12 research outputs found
Literary texts in French language textbooks and reference books from the perspective of contemporary approaches to foreign language teaching
Предмет ове докторске дисертације су функција и дидактизација књижевног
текста у уџбеничкој литератури француског као страног језика француских и
домаћих аутора из друге половине 20. и с почетка 21. века, намењеној средњем и
вишем нивоу, као и улога ученика – читаоца књижевног текста у различитим
методама учења страног језика.
Књижевни текстови су у традиционалној граматичко-преводној методи
(током целе друге половине деветнаестог века, а и знатно касније) заузимали
средишње и готово искључиво место у настави страних језика. У првој деценији 20.
века директна метода их „искључује“ из уџбеника страног језика, али их „враћа“
комбинована (по француском дидактичару Пирену „активна“) метода, у којој се
препознају елементи и традиционалне и директне методе. Оваква концепција
наставе на средњем и вишем нивоу приметна је у уџбеницима из 50-их година у
којима књижевни текст служи као повод за активности усмене и писане продукције
– за говор о тексту („објашњавање текста“) или писмени састав (слободни састав,
„коментарисање текста“). Повезујући и тематску и структурну и стилистичку
димензију текста, појединачне елементе текста са контекстом, професор објашњава
текст и поставља питања, а ученик одговара на њих, примењујући своје
акумулирано знање. Иако је ученик активнији него у претходним периодима, у
средишту наставне активности налазе се наставник и текст. За аутора уџбеника
најбитнији задатак представља избор погодних текстова за остваривање
првенствено образовно-васпитног а затим и језичког циља наставе...The subject of this doctoral dissertation are the function and didacticisation of
literary texts in the textbook literature pertaining to French as a foreign language by
French and domestic authors from the second half of the 20th and the early 21st century,
aimed at the intermediate and advanced levels, as well as the role of students as readers
of literary texts within the framework of various methods of learning a foreign language.
Within the framework of the traditional grammatical-translation method (during
the course of the entire second half of the 19th century, and even much later), literary
texts occupied a central place and were almost solely used in foreign language teaching.
In the first decade of the 20th century, the direct method “excluded” them, so to speak,
from foreign language textbooks, but they were “brought back” into practice by the socalled
combined method (referred to as “active” by the French didacticist Puren), wherein
one can recognise elements of both the traditional and the direct method. Such a concept
of teaching at the intermediate and advanced levels was noticeable in textbooks dating
from the 1950’s, wherein a literary text served as a lead-in for oral and written production
activities – for speaking about the text in question (“text explanation”) or a writing
exercise (free composition essay, “commenting on the text”). By linking the thematic,
structural and stylistic dimensions of the text, that is, individual text elements with the
context, the teacher explains the text and asks questions about it, and the students answer
them, applying their accumulated knowledge. Even though the students are more active
than they were during the preceding period, the teacher and the text are at the centre of
teaching activities. For a textbook author, the most important task is to make a selection
of texts suitable for realising primarily the educational and then the linguistic objective of
Identifikacija parodontopatogenih mikroorganizama PCR tehnikom
INTRODUCTION Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of teeth and is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. The onset and progression of periodontal disease is attributed to the presence of elevated levels of a consortium of pathogenic bacteria. Gram negative bacteria, mainly strict anaerobes, play the major role. OBJECTIVE The present study aimed to assess the presence of the main types of microorganisms involved in the aetiopathogenesis of periodontal disease: Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Eikenella corrodens, Treponema denticola, Tanerella forsythia and Prevotella intermedia in different samples collected from the oral cavity of 90 patients diagnosed with periodontitis. METHOD Bacterial DNA detection was performed in diverse biological materials, namely in dental plaque, gingival tissue and saliva, by means of multiplex PCR, a technique that allows simultaneous identification of two different bacterial genomes. RESULTS In the dental plaque of the periodontitis patients, Treponema denticola dominated. In the gingival