284 research outputs found

    Sintomas clínicos associados à hospitalização em idosos acometidos por febre Chikungunya/ Clinical symptoms associated with hospitalization in elderly people affected by Chikungunya fever

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    A Chikungunya é uma arbovirose causada pelo RNA-vírus Chikungunya. A doença foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1952 mas, no Brasil, os primeiros casos autóctones foram confirmados apenas em 2014, mesmo ano em que foi registrada na cidade de Valente-Bahia, cidade que, no ano seguinte, apresentou a maior incidência/100 mil habitantes do país. Muitos pacientes idosos acabam necessitando de hospitalização por conta da infecção, o que gera importante impacto funcional nesse grupo. Este trabalho buscou identificar sintomas clínicos associados à hospitalização em idosos com Chikungunya, bem como comparar a taxa de hospitalização entre estes e a população adulta. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo transversal retrospectivo, em que foram analisados dados de 1.159 fichas de notificação, sendo que 59,57% deste total eram adultos e 20,32% eram idosos. Neste último grupo, após análise de possível efeito de confusão para as variáveis relacionadas ao desfecho, apenas a procedência do paciente (urbana/rural) mostrou interferência (p=0,0011), de modo que o estudo dos fatores de risco foi realizado em dois subgrupos distintos: idosos procedentes da zona urbana versus da zona rural. Empregou-se o teste qui-quadrado (p < 0,05), além do cálculo de Odds Ratio (OR) e do próprio Risco Relativo (RR). Como resultados, encontrou-se que 41,46% dos idosos foram hospitalizados, contra 33,14% dos adultos. Quanto aos fatores de risco no grupo de idosos, naqueles procedentes da zona urbana, associaram-se à hospitalização: diarreia (OR=2,38 ; RR=1,5 ; p=0,013), vômitos (OR=2,23 ; RR=1,45 ; p=0,028), edema em joelho(s) (OR=2,16 ; RR=1,5 ; p=0,014) e edema em mão(s) (OR=2,15 ; RR=1,51 ; p=0,017). No grupo oriundo da zona rural, a única associação significativa foi com edema de joelho(s) (OR=11,76 ; RR=7,9 ; p=0,0063). Assim, o fator que mais se relacionou com o desfecho hospitalização foi edema de joelho(s). Tal fator de risco ocorreu de forma independente da procedência e sua detecção gera um alerta para que profissionais de saúde valorizem ainda mais esse sinal/sintoma na prática clínica

    Dental anomalies in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence and comparative studies

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    Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disorder primarily caused by mutations in the genes involved in the production of type 1 collagen. OI is also known as brittle bone disease. Objective: This study aims to describe the prevalence of dental anomalies (except dentinogenesis imperfecta) in individuals with OI, and compare the prevalence of dental anomalies between individuals with and without OI and between individuals with different types of OI. Search methods: Searches in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Ovid, and gray literature were performed in October 2022. Selection criteria: Observational studies (with or without a comparison group) that evaluated the prevalence of dental anomalies in individuals with OI. Data collection and analysis: Data items were extracted by two authors. Quality assessment employing the Joanna Briggs Institute checklists and meta-analyses was conducted. Results were provided in prevalence values and odds ratio (OR) / 95% confidence interval (CI). Strength of evidence was determined. Results: Eighteen studies were included. Most prevalent dental anomalies in individuals with OI included pulp obliteration (46.4%), dental impaction (33.5%), dental impaction of second molars (27%), and tooth agenesis (23.9%). Individuals with OI type III/IV had 20.16-fold greater chance of exhibiting tooth discoloration in comparison with individuals with OI type I (CI: 1.10–370.98). In comparison with the group without OI, the individuals with OI had 6.90-fold greater chance of exhibiting dental impaction (CI: 1.54–31.00). High methodological quality was found in 47% of the studies. Strength of evidence was low or very low. Conclusions: Pulp obliteration, dental impaction, and tooth agenesis were the most prevalent dental anomalies in the OI group. Individuals with OI were more likely to have dental impaction than individuals without OI. Individuals with OI type III/IV (severe-moderate) are more likely to have tooth discoloration than individuals with OI type I (mild)

    Mothers of a Child with Cerebral Palsy: Perception on the Diagnosis Moment and the Child’s General and Oral Health

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    Objective: To analyze the perception of mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) on the diagnosis moment and the child’s health. Material and Methods: Research with a qualitative approach, carried out with 19 mothers of children with CP, in a public higher education institution, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. For data collection, the interview was used and for data interpretation, content analysis. Results: Mothers reported that the diagnosis of a child with CP resulted in major changes in the family’s daily life, increasing their responsibility and demands. After the diagnosis, mothers revealed oscillating feelings, with progressively replaced by her motherly ability to take care, reestablishing the psychic balance. The health associated with the absence of disease and curative practices was frequently observed. Mothers reported a great concern with oral hygiene habits and frequent visits to the dentist. Conclusion: The diagnosis of a child with CP led to changes in the family's priorities and routine. After the moment of anguish, uncertainty and fear, the mothers accepted the reality. The biomedical principle significantly influenced the mother´s perception of health, being health perceived as the absence of disease and curative practices. In relation to oral health, practices widely spread and recommended by the media and health services, such as correct tooth brushing, showed an orientation of patients to maintain oral health

