17 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of solar radiation and inorganic nitrogen on biofiltration, biomass production, photosynthetic activity and the accumulation of bioactive compounds i

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    Interactive effects of solar radiation and inorganic nitrogen and phosphate on biofiltration capacity, biomass production, photosynthetic activity and the accumulation of bio-active compounds were studied in the red alga Gracilaria cornea grown in tanks with a seawater open-flow system during 35 days. Two light conditions were utilized: outdoor (O), full solar natural radiation, and indoor, inside of a greenhouse (G) where UV-B radiation was cut-off and part of the UV-A radiation was filtered. Two inorganic nitrogen and phosphate concentrations were used: High nutrients (HN; 100–200μM of NH4+ and 20μM of KHPO4) and Low nutrients (LN; 10–20μM of NH4+ and 1μM of KHPO4). Growth and biomass productivity were related to the daily integrated electron transport rate determined in situ, as an estimator of daily photosynthetic activity. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUE) was close to 100 % under LN, whereas under HN it ranged from 50 to 70 % in the first week of culture, decreasing to 10–15 % in the rest of the experimental period. Nitrogen uptake rate (NUR) ranged from 20 to 45 mmol N m−2 h−1 under HN, and 5 to 18 mmol N m−2 h−1 in LN treatments. Morphological and pigmentation changes were evident through the culture period. The thalli under HN were more reddish under the indoor treatments, than that in LN. The internal compounds increased throughout the experimental period. Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) were accumulated under HN. N plays a photoprotective role due to both the increased photosynthesis and the MAA content. Maximal MAA productivity reached 113–253 mg MAAs m−2 d−1 under the O-HN treatment, the highest level reported until now in the bibliography. G. cornea could be used for bioremediation of high N content waters. In addition, under full solar radiation and high N availability produce high levels of bioactive compounds as MAAs, polyphenols and biliproteins for cosmeceutical applications.This study was financed by resources of the Photobiology and Biotechnology of aquatic organisms (FYBOA-RNM 295) research group and the Project “Photoprotectors of marine algae: compatible cosmeceutics to the ocean” (UMA18-FEDER JA-162) and Nazca Project (P20-00458) of the Andalusian Goverment. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Electron & Biomass Dynamics of Cyanothece Under Interacting Nitrogen & Carbon Limitations

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    Marine diazotrophs are a diverse group with key roles in biogeochemical fluxes linked to primary productivity. The unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece is widely found in coastal, subtropical oceans. We analyze the consequences of diazotrophy on growth efficiency, compared to NO3–-supported growth in Cyanothece, to understand how cells cope with N2-fixation when they also have to face carbon limitation, which may transiently affect populations in coastal environments or during blooms of phytoplankton communities. When grown in obligate diazotrophy, cells face the double burden of a more ATP-demanding N-acquisition mode and additional metabolic losses imposed by the transient storage of reducing potential as carbohydrate, compared to a hypothetical N2 assimilation directly driven by photosynthetic electron transport. Further, this energetic burden imposed by N2-fixation could not be alleviated, despite the high irradiance level within the cultures, because photosynthesis was limited by the availability of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and possibly by a constrained capacity for carbon storage. DIC limitation exacerbates the costs on growth imposed by nitrogen fixation. Therefore, the competitive efficiency of diazotrophs could be hindered in areas with insufficient renewal of dissolved gases and/or with intense phytoplankton biomass that both decrease available light energy and draw the DIC level down

    Continuous monitoring of in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) submitted to different CO2, nutrient and temperature regimes

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    A Monitoring-PAM fluorometer with high temporal resolution (every 5 min) was used to assess the effects on photosynthesis in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) during exposure to 2 different CO2 conditions: current ('LC', 390 ppm), and the predicted level for the year 2100 ('HC', 700 ppm) in a crossed combination with 2 different daily pulsed nitrate concentrations ('LN', 5 mu M and 'HN', 50 mu M) and 2 temperature regimes (ambient and ambient +4 degrees C). Effective quantum yield (Delta F/F-m') in the afternoon was lower under HCLN conditions than under the other treatments. The decrease in Delta F/F-m' from noon to the afternoon was significantly lower under +4 degrees C compared to ambient temperature. Maximal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) decreased during the night with a transient increase 1 to 3 h after sunset, whereas a transient increase in Delta F/F-m' was observed after sunrise. These transient increases have been related to activation/ deactivation of the electron transport rate and the relaxation of non-photochemical quenching. Relative electron transport rate was higher under the LC and +4 degrees C treatment, but the differences were not significant due to high variability in daily irradiances. Redundancy analysis on the data matrix for the light periods indicates that photosynthetically active radiation through the day is the main variable determining the physiological responses. The effects of nutrient levels (mainly carbon) and experimental increase of temperature were low but significant. During the night, the effect of nutrient availability is of special importance with an opposite effect of nitrogen compared to carbon increase. The application of the Monitoring-PAM to evaluate the effects of environmental conditions by simulating climate change variations under outdoor-controlled, semi-controlled conditions is discussed

