44 research outputs found

    Inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n monetaria

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    This article explores the relationship between the money medium and the analysis of mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. Such mechanisms currently follow a logic of plural or multiple inclusion as opposed to assimilation. In a full-grown monetary economy, money and property have emerged as regulative structures for the participation in economic practice. Discussing the approach of Luhmann, a distinction is drawn between center, semi-periphery, and periphery of the economic system. While the money medium includes the general population into the periphery of the economy through consumption, this contribution can show that inclusionary mechanism of the center is creditworthiness. It can be demonstrated that in its historical formation the form of credit is organized in a twofold fashion itself: to make profit and to promote social inclusion. Microcredits are analyzed as a global form of inclusion into the center which does not bear on the distinction poor/wealthy.Este art铆culo explora la relaci贸n entre el medio dinero y el an谩lisis de los mecanismos de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n. En la actualidad tales mecanismos siguen una l贸gica de inclusi贸n plural o m煤ltiple, opuesta a la asimilaci贸n. En una econom铆a monetaria plenamente desarrollada, el dinero y la propiedad han surgido como estructuras regulativas para la participaci贸n en la pr谩ctica econ贸mica. De este modo, discutiendo el enfoque de Luhmann, se traza aqu铆 una distinci贸n entre el centro, la semiperiferia y la periferia del sistema econ贸mico. Mientras el medio dinero incluye al conjunto de la poblaci贸n, en la periferia de la econom铆a, a trav茅s del consumo, este art铆culo busca evidenciar que el mecanismo de inclusi贸n en el centro es la capacidad crediticia. Puede demostrarse que en su configuraci贸n hist贸rica, la forma del cr茅dito est谩 organizada de un modo dual: para obtener una ganancia y para promover la inclusi贸n social. En este sentido, los microcr茅ditos son analizados como una forma global de inclusi贸n que no se basa en la distinci贸n pobre/ric

    Geld und Eigentum: inkludierende und exkludierende Mechanismen in der Wirtschaft

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    "Die Studie pr眉ft den Zusammenhang von Geldtheorien und der Analyse von Mechanismen der Inklusion und Exklusion in der modernen Wirtschaft. Diese Mechanismen folgen in der Gegenwart dem Prinzip einer pluralen oder multiplen Inklusion im Unterschied zur Assimilation. In der voll monetarisierten Wirtschaft haben sich Geld und Eigentum als regulative Strukturen f眉r die Teilnahme an wirtschaftlichen Praktiken herausgebildet. Der Aufsatz unterscheidet in Auseinandersetzung mit Wallerstein, Baker und Luhmann Zentrum, Semiperipherie und Peripherie des Wirtschaftssystems. W盲hrend das Geldmedium die Gesamtbev枚lkerung 眉ber den Konsum in die Peripherie der Wirtschaft inkludiert, kann der Aufsatz zeigen, dass der Inklusionsmechanismus in das Zentrum der Geldwirtschaft die Kreditf盲higkeit ist. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Form des Kredits in ihrer historischen Genese selbst bipolar organisiert ist (gewinnorientiert, inklusionsorientiert). Mikrokredite werden als eine weltweite Form der Inklusion ins Zentrum der Geldwirtschaft analysiert, deren Struktur nicht die Differenz arm/ reich abbildet. Die Studie ist ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftssoziologie, der geldtheoretische Einsichten f眉r die Analyse der Struktur des Wirtschaftssystems nutzbar macht." (Autorenreferat)"This article explores the relationship between theories of money and the analysis of mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. Such mechanisms currently follow a logic of plural or multiple inclusion as opposed to assimilation. In a full-grown monetary economy, money and property have emerged as regulative structures for the participation in economic practice. Discussing the approaches of Wallerstein, Baker and Luhmann, a distinction is drawn between center, semi-periphery, and periphery of the economic system. While the money medium includes the general population into the periphery of the economy through consumption, the article can show that the inclusionary mechanism of the center is creditworthiness. It can be demonstrated that in its historical formation the form of credit is organized in a twofold fashion itself: to make profit and to promote social inclusion. Microcredits are analyzed as a global form of inclusion into the center which does not bear on the distinction poor/ wealthy. This article is a contribution to economic sociology in that it uses insights of money theory for the analysis of the structure of the economic system." (author's abstract

    Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts

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    Ensuring ecosystem resilience is an intuitive approach to safeguard the functioning of ecosystems and hence the future provisioning of ecosystem services (ES). However, resilience is a multi鈥恌aceted concept that is difficult to operationalize. Focusing on resilience mechanisms, such as diversity, network architectures or adaptive capacity, has recently been suggested as means to operationalize resilience. Still, the focus on mechanisms is not specific enough. We suggest a conceptual framework, resilience trinity, to facilitate management based on resilience mechanisms in three distinctive decision contexts and time鈥恏orizons: 1) reactive, when there is an imminent threat to ES resilience and a high pressure to act, 2) adjustive, when the threat is known in general but there is still time to adapt management and 3) provident, when time horizons are very long and the nature of the threats is uncertain, leading to a low willingness to act. Resilience has different interpretations and implications at these different time horizons, which also prevail in different disciplines. Social ecology, ecology and engineering are often implicitly focussing on provident, adjustive or reactive resilience, respectively, but these different notions of resilience and their corresponding social, ecological and economic tradeoffs need to be reconciled. Otherwise, we keep risking unintended consequences of reactive actions, or shying away from provident action because of uncertainties that cannot be reduced. The suggested trinity of time horizons and their decision contexts could help ensuring that longer鈥恡erm management actions are not missed while urgent threats to ES are given priority

    Identifying components required for OMP biogenesis as novel targets for antiinfective drugs

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    The emergence of multiresistant Gram-negative bacteria requires new therapies for combating bacterial infections. Targeting the biogenesis of virulence factors could be an alternative strategy instead of killing bacteria with antibiotics. The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria acts as a physical barrier. At the same time it facilitates the exchange of molecules and harbors a multitude of proteins associated with virulence. In order to insert proteins into the OM, an essential oligomeric membrane-associated protein complex, the ss-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) is required. Being essential for the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) the BAM and also periplasmic chaperones may serve as attractive targets to develop novel antiinfective agents. Herein, we aimed to elucidate which proteins belonging to the OMP biogenesis machinery have the most important function in granting bacterial fitness, OM barrier function, facilitating biogenesis of dedicated virulence factors and determination of overall virulence. To this end we used the enteropathogen Yersinia enterocolitica as a model system. We individually knocked out all non-essential components of the BAM (BamB, C and E) as well as the periplasmic chaperones DegP, SurA and Skp. In summary, we found that the most profound phenotypes were produced by the loss of BamB or SurA with both knockouts resulting in significant attenuation or even avirulence of Ye in a mouse infection model. Thus, we assume that both BamB and SurA are promising targets for the development of new antiinfective drugs in the future.Peer reviewe

    Partizipation als zentrales Thema interdisziplin盲rer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung

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    Partizipation ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung f眉r eine erfolgreiche Nachhaltigkeitstransformation in demokratischen Kontexten. Das ist Konsens in Politik und Wissenschaft und spiegelt sich in vielen Positionspapieren und Leitbildern sowie unz盲hligen Forschungsprojekten zu dem Thema wider. Gleichzeitig zeigt die Vielzahl an diesbez眉glichen Forschungsprojekten und Publikationen jedoch auch die Herausforderungen gelingender Partizipation auf. Da Nachhaltigkeit ein inh盲rent interdisziplin盲res Thema ist, ist es wichtig, Perspektiven unterschiedlicher Disziplinen auf Aspekte der Partizipation im Nachhaltigkeitskontext zusammenzubringen und diese verschiedenen Facetten zu beleuchten. Das hier vorliegende Papier stellt sich diesem Ziel. Es vereint Geograph*innen, Landschafts枚kolog*innen, Politikwissenschaftler*innen, Soziolog*innen und Theolog*innen in der Identifikation relevanter konzeptioneller Fragestellungen und empirischer Entwicklungen. Die einzelnen Kapitel nehmen entsprechend aus unterschiedlichen disziplin盲ren und interdisziplin盲ren Perspektiven die Auseinandersetzung mit Bedarfen, Bedingungen oder Barrieren f眉r Partizipation im Nachhaltigkeitskontext auf

    Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts

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    Ensuring ecosystem resilience is an intuitive approach to safeguard the functioning of ecosystems and hence the future provisioning of ecosystem services (ES). However, resilience is a multi-faceted concept that is difficult to operationalize. Focusing on resilience mechanisms, such as diversity, network architectures or adaptive capacity, has recently been suggested as means to operationalize resilience. Still, the focus on mechanisms is not specific enough. We suggest a conceptual framework, resilience trinity, to facilitate management based on resilience mechanisms in three distinctive decision contexts and time-horizons: i) reactive, when there is an imminent threat to ES resilience and a high pressure to act, ii) adjustive, when the threat is known in general but there is still time to adapt management, and iii) provident, when time horizons are very long and the nature of the threats is uncertain, leading to a low willingness to act. Resilience has different interpretations and implications at these different time horizons, which also prevail in different disciplines. Social ecology, ecology, and engineering are often implicitly focussing on provident, adjustive, or reactive resilience, respectively, but these different notions and of resilience and their corresponding social, ecological, and economic trade-offs need to be reconciled. Otherwise, we keep risking unintended consequences of reactive actions, or shying away from provident action because of uncertainties that cannot be reduced. The suggested trinity of time horizons and their decision contexts could help ensuring that longer-term management actions are not missed while urgent threats to ES are given priority

    Dinero, forma y libertad autorreferencial doble: Constant, Simmel y Luhmann Georg Simmel, un siglo despu茅s Actualidad y perspectiva

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    Inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n monetaria

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    This article explores the relationship between the money medium and the analysis of mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. Such mechanisms currently follow a logic of plural or multiple inclusion as opposed to assimilation. In a full-grown monetary economy, money and property have emerged as regulative structures for the participation in economic practice. Discussing the approach of Luhmann, a distinction is drawn between center, semi-periphery, and periphery of the economic system. While the money medium includes the general population into the periphery of the economy through consumption, this contribution can show that inclusionary mechanism of the center is creditworthiness. It can be demonstrated that in its historical formation the form of credit is organized in a twofold fashion itself: to make profit and to promote social inclusion. Microcredits are analyzed as a global form of inclusion into the center which does not bear on the distinction poor/wealthy.Este art铆culo explora la relaci贸n entre el medio dinero y el an谩lisis de los mecanismos de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n. En la actualidad tales mecanismos siguen una l贸gica de inclusi贸n plural o m煤ltiple, opuesta a la asimilaci贸n. En una econom铆a monetaria plenamente desarrollada, el dinero y la propiedad han surgido como estructuras regulativas para la participaci贸n en la pr谩ctica econ贸mica. De este modo, discutiendo el enfoque de Luhmann, se traza aqu铆 una distinci贸n entre el centro, la semiperiferia y la periferia del sistema econ贸mico. Mientras el medio dinero incluye al conjunto de la poblaci贸n, en la periferia de la econom铆a, a trav茅s del consumo, este art铆culo busca evidenciar que el mecanismo de inclusi贸n en el centro es la capacidad crediticia. Puede demostrarse que en su configuraci贸n hist贸rica, la forma del cr茅dito est谩 organizada de un modo dual: para obtener una ganancia y para promover la inclusi贸n social. En este sentido, los microcr茅ditos son analizados como una forma global de inclusi贸n que no se basa en la distinci贸n pobre/ric

    Monetary Inclusion and Exclusion

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