10 research outputs found

    Cognitive effects of the progressive exercise test in electricians wearing personal protective equipment.

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    Objetivo: verificar o efeito do esfor?o f?sico sobre as fun??es cognitivas de trabalhadores eletricistas utilizando equipamento de prote??o individual (EPI). M?todos: participaram 28 eletricistas que trabalhavam na constru??o, manuten??o e opera??o de redes de distribui??o de energia. Todos do sexo masculino, sadios e aptos para a pr?tica de exerc?cios f?sicos. As fun??es cognitivas foram representadas pelo teste de rea??o simples (TRS) e pelo n?vel de vigil?ncia mental (NVM). O TRS e o NVM foram mensurados pr? e p?s- -teste m?ximo progressivo, em esteira rolante, a 27 ?C de temperatura seca e umidade relativa do ar de 64%. O teste consistiu em aumentos progressivos na velocidade e na inclina??o da esteira at? a fadiga, com utiliza??o de EPI. Resultados: a m?dia (desvio padr?o) do TRS n?o foi significativamente diferente antes, 227,8 (35,1) ms, e ap?s o exerc?cio, 220,6 (24,6) ms. O NVM foi significativamente maior ap?s o exerc?cio em todas as situa??es: frequ?ncia crescente ? 36,5 (5,1) Hz vs 39,5 (2,7) Hz, frequ?ncia decrescente ? 36,0 (5,2) vs 39,0 (3,88) Hz, e frequ?ncia geral ? 36,2 (4,9) vs 39,2 (3,1) Hz. Conclus?o: o exerc?cio progressivo m?ximo realizado com EPI n?o modificou o tempo de rea??o simples e aumentou o n?vel de vigil?ncia mental de eletricistas.Objective: to verify the effects of physical effort on the cognitive functions of electricians wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Methods: 28 electricians participated. They worked on the construction, maintenance and operation of electrical power distribution networks. All were male, healthy and able to practice physical exercises. The cognitive functions were checked by measuring simple reaction time (SRT) and mental alertness level (MAL). SRT and MAL were measured before and after progressive maximal exercise, on a treadmill, at 27 ?C dry temperature and 64% relative humidity, wearing PPE. The test consisted of progressive increases in treadmill speed and incline, until fatigue. Results: SRT mean difference was not significantly different before ? 227.8 (35.1) ms ? and after exercising ?220.6 (24.6) ms. MAL was significantly higher after exercise in all situations: increasing frequency - 36.5 (5.1) Hz vs. 39.5 (2.7) Hz; decreasing frequency-36.0 (5.2) Hz vs. 39.0 (3.88) Hz; and general frequency 36.2 (4.9) Hz vs. 39.2 (3.1) Hz. Conclusion: progressive maximal exercise performed while wearing PPE caused no change in simple reaction time, and increased electricians? mental alertness level

    Analysis of physical performance in children of seven to ten years old.

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    Capacidade f?sica ? o termo utilizado para agrupar as capacidades for?a, velocidade, resist?ncia, flexibilidade e coordena??o. O desempenho f?sico de crian?as ? preocupa??o permanente entre os especialistas da ?rea da sa?de. Esse interesse justifica-se j? que a atividade f?sica desempenha importante papel na preven??o de doen?as e melhoria da capacidade funcional. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as capacidades f?sicas em crian?as de ambos os sexos. Ap?s consentimento por escrito dos pais, participaram do estudo 232 crian?as de ambos os sexos entre as idades de sete e 10 anos. A capacidade f?sica foi avaliada utilizando-se os testes de sentar e alcan?ar, resist?ncia abdominal, salto horizontal e corrida de 30 metros. Foi utilizado ANOVA two way e post hoc de Tukey para compara??o das vari?veis entre as idades e o sexo. O n?vel de signific?ncia foi de 5%. A flexibilidade n?o foi modificada pela idade e sexo. O salto horizontal e o n?mero de abdominais foram maiores nos meninos comparados ?s meninas e nas idades de 10, nove e oito anos comparados a idade de sete anos. O tempo para percorrer 30 m foi menor nos meninos comparado ?s meninas, sendo que a idade de 10 anos apresentou valores menores comparado as demais idades e as idades de nove e oito anos demonstraram menores valores comparado a idade de sete anos. De modo geral, os meninos apresentam melhor desempenho f?sico comparado ?s meninas na faixa et?ria avaliada. A idade de sete anos parece representar um per?odo de transi??o no desempenho f?sico.Physical performance is the term used to group strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination capacities. The physical performance in the children is concern among experts in the field of health. This interest justified because physical activity can prevent illness and increase functional capacity. The aim of present study was assessment physical capacity in children of both sex, boys and girls. After consent of parents, concerns of study 232 children among seven and 10 years-old of both sexes. The performance motor was assessment using sit-and-reach, horizontal jump, abdominal endurance and 30 meters tests run. ANOVA Two-way and Tukey post hoc was used to compared variables among sex and ages. The significant level was 5%. Flexibility did not differ among ages and sex. The horizontal jump distance and abdominals number were higher in male group compared to the female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old were higher compared to seven years-old. The abdominals number was higher in male group compared to female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old are higher compared to seven years-old. The time to going 30 meters was small in the male group compared to female group and running time was small in the 10 years-old compared to other ages and the nine and eight years-old was small than seven years-old. In general, the boys presented better performance than girls in the ages assessment. The age seven years-old apparent represented a period of transition in the physical performance