    Continuous monitoring of in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence in ulva rigida (chlorophyta) submitted to different co2, nutrient and temperature regimes

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    A Monitoring-PAM fluorometer with high temporal resolution (every 5 min) was used to assess the effects on photosynthesis in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) during exposure to 2 different CO2 conditions: current (\u27LC\u27, 390 ppm), and the predicted level for the year 2100 (\u27HC\u27, 700 ppm) in a crossed combination with 2 different daily pulsed nitrate concentrations (\u27LN\u27, 5 mu M and \u27HN\u27, 50 mu M) and 2 temperature regimes (ambient and ambient +4 degrees C). Effective quantum yield (Delta F/F-m\u27) in the afternoon was lower under HCLN conditions than under the other treatments. The decrease in Delta F/F-m\u27 from noon to the afternoon was significantly lower under +4 degrees C compared to ambient temperature. Maximal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) decreased during the night with a transient increase 1 to 3 h after sunset, whereas a transient increase in Delta F/F-m\u27 was observed after sunrise. These transient increases have been related to activation/ deactivation of the electron transport rate and the relaxation of non-photochemical quenching. Relative electron transport rate was higher under the LC and +4 degrees C treatment, but the differences were not significant due to high variability in daily irradiances. Redundancy analysis on the data matrix for the light periods indicates that photosynthetically active radiation through the day is the main variable determining the physiological responses. The effects of nutrient levels (mainly carbon) and experimental increase of temperature were low but significant. During the night, the effect of nutrient availability is of special importance with an opposite effect of nitrogen compared to carbon increase. The application of the Monitoring-PAM to evaluate the effects of environmental conditions by simulating climate change variations under outdoor-controlled, semi-controlled conditions is discussed

    Continuous monitoring of in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence in ulva rigida (chlorophyta) submitted to different co2, nutrient and temperature regimes

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    A Monitoring-PAM fluorometer with high temporal resolution (every 5 min) was used to assess the effects on photosynthesis in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) during exposure to 2 different CO2 conditions: current ('LC', 390 ppm), and the predicted level for the year 2100 ('HC', 700 ppm) in a crossed combination with 2 different daily pulsed nitrate concentrations ('LN', 5 mu M and 'HN', 50 mu M) and 2 temperature regimes (ambient and ambient +4 degrees C). Effective quantum yield (Delta F/F-m') in the afternoon was lower under HCLN conditions than under the other treatments. The decrease in Delta F/F-m' from noon to the afternoon was significantly lower under +4 degrees C compared to ambient temperature. Maximal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) decreased during the night with a transient increase 1 to 3 h after sunset, whereas a transient increase in Delta F/F-m' was observed after sunrise. These transient increases have been related to activation/ deactivation of the electron transport rate and the relaxation of non-photochemical quenching. Relative electron transport rate was higher under the LC and +4 degrees C treatment, but the differences were not significant due to high variability in daily irradiances. Redundancy analysis on the data matrix for the light periods indicates that photosynthetically active radiation through the day is the main variable determining the physiological responses. The effects of nutrient levels (mainly carbon) and experimental increase of temperature were low but significant. During the night, the effect of nutrient availability is of special importance with an opposite effect of nitrogen compared to carbon increase. The application of the Monitoring-PAM to evaluate the effects of environmental conditions by simulating climate change variations under outdoor-controlled, semi-controlled conditions is discussed

    Analyzing environmental factors that favor the growth of the invasive brown macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta): The probable role of the nutrient excess

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    Time series of temperature, salinity and nutrients in the Strait of Gibraltar (SoG) were researched to analyze which factors explain the invasive success of Rugulopteryx okamurare, which has colonized wide coastal areas at the Spanish and Moroccan coasts since 2016. Temperature and salinity were higher in the SoG compared to its native habitat, implying that the alga is active during the whole seasonal cycle and grows optimally at the high salinities occurring in the SoG. Nitrate removal experiments indicate that the alga is able to linearly increase its N uptake rates following boost in nitrate concentration. Furthermore, R. okamurae N content ranged from 1.4% to 4.5% suggesting that this species has high N storage capacity potentially usable when the external N concentration decreases. These physiological characteristics would explain sharp growth of the alga in the SoG where high N concentrations are registered occasionally

