88 research outputs found

    What do women know about testicular cancer? Exploratory study of a female university population

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    Poster 123 publicado em European Urology Supplements 11 (2012) 191–235.Introduction & Objectives: Testicular cancer (TC) is one of the most common malignancies in young population, and it appears to be increasing worldwide. The cure rate for TC now approaches 100%, but is negatively influenced by the delay in seeking medical attention. Sometimes it’s a man’s partner who spots a change in the testicle. Several publications have showed the importance of the partners in health. There is a lack of evidence about the importance of women, as partners, in the diagnosis of several pathologic processes in men, but we know that the healthy behavior is shaped by the partner. Our objective was to evaluate women’s knowledge about TC, as they can act as educators towards better men’s health. Material & Methods: We performed a survey of 13 questions concerning the awareness of TC and perceived importance of testicular self-examination in 307 women from the university. The questionnaire was sent to the institutional email of students, professors and other workers and the data were collected and then analyzed. Results: The mean age of our group was 26±8.3 years (range 18–58 years). Students were 74.6% (n = 229) of the sample and 25.7% (n = 79) were from the medical course. When asked if they had any knowledge about TC, 89.3% (n = 274) answered they had information about TC. Sixty-four (20.8%) of the participants knew someone with testicular cancer. Only 25% (n = 77) of the women answered correctly to the question about the age group most frequently seen with TC and 57.7% (n = 177) responded properly to the most frequent symptom of testicular cancer. When a paired analysis of the correct answers to the age group of TC and most frequent symptom only 24 (7.8%) of the subjects gave proper responses to every questions. A second part of the questionnaire was about testicular self-examination. Approximately half (50.5%) of the subjects, n = 155, referred knowledge about testicular examination. We used a Lickert-type scale to categorize the perceived importance of this examination from 1 (not important) to 10 (extremely important), with 69.4% (n = 213) considering that this was extremely important (10) and only one participant (0.3%) responded that it wasn’t important. Almost all participants (95.4%) answered that they would advise their male friends to perform testicular self-examination. Conclusions: In this study we have showed a low level of knowledge about TC. Despite this fact, the knowledge about this cancer, a great number of women considered important to men to perform testicular self-examination and were motivated to advise their male friends to perform it. Considering that partners may assume an important role in health promotion and education, maybe women, as the partner of patients in risk of having TC, can be a way of engaging healthy behaviors in men

    Anxiety and depression in patients with prostate cancer, at cancer diagnosis and after a one-year follow-up

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most prevalent among men, and psychological symptoms may affect many patients. This study aims to describe the prevalence of probable anxiety and depression before PCa treatments and after one year and to identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with these outcomes. Between February 2018 and March 2020, 292 patients recently diagnosed with PCa were recruited at the Instituto Português de Oncologia—Porto. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to define probable anxiety and depression (cutoff = 11). The prevalence of probable anxiety remained stable from baseline to one year (7.8% vs. 8.5%, p = 0.866) while there was an increase in probable depression (3.1% vs. 6.8%, p = 0.012). After one year, probable depression persisted in 55.6% of patients with probable depression at baseline and 47.8% of those with probable anxiety at the first assessment had normal anxiety scores. At baseline, anxiety was more frequent among dwellers in rural areas (adjusted odds ratio—aOR, 95%CI: 2.80, 0.91–8.58) and less frequent in patients with body mass index 25–29.9 kg/m2 (aOR, 95%CI: 0.33, 0.12–0.91) compared to 18.5–24.9 Kg/m2, while those living alone had higher odds of depression (aOR, 95%CI: 6.35, 1.43–28.30). The frequency of anxiety and depression fluctuated during the course of treatment. Monitoring these symptoms would identify the most affected patients, contributing for a better use of mental health services.This study was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization, and national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) under the project “NEON-PC—Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017), and the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia—Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit, UIDB/04750/2020; ITR, LA/P/0064/2020) financed by national funds from FCT. AC, CL, and SM were funded under the scope of the project “NEON-PC—Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017). SM also received funding under EPIUnit—Junior Research—Prog Financing (UIDP/04750/2020). An individual PhD grant attributed to NA (SFRH/BD/119390/2016) was funded by FCT and the “Programa Operacional Capital Humano” (POCH/FSE)

    La Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca (VFC) como medida Objetiva de la Atención Sostenida en el Salón de Clase

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    The objective proposed in this report is to test the theoretical hypothesis that the time of attention sustained by students in the classroom can be measured by the autonomic response of the VFC. 10 subjects participated in the experiment. HRV was observed by means of the analysis of time series in segments of five (5) minutes until completing the observation window for simple moving averages of 60 minutes. The RR series were analyzed in the time, frequency and non-linear index domains.El objetivo que se propone en el presente informe es probar la hipótesis teórica de que el tiempo de atención sostenida en los estudiantes en el salón de clase puede ser medida por la respuesta autonómica de la VFC. 10 sujetos participaron del experimento. La VFC fue observada por medio del análisis de series temporales en segmentos de cinco (5) minutos hasta completar la ventana de observación para medias móviles simples de 60 minutos. Se analizaron las series RR en los dominios de tiempo, de frecuencia e índices no lineares