tissue, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola were the microbiota most frequently detected, whilst in saliva Treponema denticola and Eikenella corrodens were found with the highest percentage. CONCLUSION The identification of microorganisms by multiplex PCR is specific and sensitive. Rapid and precise assessment of different types of periodontopathogens is extremely important for early detection of the infection and consequently for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. In everyday clinical practice, for routine bacterial evaluation in patients with periodontal disease, the dental plaque is the most suitable biological material, because it is the richest in periodontal bacteria.Uvod Epidemiološki podaci iz čitavog sveta ukazuju na veliku rasprostranjenost gingivitisa i parodontopatije, oboljenja potpornog aparata zuba. U etiopatogenezi oboljenja parodoncijuma ključnu ulogu igraju različiti rodovi Gram-negativnih bakterija, ponajviše striktnih anaeroba. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se ispita postojanje genoma glavnih parodontopatogenih mikroorganizama Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Eikenella corrodens, Treponema denticola, Tanerella forsythia i Prevotella intermedia u različitim uzorcima poreklom iz usne duplje pacijenata s klinički dijagnostikovanom parodontopatijom. Metod rada Kao biološki materijal u kojem je dokazivano postojanje DNK mikroorganizama korišćeni su zubni plak, tkivo zapaljene gingive i pljuvačka. Za otkrivanje bakterijskog genoma primenjena je multipleks tehnika reakcije lančanog umnožavanja (engl. polymerase chain reaction PCR), odnosno simultana amplifikacija gena dve različite bakterije. Rezultati S manjom ili većom učestalošću, u svim ispitanim uzorcima utvrđeno je postojanje parodontopatogenih mikroorganizama. U zubnom plaku osoba obolelih od parodontopatije najčešći je bio genom vrste Treponema denticola. U tkivu parodoncijuma otkriveno je u najvećem procentu postojanje genoma vrsta Tannerella forsythia i Treponema denticola, što je odlika hroničnog oblika parodontopatije, a u pljuvački ispitanika dominirale su Treponema denticola i Eikinella corrodens. Najmanje ukupno postojanje bakterija je zapaženo u pljuvački. Zaključak Primenjeni metod PCR ima veliku osetljivost i specifičnost. Brzo i precizno otkrivanje mikroorganizama je veoma važno za pravovremeno dijagnostikovanje infekcije, a samim tim i za prevenciju i lečenje parodontopatija. U svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi optimalan biološki materijal za dokazivanje parodontopatogena kod osoba obolelih od parodontopatije je zubni plak, koji se smatra pouzdanim pokazateljem zastupljenosti pojedinih bakterija u obolelom parodoncijumu
Managing Quality of Reception Desk Performances in Hotel
Poslovni procesi u hotelijerstvu predstavljaju skup aktivnosti koje organizacijski dijelovi hotela trebaju izvršiti da bi se pružila određena usluga gostu. Gost će smatrati da je dobio odgovarajuću vrijednost ako pružena usluga odgovara ili premašuje njegova očekivanja u odnosu na cijenu koju plaća. Kako bi svaki hotel pronašao vlastiti put kod upravljanja kvalitetom, pomažu mu standardi koje smatramo osnovom ili zvijezdom vodiljom za kvalitetu. Teško je odrediti da je nešto kvalitetno, ako već prije nije propisano što proizvod i usluga trebaju imati da bi zadovoljili gosta koji je sve zahtjevniji u svojim željama.
Recepcija je prvi kontakt gosta pri dolasku te taj „prvi dojam“ znači sve. On određuje daljnji doživljaj gosta. Upravo zato, da bi se procesi koji se događaju na dnevnoj bazi na recepciji odrađivali na jednako kvalitetan način, postoje norme i standardne procedure poslovanja. Svaki se zaposlenik na recepciji hotela mora ponašati u skladu s navedenim normama i procedurama. Procesi na recepciji hotela su dinamični i pod utjecajem raznih neplaniranih događaja. Da bi se poslovanje recepcije olakšalo samom zaposleniku, uvode se standardne operativne procedure. One pripremaju recepcionara na sve moguće događaje na poslu i uče ga da njegova reakcija na iste bude pravovremena, stručna i nadasve kvalitetnaBusiness processes in the hotel industry are a set of activities that the organizational parts of the hotel need to perform in order to provide a particular service to a guest. The guest will consider that he has received adequate value if the service provided meets or exceeds his expectations in relation to the price he pays. In order for each hotel to find its own path in quality management, it is helped by the standards that are considered the basis or the guiding light of quality. It is difficult to determine that something is of a good quality, if it has not been previously identified what a product or a service should have to satisfy the guest who is increasingly demanding in their desires.
