39 research outputs found

    Translation-covariant Markovian master equation for a test particle in a quantum fluid

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    A recently proposed master equation in the Lindblad form is studied with respect to covariance properties and existence of a stationary solution. The master equation describes the interaction of a test particle with a quantum fluid, the so-called Rayleigh gas, and is characterized by the appearance of a two-point correlation function known as dynamic structure factor, which reflects symmetry and statistical mechanics properties of the fluid. In the case of a free gas all relevant physical parameters, such as fugacity, ratio between the masses, momentum transfer and energy transfer are put into evidence, giving an exact expansion of the dynamic structure factor. The limit in which these quantities are small is then considered. In particular in the Brownian limit a Fokker-Planck equation is obtained in which the corrections due to quantum statistics can be explicitly evaluated and are given in terms of the Bose function g0(z)g_0 (z) and the Fermi function f0(z)f_0 (z).Comment: 18 pages, revtex, no figures, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Ergodicity of conservative communication networks

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    Projet MEVALWe analyze a communication network with several types of calls. For a wide class of conservative service disciplines, we give ergodicity criteria. Exponentially fast convergence to steady state is also proved

    On fluid approximation for stable networks

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    Projet MEVALRésumé disponible dans le fichier PD

    3rd ICTs and Society Meeting; Paper Session - Theorizing the Internet; Paper 1: Toward Trust as Result. A Transdisciplinary Research Agenda for the 'Future Internet'

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    Trust has emerged as one of the key challenges for the Future Internet and as a key theme of European research. We are convinced that a transdisciplinary research agenda - that we define to as Trust as Result - shared by Sociology and Computer Science, is of paramount importance for devising sustainable Trust solutions for the (Future) Internet stakeholders. The scope of this paper is to present some elements we consider important for building such an agenda

    Not to normal order - Notes on the kinetic limit for weakly interacting quantum fluids

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    The derivation of the Nordheim-Boltzmann transport equation for weakly interacting quantum fluids is a longstanding problem in mathematical physics. Inspired by the method developed to handle classical dilute gases, a conventional approach is the use of the BBGKY hierarchy for the time-dependent reduced density matrices. In contrast, our contribution is motivated by the kinetic theory of the weakly nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The main observation is that the results obtained in the latter context carry over directly to weakly interacting quantum fluids provided one does not insist on normal order in the Duhamel expansion. We discuss the term by term convergence of the expansion and the equilibrium time correlation .Comment: 43 pages, corrected typos, updated assumptions in sec.

    Large Deviations, the Shape of the Loss Curve, and Economies of Scale in Large Multiplexers

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    We analyse the queue Q L at a multiplexer with L inputs. We obtain a large deviation result, namely that under very general conditions lim L!1 L \Gamma1 log P[Q L ? Lb] = \GammaI (b) provided the offered load is held constant, where the shape function I is expressed in terms of the cumulant generating functions of the input traffic. This provides an improvement on the usual effective bandwidth approximation P[Q L ? b] e \Gammaffib , replacing it with P[Q L ? b] e \GammaLI(b=L) . The difference I(b) \Gamma ffi b determines the economies of scale which are to be obtained in large multiplexers. If the limit = \Gamma lim t!1 t t (ffi) exists (here t is the finite time cumulant of the workload process) then lim b!1 (I(b) \Gamma ffi b) = . We apply this idea to a number of examples of arrivals processes: heterogeneous superpositions, Gaussian processes, Markovian additive processes and Poisson processes. We obtain expressions for in these cases. is zero for independent arrivals, but positive for arrivals with positive correlations. Thus economies of scale are obtainable for highly bursty traffic expected in ATM multiplexing

    Gravity gradient routing for information delivery in fog Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Fog Computing is a new paradigm that has been proposed by CISCO to take full advantage of the ever growing computational capacity of the near-user or edge devices (e.g., wireless gateways and sensors). The paradigm proposes an architecture that enables the devices to host functionality of various user-centric services. While the prospects of Fog Computing promise numerous advantages, development of Fog Services remains under-investigated. This article considers an opportunity of Fog implementation for Alert Services on top of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology. In particular, we focus on targeted WSN-alert delivery based on spontaneous interaction between a WSN and hand-held devices of its users. For the alert delivery, we propose a Gravity Routing concept that prioritizes the areas of high user-presence within the network. Based on the concept, we develop a routing protocol, namely the Gradient Gravity Routing (GGR) that combines targeted delivery and resilience to potential sensor-load heterogeneity within the network. The protocol has been compared against a set of state-of-the-art solutions via a series of simulations. The evaluation has shown the ability of GGR to match the performance of the compared solutions in terms of alert delivery ratio, while minimizing the overall energy consumption of the network