36 research outputs found

    Lipides et performance des athlÚtes d'endurance: optimisation et représentation : travail de Bachelor

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    Ce travail comporte deux volets : une revue quasi--‐systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature et une enquĂȘte qualitative. L’objectif principal de la revue de littĂ©rature Ă©tait d'identifier les effets d’une alimentation riche en lipides (High--‐Fat Diet : HFD) sur la performance d'endurance. L’objectif secondaire Ă©tait de documenter les apports optimaux en lipides totaux pour les Sports d'endurance. L’enquĂȘte qualitative avait pour objectifs d’investiguer l’opinion d’un Echantillon d’athlĂštes d’endurance sur les matiĂšres grasses. L’objectif secondaire Ă©tait d’évaluer le risque nutritionnel quant Ă  leur consommation de lipides

    Impact de la prévention de l'obésité sur le lieu de travail: travail de Bachelor

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    Suisse et dans le monde. Ses consequences peuvent etre somatiques, psychologiques, sociales et financieres. La prevention de l’obesite est l’un des defis principaux de la sante publique. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses strategies de prevention ciblees sur l’alimentation et l’activite physique ont emerge et sont mises en place dans differents â‰Ș settings ≫ dont le lieu de travail. Les buts de ce travail sont 1) de verifier l’efficacite des programmes de prevention sur le lieu de travail sur la prevalence de l’obesite et sur les â‰Ș outcomes ≫ en lien, 2) de determiner les composantes les plus efficaces de ces programmes et 3) d’obtenir l’avis d’experts du domaine de la sante publique sur les methodes d’evaluation de ces programmes. Methodes : Nous avons procede a une revue de revues systematiques et metaHanalyses afin d’atteindre les deux premiers buts. Les recherches ont ete effectuees sur les bases de donnees Pubmed et Cinhal a l’aide de motsHcles determines au prealable. Les revues ont ete incluses ou exclues selon des criteres predefinis. La qualite des revues selectionnees a ete analysee a l’aide d’une grille standardisee et les donnees extraites a l’aide de differentes tables. Les resultats ont ete completes grace a trois interviews d’experts. Les interviews se sont deroulees dans un style journalistique et les informations obtenues ont ete analysees, comparees et synthetisees. Resultats : Nous avons selectionne dix revues, dont huit revues systematiques et deux metaHanalyses. Selon la grille standardisee, quatre revues sont qualifiees de qualite positive et six revues sont de qualite neutre. La majorite des resultats de ces revues soulevent un effet positif des programmes de prevention de l’obesite sur le lieu de travail. La qualite des etudes incluses dans ces revues est generalement faible a moderee. Peu d’auteurs emettent des conclusions quant a l’efficacite de ces programmes. Les revues analysees ne permettent pas de definir les composantes les plus efficaces de ces programmes, mais il semblerait que les programmes a composantes multiples, incluant des interventions environnementales et individuelles soient les plus efficaces. Enfin, les experts ont releve que les essais cliniques randomises, â‰Ș gold standard ≫ pour l’evaluation d’etudes d’intervention, ne semblent pas adaptes aux interventions de sante publique. Une utilisation mixte des methodes quantitatives et qualitatives, la prise en compte de l’environnement et le choix d’indicateurs adaptes a la question de recherche pourraient ameliorer l’evaluation de ces programmes. Conclusion : Les programmes de prevention de l’obesite sur le lieu de travail, et principalement les programmes a composantes multiples, semblent avoir un effet positif sur la prevalence de l’obesite et les â‰Ș outcomes ≫ en lien. Les difficultes d’evaluation de ces interventions limitent les preuves scientifiques de leur efficacite. L’evaluation systematique de ces programmes et l’utilisation de nouvelles methodes telles que â‰Ș l’evaluation realiste ≫ augmenteraient les preuves de l’efficacite de ces programmes