    Efeitos do cabelo da cabe?a humana no desempenho e na resposta termorregulat?ria durante a corrida de 10 km ao ar livre em homens saud?veis.

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of human head hair on performance and thermoregulatory responses during 10-km outdoor running in healthy men. Twelve healthy males (29.5 ? 3.7 years, 174.9 ? 4.3 cm, 72.7 ? 3.2 kg and VO2max 44.6 ? 3.4 ml.kg-1.min-1) participated in two self-paced outdoor 10-km running trials separated by 7 days: 1) HAIR, subjects ran with their natural head hair; 2) NOHAIR, subjects ran after their hair had been totally shaved. Average running velocity was calculated from each 2-km running time. Rectal temperature, heart rate and physiological strain index were measured before and after the 10-km runs and at the end of each 2 km. The rate of heat storage was measured every 2 km. The environmental stress (WBGT) was measured every 10 min. The running velocity (10.9 ? 1 and 10.9 ? 1.1 km.h-1), heart rate (183 ? 10 and 180 ? 12 bpm), rectal temperature (38.82 ? 0.29 and 38.81 ? 0.49oC), physiological strain index (9 ? 1 and 9 ? 1), or heat storage rate (71.9 ? 64.1 and 80.7 ? 56.7 W.m-1) did not differ between the HAIR and NOHAIR conditions, respectively (p>0.05). There was no difference in WBGT between the HAIR and NOHAIR conditions (24.0 ? 1.4 and 23.2 ? 1.5?C, respectively; p=0.10). The results suggest that shaved head hair does not alter running velocity or thermoregulatory responses during 10-km running under the sun.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do cabelo da cabe?a humana no desempenho e na resposta termorregulat?ria durante 10 km de corrida ao ar livre em homens saud?veis. Doze saud?vel do sexo masculino (29,5 ? 3,7 anos, 174,9 ? 4,3 cm, 72,7 ? 3,2 kg e VO2m?x 44,6 ? 3,4 ml.kg-1.min-1) participaram de 2 corridas de 10km separadas por 7 dias de intervalo em ritmo auto regulado: 1) HAIR- volunt?rios correram com seus cabelos intactos, 2) NOHAIR- volunt?rios correrram ap?s terem seus cabelos totalmente raspado. A velocidade m?dia da corrida foi calculada a cada s?rie de 2 km. Temperatura retal, freq??ncia card?aca e ?ndice de estresse fisiol?gico foram medidos antes e depois dos 10 km da corrida e no fim de cada 2 km. Taxa de armazenamento de calor foi medida a cada 2 km. Al?m disso, o estresse ambiental (WBGT) foi medido a cada 10 min. A velocidade de corrida (10,9 ? 1 e 10,9 ? 1,1 km.h-1), freq??ncia card?aca (183 ? 10 e 180 ? 12 bpm), temperatura retal (38,82 ? 0,29 e 38,81 ? 0,49oC), ?ndice estresse fisiol?gico (9 ? 1 e 9 ? 1) e taxa de armazenamento de calor (71,9 ? 64,1 e 80,7 ? 56,7 Wm-1), n?o foi diferente entre as situa??es HAIR e NOHAIR, respectivamente (p>0,05). N?o houve diferen?a no WBGT entre HAIR e NOHAIR (24,0 ? 1.4? C e 23,2 ? 1,5? C, respectivamente; p=0,10). Os resultados sugerem que raspar o cabelo da cabe?a n?o altera a velocidade da corrida e as respostas termorregulat?rias durante 10 km de corrida sob o sol

    Efeito de uma competi??o escolar de futebol com jogos em dias consecutivos no estado de recupera??o de jogadores sub-19.