    Problematização contextualizada para o ensino de química: dissolução do isopor com acetona

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Procurando aumentar o interesse dos alunos nas aulas de Química, os bolsistas do projeto PIBID do curso de Licenciatura em Química da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Campus Apucarana, apresenta uma proposta de aula problematizada sobre os conteúdos polaridade e solubilidade. O trabalho consiste em uma aula experimental problematizada que possa proporcionar aos alunos uma maneira diferente de entender os conteúdos químicos por meio desses experimento

    Performance of Primary Dental Care Services: An Ecological Study in a Large Brazilian City

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    This study explored the association between area-level primary dental care performance and area-level demographics, dental treatment need, and health care service indicators. An ecological cross-sectional study was performed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 2010. The 142 primary health care (PHC) units were grouped based on the following variables: access to individual dental treatment, frequency of dental emergencies, and frequency of individual preventive procedures. The independent variables analyzed were demographic variables, dental treatment need, and health care service indicators. The data were obtained from the information systems of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the city of Belo Horizonte. We explored the associations between membership in a specific PHC cluster type and the independent variables using multinomial logistic regression with a significance level of 5%. Variables such as the high/very high vulnerability of population, rate of completed treatment, and rate of referrals of users to secondary care were independently associated with the clusters (P<0.05). The performance of primary dental care services was associated with patient demographics, dental treatment need, and referrals. The results of this study have implications for the planning of public policies

    Factors associated with edentulism in individuals with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis: a cross-sectional study

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    Introdução: A doença renal crônica (DRC) é uma condição caracterizada por anormalidades estruturais ou funcionais do rim. A DRC pode estar associada a diversas alterações bucais, como maior prevalência de cárie dentária, doença periodontal, xerostomia, candidíase e queimação bucal. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores de risco associados ao edentulismo em indivíduos com DRC em tratamento com hemodiálise. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 650 indivíduos de 18 a 90 anos em hemodiálise no sudeste do Brasil. Foi realizado exame clínico oral e aplicação de questionário abordando características demográficas e histórico odontológico. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa em Seres Humanos da UFMG. Resultados: Um total de 183 participantes eram edêntulos (28,2%). Indivíduos com menor escolaridade (OR = 3,99; IC 95%: 2,34-6,79), aqueles que não foram ao dentista nos últimos seis meses (OR = 2,49; IC 95%: 1,52-4,08), aqueles que avaliaram o seu próprio sorriso como excelente ou bom (OR = 2,00; IC95%: 1,35-2,97) e aqueles com alguma alteração de mucosa (OR = 4,17; IC95%: 2,83-6,13) tiveram maior chance de pertencer ao grupo de edêntulos. Discussão: Os presentes achados podem contribuir para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas de saúde voltadas a nortear programas de atenção odontológica à pessoa com doença renal crônica que atendam às necessidades específicas dessa população. Conclusão: O edentulismo esteve associado à baixa escolaridade, falta de atendimento odontológico nos últimos seis meses, sorriso autoavaliado positivo e alterações mucosas.Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive condition characterized by structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney. CKD may be associated with several oral alterations, such as higher prevalence rate of dental caries, periodontal disease, xerostomia, candidiasis and burning mouth. The aim of the study was to identify risk factors associated with edentulism in adults with CKD undergoing hemodialysis. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 650 individuals aged 18 to 90 years undergoing hemodialysis in southeastern Brazil. Oral clinical examination and administration of a questionnaire addressing demographic characteristics and dental history were performed. The study received approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of UFMG. Findings: A total of 183 participants were edentulous (28.2%). Individuals with less schooling (OR= 3.99; 95% CI: 2.34-6.79), those who had not been to a dentist in the previous six months (OR = 2.49; 95% CI: 1.52-4.08), those who rated their own smile as excellent or good (OR = 2.00; 95% CI: 1.35-2.97) and those with some mucosal alteration (OR= 4.17; 95% CI: 2.83-6.13) had a greater chance of belonging to the edentulous group. Discussion: The present findings can contribute to the establishment of public health policies aimed at guiding dental care programs for individuals with chronic kidney disease that take into account the specific needs of this population. Conclusion: Edentulism was associated with low schooling, a lack of dental care in the previous six months, a positive self-perception of one’s smile and alterations in the oral mucosa

    Dental and maxillomandibular incidental findings in panoramic radiography among individuals with mucopolysaccharidosis: a cross-sectional study

