Design and performances of modern jet engines for fighter aircraft


Završni rad je napravljen na način da se preko kratkog povijesnog pregleda uvede u način konstrukcije i performanse modernih mlaznih motora za borbene zrakoplove. Prikazani su i detaljno obrađeni glavni dijelovi i sustavi unutar mlaznog motora zajedno sa najvažnijim karakteristikama i načinima primjene. Performanse mlaznih motora dane su u obliku najvažnijih pokazatelja i objašnjeni pripadajućim formulama. Također, prikazani su i najmoderniji mlazni motori današnje generacije s primijenjenim tehnologijama iz prethodnih poglavlja. Na kraju završnog rada dana su predviđanja za moguće buduće sustave i konstrukcijska rješenja koji bi omogućili bolje performanse i sigurnost.This paper role is made so trough a short history review, the construction and performances of modern jet engines for fighter aircraft, are introduced. The main parts and system along with the main characteristics and methods of use inside of a jet engine are also shown. The performances of jet engines are explained trough their main indicators and belonging formulas. Also, in this paper, the most modern jet engines of this generation are shown and are associated with technologies that were mentioned in previous chapters. At the end of the paper, predictions for the systems that could be used in future are shown along with construction solutions that would enable better performances and safety

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