22 research outputs found


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    U ovom radu prikazan je uzgoj Å”ećerne repe na oranicama OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ s osvrtom na agrotehničke uvjete, vremenske prilike, tehnologiju proizvodnje i primjenu poljoprivredne mehanizacije. Proizvodne 2012./2013. godine na OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ Å”ećerna repa zasijana je na povrÅ”ini od 26 ha. Ukupno je u proizvodnju uloženo 12.564,21 kn/ha čime je ostvaren prinos od 52,34 t/ha. Ostvarena je ukupna dobit u iznosu od 178.615,06 kn, Å”to je iznosilo 6.869,81 kn/ha. Analizirana proizvodnja Å”ećerne repe polučila je sljedeće pokazatelje uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja. Ekonomičnost je iznosila E=1,5467, Å”to znači da je na svaku kunu uloženu u ovu proizvodnju ostvaren ukupni prihod od 1,55 kuna, te je proizvodnja ekonomična. Rentabilnost je iznosila R=54,67%, Å”to govori da je na svakih 100 kuna uloženih u proizvodnju Å”ećerne repe ostvarena dobit od 54,67 kn. Proizvodnost rada pri proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe iznosila je P=3,21 t/h.In this paper, the cultivation of sugar beet on arable land farm "ĐogaÅ”" with emphasis on agro-technical conditions, weather conditions, production technology and application of agricultural machinery. Production 2012/2013. at the farm "ĐogaÅ”" sugar beet was sown on the surface of 26 ha. The total is invested in the production of 12.564,21 HRK/ha, which was the yield of 52,34 t/ha. We report the total profit in the amount of 178.615,06 HRK, which accounted for 6.869,81 HRK/ha. Analyzed the production of sugar beet received the following performance indicators. Cost-effectiveness ranged E=1.5467, which means that for every dollar invested in this production achieved total revenue of 1.55 kuna, and is economical to manufacture. Profitability amounted to R=54,67%, which indicates that for every 100 Kuna invested in sugar beet production profit of 54,67 HRK. Labour productivity in sugar beet production amounted to P=3,21 t/h

    Intramuscular hemangioma of the retropharyngeal space

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    Background. Intramuscular hemangioma (IMH) is a distinctive type of hemangioma occurring within skeletal muscle. Most IMH are located in the lower extremity, particularly in the muscles of the thigh. When present in the head and neck region, the masseter and trapezius muscle are the most frequently involved sites. Case report. We reported a case of unusual localization of the head and neck IMH occurring within the retropharyngeal space (RPS). To our knowledge, this is the second such case reported in the English literature. The tumor presented as a left-sided neck mass with bulging of the posterior and left lateral oropharyngeal wall on indirect laryngoscopy. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed an ill-defined mass in the RPS at the oropharyngeal level. The lesion was excised via a transoral approach and microscopically diagnosed as IMH, the complex malformation subtype. Although surgical margins were positive, no recurrence of the tumor was noted in the 17-month follow-up. Conclusion. Intramuscular hemangioma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of deep head and neck masses. The knowledge of the infiltrative nature and recurrence rate of an IMH is useful for appropriate management.

    Metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma presented as a tumor of the maxillary sinus and retrobulbar tumor

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    Introduction. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent primary malignant tumor of the liver. It is usually seen in the 6th and 7th decades of life and chronic hepatitis B is the most frequent cause. Extrahepatic metastasis of HCC is an indicator of a poor prognosis and the most common sites are lungs, bones, lymph nodes, kidneys and adrenal glands. We reported a case of isolated metastasis in the right maxilla, which had been found initially, before the tumor in the liver was diagnosed. Case report. A 70-year-old man underwent dental surgery of the upper right molar. Prolonged bleeding control was difficult for up to two weeks, so the biopsy was performed. Histopathological analysis revealed a metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Computerized tomography (CT) of the abdomen revealed a diffusely heterogeneous liver parenchyma with irregular borders and two foci of mass lesions. There were metastasis in the spleen and also two pathological retroperitoneal lymph nodes were detected, but no ascit, liver cirrhosis, cholestasis or portal vein thrombosis were seen. CT of the orbital and maxillary regions revealed a tumor mass in the right maxillary sinus, spreading to the alveolar sinus, nasal cavity and partially infratemporal space. A tumor mass was in the right orbit as well, infiltrating the surrounding bones and muscles. Clinically, there was proptosis of the right eye accompanied by amaurosis. The treatment started with chemotherapy based on 5-fluorouracil (sorafenib was not available). After three cycles, control CTs showed a stable disease in the liver, but progression in the right maxillary sinus and orbit. Enucleation of the right eye was performed and postoperative radiotherapy was planed. The patient deteriorated rapidly and died, about 6 months after the disease had been diagnosed. Conclusion. Extrahepatic metastasis of HCC represents a progressive phase of the disease with poor prognosis, so the main aim of the treatment should be palliation and care of symptoms

