136 research outputs found

    Cinema and medical professionalism: A reflection illustrated with 4 Steven Spielberg’s movies

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    We live in an era where outcomes, guidelines, and clinical trials are at the forefront of medical training. Complexity comes mostly from patients, not from diseases. While technical knowledge helps in solving disease-based problems, the patient affected by these diseases remains a real challenge for the practicing doctor. Films provide a multilayered nucleus form which significant learning can take place: they are used as examples to highlight moral dilemmas, and to envision those “intangibles” topics, difficult to teach and to assess, in which ethics, empathy, compassion and professionalism are included. But at the basis of all these learning possibilities reflection is required. In this article we promote a reflection on medical education illustrated with four well known Spielberg’s movies: Amistad (Patient Centered Medicine, Empathy, looking at the individual), Schindler ’s List (Commitment, where are the limits for serving?), Saving Private Ryan (Reflective Practice.  Building a reflective habit for life), Bridge of Spies (Ethics and integrity. Going beyond your duties). Although Spielberg deals frequently with imagination and science fiction, the human factor is probably the best deep message of his movies and represent an outstanding contribution to the education of the human being.</p

    Proyecto de una granja de insectos en el T.M. de Villamayor de Gállego (Zaragoza)

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    En los próximos 50 años está previsto que se duplique la demanda mundial de alimentos, lo que plantea enormes desafíos para la sostenibilidad de la producción de alimentos y de los ecosistemas. Una posible solución es la obtención de proteína de alta calidad procedente de insectos. En el presente Proyecto se han estudiado las necesidades y el manejo de tres especies de insectos, el escarabajo de la harina (Tenebrio molitor), grillo doméstico (Acheta domestica) y mosca soldado negra (Hermetia illucens). Se ha diseñado una granja modular orientada a la producción de alimento vivo y harinas, incluyendo el equipamiento necesario para garantizar las condiciones óptimas para la cría de las especies antes mencionadas y para su procesado posterior cara a comercialización, y se ha analizado su viabilidad económica.<br /

    Els orígens del poblament humà a les terres valencianes i La Safor: La Cova del Bolomor (La Valldigna)

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    Fernández Peris, J.; Barciela González, V.; Blasco, R.; Sañudo, P. (2009). Els orígens del poblament humà a les terres valencianes i La Safor: La Cova del Bolomor (La Valldigna). Revista de la Safor. (1):47-68. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/480744768

    Residenciais de idosos durante a crise do COVID-19: a gestão SOBRAMFA, um modelo eficaz

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    A atual pandemia pelo COVID-19 nos faz viver tempos difíceis e inéditos. Os esforços de todos os profissionais de saúde, cada um nas suas competências, são essenciais. Enquanto pesquisadores e cientistas se debatem procurando recursos terapêuticos eficazes, aqueles que estão na linha de frente devotam seus melhores esforços no cuidado clinico dos pacientes afetados. A cada dia que passa mostra-se imprescindível o cuidado da própria equipe de saúde. Não apenas o cuidado físico (para o qual se tomam todas as providências possíveis em cada caso) mas também da saúde mental. Um elemento da equipe de saúde desanimado, pessimista, sem perspectiva é também um fator de crise, provoca insegurança nos pacientes e nas famílias&nbsp; -mais ainda da que lhes chega habitualmente da mídia - e&nbsp; nada ajuda na equipe de saúde. Torna-se preciso levantar o moral dos que lidam diariamente com esta ameaça de proporções antes nunca vistas.The current pandemic for COVID-19 makes us live difficult and unprecedented times. The efforts of all health professionals, each in their own competencies, are essential. While researchers and scientists struggle to find effective therapeutic resources, those on the front line devote their best efforts to the clinical care of affected patients. With each passing day, the care of the health team itself is essential. Not only physical care (for which all possible measures are taken in each case), but also mental health. A discouraged, pessimistic member of the health team, without perspective is also a factor of crisis, it causes insecurity in patients and families - even more than what usually comes to them from the media - and nothing helps the health team. It is necessary to raise the morale of those who deal daily with this threat of proportions never seen before.&nbsp; &nbsp

    Effects of intracoronary antithrombotics on ventricular function: A comparison of tenecteplase versus abciximab during primary percutaneous intervention in myocardial infarction

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    Adjunctive medical therapy during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is based on anticoagulation and antiplatelet drugs. Additionally, the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor (GPI) abciximab has been shown to reduce infarct size in some clinical trials [1]. However, the role of intracoronary fibrinolysis has not been well established during PPCI. We sought to explore the hypothesis that a locally administered fibrinolytic could be more effective in dissolving coronary thrombus at the macro and microvasculature than adding a third antiplatelet drug in patients already receiving double antiplatelet therapy, and therefore improve myocardial perfusion and left ventricular function

    Divulgación científica: aprender haciendo y coevaluando

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    [EN] Objective/s: To assess the process of acquiring competence in scientific dissemination among students at the La Fe School of Nursing in Valencia. Development of the innovation: Four cycles of group work were implemented. Each group creates scientific dissemination documents focused on a work topic related to the subject of Physical Activity and Health Promotion in Nursing. Each work is co-evaluated by peers using an analytical rubric, with 10 learning domains, and this evaluation is returned before the creation of the next document. At the end of the 4 work cycles, 8 teachers external to the activity assessed the dissemination papers using the same co-assessment rubric, anonymously and blinded. Results: Acquisition of competence in the domains studied showed significant improvements with repetition of the tasks. The study differentiated by groups shows that learning becomes uniform in 6 of the 10 competencies, showing significant differences in learning between groups in 4 of the domains. Conclusions: Repetition of the task and co-assessment improves the acquisition of competences in science popularisation. The moment of greatest evolution occurs between the second and third repetition of the task, slowing down this benefit between the third and fourth repetition.[ES] Objetivo: Valorar el proceso de adquisición de la competencia en divulgación científica del alumnado de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Fe de Valencia. Desarrollo de la innovación: Se implementaron cuatro ciclos de trabajo grupal. Cada grupo crea documentos de divulgación científica centrados en una temática de trabajo relacionada con la asignatura de Actividad física y Promoción de la salud en Enfermería. Cada trabajo es coevaluado por pares mediante rúbrica analítica, con 10 dominios de aprendizaje, y se devuelve esta evaluación antes de la creación del siguiente documento. Finalizados los 4 ciclos de trabajo, 8 docentes externos a la actividad valoraron los documentos de divulgación utilizando la misma rúbrica de coevaluación, de forma anónima y cegada. Resultados: La adquisición de competencia en los dominios estudiados mostraron mejoras significativas con la repetición de las tareas. En el estudio diferenciado por grupos se muestra que el aprendizaje se vuelve uniformen en 6 de las 10 competencias, mostrando diferencias significativas de aprendizaje entre grupos en 4 de los dominios. Conclusiones: La repetición de la tarea y la coevaluación mejora la adquisición de competencias en divulgación científica. El momento de mayor evolución se produce entre la segunda y tercera repetición de la tarea, ralentizando este beneficio entre la tercera y cuarta repetición.García-Martinez, P.; Saus-Ortega, C.; García-Molina, P.; Balaguer-López, E.; Celda-Belinchón, L.; Sosa-Palanca, E.; Buck Sainz-Rozas, P.... (2022). Divulgación científica: aprender haciendo y coevaluando. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 161-172. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1583516117