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of a school soccer competition with consecutive day games on the recovery status of U-19 players. Thirty-one school athletes (17.1?1.1 years) who played a U-19 school soccer competition (composed of two groups of four soccer teams each, followed by semifinals and final) were randomly evaluated. Games lasted 70 min (two periods of 35 min with 15 min rest interval), and they were played on consecutive days with 24 h between each game. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and Total Quality Recovery (TQR) were measured before group phase games (n= 31) and semifinals games (n= 18). The internal game load was measured by the session rate of perceived exertion (session-RPE) method. TQR was higher before the first game when compared to the other games (p< 0.001). DOMS increased after the first game and did not return to baseline before the fourth game. Both session-RPE and internal load of the fourth game were higher than in the other games (p< 0.001). In addition, there was no correlation between internal game load and TQR (p> 0.05). The monotony observed during the evaluated period was 3.1?2.0 AU. The results indicate that the 24 h rest period seems to be insufficient for complete recovery of U-19 soccer school athletes, suggesting the organization of U-19 school soccer competitions with higher rest interval between games and search for methods to increase the recovery rate.O presente estudo objetivou analisar o efeito de uma competi??o escolar de futebol com jogos em dias consecutivos no estado de recupera??o f?sica de jogadores sub-19. Foram avaliados, de forma aleat?ria, 31 atletas escolares (17,1?1,1 anos) participantes de uma competi??o escolar de futebol de campo sub-19, composta de duas chaves com quatro equipes cada, seguido de semifinais e final. Os jogos tiveram 70 min de dura??o (dois tempos de 35 min com 15 min de intervalo), e foram realizados em dias consecutivos com intervalo de 24h entre cada jogo. Foi medida a dor muscular de in?cio tardio (DOMS) e Qualidade Total de Recupera??o (QTR) antes de cada jogo da primeira fase (n= 31) e da semifinal (n=18). A carga interna dos jogos foi medida a pelo m?todo da percep??o subjetiva do esfor?o da sess?o (PSE-sess?o). A QTR foi maior antes do primeiro jogo em compara??o com os demais jogos (p< 0.001). A DOMS aumentou ap?s o primeiro jogo e n?o retornou aos valores basais antes do quarto jogo (p< 0.001). A PSE-sess?o e a carga interna do quarto jogo foram maiores que as dos demais jogos (p< 0,001). Em adi??o, n?o houve correla??o entre a carga interna do jogo e a QTR (p> 0,05). A monotonia encontrada no per?odo avaliado foi de 3,1?2.0 UA. Os resultados indicam que o per?odo de 24h parece ser insuficiente para a completa recupera??o de atletas escolares de futebol sub-19, sugerindo a organiza??o de competi??es escolares de futebol sub-19 com maior intervalo entre os jogos e busca por m?todos que acelerem a recupera??o

    Análise estabilométrica do equilíbrio postural estático de crianças e jovens atletas