    Development and evaluation of e-CA, an electronic mobile-based food record

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    Measures that capture diet as validly and reliably as possible are cornerstones of nutritional research, and mobile-based devices offer new opportunities to improve and simplify data collection. The balance between precision and acceptability of these data collection tools remains debated, and rigorous validations are warranted. Our objective was to develop and evaluate an electronic mobile-based food record for a research setting. We developed e-CA, which includes almost 900 foods and beverages classified in 14 categories and 60 subcategories. e-CA was evaluated using three different methods: (1) usability and acceptability through a logbook and qualitative interviews; (2) dietary intake accuracy through comparison with 2 unannounced 24-h phone recalls on overlapping days; and (3) reliability and process comparison with a paper-based food record in a laboratory setting with a randomized design. e-CA proved to be intuitive and practical and was perceived as modern, trendy, and fun. Comparisons of e-CA with 24-h telephone recalls or paper-based food records in a laboratory setting with two small convenient samples showed good agreement but highlighted the well-known difficulty of estimating portion sizes and a necessary learning time to use the app. e-CA is a functional tool that has the potential to facilitate food intake measurement for research by increasing the pleasure of using the food record tool and reducing the perceived burden for the participants. It also decreases the workload, costs and the risk of transcription errors for researchers

    Implication parentale dans la prise en charge du surpoids infantile: revue de littĂ©rature, enquĂȘte de terrain et recommandations pour "Sports pour toi"

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    Etant donnĂ© la prĂ©valence Ă©levĂ©e de l’excĂšs de poids infantile en Suisse (15 Ă  20%) et les coĂ»ts engendrĂ©s par cette problĂ©matique, il est nĂ©cessaire d’amĂ©liorer les stratĂ©gies de prĂ©vention et de traitement actuelles. L’implication parentale dans un programme de prĂ©vention du surpoids et de l’obĂ©sitĂ© joue trĂšs probablement un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant, ce pourrait ĂȘtre un axe Ă  dĂ©velopper. Le programme de prĂ©vention valaisan Sports pour Toi (SPT) est au coeur de cette recherche. Celui-ci s’adresse uniquement Ă  des enfants d’ñge scolaire en surpoids, il allie mouvement, alimentation et renforcement de l’estime de soi. Les deux buts de cette recherche sont : vĂ©rifier l’impact de l’implication parentale dans un programme de prise en charge du surpoids infantile sur l’Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) et les comportements de santĂ© des enfants et obtenir l’avis des parents d’enfants participant au programme SPT quant Ă  leur implication dans un programme du surpoids infantile

    Effectiveness of individual and group programmes to treat obesity and reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors in pre‐pubertal children

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    Childhood obesity results in premature atherosclerosis and requires early intervention. Compare the effectiveness of 6‐month lifestyle interventions (with choice of either individual or group therapy) with standard care on body mass index (BMI) z‐score and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risks factors in children with obesity. This 6‐month randomized controlled trial with a 6‐month follow‐up included 74 pre‐pubertal children with obesity (7.5‐11.9 years) assigned randomly (2:1) to intervention or control. Families in the intervention arm choose between an individually delivered treatment (3 hours paediatrician + 4 hours dietician) or group treatment (35 hours with a multidisciplinary team). Children participated also to a weekly physical activity programme. We measured BMI, BMI z‐score; waist circumference (WC); total and abdominal fat; blood pressure; common carotid artery intima‐media thickness and incremental elastic modulus (Einc); endothelium‐dependent and independent dilation (nitroglycerin‐mediated dilation [NTGMD]) of the brachial artery; fasting plasma glucose, insulin, lipids; and high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein (hs‐CRP). Compared to controls, at 6 months, abdominal fat and hs‐CRP were reduced in both interventions. The group intervention was also effective in reducing BMI (−0.55 kg/m2; 95% confidence interval −1.16 to 0.06) and BMI z‐score (−0.08; −0.15 to 0.00) at 6 months and BMI, BMI z‐score, WC, NTGMD, total and abdominal fat at 12 months. Abdominal fat and low‐grade inflammation were significantly decreased in both interventions. High‐intensity group treatment improved early signs of atherosclerosis in children with obesity. These findings are important for the promotion of cardiometabolic health in this population

    Description of Ultra-Processed Food Intake in a Swiss Population-Based Sample of Adults Aged 18 to 75 Years.