    Tranzijentna elastografija u neinvazivnoj proceni fibroze jetre kod bolesnika sa primarnom bilijarnom cirozom

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    In recent decades noninvasive methods for the assessment and monitoring of liver fibrosis have been developed and evaluated in numerous chronic liver diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive markers for fibrosis assessment transient elastography (TE) and biochemical markers using liver biopsy as reference in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Methods. One hundred and twenty-two patients underwent both liver biopsy and blood tests on the same day and TE in a month following the biopsy and the tests. Liver biopsies were reviewed by a single pathologist using the METAVIR scoring system for assessment of liver fibrosis. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), platelet ratio index (APRI), Forns scores, AST and alanine transaminase (ALT) ratio and TE were compared with liver fibrosis stage in order to determine the best noninvasive marker of liver fibrosis. Results. There was a statistically significant difference (p lt 0.05) for the APRI score, Forns index and TE according to stages of liver fibrosis. TE showed superior diagnostic performance when compared to other surrogate markers of liver fibrosis that were investigated. Optimal cut-off for TE were 4.25 and 5.9 kPa for diagnosing the presence of fibrosis and distinguishing mild/moderate and advanced stages of fibrosis respectively. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) of TE were 0.963 and 0.865, respectively. Conclusion. Based on our investigation the APRI score, Forns index and TE adequately predict fibrosis stage in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, but the most sensitive and specific parameter appears to be TE. Using noninvasive markers and methods in the evaluation of patients in daily clinical practice may reduce, but not eliminate, the need for invasive diagnostic procedures.Prethodnih decenija otkrivene su neinvanzivne metode za procenu i praćenje fibroze jetre kod hroničnih bolesti jetre. Cilj ove studije bila je procena dijagnostičke preciznosti neinvanzivnih metoda za određivanje fibroze jetre [tranzijentna elastografija (TE) i biohemijski markeri], pri čemu je kao zlatni standard koriŔćena biopsija jetre kod bolesnika sa primarnom bilijarnom cirozom. Metode. U studiju su bila uključena 122 bolesnika kod kojih su istog dana urađene biohemijske analize i biopsija jetre, a mesec dana kasnije urađena je TE. Za procenu fibroze jetre koriŔćen je METAVIR skor, a sve preparate biopsija proverio je jedan patolog. APRI skor - odnos aspartat aminotransferaze (AST) i trombocita, Forns indeks, odnos AST i alanin transaminaze (ALT) i TE poređene su sa stepenom fiboze jetre dobijene na osnovu biopsija jetre u cilju dobijanja najboljeg neinvanzivnog markera u proceni fibroze jetre. Rezultati. Dokazana je statistička značajnost (p lt 0.05) za APRI skor, Forns indeks i TE za procenu stepena fibroze jetre. TE je imala najbolji dijagnostički učinak u poređenju sa ostalim markerima koje smo istraživali. Optimalne granične vrednosti za TE bile su 4.25 i 5.9 kPa za dijagnozu fibroze jetre i razlikovanje slabe/umerene i uznapredovale fibroze. PovrÅ”ina ispod krive operativnih karakteristka (AUROC) za TE bila je 0.963 i 0.865. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata ove studije proizilazili su APRI skor, Forns indeks i TE adekvatni dijagnostički markeri fibroze jetre kod bolesnika sa primarnom biijarnom cirozom, ali je TE najsenzitivniji i najspecifičniji parametar. Koristeći neinvanzivne parametre i metode u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi može se smanjiti, ali ne i potpuno izbaciti, potreba za invanzivnim dijagnostičkim procedurama

    Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy: A Case Study of the Rare Onset in the First Trimester

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a gestation-specific liver disorder, defined most often as the onset of pruritus, usually from the third trimester of pregnancy, associated with abnormal liver test results and/or increased total serum bile acids and spontaneous relief after delivery. The 21-year-old patient was admitted to our ward in the 11th week of pregnancy due to raised liver enzymes. The first onset of pruritus and jaundice appeared a month before hospitalization. Immunology tests and Toxoplasma gondii were negative. We excluded viral etiology, while alpha-1-antitrypsin, serum and urine copper levels, and thyroid hormones were within the reference values. The patient denied she had taken any medicines and herbal preparations before and during pregnancy. Total bile acids in the serum were significantly elevated (242 Ī¼mol/L). The abdominal ultrasound revealed a regular finding. Liver biopsy suggested a cholestatic liver disorder. After a presentation of all risks, the patient decided to stop the pregnancy. After a month, the hepatogram was within the reference values. Very rarely an ICP can occur in early pregnancy (first trimester), which calls for close monitoring. The risk of serious adverse fetal outcomes and spontaneous preterm delivery is proportional with increased levels of maternal serum bile acid