The reception is the first contact of the guest upon arrival and that "first impression" means everything. It determines the further experience of the guest. Precisely due to the fact that the processes that take place every day at the reception have to be done in the same lavel of quality, there are norms and Standard Business Procedures. Each employee at the hotel reception should behave in accordance with the stated norms and procedures. The processes at the hotel reception are dynamic and influenced by various unplanned events. In order to make it easier for the employee to do business at the reception, Standard Operating Procedures are introduced. They prepare the receptionist for all possible events at work and teach him that his reaction to them should be professional, well timed and above all of excellent quality
The Internal Audits-Specific Features and Application
Riječ kvaliteta ima više raznih definicija, ali svaka se slaže u tome da označava nešto dobro, tj. neku vrijednost. Kvalitetu danas pronalazimo skoro u svakom pogledu na poslovanje. Možemo govoriti o kvaliteti proizvoda, usluge ili samog kvalitetnog obavljanja posla od strane zaposlenih. Kako bi poduzeća osigurala svoj opstanak na tržištu te konkurentnost pred drugima, moraju ulagati u kvalitetu i konstantno unapređivati istu. Moderno poslovanje u hotelijerstvu nezamislivo je bez primjeni norma, standarda i procedura ponašanja za zaposlenike. Oni su ti koji garantiraju kvalitetu usluge i hotelskog proizvoda. Auditiranje služi kao provjera i kontrola poštovanja zadanih pravila i norma. Interni audit je iniciran od same organizacije kako bi se provjerilo posluje li ista u skladu sa zahtjevima kvalitete. Ovo je način da organizacija napravi samoprovjeru i kontrolu svog poslovanja te ukloni nepravilnosti, ako se nađu. U hotelijerstvu samoprovjera poslovanja i kvalitete (auditiranje) je od ključne važnosti za prepoznatljivost na tržištu.The word quality has several different definitions, but they all agree that it means something good or some value. Today quality is in almost every aspect of business. It is possible to talk about quality of the product, service or quality of the work performed by the employees. In order for companies to ensure their survival on the market and competitiveness in comparison to others, they must invest in quality and constantly improve it. Modern business in the hotel industry is unthinkable without the application of norms, standards, and procedures for employees. They are the ones who guarantee the quality of the service and hotel product. Auditing serves as a check and control of compliance with given rules and norms. The internal audit is initiated by the organization itself in order to check whether it operates in accordance with quality requirements. This is a way for the organization to self-check and control its operations and remove irregularities, if found. Self-checking of operations and quality (auditing) in the hotel industry is of key importance for recognition on the touristic market
The Internal Audits-Specific Features and Application
Riječ kvaliteta ima više raznih definicija, ali svaka se slaže u tome da označava nešto dobro, tj. neku vrijednost. Kvalitetu danas pronalazimo skoro u svakom pogledu na poslovanje. Možemo govoriti o kvaliteti proizvoda, usluge ili samog kvalitetnog obavljanja posla od strane zaposlenih. Kako bi poduzeća osigurala svoj opstanak na tržištu te konkurentnost pred drugima, moraju ulagati u kvalitetu i konstantno unapređivati istu. Moderno poslovanje u hotelijerstvu nezamislivo je bez primjeni norma, standarda i procedura ponašanja za zaposlenike. Oni su ti koji garantiraju