29 research outputs found

    Consequences of some outerplanarity extensions

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    In this expository paper we revise some extensions of Kuratowski planarity criterion, providing a link between the embeddings of infinite graphs without accumulation points and the embeddings of finite graphs with some distinguished vertices in only one face. This link is valid for any surface and for some pseudosurfaces. On the one hand, we present some key ideas that are not easily accessible. On the other hand, we state the relevance of infinite, locally finite graphs in practice and suggest some ideas for future research

    The center of an infinite graph

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    In this note we extend the notion of the center of a graph to infinite graphs. Thus, a vertex is in the center of the infinite graph G if it is in the center of an increasing family of finite subgraphs covering G. We give different characterizations of when a vertex is in the center of an infinite graph and we prove that any infinite graph with at least two ends has a center

    On the Ramsey numbers for stars versus complete graphs

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    For graphs G1, . . . , Gs, the multicolor Ramsey number R(G1, . . . , Gs) is the smallest integer r such that if we give any edge col-oring of the complete graph on r vertices with s colors then there exists a monochromatic copy of Gi colored with color i, for some 1 ≤ i ≤ s. In this work the multicolor Ramsey number R(Kp1 , . . . , Kpm , K1,q1 , . . . , K1,qn ) is determined for any set of com-plete graphs and stars in terms of R(Kp1 , . . . , Kpm )Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MTM2008-06620-C03-02Junta de Andalucía P06-FQM-0164

    A historical review of the classifications of Lie algebras

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    The problem of Lie algebras’ classification, in their different varieties, has been dealt with by theory researchers since the early 20th century. This problem has an intrinsically infinite nature since it can be inferred from the results obtained that there are features specific to each field and dimension. Despite the hundreds of attempts published, there are currently fields and dimensions in which only partial classifications of some families of algebras of low dimensions have been obtained. This article intends to bring some order to the achievements of this prolific line of research so far, in order to facilitate future research

    Miscellaneous properties of embeddings of line, total and middle graphs

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    Chartrand et al. (J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 10 (1971) 12–41) proved that the line graph of a graph G is outerplanar if and only if the total graph of G is planar. In this paper, we prove that these two conditions are equivalent to the middle graph of G been generalized outerplanar. Also, we show that a total graph is generalized outerplanar if and only if it is outerplanar. Later on, we characterize the graphs G such that Full-size image (<1 K) is planar, where Full-size image (<1 K) is a composition of the operations line, middle and total graphs. Also, we give an algorithm which decides whether or not Full-size image (<1 K) is planar in an Full-size image (<1 K) time, where n is the number of vertices of G. Finally, we give two characterizations of graphs so that their total and middle graphs admit an embedding in the projective plane. The first characterization shows the properties that a graph must verify in order to have a projective total and middle graph. The second one is in terms of forbidden subgraphs

    3-color Schur numbers

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    Let k ≥ 3 be an integer, the Schur number Sk(3) is the least positive integer, such that for every 3-coloring of the integer interval [1, Sk(3)] there exists a monochromatic solution to the equation x1+ · · · + xk= xk+1, where xi , i = 1, . . . , k need not be distinct. In 1966, a lower bound of Sk(3) was established by Znám (1966). In this paper, we determine the exact formula of Sk(3) = k 3 + 2k 2 − 2, finding an upper bound which coincides with the lower bound given by Znám (1966). This is shown in two different ways: in the first instance, by the exhaustive development of all possible cases and in the second instance translating the problem into a Boolean satisfiability problem, which can be handled by a SAT solver

    Exact value of 3 color weak Rado number

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    For integers k, n, c with k, n ≥ 1 and c ≥ 0, the n color weak Rado number W Rk(n, c) is defined as the least integer N, if it exists, such that for every n coloring of the set {1, 2, ..., N}, there exists a monochromatic solution in that set to the equation x1 + x2 + ... + xk + c = xk+1, such that xi = xj when i = j. If no such N exists, then W Rk(n, c) is defined as infinite. In this work, we consider the main issue regarding the 3 color weak Rado number for the equation x1 + x2 + c = x3 and the exact value of the W R2(3, c) = 13c + 22 is established

    On the degree of regularity of a certain quadratic Diophantine equation

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    We show that, for every positive integer r, there exists an integer b = b(r) such that the 4-variable quadratic Diophantine equation (x1 − y1)(x2 − y2) = b is r-regular. Our proof uses Szemerédi’s theorem on arithmetic progressions

    Equation-regular sets and the Fox–Kleitman conjecture

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    Given k ≥ 1, the Fox–Kleitman conjecture from 2006 states that there exists a nonzero integer b such that the 2k-variable linear Diophantine equation ∑k i=1 (xi − yi) = b is (2k − 1)-regular. This is best possible, since Fox and Kleitman showed that for all b ≥ 1, this equation is not 2k-regular. While the conjecture has recently been settled for all k ≥ 2, here we focus on the case k = 3 and determine the degree of regularity of the corresponding equation for all b ≥ 1. In particular, this independently confirms the conjecture for k = 3. We also briefly discuss the case k = 4