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    U ovom radu prikazan je uzgoj Å”ećerne repe na oranicama OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ s osvrtom na agrotehničke uvjete, vremenske prilike, tehnologiju proizvodnje i primjenu poljoprivredne mehanizacije. Proizvodne 2012./2013. godine na OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ Å”ećerna repa zasijana je na povrÅ”ini od 26 ha. Ukupno je u proizvodnju uloženo 12.564,21 kn/ha čime je ostvaren prinos od 52,34 t/ha. Ostvarena je ukupna dobit u iznosu od 178.615,06 kn, Å”to je iznosilo 6.869,81 kn/ha. Analizirana proizvodnja Å”ećerne repe polučila je sljedeće pokazatelje uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja. Ekonomičnost je iznosila E=1,5467, Å”to znači da je na svaku kunu uloženu u ovu proizvodnju ostvaren ukupni prihod od 1,55 kuna, te je proizvodnja ekonomična. Rentabilnost je iznosila R=54,67%, Å”to govori da je na svakih 100 kuna uloženih u proizvodnju Å”ećerne repe ostvarena dobit od 54,67 kn. Proizvodnost rada pri proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe iznosila je P=3,21 t/h.In this paper, the cultivation of sugar beet on arable land farm "ĐogaÅ”" with emphasis on agro-technical conditions, weather conditions, production technology and application of agricultural machinery. Production 2012/2013. at the farm "ĐogaÅ”" sugar beet was sown on the surface of 26 ha. The total is invested in the production of 12.564,21 HRK/ha, which was the yield of 52,34 t/ha. We report the total profit in the amount of 178.615,06 HRK, which accounted for 6.869,81 HRK/ha. Analyzed the production of sugar beet received the following performance indicators. Cost-effectiveness ranged E=1.5467, which means that for every dollar invested in this production achieved total revenue of 1.55 kuna, and is economical to manufacture. Profitability amounted to R=54,67%, which indicates that for every 100 Kuna invested in sugar beet production profit of 54,67 HRK. Labour productivity in sugar beet production amounted to P=3,21 t/h


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    U ovom radu prikazan je uzgoj Å”ećerne repe na oranicama OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ s osvrtom na agrotehničke uvjete, vremenske prilike, tehnologiju proizvodnje i primjenu poljoprivredne mehanizacije. Proizvodne 2012./2013. godine na OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ Å”ećerna repa zasijana je na povrÅ”ini od 26 ha. Ukupno je u proizvodnju uloženo 12.564,21 kn/ha čime je ostvaren prinos od 52,34 t/ha. Ostvarena je ukupna dobit u iznosu od 178.615,06 kn, Å”to je iznosilo 6.869,81 kn/ha. Analizirana proizvodnja Å”ećerne repe polučila je sljedeće pokazatelje uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja. Ekonomičnost je iznosila E=1,5467, Å”to znači da je na svaku kunu uloženu u ovu proizvodnju ostvaren ukupni prihod od 1,55 kuna, te je proizvodnja ekonomična. Rentabilnost je iznosila R=54,67%, Å”to govori da je na svakih 100 kuna uloženih u proizvodnju Å”ećerne repe ostvarena dobit od 54,67 kn. Proizvodnost rada pri proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe iznosila je P=3,21 t/h.In this paper, the cultivation of sugar beet on arable land farm "ĐogaÅ”" with emphasis on agro-technical conditions, weather conditions, production technology and application of agricultural machinery. Production 2012/2013. at the farm "ĐogaÅ”" sugar beet was sown on the surface of 26 ha. The total is invested in the production of 12.564,21 HRK/ha, which was the yield of 52,34 t/ha. We report the total profit in the amount of 178.615,06 HRK, which accounted for 6.869,81 HRK/ha. Analyzed the production of sugar beet received the following performance indicators. Cost-effectiveness ranged E=1.5467, which means that for every dollar invested in this production achieved total revenue of 1.55 kuna, and is economical to manufacture. Profitability amounted to R=54,67%, which indicates that for every 100 Kuna invested in sugar beet production profit of 54,67 HRK. Labour productivity in sugar beet production amounted to P=3,21 t/h


