20 research outputs found

    Timetracker capabilities in student project activities

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    The purpose of the work is to consider the possibilities of time trackers in the design activities of students. The article presents an analysis of modern time trackers that contribute to the self-organization of students to achieve educational goals. In the context of an increase in the share of independent training in universities and the expansion of distance learning, there is a need for students to master time management, which allows them to conduct activities most productively. Time management involves the use of electronic tools that promote the development of the discipline, self-organization and student planning for the rapid achievement of goals. The article discusses both trackers for large-scale professional activities, control and accounting of working hours, as well as simpler versions of trackers suitable for personal use by students. Time management ensures timely implementation of the project, allows you to evaluate the contribution of each student to the work, and adjust the activities of students. The use of time trackers in performing various tasks, including the implementation of projects, contributes to high-quality visualization of the number of hours spent on the task and, as a result, the development of discipline and self-organization of students

    Practice-oriented technologies as a means of forming students' communicative competence

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    One of the most important features of professional activity is the ability to build a dialogue, organize business communication. The possession of communicative competencies provides the student with the opportunity to quickly achieve their goals through the implementation of speech turnovers and constructions that comply with the principles and standards of speech etiquette, affecting the establishment and maintenance of the psychological climate in the process of interaction. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of forming communicative competencies with the help of practice-oriented technologies. Requirements for the formation of communicative competencies are reflected in regulatory documents. The competencies under consideration represent the student's ability to build productive professional interaction using various communication methods. We reveal the motivational, cognitive, and active components of communicative competencies, reflecting the desire for interpersonal communication and support for established interaction, the student's understanding of the value of communicative competencies in future professional activities, and the ability to organize effective cooperation. Practice-oriented technologies, including case studies and design, contribute to solving professional problems through group discussions and situation analysis. The study revealed the impact of practice-oriented technologies implemented in higher education institutions on the formation of students' communicative competence

    Level differentiation technology in vocational education

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    Differentiated learning technology has been used for a long time. However, with the introduction of innovative educational technologies, it acquires new features and therefore requires additional research. Higher schools are in the process of searching for elements based on a personality-focused approach and introduce the most effective technologies in this process.  The purpose of the article is to discusses the implementation of technologies that provide a single differentiation in the process of preparing students. The characteristic of students' work in differentiated educational conditions is presented. Teaching and training students is arranged in groups. As a result, there is a way to prepare competent students, making them highly qualified professionals. The study shows that there are great opportunities in teaching students of a higher educational institution. The formation of competencies with the help of differentiated learning technology becomes more effective, since individual characteristics of each student are taken into account and their interest and motivation to study a particular course increases. Differentiated tasks allow you to monitor dynamics of the development of students' competence, the systematic implementation of a certain type of tasks that are suitable for certain groups of students.The article presents a study of the level of training of students of the University of the 3rd year of study. The study was conducted in 2018 throughout the school year. Our results are based on data obtained from two groups of students with the same number of subjects. The introduction of differentiated learning technology can improve the quality of training of higher education institutions students. With the help of these technologies, each student, building training in accordance with their personal characteristics and professional needs, achieves success in mastering the material, quickly forms professional competence. The results of the study focused on the quality of training showed that differentiated technologies improve students’ performance

    Дополнительное образование в высшем профессиональном образовательном учреждении

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    With the active renewal and development of science and technology in society, there is an objective need for continuous improvement of competencies for the implementation of qualified professional activities. The issues of retraining and advanced training of specialists are becoming particularly important, which necessitates the development of additional education. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of additional education. Based on the necessary regulatory support, the University organizes the activities of the Institute of continuing education, which prepares students for programs of courses of different directions. The authors analyzed the program of additional training, highlighted its features. The methodological support of the courses is highlighted. Analysis of the experience of additional education courses showed their high level of demand among students, so it is planned to expand the scientific and methodological support for the implementation of additional areas.Con la renovación activa y el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología en la sociedad, existe una necesidad objetiva de mejora continua de las competencias para la implementación de actividades profesionales calificadas. Los temas de reciclaje y capacitación avanzada de especialistas se están volviendo particularmente importantes, lo que requiere el desarrollo de educación adicional. El propósito del artículo es analizar la experiencia de la educación adicional. Basado en el apoyo regulatorio necesario, la Universidad organiza las actividades del Instituto de educación continua, que prepara a los estudiantes para programas de cursos de diferentes direcciones. Los autores analizaron el programa de capacitación adicional, destacaron sus características. Se destaca el apoyo metodológico de los cursos. El análisis de la experiencia de los cursos de educación adicional mostró su alto nivel de demanda entre los estudiantes, por lo que está previsto ampliar el apoyo científico y metodológico para la implementación de áreas adicionales.При активном обновлении и развитии науки и техники в обществе возникает объективная необходимость постоянного совершенствования компетенций для осуществления квалифицированной профессиональной деятельности. Особую актуальность приобретают вопросы переподготовки и повышения квалификации специалистов, что обуславливает необходимость развития дополнительного образования. Целью статьи является анализ опыта дополнительного образования. Опираясь на необходимое нормативное обеспечение, университет организует деятельность Института непрерывного образования, который готовит студентов по программам курсов различных направлений. Авторы проанализировали программу дополнительного обучения, выделили ее особенности. Выделено методическое обеспечение курсов. Анализ опыта проведения курсов дополнительного образования показал их высокий уровень востребованности среди студентов, поэтому планируется расширить научно-методическое обеспечение реализации дополнительных направлений