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) is a group of rare and inherited metabolic disorders caused by the accumulation of macromolecule glycosaminoglycans inside lysosomes. Affected individuals may have dental and craniofacial tissue alterations, facilitating the development of several oral diseases.&nbsp;Objectives: To assess, with panoramic radiographic images, the frequency of dental and maxillomandibular incidental findings among MPS individuals and compare them with non-MPS individuals.&nbsp;Methodology: A cross-sectional study evaluating a sample of 14 MPS individuals and 28 non-MPS individuals aged from 5 to 26 years was carried out. They were matched for sex and age on a 2:1 proportion. Panoramic radiographs were assessed for the presence/absence of the following dental and maxillomandibular alterations: dental anomalies of number (hypodontia/dental agenesis, supernumerary teeth); anomalies of form (microdontia, macrodontia, conoid teeth, taurodontism, and root dilaceration); anomalies of position (impacted tooth, inverted tooth, tooth migration, partially bony teeth, complete bony teeth); periapical alterations (furcation lesion, circumscribed bone rarefaction); other alterations (radiolucent bone lesions, radiopaque bone lesions, radiopacity in the maxillary sinus, condylar hypoplasia). Differences between groups were tested by the Fisher’s exact test and chi-square test (p&lt;0.05). Results: For intrarater agreement, Kappa values were 0.76 to 0.85. The presence of supernumerary teeth (p=0.003); conoid teeth (p=0.009); taurodontism (p&lt;0.001); impacted teeth (p&lt;0.001); partial bony teeth (p=0.040); complete bony teeth (p=0.013); and root dilaceration (p=0.047) were statistically more frequent in MPS individuals compared to non-MPS individuals. Bone rarefaction/furcation lesions (p=0.032), condylar hypoplasia (p&lt;0.001), radiolucent bone lesions (p=0.001), and dentigerous cysts (p=0.002) were also more frequent in MPS individuals.&nbsp;Conclusion: The presence of specific oral manifestations is more common in MPS individuals than non-MPS individuals

    Cross-cultural adaptation of the Clear Communication Index to Brazilian Portuguese

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Clear Communication Index instrument from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-CCI) from English to Brazilian Portuguese. METHODS: This study comprised initial discussion about the conceptual equivalence of the instrument by a committee formed by experts on health education. We performed translations, synthesis of translations, back-translations, revision by the committee, and linguistic revision. Semantic equivalence was obtained by analyzing the referential and general meaning of each item by the committee, resulting in a pre-final version of the instrument. Subsequently, thirty professionals with health sciences degrees performed a pre-test. These professionals used the pre-final version of the instrument to assess a health education material. A questionnaire was applied to evaluate the acceptability of the instrument, the understanding of each of the 20 items, as well as the individual and professional variables. We analyzed the scores attributed to the health education material, the variables related to healthcare professionals, the proportions of the acceptability of the instrument, and the comprehension of each item. RESULTS: After we obtained the conceptual equivalence of the instrument, the committee of experts, the instrument’s main author, and the linguist produced the pre-final version using two translations, a synthesis of the translations, and two back-translations. A general equivalence was maintained in 15 of the 20 items (75%), four of the items were slightly altered (20%), and one item was very altered (5%). Nineteen items presented referential equivalence or near equivalence (95%). We then carried out with the pre-test, in which the professionals used the pre-final version. Two items in the domains of “risks” and “main message” were unclear and needed to be revised. CONCLUSION: The process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Clear Communication Index provided an adapted version to the Brazilian Portuguese language

    Dental anomalies in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence and comparative studies

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    Abstract Background Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disorder primarily caused by mutations in the genes involved in the production of type 1 collagen. OI is also known as brittle bone disease. Objective This study aims to describe the prevalence of dental anomalies (except dentinogenesis imperfecta) in individuals with OI, and compare the prevalence of dental anomalies between individuals with and without OI and between individuals with different types of OI. Search methods Searches in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Ovid, and gray literature were performed in October 2022. Selection criteria Observational studies (with or without a comparison group) that evaluated the prevalence of dental anomalies in individuals with OI. Data collection and analysis: Data items were extracted by two authors. Quality assessment employing the Joanna Briggs Institute checklists and meta-analyses was conducted. Results were provided in prevalence values and odds ratio (OR) / 95% confidence interval (CI). Strength of evidence was determined. Results Eighteen studies were included. Most prevalent dental anomalies in individuals with OI included pulp obliteration (46.4%), dental impaction (33.5%), dental impaction of second molars (27%), and tooth agenesis (23.9%). Individuals with OI type III/IV had 20.16-fold greater chance of exhibiting tooth discoloration in comparison with individuals with OI type I (CI: 1.10–370.98). In comparison with the group without OI, the individuals with OI had 6.90-fold greater chance of exhibiting dental impaction (CI: 1.54–31.00). High methodological quality was found in 47% of the studies. Strength of evidence was low or very low. Conclusions Pulp obliteration, dental impaction, and tooth agenesis were the most prevalent dental anomalies in the OI group. Individuals with OI were more likely to have dental impaction than individuals without OI. Individuals with OI type III/IV (severe-moderate) are more likely to have tooth discoloration than individuals with OI type I (mild)