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    This present report describes a low cost and simple educational proposal to inspire professors from Elementary school for teaching on Histology, with emphasis on concepts of tissue and extracellular matrix. Twenty students from a public elementary school in Manaus city were invited to participate in a social tutoring program from the Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil. After observing a lack of information about basic concepts of histology, it was introduced a practice activity using simple material, aiming to create a tridimensional model of a tissue and its basics components. During the activity, students showed excitement and interest in the presented knowledge, especially because they were able to create their own model of a tissue using the provided material. The experience was an exchange of questions and teaching between students and volunteers. Therefore, this present proposal is helpful for professors to develop a simple practice activity in classroom that may clarify the comprehension of student for difficult and abstract histological concepts

    Uma proposta didática para iniciar o ensino de histologia na educação básica

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    This present report describes a low cost and simple educational proposal to inspire professors from Elementary school for teaching on Histology, with emphasis on concepts of tissue and extracellular matrix. Twenty students from a public elementary school in Manaus city were invited to participate in a social tutoring program from the Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil. After observing a lack of information about basic concepts of histology, it was introduced a practice activity using simple material, aiming to create a tridimensional model of a tissue and its basics components. During the activity, students showed excitement and interest in the presented knowledge, especially because they were able to create their own model of a tissue using the provided material. The experience was an exchange of questions and teaching between students and volunteers. Therefore, this present proposal is helpful for professors to develop a simple practice activity in classroom that may clarify the comprehension of student for difficult and abstract histological concepts.En este artículo se describe una propuesta didáctica simple y de bajo costo que puede ayudar a los profesores de Educación Básica con la enseñanza de la Histología, haciendo hincapié en el concepto de tejido y la importancia de la matriz extracelular. Se invitó a veinte estudiantes de una escuela pública en la ciudad de Manaus para participar en un proyecto de extensión de la Universidad Federal de Amazonas. Después de las brechas de observación sobre el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre el tema tratado, una actividad de demostración se llevó a cabo utilizando materiales comunes de la construcción del día a día de un modelo tridimensional para representar los componentes básicos de un tejido animal. Durante el desarrollo de la propuesta, los estudiantes mostraron gran interés en la actividad, sobre todo cuando participó activamente en la construcción de sus propios modelos, cuando se podría hablar con la extensión, hacer preguntas y fijar los conceptos aprendidos. Se concluyó que la propuesta que presentamos permite al profesor para reproducir una práctica de la enseñanza simple pero eficaz que se desarrollará en el aula y que se puede cambiar la preconcepción del estudiante de conceptos histológicos considerados abstracto o difícil de entender.O presente artigo descreve uma proposta didática simples e de baixo custo que pode auxiliar professores da educação básica com os ensinamentos de Histologia, enfatizando o conceito de tecido e a importância da matriz extracelular. Vinte estudantes de uma escola pública na cidade de Manaus foram convidados a participar de um projeto de extensão na Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Após a observação de lacunas no conhecimento prévio dos estudantes sobre conceitos básicos de Histologia, foi conduzida uma atividade de demonstração com materiais comuns para a construção de um modelo tridimensional de representação dos constituintes básicos de um tecido animal. Durante o desenvolvimento da proposta, os estudantes demonstraram bastante interesse pela atividade, especialmente quando participaram ativamente da construção de seus próprios modelos. A atividade foi desenvolvida durante uma conversa entre estudantes e os extensionistas para clarificar dúvidas e fixar os conceitos ensinados. Concluiu-se que a proposta que apresentamos possibilita ao professor reproduzir uma prática de ensino simples, porém eficaz, para ser desenvolvida na sala de aula com a finalidade de mudar a concepção do aluno sobre conceitos histológicos considerados abstratos ou de difícil compreensão

    Evidências científicas sobre o tratamento da anemia ferropriva em pacientes com doença renal crônica / Scientific evidence on the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    A anemia é comum entre pacientes com doença renal crônica, a anemia está subjacente a muitos dos sintomas associados à redução da função renal e está associada ao aumento da mortalidade e hospitalizações, entre os pacientes com DRC, a deficiência de ferro é uma causa comum e reversível de anemia. O ferro sérico, capacidade total de ligação de ferro, ferritina sérica e cálculo da saturação percentual de transferrina são utilizados para estimar os estoques de ferro. A deficiência de ferro é comum entre pacientes com doença renal crônica, recomenda-se monitorar todos os pacientes com DRC quanto à anemia e deficiência de ferro. Recomenda-se administrar ferro para a maioria dos pacientes com DRC que têm um SPT ≤ 20% e uma concentração de ferritina sérica ≤ 100 ng/mL, esses pacientes provavelmente têm estoques reduzidos de ferro. Recomenda-se ferro para a maioria dos pacientes anêmicos com DRC que têm SPT ≤30% e ferritina ≤500 ng/mL. Esses pacientes podem responder à administração suplementar de ferro com um aumento no nível de Hb. Não se recoemenda tratar com ferro pacientes com SPT >30%, pois é improvável que esses pacientes respondam ao ferro.


