489 research outputs found

    Use of mobile applications and GIS in the researches of the quality of life

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    Predmet ovog prvostupničkog rada je rasprava o problematici i značenju pojma kvalitete života. Iz geografske perspektive istraživanja samog pojma i slične problematike vidljivo je da nije jednostavno konstruirati jedinstveni set metoda i modela koji će biti dovoljno cjeloviti da nedvosmisleno uključuju sve aspekte individualne ili kolektivne kvalitete života. Cilj rada je teorijski osvrt na povijesnu uporabu pojma, mogućnost njegove mjerljivosti i konkretna uporaba u analiziranju razine kvalitete života stanovništva u određenom djelu geografskog prostora. Metode koje će se koristiti u radu su analiza literature i izvora. Također kroz rad će se prikazati nove metode i mogućnosti prikupljanja podataka putem mobilnih aplikacija i primjeri sve češće upotrebe GIS-a u gradovima u cilju efikasnosti i povećanja kvalitete života građana. Na nekoliko primjera će se pokazati kako upotrebom GIS-a određeni gradovi mogu ostvariti veliki benefit. Također će biti spomenuta upotreba mobilnih aplikacija u svrhu prikupljanja podataka od strane samih građana putem tzv. masovne podrške.The subject of this bachelor's thesis is a discussion about the problem and the meaning of the concept of quality of life. Studies of the very concept and similar issues show that it is not easy to construct a unique set of methods and models that will be sufficiently complete to unambiguously include all aspects of an individual or collective quality of life. The aim of the thesis is a theoretical review of the historical use of the concept, the possibility of its measurability and its specific use in analyzing the level of quality of life of the population in a specific geographic area. The methods used in this paper are literature and source analysis. New methods and possibilities of data collection through mobile applications will also be presented along with examples of the more frequent use of GIS in cities in order to improve efficiency and increase the quality of life for the citizens. The use of mobile applications for the purpose of collecting data from citizens themselves so called "Crowdsourcing" will also be mentioned


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    Achieving synergy between market demands and knowledge, competencies, and skills offered by higher education is a great challenge and represents a responsibility that most commonly resides with educators. The aim of this paper is to investigate the gap between the offered competencies and skills provided to students after they complete their higher education and the demands of the labour market in the area of marketing. In order to define the features of the gap, qualitative research was conducted using the group interview method (focus group), after which the results showed that the competencies and skills offered on the higher education market correspond to a certain extent to the competencies and skills demanded on the labour market. However, it was determined that the gap existed, and it was necessary to reduce it. Further adaptations and changes in higher education are necessary, but it is all held back by slow development, administrative overload, and inertia, both in higher education institutions and among its stakeholders.Uspostaviti sinergiju između potreba tržišta i znanja, kompetencija i vještina koje pruža visoko obrazovanje velik je izazov i odgovornost koja je najčešće na onima koji rade u obrazovanju. Cilj rada je prepoznati jaz između ponuđenih kompetencija i vještina koje student dobiva završetkom visokog obrazovanja i potreba tržišta rada u području marketinga. Kako bi se utvrdio jaz, provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje putem metode skupnog intervjua (fokus grupe). Rezultati su pokazali kako su kompetencije i vještine koje se nude na tržištu visokog obrazovanja povezane s kompetencijama i vještinama koje se traže na tržištu rada. Ipak, nužna su daljnja prilagođavanja i promjene u visokom obrazovanju, ali sve koči sporost, administracija i inertnost, kako institucija visokoškolskog obrazovanja, tako i njihovih dionika


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    The importance of high-growth enterprises in national economies has been widely substantiated by economic research in recent years. There are a small number of papers that investigate determinants of growth in the time of economic downturn. This paper is focused on finding financial ratios that are determinants of growth in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which operate in downturn economies. The assumption of this study is that the time of economic downturn sets new challenges to SMEs and that fact should be reflected in their financial statements as well as in the growth prediction model. Our hypotheses have been tested on the sample of 1492 SMEs from Croatia over the period 2008-2013 in the time of economic downturn. Using logistic regression, a growth prediction model has been developed and tested. Results have shown that in the time of economic downturn, growth potential of SMEs increases with the increase of liquidity, turnover and profitability and with the decrease of leverage

