1,182 research outputs found

    Language Change in a Post-Creole, British Contact Setting: Non-Standard Ain’t Negation

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    The word ain't is used by speakers of all dialects and sociolects of English. Nonetheless, language critics view ain't as marking speakers as "lazy" or "stupid"; and the educated assume ain't is on its deathbed, used only in cliches. Everyone has an opinion about ain't. Even the grammar-checker in Microsoft Word flags every ain't with a red underscore. But why? Over the past 100 years, only a few articles and sections of books have reviewed the history of ain't or discussed it in dialect contexts. This first book-length collection specifically dedicated to this shibboleth provides a multifaceted analysis of ain't in the history and grammar of English; in English speech, writing, television, comics and other media; and in relation to the minds, attitudes, and usage of speakers and writers of English from a range of regions, ethnicities, social classes, and dialect communities. Most articles in the collection are accessible for the average educated speaker, while others are directed primarily at specialists in linguistic study-but with helpful explanations and footnotes to make these articles more approachable for the layperson. This collection of articles on ain't thus provides a broad audience with a rich understanding and appreciation of the history and life of this taboo word

    Language Change in a Post-Creole, British Contact Setting: Non-Standard Ain’t Negation

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    The word ain't is used by speakers of all dialects and sociolects of English. Nonetheless, language critics view ain't as marking speakers as "lazy" or "stupid"; and the educated assume ain't is on its deathbed, used only in cliches. Everyone has an opinion about ain't. Even the grammar-checker in Microsoft Word flags every ain't with a red underscore. But why? Over the past 100 years, only a few articles and sections of books have reviewed the history of ain't or discussed it in dialect contexts. This first book-length collection specifically dedicated to this shibboleth provides a multifaceted analysis of ain't in the history and grammar of English; in English speech, writing, television, comics and other media; and in relation to the minds, attitudes, and usage of speakers and writers of English from a range of regions, ethnicities, social classes, and dialect communities. Most articles in the collection are accessible for the average educated speaker, while others are directed primarily at specialists in linguistic study-but with helpful explanations and footnotes to make these articles more approachable for the layperson. This collection of articles on ain't thus provides a broad audience with a rich understanding and appreciation of the history and life of this taboo word


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    The title compound, C20H25N3O2, is a new amonafide analogue, which exhibits anti­tumor activity. The asymmetric unit contains two mol­ecules with similar conformations for the substituted aliphatic chains. The two independent mol­ecules form dmers through N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds. The crystal structure is stabilized via π–π stacking inter­actions, the shortest centroid–centroid separation between six-membered rings being 3.673 (2) Å

    Calcinosis tumoral: a propósito de un caso

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    La calcinosis tumoral (CT) es una enfermedad pseudotumora l rara, de etiología desconocida, que afecta a tejidos blandos periarticulares. Se diagnostica en base a las imágene s radiográficas, TAC y RNM y su tratamiento es quirúrgico. En este trabajo se present a un caso de CT y se revisan los concepto s actuale s de ést a infrecuente enfermedad.Tumoral calcinosis is a rare psudotumoral diseas e of unknown etiology affectin periarticular soft tissues. The diagnosis may be advieced by radiographic, CTscan and MR images. Surgery is the elective treatment. A new case of tumoral calcinosis is here presented, reviewing the current concepts of this infrequent process

    The Kinetic Family Drawing as a Measure of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Concepts Among Hispanic American Families With Substance-Abusing and Nonsubstance-Abusing Adolescents

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    Problem. There is a need for validation of new cultural-sensitive tests for assessing the Hispanic population in the United States that will take into account their cultural competence in the psychological evaluation practice. The purpose of this study was to explore the suitability of the Kinetic Family Drawings as a measure of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Theory among Hispanic American families with substance-abusing and nonsubstance-abusing adolescents. Method. The Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD), the Structural Family Interaction Scale-Revised (SFIS-R), and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales (FACES II) were administered to 141 families, 74 with an adolescent with substance-abusing problems and 67 with nonsubstance-abusing adolescents. Both groups, the clinic and non-clinic, included a total of 260 people involved in the study. All subjects were Hispanic Americans living in Chicago, Illinois, and Southern Michigan. Fourteen hypotheses were tested, and data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis, canonical correlation analysis, t-test, and by discriminant analysis. Significance was set at .05. Results. The results of this study give support to the validity of the KFD in assessing some variables of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Theory. Of 37 KFD variables designed for this study, 25 (67.5%) found some confirmation. However, other variables were not supported by the results. The KFD appears to be suitable in the assessment of some of the Family Hierarchy variables, Family Boundaries variables, and Family Adaptability variables. The qualitative results did not provide, however, support for KFD Family Subsystems variables related to maladaptive coalitions. The potential of the KFD to differentiate between families with different styles of interacting is affirmed by this study. The results indicated that the KFD is able to differentiate family patterns of interaction between substance-abusing and nonsubstance-abusing Hispanic families under certain conditions. These differences are related to Family Hierarchy, Family Boundaries, and Family Adaptability variables. No differences were indicated in the Family Subsystem variables. Conclusion. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of this study provide support for the potential of the KFD to reflect the drawer\u27s view of himself/herself within the family, his/her view of family members\u27 functioning, his/her view of some family interpersonal conflicts, and his/her view about the differences between some successful and unsuccessful family interactive patterns in terms of Minuchin\u27s Structural Family Theory

    Valoración del estado nutricional de un cupo pediátrico. Conociendo el punto de partida

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    El sobrepeso y obesidad han aumentado en las últimas décadas, como ya ha alertado la OMS, siendo un factor de riesgo para la enfermedad adulta pero también condicionando un deterioro de salud durante la infancia El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el estado nutricional y parámetros asociados en los menores de 14 años de un cupo pediátrico urbano con el fin de establecer grupos prioritarios de intervención. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo transversal. Población diana: 719 niños de 0-14 años. Fuente de datos: historia clínica informatizada de Atención Primaria MEDORA. Variables: fecha de nacimiento, sexo, último peso y talla registrados y número TIS del menor. Indicadores calculados: peso/edad, talla/edad, índice de masa corporal (IMC)/edad y peso/longitud (este último para menores de cinco años). Patrones de comparación utilizados: estándares de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para menores de 5 años y las referencias OMS 2007 para los escolares de 5 a 19 años. Resultados: presentaron talla baja el 3,2% , mayor en el grupo de 0 a 4 años con un 4,8% y más llamativa en niños 6,9% que en niñas 2,5%; normopeso el 61,5%; delgadez 1,5% siendo mayor en niñas (2%) que en niños (1,1%); exceso de peso 37,4% siendo el 25,6% sobrepeso (mayor en niñas) y el 11,8% obesidad (mayor en niños). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad infantil y juvenil es un problema real en nuestro medio y su conocimiento permite realizar intervenciones específicas.Grado en Medicin

    Impact of the pricing policy on the environmental performance of urban waste management systems

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    This PhD. thesis has as main objective the evaluation of the environmental impacts derived from the application of unit base (variable) pricing systems for financing urban waste management. To this purpose, a pilot experience with variable pricing schemes which took place in the Portuguese city of Aveiro was chosen as case of study. The evaluation was mainly performed making use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as an analytical tool for measuring environmental impacts. Both modelling approaches of LCA (attributional and consequential) were used in order to perform a comprehensive environmental comparison between the situation found in waste management before and after the pilot experience