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    No século XX era comum ter relatos na literatura técnica que a água era um bem finito. Contudo, a realidade é que em vários estados, o abastecimento encontra-se ameaçado por      problemas relacionados tanto com a quantidade quanto com a qualidade da água. O aproveitamento da água proveniente do processo de condensação de aparelhos de ar condicionado pode amenizar o uso de água potável para fins menos nobres. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o uso de água proveniente dos drenos de ar condicionado no Centro de Gestão de Espaço Físico da Universidade Federal de Goiás para fins não potáveis. Foi avaliado ar condicionado do tipo split de 12.000 e 60.000 BTU nas estações seca e chuvosa nos anos de 2015 e 2016. Nas análises físico-químicas das amostras foram avaliados os parâmetros: alcalinidade total, carbonato, hidróxido, alcalinidade, cloretos, dióxido de carbono, cobre, condutividade, dureza, enxofre, ferro, gosto e odor, cor aparente, oxigênio consumido, pH, sólidos dissolvidos e turbidez conforme as recomendações do Standart Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater da America Water Works Association e da Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental de São Paulo. O volume de água produzido nas estações seca e chuvosa foram respectivamente de 1.591 e 2.713,96 l/mês. A economia financeira mensal ainda é pequena, e o resultado da análise laboratorial dos parâmetros físico-químicos impossibilitou o uso para fins potáveis. In the twentieth century it was common to have reports in the technical literature that water was a finite good. However, the reality is that in several states, water supply is threatened by both quantity and quality problems. The use of water from the condensation process of air conditioners can reduce the use of drinking water for less noble purposes. The present paper has the objective of evaluating the use of water from the air conditioning drains in the Center of Management of Physical Space of the Federal University of Goiás for non potable purposes. It was evaluated split air conditioning of 12,000 and 60,000 BTUs in the dry and rainy seasons in the years of 2015 and 2016. In the physico-chemical analyzes of the samples the parameters were evaluated: total alkalinity, carbonate, hydroxide, alkalinity, chlorides, carbon dioxide , copper, conductivity, hardness, sulfur, iron, taste and odor, apparent color, consumed oxygen, pH, dissolved solids and turbidity as recommended by the Standart Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater of the America Water Works Association and the and the Environmental Sanitation Technology Company of São Paulo. The volume of water produced in the dry and rainy seasons was 1,591 and 2,713.96 l / month, respectively. The monthly financial savings are still small, and the result of the laboratory analysis of the physical-chemical parameters made it impossible to use them for drinking purposes

    Evidências sobre a redução do colesterol de lipoproteínas de baixa densidade com outras drogas além de estatinas e inibidores de PCSK6 / Evidence on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reducing with drugs other than statins and PCSK6 inhibitors

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    Os agentes de alteração de lipídios abrangem várias classes de medicamentos, incluindo estatinas, inibidores de absorção de colesterol, derivados de ácido fíbrico, sequestrantes de ácidos biliares, inibidores de proproteína convertase subtilisina/kexina tipo 9, ácido nicotínico e outros. Embora as estatinas sejam a terapia preferida para a maioria dos pacientes que necessitam de tratamento de dislipidemia, outros agentes estão disponíveis com vários níveis de evidência para benefícios clínicos. Em pacientes que não atingem a meta desejada de colesterol de lipoproteína de baixa densidade com terapia com estatina, adicionamos ezetimiba com mais frequência do que qualquer outra droga que altera os lipídios. O principal uso da terapia com fibratos é no manejo de pacientes com hipertrigliceridemia, o ácido nicotínico é pouco utilizado no tratamento do LDL-C e pode ser usado para diminuir a lipoproteína. A maioria dos pacientes para os quais uma terapia com medicamentos prescritos é considerada aconselhável terá uma elevação no nível de colesterol de lipoproteína de baixa densidade e uma estatina é a terapia de primeira linha estabelecida. Outros medicamentos hipolipemiantes são usados para aumentar os efeitos das estatinas no LDL-C, substituir as estatinas quando essa classe não pode ser usada, pode ser uma opção, ou para tratar distúrbios não-LDL-C, principalmente hipertrigliceridemia