting heterogeneity of MSC used in different preclinical and clinical studies hamper the translational success. In search for novel MSC characterization approaches to complement the traditional trilineage differentiation and immunophenotyping assays reliably across species and culture conditions, this study explored the applicability of lipid phenotyping for MSC characterization and discrimination. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), human fibroblasts, and human and equine adipose-derived MSC were used to compare different mesodermal cell types and MSC from different species. For MSC, cells cultured in different conditions, including medium supplementation with either fetal bovine serum or platelet lysate as well as culture on collagen-coated dishes, were additionally investigated. After cell harvest, lipids were extracted by chloroform/ methanol according to Bligh and Dyer. The lipid profiles were analysed by an untargeted approach using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LCMS) with a reversed phase column and an ion trap mass spectrometer. In all samples, phospholipids and sphingomyelins were found, while other lipids were not detected with the current approach. The phospholipids included different species of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylserine (PS) in all cell types, whereas phosphatidylglycerol (PG) species were only present in MSC. MSC from both species showed a higher phospholipid species diversity than PBMC and fibroblasts. Few differences were found between MSC from different culture conditions, except that human MSC cultured with platelet lysate exhibited a unique phenotype in that they exclusively featured PE O-40:4, PG 38:6 and PG 40:6. In search for specific and inclusive candidate MSC lipid markers, we identified PE O-36:3 and PG 40:7 as potentially suitable markers across culture conditions, at which PE O-36:3 might even be used across species. On that basis, phospholipid phenotyping is a highly promising approach for MSC characterization, which might condone some heterogeneity within the MSC while still achieving a clear discrimination even from fibroblasts. Particularly the presence or absence of PG might emerge as a decisive criterion for future MSC characterization

    Gene expression of tendon markers in mesenchymal stromal cells derived from different sources

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    Background: Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) can be recovered from a variety of tissues in the body. Yet, their functional properties were shown to vary depending on tissue origin. While MSC have emerged as a favoured cell type for tendon regenerative therapies, very little is known about the influence of the MSC source on their properties relevant to tendon regeneration. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the expression of tendon extracellular matrix proteins and tendon differentiation markers in MSC derived from different sources as well as in native tendon tissue. MSC isolated from equine bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord tissue, umbilical cord blood and tendon tissue were characterized and then subjected to mRNA analysis by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: MSC derived from adipose tissue displayed the highest expression of collagen 1A2, collagen 3A1 and decorin compared to MSC from all other sources and native tendon tissue (p < 0.01). Tenascin-C and scleraxis expressions were highest in MSC derived from cord blood compared to MSC derived from other sources, though both tenascin-C and scleraxis were expressed at significantly lower levels in all MSC compared to native tendon tissue (p < 0.01). Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the MSC source impacts the cell properties relevant to tendon regeneration. Adipose derived MSC might be superior regarding their potential to positively influence tendon matrix reorganization

    Bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from horses after euthanasia

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    Abstract Allogeneic equine multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (eMSCs) have been proposed for use in regenerative therapies in veterinary medicine. A source of allogeneic eMSCs might be the bone marrow from euthanized horses. The purpose of this study was to compare in vitro characteristics of equine bone marrow derived eMSC (eBM-MSCs) from euthanized horses (eut-MSCs) and from narcotized horses (nar-MSCs). Eut-MSCs and nar-MSCs showed typical eMSC marker profiles (positive: CD44, CD90; negative: CD11a/CD18 and MHCII) and possessed tri-lineage differentiation characteristics. Although CD105 and MHCI expression varied, no differences were detected between eut-MSCs and nar-MSCs. Proliferation characteristics did not differ between eut-MSCs and nar-MSCs, but age dependent decrease in proliferation and increase in MHCI expression was detected. These results suggest the possible use of eut-MSCs for therapeutic applications and production of commercial available eBM-MSC products

    Long-Term Cell Tracking Following Local Injection of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in the Equine Model of Induced Tendon Disease

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    Tendon disease has been treated with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in the equine large-animal model with promising success. The aim of this study was to gain more insight into the fate and biodistribution of MSCs after local application into tendon lesions by long-term cell tracking in this large-animal model. Superficial digital flexor tendon lesions were induced in all limbs in six horses and injected with 10106 Molday ION Rhodamine B-labeled MSCs suspended in serum or serum alone. Follow-up was performed using low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), flow cytometry, and histology. Cell tracking based on the hypointense artifacts induced by the superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) labeling agent in MRI as well as based on Rhodamine B fluorescence was feasible. However, Prussian blue staining for assessment of histology was not entirely specific for SPIO. Labeled cells could be traced at their injection site by MRI as well as histology for the whole follow-up period of 24 weeks. Although the numbers of labeled cells within the injected tendon lesions decreased over time, part of the applied cells appeared to remain viable and integrated within the injured tissue. Furthermore, small numbers of labeled cells were identified in peripheral blood within the first 24 h after cell injection and could also be found until week 24 within the contralateral control tendon lesions that had been injected with serum. The present findings unveil details on MSC biodistribution and persistence after their local application, which are of clinical relevance with regard to MSC safety and mechanisms of action