    Use of mobile applications and GIS in the researches of the quality of life

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    Predmet ovog prvostupničkog rada je rasprava o problematici i značenju pojma kvalitete života. Iz geografske perspektive istraživanja samog pojma i slične problematike vidljivo je da nije jednostavno konstruirati jedinstveni set metoda i modela koji će biti dovoljno cjeloviti da nedvosmisleno uključuju sve aspekte individualne ili kolektivne kvalitete života. Cilj rada je teorijski osvrt na povijesnu uporabu pojma, mogućnost njegove mjerljivosti i konkretna uporaba u analiziranju razine kvalitete života stanovništva u određenom djelu geografskog prostora. Metode koje će se koristiti u radu su analiza literature i izvora. Također kroz rad će se prikazati nove metode i mogućnosti prikupljanja podataka putem mobilnih aplikacija i primjeri sve češće upotrebe GIS-a u gradovima u cilju efikasnosti i povećanja kvalitete života građana. Na nekoliko primjera će se pokazati kako upotrebom GIS-a određeni gradovi mogu ostvariti veliki benefit. Također će biti spomenuta upotreba mobilnih aplikacija u svrhu prikupljanja podataka od strane samih građana putem tzv. masovne podrške.The subject of this bachelor's thesis is a discussion about the problem and the meaning of the concept of quality of life. Studies of the very concept and similar issues show that it is not easy to construct a unique set of methods and models that will be sufficiently complete to unambiguously include all aspects of an individual or collective quality of life. The aim of the thesis is a theoretical review of the historical use of the concept, the possibility of its measurability and its specific use in analyzing the level of quality of life of the population in a specific geographic area. The methods used in this paper are literature and source analysis. New methods and possibilities of data collection through mobile applications will also be presented along with examples of the more frequent use of GIS in cities in order to improve efficiency and increase the quality of life for the citizens. The use of mobile applications for the purpose of collecting data from citizens themselves so called "Crowdsourcing" will also be mentioned

    Social Policy (Security) as an Sector of National Security: Contribution to the Debate on Critical Security Studies

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    Sigurnost je temeljni preduvjet opstanka, djelovanja i razvoja čovjeka, države i društva. Suvremene studije sigurnosti uključuju vojno, političko, socijetalno, gospodarsko i ekološko područje. Unatoč bitnom proširenju i produbljenju interesa, sigurnosne studije u područje interesa nisu uključile socijalnu sigurnost. U radu se propituju razlozi za teorijsko (ne)uključenje socijalne sigurnosti u suvremene sigurnosne studije. Analiza empirijskog činjeničnog obilja upućuje na zaključak o potrebi preispitivanja takvog stajališta. Socijalna sigurnost jest »sigurnosno područje«. Teorijski, analitički i empirijski u radu se dokazuje da socijalna sigurnost i njezini akteri imaju sigurnosne dimenzije zbog čega socijalna sigurnost treba biti dio sigurnosnih studija.Security is a fundamental prerequisite for existence, functioning and development of the human, state and society. The contemporary security studies include political, military, societal, economic and environmental sectors. In spite of the substantial widening and deepening of the approaches to security, social security is not included into security studies. This article critically examines the issues and reasons for the lack of inclusion of social security in the contemporary security studies. The analysis of abundant empirical facts suggests the need to reassess this view. This article theoretically, analytically and empirically proves that social security and its actors have a security dimension. Social security should be incorporated into security studies