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    BACKGROUND: Static postural balance is the capacity to maintain the center of body mass within the support base. It is a complex capacity, because it involves coordinated actions of the biomechanical, sensory and neuromotor components. Stabilometry measures variables related to static postural balance, quantifying body oscillations in the axes of anteroposterior and laterolateral displacements of the pressure center. OBJECTIVE: To compare the static postural balance of taekwondo athletes (TKD), trampoline gymnastics (GTR) and a group of students, and to investigate whether sports training improves static postural balance. METHODS: Thirty-four amateur taekwondo fighters, 62 professional trampoline gymnasts and 21 students in elementary school were evaluated. The stabilometric test was performed using a force platform to collect the following variables: anteroposterior amplitude (AML-AP), mediolateral amplitude (AMP-ML), total displacement area (Area), anteroposterior speed (VEL-AP), average lateral velocity (VEL-ML), anteroposterior frequency (FREQ-AP), mediolateral frequency (FREQ-ML). RESULTS: The tests revealed significant differences only in the FREQ-AP (Hz) oscillation variable between the group of taekwondo athletes (0.30±0.16) and schoolchildren (0.22±0.07), which was neglected. CONCLUSION: It was not possible to affirm that the practices of TDK and GTR contribute positively to the capacity for static equilibrium, since no statistically significant differences were found in the oscillation variables of the groups studied.INTRODUÇÃO: O equilíbrio postural estático é a capacidade de manter o centro de massa corporal dentro da base de sustentação. Trata-se de uma capacidade complexa, pois envolve ações coordenadas dos componentes biomecânicos, sensoriais e neuromotores. A estabilometria mensura variáveis relacionadas ao equilíbrio postural estático, por meio da quantificação de oscilações corporais nos eixos de deslocamentos anteroposteriores e laterolaterais do centro de pressão. OBJETIVO: comparar o equilíbrio postural estático de atletas de taekwondo (TKD), ginástica de trampolim (GTR) e um grupo de escolares, e investigar se o treinamento esportivo melhora o equilíbrio postural estático. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 34 lutadores amadores de taekwondo, 62 ginastas profissionais de trampolim e 21 alunos cursando o ensino fundamental. O teste estabilométrico foi realizado utilizando plataforma de força para coleta das seguintes variáveis: amplitude anteroposterior (AML-AP), amplitude médio-lateral (AMP-ML), área de deslocamento total (Área), velocidade anteroposterior (VEL-AP), velocidade médio lateral (VEL-ML), frequência anteroposterior (FREQ-AP), frequência médio-lateral (FREQ-ML). RESULTADOS: Os testes revelaram diferenças significativas apenas na variável de oscilação FREQ-AP (Hz) entre o grupo de atletas de TKD (0,30±0,16) e escolares (0,22±0,07), que foi desprezada. CONCLUSÃO: Assim, não foi possível afirmar que as práticas de TDK e GTR contribuem positivamente na capacidade de equilíbrio estático, pois não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis de oscilações dos grupos estudados

    Which parameters to use for sleep quality monitoring in team sport athletes? A systematic review and metaanalysis

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    Background: Sleep quality is an essential component of athlete's recovery. However, a better understanding of the parameters to adequately quantify sleep quality in team sport athletes is clearly warranted. Objective: To identify which parameters to use for sleep quality monitoring in team sport athletes. Methods: Systematic searches for articles reporting the qualitative markers related to sleep in team sport athletes were conducted in PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science online databases. The systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. For the meta-analysis, effect sizes with 95% CI were calculated and heterogeneity was assessed using a random-effects model. The coefficient of variation (CV) with 95% CI was also calculated to assess the level of instability of each parameter. Results: In general, 30 measuring instruments were used for monitoring sleep quality. A meta-analysis was undertaken on 15 of these parameters. Four objective parameters inferred by actigraphy had significant results (sleep efficiency with small CV and sleep latency, wake episodes and total wake episode duration with large CV). Six subjective parameters obtained from questionnaires and scales also had meaningful results (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (sleep efficiency), Likert scale (Hooper), Likert scale (no reference), Liverpool Jet-Lag Questionnaire, Liverpool Jet-Lag Questionnaire (sleep rating) and RESTQ (sleep quality)). Conclusions: These data suggest that sleep efficiency using actigraphy, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Likert scale, Liverpool Jet-Lag Questionnaire and RESTQ are indicated to monitor sleep quality in team sport athletes

    Effect of post-activation potentiation in Athletics: a systematic review

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    Post-activation potentiation is a physiological phenomenon reported to increase muscle performance during high-intensity exercise. To induce post-activation potentiation, maximal strength or power short-duration activities are performed minutes prior the main activity in an attempt to enhance performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate previous publications on the effects of post-activation potentiation on athletic performance. This systematic review used Scielo, Pubmed and SporDiscus database with the following search terms either alone or grouped together: post-activation potentiation, exercise, athletics, track and field, sprint, long jump, triple jump, high jump, shot put, javelin throw, hammer throw e discus throw. The review provided evidence that performing squat, jump and sprint exercises prior to the main activity elicited a state of potentiation that would improve sprint and throw performances and that preparatory activities that can cause post-activation potentiation should be used to improve athletic performance

    Effect of conditioning activity absolute intensity on seated shot put performance