kvalitetu usluge i hotelskog proizvoda. Auditiranje služi kao provjera i kontrola poštovanja zadanih pravila i norma. Interni audit je iniciran od same organizacije kako bi se provjerilo posluje li ista u skladu sa zahtjevima kvalitete. Ovo je način da organizacija napravi samoprovjeru i kontrolu svog poslovanja te ukloni nepravilnosti, ako se nađu. U hotelijerstvu samoprovjera poslovanja i kvalitete (auditiranje) je od ključne važnosti za prepoznatljivost na tržištu.The word quality has several different definitions, but they all agree that it means something good or some value. Today quality is in almost every aspect of business. It is possible to talk about quality of the product, service or quality of the work performed by the employees. In order for companies to ensure their survival on the market and competitiveness in comparison to others, they must invest in quality and constantly improve it. Modern business in the hotel industry is unthinkable without the application of norms, standards, and procedures for employees. They are the ones who guarantee the quality of the service and hotel product. Auditing serves as a check and control of compliance with given rules and norms. The internal audit is initiated by the organization itself in order to check whether it operates in accordance with quality requirements. This is a way for the organization to self-check and control its operations and remove irregularities, if found. Self-checking of operations and quality (auditing) in the hotel industry is of key importance for recognition on the touristic market
Managing Quality of Reception Desk Performances in Hotel
Poslovni procesi u hotelijerstvu predstavljaju skup aktivnosti koje organizacijski dijelovi hotela trebaju izvršiti da bi se pružila određena usluga gostu. Gost će smatrati da je dobio odgovarajuću vrijednost ako pružena usluga odgovara ili premašuje njegova očekivanja u odnosu na cijenu koju plaća. Kako bi svaki hotel pronašao vlastiti put kod upravljanja kvalitetom, pomažu mu standardi koje smatramo osnovom ili zvijezdom vodiljom za kvalitetu. Teško je odrediti da je nešto kvalitetno, ako već prije nije propisano što proizvod i usluga trebaju imati da bi zadovoljili gosta koji je sve zahtjevniji u svojim željama.
Recepcija je prvi kontakt gosta pri dolasku te taj „prvi dojam“ znači sve. On određuje daljnji doživljaj gosta. Upravo zato, da bi se procesi koji se događaju na dnevnoj bazi na recepciji odrađivali na jednako kvalitetan način, postoje norme i standardne procedure poslovanja. Svaki se zaposlenik na recepciji hotela mora ponašati u skladu s navedenim normama i procedurama. Procesi na recepciji hotela su dinamični i pod utjecajem raznih neplaniranih događaja. Da bi se poslovanje recepcije olakšalo samom zaposleniku, uvode se standardne operativne procedure. One pripremaju recepcionara na sve moguće događaje na poslu i uče ga da njegova reakcija na iste bude pravovremena, stručna i nadasve kvalitetnaBusiness processes in the hotel industry are a set of activities that the organizational parts of the hotel need to perform in order to provide a particular service to a guest. The guest will consider that he has received adequate value if the service provided meets or exceeds his expectations in relation to the price he pays. In order for each hotel to find its own path in quality management, it is helped by the standards that are considered the basis or the guiding light of quality. It is difficult to determine that something is of a good quality, if it has not been previously identified what a product or a service should have to satisfy the guest who is increasingly demanding in their desires.