    Short-term effects of increased CO2, nitrate and temperature on photosynthetic activity in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) estimated by different pulse amplitude modulated fluorometers and oxygen evolution

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    Short-term effects of pCO2 (700 – 380 ppm; HC-LC) and nitrate content (50-5 βM; HN-LC) on photosynthesis, estimated by different pulse amplitude modulated (PAMs) fluorometers and by oxygen evolution, were investigated in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) under solar radiation (ex-situ) and in the laboratory under artificial light (in-situ). After 6-days of incubation at ambient temperature (AT), algae were subjected to a 4 oC-temperature increase (AT+4oC) for 3 d. Both in-situ and ex-situ, maximal electron transport rate (ETRmax) and in situ gross photosynthesis (GP) measured by O2 evolution presented the highest values under HCHN, and the lowest under HCLN, across all measuring systems. Maximal quantum yield (Fv/Fm), and ETRmax of PSII (ETR(II)max) and of PSI (ETR(I)max), decreased under HCLN under AT+4°C. Ex situ ETR was higher than in situ ETR. At noon, Fv/Fm decreased (indicating photoinhibition), whereas ETR(II)max and maximal non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax) increased. ETR(II)max decreased under AT+4oC in contrast to Fv/Fm, photosynthetic efficiency (αETR) and saturated irradiance (EK). Thus, U. rigida exhibited a decrease in photosynthetic production under acidification, LN levels and AT+4oC. These results emphasize the importance of studying the interactive effects between environmental parameters using in-situ vs. ex-situ conditions when aiming to evaluate the impact of global change on marine macroalgae

    A new approach for cultivating the cyanobacterium Nostoc calcicola (MACC-612) to produce biomass and bioactive compounds using a thin-layer raceway pond

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    The culture of microalgae and cyanobacteria in open systems has been improved through the novel approach of thin-layer raceway ponds. The importance of studying mass cultivation of the cyanobacterium Nostoc calcicola (further as Nostoc) lies in its biotechnological potential as a source of bioactive compounds for food and non-food applications. These compounds include polysaccharides, mycosporine-like amino acids and phycocyanin. Nostoc was cultured outdoors in a thin-layer raceway pond where the biomass production, physiological status, photosynthetic activity, and biochemical composition were monitored through the experimental period of 5 days. The biomass, as did the maximal quantum yield of PSII, maximal electron transport rate (ETRmax) and photosynthetic efficiency (αETR) increased throughout the experimental period showing the optimal operation of the thin-layer raceway ponds, due to the light penetrates deeper into the thin culture layer and thus more light is available to the cells. Oxygen levels in the culture increased over time, but no photoinhibition was evident indicating optimal action of non-photochemical mechanisms. Nostoc increased the total internal carbon content over the experimental period. Chlorophyll increased, whereas the N compounds such as the biliprotein phycocyanin decreased. Among the UV-absorbing compounds, polyphenols, mycosporine-like amino acids, such as shinorine and other unknown UV-A absorbing compounds were detected. There components showed a positive correlation to antioxidant activity. Thus, the optimal accumulation of biomass and the accumulation of bio-active compounds having antioxidant capacity show the possible biotechnological applications of Nostoc

    Electron & Biomass Dynamics of Cyanothece Under Interacting Nitrogen & Carbon Limitations

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    Marine diazotrophs are a diverse group with key roles in biogeochemical fluxes linked to primary productivity. The unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece is widely found in coastal, subtropical oceans. We analyze the consequences of diazotrophy on growth efficiency, compared to NO3–-supported growth in Cyanothece, to understand how cells cope with N2-fixation when they also have to face carbon limitation, which may transiently affect populations in coastal environments or during blooms of phytoplankton communities. When grown in obligate diazotrophy, cells face the double burden of a more ATP-demanding N-acquisition mode and additional metabolic losses imposed by the transient storage of reducing potential as carbohydrate, compared to a hypothetical N2 assimilation directly driven by photosynthetic electron transport. Further, this energetic burden imposed by N2-fixation could not be alleviated, despite the high irradiance level within the cultures, because photosynthesis was limited by the availability of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and possibly by a constrained capacity for carbon storage. DIC limitation exacerbates the costs on growth imposed by nitrogen fixation. Therefore, the competitive efficiency of diazotrophs could be hindered in areas with insufficient renewal of dissolved gases and/or with intense phytoplankton biomass that both decrease available light energy and draw the DIC level down