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    Conditioning activities are widely used in sports for improving performance in a subsequent main activity. Therefore, understanding the organization of these exercises is important for athletes. Therefore, the objective this study was to evaluate whether the conditioning activity absolute intensity affects the seated shot put performance. Twenty-four physically active male adults were subjected, every 24 hours apart and in a randomized manner, to the following situations: control (no conditioning activity), seat shot 2 kg ball; seated shot 4 kg ball and; seated shot 6 kg ball. Three minutes after these shots, participants performed the seat shot put main activity (4kg). To record the seat shot put performance, the greatest distance of the six attempts was considered. The shot put distance was greater in conditioning activity compared to the control situation (p .05). In addition, individual analysis using typical error showed that 63% of the participants responded positively to the conditioning activities. In conclusion, despite the beneficial effect of the conditioning activity in relation to the control situation, there was no effect of the absolute intensity of the conditioning activity on shot put performance

    Bench press exercise performed as conditioning activity improves shot put performance in untrained subjects

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    Abstract Aims: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of bench press exercise performed as conditioning activity on the shot put performance in untrained subjects. Methods: Twelve healthy men (26 ± 6 years; 1.8 ± 0.1 m; 73.5 ± 10.4 kg; 13.2 ± 5.2% body fat), with no experience in shot put, were randomly assigned into two conditions: 1) Control: subjects performed six shot put attempts, and 2) Bench press exercise: subjects performed six shot put attempts 7 min post 2 sets of 5 repetitions maximum (RM) of bench press exercise. A metal ball of 4 kg was used for shot put attempts, and subjects were instructed to perform each shot put according to the static shot put technique. Results: Shot put performance was greater after bench press condition when compared with control condition (8.2 ± 1.2 m vs. 7.8 ± 0.8 m, respectively, p < 0.05). In addition, eight out of 12 volunteers positively responded to the conditioning activity. Conclusion: The results suggest that bench press exercise performed as a conditioning activity improves shot put performance in untrained subjects. Moreover, the conditioning activity should be individually set

    Anaerobic threshold of 4.0mM is able to estimate the maximal lactate steady state of soccer players on the field tests.

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    Diante à importância da capacidade aeróbia para o desempenho de jogadores de futebol, o Limiar Anaeróbio tem sido um parâmetro comumente utilizado para a avaliação desses atletas. Todavia, faltam informações a respeito da validade dos protocolos de campo adotados no meio futebolístico. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os valores de velocidade de corrida (VC) e frequência cardíaca (FC) associados à máxima fase estável de lactato (MFEL) e limiar anaeróbico de 4,0Mm (OBLA), e verificar se uma concentração fixa de lactato de 4 mM pode ser utilizada para estimar a MFEL em jogadores de futebol em testes de campo. Para tanto 22 jogadores de futebol da categoria sub 20 anos (18,1 ± 0,2 anos) foram avaliados. O OBLA foi considerado como a VC correspondente a lactatemia de 4,0mM e a MFEL foi determinada por meio de exercícios submáximos de intensidade constante com duração de 30 minutos. Os resultados não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre VC e FC identificadas pela MFEL e OBLA e apresentaram correlação significativa entre VC identificada pela MFEL e OBLA (r=0,56; p<0,01). Conclui-se que a concentração fixa de lactato 4mM (OBLA) pode ser utilizada para estimar a VC associada à MFEL em jogadores de futebol em testes de campo. A FC deve ver utilizada com cautela quanto aplicada isoladamente para controle de intensidade.Given the importance of aerobic capacity for the performance of soccer players, the Anaerobic Threshold has been a commonly parameter used to assess these athletes. However, there is missing information about the validity of field protocols adopted in the soccer environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the values of running speed (RS) and heart rate (HR) associated with the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and anaerobic threshold of 4.0mM (OBLA), and identify whether a fixed lactate concentration of 4 mM can be used to estimate the MLSS in soccer players in field tests. Twenty two soccer players of under 20 (18.1 ± 0.2 years) were evaluated. OBLA was taken as the RS corresponding to blood lactate concentration of 4.0 mM and MLSS was determined by sub maximal constant intensity exercise with a duration of 30 minutes. The results showed no significant differences between RS and HR identified by the MLSS and OBLA and showed significant correlation between the RS identified by MLSS and OBLA (r=0.56, p< 0.01). It is concluded that fixed concentration of 4 mM lactate (OBLA) can be used to estimate the RS associated with MLSS in soccer players in field tests. HR should be used with caution when applied separately for intensity control