The reception is the first contact of the guest upon arrival and that "first impression" means everything. It determines the further experience of the guest. Precisely due to the fact that the processes that take place every day at the reception have to be done in the same lavel of quality, there are norms and Standard Business Procedures. Each employee at the hotel reception should behave in accordance with the stated norms and procedures. The processes at the hotel reception are dynamic and influenced by various unplanned events. In order to make it easier for the employee to do business at the reception, Standard Operating Procedures are introduced. They prepare the receptionist for all possible events at work and teach him that his reaction to them should be professional, well timed and above all of excellent quality
Praying with the senses: Examples of icon devotion and the sensory experience in medieval and early modern Balkans
This paper discusses sensory experience in the practice of devotion of two
highly venerated icons in medieval and Early Modern Balkans: the mosaic icon
of the Virgin Hodegetria from the monastery of Chilandar and the icon of
Gospa of Škrpjela (Our Lady of the Reef) from the Bay of Kotor. Although part
of two different, albeit historically intertwined and perpetually connected
cultural and liturgical spheres, icon veneration in both the Orthodox and the
Catholic community of the broader Mediterranean world and the Balkans in
medieval and Early Modern times shares the same source. It relies on the
traditional Byzantine manner of icon veneration. This is particularly true of
highly venerated and often miracle working images of the Mother of God,
identity markers of political, social and religious entities, objects of
private devotion as well as performative objects around which are centered
public rituals of liturgical processions and ephemeral spectacles
Praying with the senses. Examples of icon devotion and the sensory experience in medieval and early modern Balkans
This paper discusses sensory experience in the practice of devotion of two highly venerated icons in medieval and Early Modern Balkans: the mosaic icon of the Virgin Hodegetria from the monastery of Chilandar and the icon of Gospa of Skrpjela (Our Lady of the Reef) from the Bay of Kotor. Although part of two different, albeit historically intertwined and perpetually connected cultural and liturgical spheres, icon veneration in both the Orthodox and the Catholic community of the broader Mediterranean world and the Balkans in medieval and Early Modern times shares the same source. It relies on the traditional Byzantine manner of icon veneration. This is particularly true of highly venerated and often miracle working images of the Mother of God, identity markers of political, social and religious entities, objects of private devotion as well as performative objects around which are centered public rituals of liturgical processions and ephemeral spectacles
The role of TERT-CLPTM1L SNPs, hTERT expression and telomere length in the pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma
The aim of this study was to assess TERT-CLPTM1L single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs402710 C/T in the CLPTM1L gene; rs2736100 A/C and rs2736098 G/A in the TERT gene) as risk factors for development of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), and to investigate the relationship between the analyzed polymorphisms, relative telomere length (RTL), telomerase expression and clinicopathologic characteristics of OSCC in a Serbian population. Paraffin-embedded tumor samples and buccal swabs from cancer-free controls were genotyped using PCR-RFLP, while tumor RTL values and telomerase expression were estimated by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively. CLPTM1L rs402710 and TERT rs2736100 polymorphisms were associated with a significantly increased risk of OSCC, and TERT rs2736098 with a significantly decreased risk. No significant association was found between TERT-CLPTM1L polymorphisms, tumor RTL values, telomerase expression, and clinicopathologic features, although a trend towards longer telomeres was evident in telomerase-positive samples and less advanced tumors. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that patients with longer telomeres in their tumors had significantly better overall survival than patients with shorter telomeres. Our research seems to provide strong evidence for an association between CLPTMIL rs402710C/T and TERT rs2736100A/C SNPs and the risk of OSSC, and suggests that higher tumor RTL values and positive hTERT expression may be applicable as early prognostic markers
Identification of periodontopathogen microorganisms by PCR technique
INTRODUCTION Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of teeth and is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. The onset and progression of periodontal disease is attributed to the presence of elevated levels of a consortium of pathogenic bacteria. Gram negative bacteria, mainly strict anaerobes, play the major role. OBJECTIVE The present study aimed to assess the presence of the main types of microorganisms involved in the aetiopathogenesis of periodontal disease: Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Eikenella corrodens, Treponema denticola, Tanerella forsythia and Prevotella intermedia in different samples collected from the oral cavity of 90 patients diagnosed with periodontitis. METHOD Bacterial DNA detection was performed in diverse biological materials, namely in dental plaque, gingival tissue and saliva, by means of multiplex PCR, a technique that allows simultaneous identification of two different bacterial genomes. RESULTS In the dental plaque of the periodontitis patients, Treponema denticola dominated. In the gingival tissue, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola were the microbiota most frequently detected, whilst in saliva Treponema denticola and Eikenella corrodens were found with the highest percentage. CONCLUSION The identification of microorganisms by multiplex PCR is specific and sensitive. Rapid and precise assessment of different types of periodontopathogens is extremely important for early detection of the infection and consequently for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. In everyday clinical practice, for routine bacterial evaluation in patients with periodontal disease, the dental plaque is the most suitable biological material, because it is the richest in periodontal bacteria