858 research outputs found

    Die Inszenierung des Blicks im Backstage-Film: Directing the Spectator's View

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 19. bis 22. April 2007 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Die Realität des Imaginären. Architektur und das digitale Bild

    Digitizing freeways: researching urban resources

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    At the beginning of his study on Los Angeles Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four EcologiesReyner Banham writes " ... like earlier generations of English intellectuals who taught themselvesItalian in order to read Dante in the original, I learned to drive in order to read Los Angeles in theoriginal (Banham 1971:23).” Banham implies, that Los Angeles can only be experienced whiledriving. The metropolis, the ‘urban sprawl', cannot be experienced walking but only through thecar. ‘Autopia' became one of the ‘Four Ecologies' of Los Angeles and he states that the ‘automotiveexperience' "prints itself deeply on the conscious mind and unthinking reflexes (ibid.:214).”Cees Nooteboom draws upon this image of the city in his essay " ‘Autopia'(1973) and Passagesfrom ‘The Language of Images'(1987)” and writes about the character of Los Angeles: "Itis, if one can say this, a ‘moving' city, not only a city that moves itself – breaks itself down, buildsitself up again, displaces and regroups itself – but also a city in which movement, freedom ofmovement, is a strong premise of life (Nooteboom 2001:15).” Nooteboom continues how theeveryday live depends upon the system of the road. The constant Movement of the city repeatsitself: "The other cars are mirror images of you in your car. You are driving behind yourself andin front of yourself, next to yourself and opposite yourself, you are the taillights of the one in frontof you. Everything is on the move (ibid.:21).

    Die Inszenierung des Blicks im Backstage-Film: Directing the Spectator's View

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 19. bis 22. April 2007 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Die Realität des Imaginären. Architektur und das digitale Bild


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    Nathalie Bredella is an architect. She was educated at the TU Berlin and Cooper Union, New York. She received a PhD in Architectural Theory. She taught architectural design at the TU Berlin. She ist the author of Architekturen des Zuschauens. Imaginäre und reale Räume im Film (transcript-verlag). The work is based on an interdisciplinary approach incorporating architecture, film theory and philosophy. Her interests in architectural practice focus on the relationship between spatial strategies, film and media on an urban and architectural scale

    Deficits in trabecular bone microarchitecture in young women with Type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Context: The pathophysiological mechanism of increased fractures in young adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is unclear. Objective: Case:control study of trabecular bone microarchitecture and vertebral marrow adiposity in young women with T1DM. Patients and Settings: 30 women with T1DM with a median (range) age of 22.0yrs (16.9, 36.1) attending one outpatient clinic with a median age at diagnosis of 9.7yrs (0.46, 14.8) were compared to 28 age-matched healthy women who acted as controls. Methods and Main Outcome Measures: Measurements included MRI-based assessment of proximal tibial bone volume/total volume (appBV/TV), trabecular separation (appTb.Sp), vertebral bone marrow adiposity (BMA) and abdominal adipose tissue and biochemical markers of GH/IGF-1 axis (IGF-1, IGFBP3, ALS) and bone turnover. Results: Median appBV/TV in cases and controls was 0.3 (0.22, 0.37) and 0.33 (0.26, 0.4), respectively (p = 0.018) and median appTb.Sp in T1DM was 2.59 (2.24, 3.38) and 2.32 (2.03, 2.97), respectively (p = 0.012). The median appBV/TV was 0.28 (0.22, 0.33) in those cases with retinopathy (n,15) compared to 0.33 (0.25, 0.37) in those without retinopathy (p = 0.02). Although median visceral adipose tissue in cases was higher than in controls at 5,733mm3 (2030, 11,144) and 3,460mm3 (1,808, 6,832), respectively (p = 0.012), there was no difference in median BMA which was 31.1% (9.9, 59.9) and 26.3% (8.5, 49.8) in cases and controls, respectively (p = 0.2). Serum IGF-1 and ALS were also lower in cases and the latter showed an inverse association to appTbSp (r = -0.30, p = 0.04). Conclusion: Detailed MRI studies in young women with childhood-onset T1DM have shown clear deficits in trabecular microarchitecture of the tibia. Underlying pathophysiological mechanisms may include a microvasculopathy

    MOOC y el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera: ¿Back to the future?

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    Cada vez se ofertan más MOOC, y poco a poco también en el campo de las lenguas extranjeras. Debido a las características de los MOOC como una forma de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se dirige a un público potencialmente ilimitado, su metodología está sujeta a dichas particularidades, que necesariamente influyen en la consecución de las competencias en las destrezas comunicativas como la expresión oral y escrita y la comprensión oral y lectora. Nuestra contribución versa sobre estos límites de los MOOC y plantea la duda de hasta qué punto la metodología relacionada constituye un paso atrás hacia enfoques fundamentalmente formales ya superados en el campo de las lenguas extranjeras

    Body fat MRS

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    The increasing levels of obesity, and its associated comorbidities, have prompted a reassessment of the techniques used for assessing body fat, including content, distribution, and composition. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is one among the many invaluable in vivo tools available today to evaluate the role of body fat in health and disease. However, although MRS has become a powerful technique for assessing ectopic fat in vivo, it has had limited use in other areas of research associated with body fat. MRS has found some success as a fast method to determine whole body adiposity in rodent models of disease, as well as a noninvasive method of obtaining an index of the overall composition of body fat in human subjects. Its more significant use has been in the understanding of bone marrow fat content, where important advances have been made, especially in longitudinal studies. In conclusion, in the area of body fat, MRS continues to be an adjunct technique to more precise and versatile MRI methods