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    Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are associated with lower diet quality and several non-communicable diseases. Their consumption varies between countries/regions of the world. We aimed to describe the consumption of UPFs in adults aged 18-75 years living in Switzerland. We analysed data from the national food consumption survey conducted among 2085 participants aged 18 to 75 years. Foods and beverages resulting from two 24-h recalls were classified as UPFs or non-UPFs according to the NOVA classification, categorized into 18 food groups, and linked to the Swiss Food Composition Database. Overall, the median energy intake [P25-P75] from UPFs was 587 kcal/day [364-885] or 28.7% [19.9-38.9] of the total energy intake (TEI). The median intake of UPFs relative to TEI was higher among young participants (<30 years, p = 0.001) and those living in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (p = 0.002). The food groups providing the most ultra-processed calories were confectionary, cakes & biscuits (39.5% of total UPF kcal); meat, fish & eggs (14.9%); cereal products, legumes & potatoes (12.5%), and juices & soft drinks (8.0%). UPFs provided a large proportion of sugars (39.3% of total sugar intake), saturated fatty acids (32.8%), and total fats (31.8%) while providing less than 20% of dietary fibre. Consumption of UPFs accounted for nearly a third of the total calories consumed in Switzerland. Public health strategies to reduce UPF consumption should target sugary foods/beverages and processed meat

    Development and application of a 2-step methodology to select a reference society providing Dietary Reference Values for national implementation

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    Objective: To describe and discuss a 2-step methodology developed to select a reference society that provides Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) for national implementation and to illustrate its application in Switzerland with one macronutrient and one micronutrient.Design: During Step 1, we searched and compared DRVs and methodologies used to define DRVs from eight European societies for seven selected nutrients. We repeated this procedure during Step 2 for DRVs from two preselected societies for 44 nutrients.Setting: The 2-step methodology applied here for Switzerland may be used in other countriesParticipants: The research team commissioned six external experts from three linguistic regions of Switzerland, who provided their opinions through two online surveys, individual interviews, and a focus group.Results: After Step 1, we excluded five societies because of old publication dates, irrelevant publication languages for Switzerland, difficulty in accessing documents, or because their DRVs were mainly based on another society. After Step 2, the two societies were qualified based on the analysis of the values and methodologies used. The need for free and easily accessible scientific background information favored the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). We chose alternative societies for nine nutrients for the overall population or subgroups, and for elderly.Conclusions: To manage heterogeneous and complex data from several societies, adopting a 2-step methodology including fewer nutrients and more societies during Step 1, and fewer societies but all nutrients in Step 2, was very helpful. With some exceptions, we selected EFSA as the main society to provide DRVs for Switzerland

    Gesundheitsförderung fĂŒr und mit Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen : wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen fĂŒr die Praxis

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    Die Zielgruppe der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen ist im Kontext der Corona-Pandemie in den Fokus gerĂŒckt. Wie wichtig es ist, die Gesundheit der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu fördern, wird durch diese Fokussierung betont. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es wichtig, die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen als Basis fĂŒr wirksame Massnahmen und Interventionen zu aktualisieren. So ist sichergestellt, dass die Grundlage fĂŒr Programme und Projekte auf dem neuesten Stand ist. Der vorliegende Bericht zeigt, weshalb sich ein Engagement fĂŒr die Gesundheit von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen lohnt. Aufbauend auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen wird gezeigt, warum die Themen Bewegung, ErnĂ€hrung und psychische Gesundheit wichtige Pfeiler fĂŒr die Gesundheit im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter sind. Es werden Interventionen und bewĂ€hrte HandlungsansĂ€tze und Empfehlungen vorgestellt. Autorinnen und Autoren: Kapitel 1 Einleitung und Kapitel 10 Schlussfolgerungen: Dr. phil. Fabienne Amstad Kapitel 2 Lebensphase: Prof. Dr. med. Joan-Carles Suris, Dr. Yara Barrense-Dias Kapitel 3 Grundlagen: Prof. Dr. med. Julia Dratva, Matthias Meyer, dipl. SozÖk, Prof. Dr. phil. Karin Nordström Kapitel 4 Chancengleichheit: lic. phil. Dominik Weber Kapitel 5 Medien: MSc Jael Bernath, Prof. Dr. Daniel SĂŒss Kapitel 6 Bewegung: Prof. Dr. Suzanne Suggs Kapitel 7 ErnĂ€hrung: Dr. Sophie Bucher Della Torre Kapitel 8 Psychische Gesundheit: Prof. Dr. Frank Wieber, Prof. Dr. Agnes von Wyl, Dr. Annina Zysset Kapitel 9 Zusammenspiel: MSc Ronia Schiftan, MSc Anne-Françoise Wittgenstein Man

    Eating habits of shĂŻft workers

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