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    Al Qa’ida je posljedica rata u Afganistanu. Postupnom transformacijom u terorističku organizaciju ona je postala izraz novog oblika terorizma, proizašlog iz transnacionalizma i globalizacije. Al Qa’ida, kao pobornik globalnog džihada i stvaranja panislamističkog kalifata, transnacionalna je po identitetu i regrutiranju članova, a globalna po ideologiji, strategiji, ciljevima i mreži organiziranja. Američki „rat protiv terorizma“ nije se pokazao efikasnim i nije uništio Al Qa’idu. Čak štoviše, Al Qa’ida je nakon proglašenja „rata protiv terorizma“ postala još moćnijom: ideološki, organizacijski, kadrovski i operativno. Njezina moć izvođenja terorističkih udara bitno je povećana. Nakon 2001. godine Al Qa’ida diljem svijeta godišnje prosječno izvodi pet puta više terorističkih udara (bez djelovanja u Afganistanu i Iraku) nego u razdoblju do 2001. Al Qa’ida je stoga veći izazov međunarodnoj sigurnosti nego je to bila ikada ranije, ona je i dalje najveća pojedinačna opasnost za međunarodnu sigurnost.Al Qa’ida is a consequence of War in Afghanistan. By gradual transformation to a terrorist organization, it became an expression of a new form of terrorism that came out of transnationalism and globalization. Al Qa’ida, as an advocate of global jihad and creation of pan-islamic caliphate, is transnational by identity and recruitment of members, and global by ideology, strategy, goals and organization network. American war on terrorism didn’t turn out to be efficient and didn’t destroy Al Qa’ida. Even more, after declaration of war on terrorism Al Qa’ida became more powerful: ideologically, in organization, in manpower and operationally. Its power to carry out terrorist strikes was significantly increased. After 2001, Al Qa’ida yearly makes five times more terrorist strikes over the world (not counting Afghanistan and Iraq) than in the period up to 2001. That makes Al Qa’ida a bigger challenge to international security than ever before, it is still the biggest single danger to international security


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    Statistička analiza uspješnosti poslovanja poduzeća „Bobis“ d.o.o u razdoblju od 2013. do 2018. : Završni rad

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    Bobis d.o.o je jedna od vodećih kompanija u pekarskoj industriji.U ovom radu je izvršena statistička analiza uspješnosti poslovanja “Bobisa” u razdoblju od 2013.- 2018. . Prilikom analize korištene su metode vertikalne i horizontalne analize te analiza pokazatelja. Iz toga se može zaključiti da je poduzeće Bobis prošlo kroz burno razdoblje pa čak i štečajni postupak ali u zadnje dvije godine poslovanje se poboljšalo. Vertikalnom analizom se utvrdilo da bi uskoro to trrebalo biti likvidno poduzece .U 2015. godini zaduženost je bila velika te manjak kapitala uzrokuje samanjenje uspješnosti poslovanja. U 2016. te 2017. dolazi do povećanja vlastitog kapitala te padanja zaduženosti te možemo kazati kako se Bobis oporavio od stečajnog postupka. Korištenje ovih računovodstveni i statističkih metoda nam je u velike pomoglo da bismo analizirali poslovanje poduzeća “Bobis d.o.o” koje bi moglo uskoro ući u najuspješnije razdoblje svog poslovanja.Bobis Ltd. is one of the leading companies in the bakery industry. In this paper, a statistical analysis of the business performance of Bobis in the period 2013-2018 was performed. The analysis used methods of vertical and horizontal analysis and analysis of indicators. From this it can be concluded that Bobis has gone through a tumultuous period and even a litigation, but in the last two years the business has improved. Vertical analysis has revealed that it should soon be a liquid company. In 2015, the debt was large and the lack of capital caused a decrease in business performance. In 2016 and 2017, there was an increase in equity and a fall in debt, and we can say that Bobis recovered from bankruptcy. The use of these accounting and statistical methods has helped us greatly in analyzing the business of Bobis Ltd., which could soon enter the most successful period of its operations

    Design and performances of modern jet engines for fighter aircraft

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    Završni rad je napravljen na način da se preko kratkog povijesnog pregleda uvede u način konstrukcije i performanse modernih mlaznih motora za borbene zrakoplove. Prikazani su i detaljno obrađeni glavni dijelovi i sustavi unutar mlaznog motora zajedno sa najvažnijim karakteristikama i načinima primjene. Performanse mlaznih motora dane su u obliku najvažnijih pokazatelja i objašnjeni pripadajućim formulama. Također, prikazani su i najmoderniji mlazni motori današnje generacije s primijenjenim tehnologijama iz prethodnih poglavlja. Na kraju završnog rada dana su predviđanja za moguće buduće sustave i konstrukcijska rješenja koji bi omogućili bolje performanse i sigurnost.This paper role is made so trough a short history review, the construction and performances of modern jet engines for fighter aircraft, are introduced. The main parts and system along with the main characteristics and methods of use inside of a jet engine are also shown. The performances of jet engines are explained trough their main indicators and belonging formulas. Also, in this paper, the most modern jet engines of this generation are shown and are associated with technologies that were mentioned in previous chapters. At the end of the paper, predictions for the systems that could be used in future are shown along with construction solutions that would enable better performances and safety