    Methods and means of realization of interaction technologies in the university

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    The article discusses the process of organizing the educational process with the use of various educational technologies that contribute to the achievement of effective interaction between students and between students and the teacher. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using methods and means of implementing interaction technologies in higher education. The goal implies that educational technologies are one of the key elements in the preparation of students of higher schools. They allow forming professional competence of students, emphasizing the leading role of their independence, activity in the consulting role of the teacher. The analysis of the educational process with the application of modern educational technologies given in the article allowed to reveal some features in which appearance is caused by the specificity of the realization of technologies. Modern methods and means of their implementation contribute to the guaranteed achievement of educational goals, the interaction of students becomes more coherent and acquires a new, productive character. Of particular importance are educational technologies for students of pedagogical universities, as their future professional activity is directly related to the use of methods and means of their implementation. The article presents the experience of implementing interaction technologies at the University of Minin in the discipline "Pedagogical technologies". As practice shows, such methods as brainstorming, a round table, a case method allow you to teach students how to conduct a dialogue, develop students' interest and motivation to study the discipline, and thereby allow them to form their competence. The results of the implementation of methods and means of implementing interaction technologies showed that having an understanding of educational technologies at the initial stages of training and forming the skill of interaction under their influence throughout the training period, students have the opportunity to form professional competence and organize their professional activities at a high level.&nbsp

    Situational and game technologies of training in students’ professional competence development

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    The transition from traditional educational paradigm to competence one has marked new ways of higher educational institutions development. The implementation of modern Federal state educational standards requirements has determined the need to use modern specialist methods in training that develop students’ competence and the ability to carry out highly qualified professional activities. Higher education institutions face the task of implementing technologies that contribute to the development of practical orientation of students, their independence in this process. The purpose of the article is to reveal the experience of using situational-game technologies of training, as one of the most practice-oriented, aimed at activating students’ students, contributing to professional competence development. The concept of "technology" came to education from the sphere of production. Technologization implies a clear subordination to a certain algorithm of actions, so the technology allows you to achieve specific results in the allotted amount of time. In the field of professional education, technology has changed, but its meaning remains the same-the regulation of the activities of the subjects of the educational process to achieve the planned goals. The article defines the essence of educational technologies in the training of University students, reveals the features of their application, the role and advantages of situational and game technologies of training in the conditions of implementation of the competence approach. The research given in this article shows the importance of game educational technologies and the prospects of their use in the training a highly qualified, creative specialist who can quickly solve professional problems in non-standard ways

    Psychological and pedagogical foundations for interaction technologies implementation at the university

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    The technological approach necessitated the development of professional competence of students as the main educational goal. Professional competence is developed only in the process of active activity and constant interaction of students. Therefore, higher education institutions should implement various technologies of interaction in their work, which are today one of the most effective in this process. The purpose of the article is to highlight psychological and pedagogical foundations of interaction technologies implementation at the University. In the article interaction is considered as a basic concept of pedagogical psychology. The authors identified the components of the category "interaction" and identified educational technologies that are responsible for the development of each component. It is noted that technologies interact with each other and produce a positive effect on the development of professional competence of students, organizing effective process of students’ interaction. A survey of students and teachers on the most suitable, in their opinion, technologies for organization of effective interaction is presented. The received answers allowed allocating technologies which cause interest both at teachers and at students


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    Purpose of Study: The article is devoted to the study of the organization of educational activities of volunteers as a social and educational project. It is established that the strategic goal of the new generation of Federal-state educational standards is the formation of graduates ' competences. A framework of competence approach helps to gradually transfer the student from learning activities to his future professional activities. In this article, the authors identify the activities of volunteers as one of the ways to adapt students to real working conditions. The article reveals the essence of volunteer activity, which allows to acquire new and improve existing competencies as a social and educational project. In the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin, the development of volunteer activities proceeds through the work of The center "territory of opportunities", implemented within the framework of the project "Social and educational environment", in which a sufficient number of stakeholders are involved, providing students with the opportunity for further employment. The article also highlights the activities carried out by the Center, for which volunteer students are offered a lot of special courses (social design, robotics, ZD-modeling). On the basis of the revealed facts, the positive effect of volunteer activity for all participants of this process is established. Methodology: The paper presents an analysis of employed student volunteers. As practice shows, students engaged in volunteer activities, quickly enough to get a job in the profession, unlike students who do not have the experience of volunteering. 49% of volunteers work on a permanent or partial basis, while students without volunteer experience employ only one in three students (33%) [Pavlov, Kindaev, Vinnikova, & Kuznetsova, (2016)]. In order to identify the positive impact of this activity on the development of students as professionals, we have shown the activities Of the center "territory of opportunities", which operates in the Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin. Results: Results showed ha students engaged in volunteer activities are more satisfied with their leisure time compared to ordinary students. In addition, the study showed that those students who have devoted their time to participate in volunteer activities are employed much faster than students who have not engaged in volunteering. Implications/Applications: The higher education institutions should make every effort to improve the conditions in which volunteer activities are carried out and offer ample opportunities for the development of the student's personality because students can easily employ both in the learning process and after graduating from high school