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    U ovom radu prikazan je uzgoj Å”ećerne repe na oranicama OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ s osvrtom na agrotehničke uvjete, vremenske prilike, tehnologiju proizvodnje i primjenu poljoprivredne mehanizacije. Proizvodne 2012./2013. godine na OPG ā€žÄogaÅ”ā€œ Å”ećerna repa zasijana je na povrÅ”ini od 26 ha. Ukupno je u proizvodnju uloženo 12.564,21 kn/ha čime je ostvaren prinos od 52,34 t/ha. Ostvarena je ukupna dobit u iznosu od 178.615,06 kn, Å”to je iznosilo 6.869,81 kn/ha. Analizirana proizvodnja Å”ećerne repe polučila je sljedeće pokazatelje uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja. Ekonomičnost je iznosila E=1,5467, Å”to znači da je na svaku kunu uloženu u ovu proizvodnju ostvaren ukupni prihod od 1,55 kuna, te je proizvodnja ekonomična. Rentabilnost je iznosila R=54,67%, Å”to govori da je na svakih 100 kuna uloženih u proizvodnju Å”ećerne repe ostvarena dobit od 54,67 kn. Proizvodnost rada pri proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe iznosila je P=3,21 t/h.In this paper, the cultivation of sugar beet on arable land farm "ĐogaÅ”" with emphasis on agro-technical conditions, weather conditions, production technology and application of agricultural machinery. Production 2012/2013. at the farm "ĐogaÅ”" sugar beet was sown on the surface of 26 ha. The total is invested in the production of 12.564,21 HRK/ha, which was the yield of 52,34 t/ha. We report the total profit in the amount of 178.615,06 HRK, which accounted for 6.869,81 HRK/ha. Analyzed the production of sugar beet received the following performance indicators. Cost-effectiveness ranged E=1.5467, which means that for every dollar invested in this production achieved total revenue of 1.55 kuna, and is economical to manufacture. Profitability amounted to R=54,67%, which indicates that for every 100 Kuna invested in sugar beet production profit of 54,67 HRK. Labour productivity in sugar beet production amounted to P=3,21 t/h

    Immunohistochemical analysis of Ī±-SMA and GFAP expression in liver stellate cells

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    Background/Aim. Liver stellate cells play an important role in hepatic fibrosis, and its progression to cirrhosis. These cells show immunoreactivity with different monoclonal antibodies amongst which the commonest are Ī±-smooth muscle actin (Ī±-SMA) and glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP). The aim of this study was to analyze stellate cell immunoreactivity for Ī±-SMA and GFAP in tissue sections showing the signs of chronic viral B-hepatitis and compare it with those without histopathological changes. Methods. We included 12 tissue samples showing chronic viral B hepatitis in the different stages of fibrosis and 7 tissue samples showing no histopathological changes. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using the streptavidinbiotin method. Results. There was a regular presence of Ī±-SMA immunoreactivity in tissue sections without histopathological changes in the portal tracts and also in liver parenchyma, while GFAP expression was noted in the periportal cavity. Tissue sections with the signs of chronic viral B hepatitis displayed very strong Ī±-SMA expression in the portal tracts. A statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between the degree of liver fibrosis and Ī±-SMA expression along the fibrous septa, whereas a negative correlation between the degree of liver fibrosis and Ī±-SMA expression was present in the portal zone. Conclusion. This study showed the existance of two different stellate cell subpopulations in liver tissue. Differentiation between them was possible on the basis of SMA/GFAP expression

    Large hibernoma of the neck: A case report

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    Introduction. A hibernoma is a rare benign tumor derived from vestigial remnants of brown adipose tissue. In neonates this tissue makes up about 5% of the body mass and its amount greatly decreases after birth, persisting only in scattered subcutaneous areas. In rare cases, brown fat continues to grow leading to a hibernoma that may be located in the head and neck. We present an illustrative case of a large hibernoma of the neck with infraclavicular extension and discuss about diagnostic and treatment difficulties. Case report. A 29-year-old male presented with large, slowly progressive, painless neck mass that was noticed 6 months earlier. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) showed a well-vascularized, soft tissue tumor of the lateral region of the neck and supraclavicular fossa with extension below clavicle. Treatment included arterial embolization followed by challenging surgical removal of the tumor. Dissection was performed at III, IV and V levels of the neck, making complete resection possible without the tumor fragmentation or major blood vessels and cranial nerves injuries. The final diagnosis of the hibernoma was made by histopathological analysis. The patient had no signs of recurrence during three-year follow-up. Conclusion. Although the CT scan and MR may raise the suspicion, hibernoma is definitely diagnosed by a pathologist. It is very important to exclude the malignant processes, foremost liposarcoma. The tumor fragmentation during surgery should be avoided because the high vascularity of the tumor tissue carries a substantial risk for hemorrhage. Our experience with preoperative embolization and complete tumor resection in this case showed positive impact on the final outcome