Cognitive effects of the progressive exercise test in electricians wearing personal protective equipment.


Objetivo: verificar o efeito do esfor?o f?sico sobre as fun??es cognitivas de trabalhadores eletricistas utilizando equipamento de prote??o individual (EPI). M?todos: participaram 28 eletricistas que trabalhavam na constru??o, manuten??o e opera??o de redes de distribui??o de energia. Todos do sexo masculino, sadios e aptos para a pr?tica de exerc?cios f?sicos. As fun??es cognitivas foram representadas pelo teste de rea??o simples (TRS) e pelo n?vel de vigil?ncia mental (NVM). O TRS e o NVM foram mensurados pr? e p?s- -teste m?ximo progressivo, em esteira rolante, a 27 ?C de temperatura seca e umidade relativa do ar de 64%. O teste consistiu em aumentos progressivos na velocidade e na inclina??o da esteira at? a fadiga, com utiliza??o de EPI. Resultados: a m?dia (desvio padr?o) do TRS n?o foi significativamente diferente antes, 227,8 (35,1) ms, e ap?s o exerc?cio, 220,6 (24,6) ms. O NVM foi significativamente maior ap?s o exerc?cio em todas as situa??es: frequ?ncia crescente ? 36,5 (5,1) Hz vs 39,5 (2,7) Hz, frequ?ncia decrescente ? 36,0 (5,2) vs 39,0 (3,88) Hz, e frequ?ncia geral ? 36,2 (4,9) vs 39,2 (3,1) Hz. Conclus?o: o exerc?cio progressivo m?ximo realizado com EPI n?o modificou o tempo de rea??o simples e aumentou o n?vel de vigil?ncia mental de eletricistas.Objective: to verify the effects of physical effort on the cognitive functions of electricians wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Methods: 28 electricians participated. They worked on the construction, maintenance and operation of electrical power distribution networks. All were male, healthy and able to practice physical exercises. The cognitive functions were checked by measuring simple reaction time (SRT) and mental alertness level (MAL). SRT and MAL were measured before and after progressive maximal exercise, on a treadmill, at 27 ?C dry temperature and 64% relative humidity, wearing PPE. The test consisted of progressive increases in treadmill speed and incline, until fatigue. Results: SRT mean difference was not significantly different before ? 227.8 (35.1) ms ? and after exercising ?220.6 (24.6) ms. MAL was significantly higher after exercise in all situations: increasing frequency - 36.5 (5.1) Hz vs. 39.5 (2.7) Hz; decreasing frequency-36.0 (5.2) Hz vs. 39.0 (3.88) Hz; and general frequency 36.2 (4.9) Hz vs. 39.2 (3.1) Hz. Conclusion: progressive maximal exercise performed while wearing PPE caused no change in simple reaction time, and increased electricians? mental alertness level

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