604 research outputs found

    Contextual Information Retrieval based on Algorithmic Information Theory and Statistical Outlier Detection

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    The main contribution of this paper is to design an Information Retrieval (IR) technique based on Algorithmic Information Theory (using the Normalized Compression Distance- NCD), statistical techniques (outliers), and novel organization of data base structure. The paper shows how they can be integrated to retrieve information from generic databases using long (text-based) queries. Two important problems are analyzed in the paper. On the one hand, how to detect "false positives" when the distance among the documents is very low and there is actual similarity. On the other hand, we propose a way to structure a document database which similarities distance estimation depends on the length of the selected text. Finally, the experimental evaluations that have been carried out to study previous problems are shown.Comment: Submitted to 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (6 pages, 6 figures

    Effect of Industry 4.0 on Education Systems: An Outlook

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    Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa En las Enseñanzas Técnicas, CUIEET (26º. 2018. Gijón

    Improvement in nitrification through the use of natural zeolite: Influence of the biomass concentration and inoculum source

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    A batch nitrification process was studied using synthetic wastewater as substrate and Chilean natural zeolite as biomass carrier at ambient temperatures (20 °C). Three groups of experiments were carried out: a first experimental set (I) with and without added zeolite using initial biomass concentrations of 1,000 and 2,000 mg VSS/L; a second set of experiments (II) with added zeolite and at the same initial biomass concentrations. In these two experimental sets, biomass from an activated sludge process located in an urban wastewater treatment plant at La Farfana, Santiago de Chile, was used as inoculum (1). Finally, a third set of experiments (III) was carried out with zeolite at an initial biomass concentration of 1,000 mg VSS/L using an inoculum derived from an activated sludge process treating wastewater from a paper mill (inoculum 2). Nitrifying biomass concentration values in the range of 13,000-18,800 mg VSS/L were achieved when initial biomass concentrations varied between 1,000 and 2,000 mg VSS/L. Inoculum (1) generated higher biomass concentrations than inoculum (2). Ammonium N removals higher than 70 % were obtained in experimental sets II and III when zeolite was used. For both initial biomass concentrations tested, an exponential biomass growth was observed up to the second day of operation, and a slight decrease was evident afterwards, achieving stationary values after 10-12 days of operation. The third experimental set (III) revealed that the highest N consumption took place between days 11 and 16 of digestion. © 2013 Islamic Azad University (IAU).The authors wish to express their gratitude to FONDECYT project no. 1090414 (Chile) and to the University of Santiago de Chile (Chile) for providing financial support.Peer Reviewe

    Factores para el logro del éxito en la industria de restaurantes: caso relacionado con restaurantes independientes de la provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador

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    The following research paper helps understand which are the factors of success for restaurants located in the province of Pichincha in Ecuador. These were based in a previous study done in Texas, United States, in order to understand what helps restaurants be successful. The research was directed to the owners, presidents, managers or administrators of different restaurants with more than 15 years in business in Pichincha, to confirm the aspects that are really important for success. To measure success we took into account the years in the market, the profits margin managed, and the monthly average sales of the different restaurants.El siguiente trabajo busca conocer cuáles son los factores de éxito en restaurantes ubicados en la provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Dichos factores se basaron en un estudio realizado anteriormente en Texas, Estados Unidos, con el fin de conocer que llevó a los distintos restaurantes al éxito. La investigación fue dirigida a los propietarios, presidentes, gerentes o administradores de distintos restaurantes con más de 15 años en el negocio, para validar qué factores son los que sí han tenido influencia para llevarlos al éxito. Con el propósito de medir el éxito se tomaron en cuenta los años en el mercado, los márgenes de utilidad manejados y las ventas mensuales promedio de los distintos restaurantes

    Study of Catalysts’ Influence on Photocatalysis/ Photodegradation of Olive Oil MillWastewater. Determination of the OptimumWorking Conditions

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    The high production of raw olive oil mill wastewater (OMW) is a current environmental problem due to its high organic load and phenol compounds. In this work, photo-Fenton reaction as an advanced oxidation process has been chosen for OMW treatment. In this sense, different iron salts (FeCl3, Fe-2(SO4)(3), FeSO4 center dot 7H(2)O, and Fe(ClO4)(3)) as catalysts were used in order to compare their effects on treatment. For each catalyst, different H2O2 concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, and 30.0%, w/v) as oxidizing agents were tested. The common experimental conditions were temperature 20 degrees C, the catalyst/H2O2 ratio = 0.03, pH = 3, and ultraviolet light. The Lagergren kinetic model, in cases of total organic carbon removal, for the best H2O2 concentration per catalyst was used. During the experiments, the water quality was determined by measuring the removal percentages on chemical oxygen demand, total carbon, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phenolic compounds, total iron, turbidity and electric conductivity. The best catalyst was FeCl3 and the optimum H2O2 concentration was 7.5% (w/v). At these optimal conditions, the removal percentages for chemical oxygen demand, total phenolic compounds, total carbon, total organic carbon and total nitrogen were 60.3%, 88.4%, 70.1%, 63.2% and 51.5%, respectively

    War and Militias in the Age of Enlightenment

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    Throughout the 18th century, the militias consolidated themselves as a force that complemented the permanent armies, both by fulfilling territorial defense missions, and by constituting a military force to which to resort whenever the situation required. In opposition to their predecessors of the previous centuries, these were organized by a common regulation and directly controlled by the crown, which constituted their main guarantee of survival against their detractors. This article shows the foundation, organization and evolution of the militias that were established in the Spanish Monarchy during the Enlightenment, with special attention to the Provincial, and, in addition, it tries to refute the criticisms leveled against these military corps during its existence, as well as in later times.A lo largo del siglo xviii las milicias se consolidaron como una fuerza que complementó a los ejércitos permanentes, tanto cumpliendo misiones de defensa del territorio como constituyendo una fuerza militar de reserva a la que recurrir siempre que la situación lo requiriese. En oposición a sus predecesoras de los siglos anteriores, estas estuvieron organizadas por una regulación común y controladas directamente por la Corona, lo que constituyó su principal garantía de supervivencia frente a sus detractores. En este artículo se expone la creación, organización y evolución de las milicias que se establecieron en la Monarquía de España durante el Siglo de las Luces, con especial atención a la provincial, y, además, se trata de rebatir las críticas vertidas contra estos cuerpos durante su existencia, así como en tiempos posteriores