51 research outputs found

    A PolĂĄnyi-fĂ©le "kettƑs mozgĂĄs" : a brit Ă©s az amerikai hegemĂłnia Belle Époque-jainak összehasonlĂ­tĂĄsa

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    E cikk közĂ©ppontjĂĄban a kĂ©sƑ tizennyolcadik-kora tizenkilencedik szĂĄzad kettƑs mozgĂĄsa (a brit hegemĂłnia belle Ă©poque-ja Ă©s összeomlĂĄsa), illetve a kĂ©sƑ huszadik - kora tizenkilencedik szĂĄzad kettƑs mozgĂĄsa (az amerikai hegemĂłnia belle Ă©poque-ja Ă©s jelen vĂĄlsĂĄga) összehasonlĂ­tĂł elemzĂ©se ĂĄll. Az elmozdulĂĄs az ĂĄllĂ­tĂłlagosan önszabĂĄlyozĂł piac irĂĄnyĂĄba mindkĂ©t idƑszakban protekcionista ellenreakciĂłkat vĂĄltott ki. MindazonĂĄltal jelentƑs kĂŒlönbsĂ©geket is felfedezhetĂŒnk – egyrĂ©szrƑl a hegemĂłn ĂĄllam jellegĂ©nek eltĂ©rĂ©seibƑl fakadĂłan, mĂĄsrĂ©szt abban, hogy az alĂĄrendelt erƑk a kĂ©sƑ huszadik szĂĄzadban jĂłval nagyobb szerepet jĂĄtszottak abban, hogy elmozdulĂĄs törtĂ©njen a piaci önszabĂĄlyozĂĄs irĂĄnyĂĄba

    A PolĂĄnyi-fĂ©le „kettƑs mozgĂĄs”: a brit Ă©s az amerikai hegemĂłnia Belle Époque-jainak összehasonlĂ­tĂĄsa

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    E cikk közĂ©ppontjĂĄban a kĂ©sƑ tizennyolcadik-kora tizenkilencedik szĂĄzad kettƑs mozgĂĄsa (a brit hegemĂłnia belle Ă©poque-ja Ă©s összeomlĂĄsa), illetve a kĂ©sƑ huszadik - kora tizenkilencedik szĂĄzad kettƑs mozgĂĄsa (az amerikai hegemĂłnia belle Ă©poque-ja Ă©s jelen vĂĄlsĂĄga) összehasonlĂ­tĂł elemzĂ©se ĂĄll. Az elmozdulĂĄs az ĂĄllĂ­tĂłlagosan önszabĂĄlyozĂł piac irĂĄnyĂĄba mindkĂ©t idƑszakban protekcionista ellenreakciĂłkat vĂĄltott ki. MindazonĂĄltal jelentƑs kĂŒlönbsĂ©geket is felfedezhetĂŒnk – egyrĂ©szrƑl a hegemĂłn ĂĄllam jellegĂ©nek eltĂ©rĂ©seibƑl fakadĂłan, mĂĄsrĂ©szt abban, hogy az alĂĄrendelt erƑk a kĂ©sƑ huszadik szĂĄzadban jĂłval nagyobb szerepet jĂĄtszottak abban, hogy elmozdulĂĄs törtĂ©njen a piaci önszabĂĄlyozĂĄs irĂĄnyĂĄba


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    Many analyses point to Trump’s behavior on the world stage – bullying and racketeering more reminiscent of a mobster than a statesman – as a personal character flaw. But while this behavior was shocking in its crudeness, Trump marks the culmination of a decades-long trend that shifted US foreign policy from a regime of “legitimate protection” in the mid-20th century to a “protection racket” by the turn of the 21st century. Although the temperaments of successive presidents have mattered, the problems faced by the US and its international role are not attributable to personalities, but are rather fundamentally structural, in large part stemming from the contradictions of the country’s attempts to cling to preeminence before a changing global power distribution. The inability of successive US administrations – Trump and Biden included – to break with the mindset of US primacy has resulted in a “domination without hegemony,” in which the United States plays an increasingly dysfunctional role. This dynamic has plunged the world into a period of systemic chaos analogous to the first half of the 20th century.De nombreuses analyses soulignent que le comportement de Trump sur la scĂšne mondiale – intimidation et extorsion rappelant davantage un mafieux qu’un homme d’État – est un dĂ©faut de caractĂšre personnel. Si ce comportement Ă©tait choquant par son manque de politesse, Trump marque l’aboutissement d’une tendance de plusieurs dĂ©cennies qui a transformĂ© la politique Ă©trangĂšre amĂ©ricaine, passant d’un rĂ©gime de “protection lĂ©gitime” au milieu du XXe siĂšcle Ă  un “racket de protection extorquĂ©â€ au dĂ©but du XXIe siĂšcle. Si les tempĂ©raments des prĂ©sidents successifs ont Ă©tĂ© important, les problĂšmes auxquels sont confrontĂ©s les États-Unis et leur rĂŽle international ne sont pas imputables Ă  des personnalitĂ©s, mais sont fondamentalement structurels, dĂ©coulant pour la plupart des contradictions de leurs tentatives de s’accrocher Ă  leur prĂ©Ă©minence face aux transformations de la rĂ©partition mondiale du pouvoir. L’incapacitĂ© des gouvernements nord-amĂ©ricains successifs – y compris Trump et Biden – Ă  rompre avec la mentalitĂ© de primautĂ© des États-Unis a abouti Ă  une situation de “domination sans hĂ©gĂ©monie” dans laquelle ils jouent un rĂŽle de plus en plus dysfonctionnel. Cette dynamique a plongĂ© le monde dans une pĂ©riode de chaos systĂ©mique analogue Ă  celle de la premiĂšre moitiĂ© du XXe siĂšcle.Muitas anĂĄlises apontam para o comportamento de Trump no cenĂĄrio mundial – intimidação e extorsĂŁo que mais lembram a um mafioso que a um estadista – como falha de carĂĄter pessoal. Embora esse comportamento tenha sido chocante na sua falta de polidez, Trump marca o culminar de uma tendĂȘncia de dĂ©cadas que transformou a polĂ­tica externa dos EUA de um regime de “proteção legĂ­tima” em meados do sĂ©culo XX num “esquema extorsivo de proteção” na virada do sĂ©culo XXI. Embora os temperamentos de sucessivos presidentes tenham sido importantes, os problemas enfrentados pelos EUA e seu papel no mundo nĂŁo sĂŁo atribuĂ­veis a personalidades, mas sĂŁo fundamentalmente estruturais, majoritariamente decorrentes das contradiçÔes de suas tentativas de se agarrar Ă  sua preeminĂȘncia diante das transformaçÔes na distribuição global de poder. A incapacidade de seus sucessivos governos – incluindo Trump e Biden – de romper com a mentalidade de primazia dos EUA resultou numa situação de “dominação sem hegemonia”, na qual desempenham papel cada vez mais disfuncional no mundo. Essa dinĂąmica mergulhou o mundo num perĂ­odo de caos sistĂȘmico anĂĄlogo Ă  primeira metade do sĂ©culo XX.

    China als neuer Mittelpunkt der globalen Arbeiterunruhe

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    Contrary to the common thesis in the literature on globalization, that the rapid growth of manufacturing in China has launched a race to the bottom concerning wages and working conditions, the rise of class struggles in China provides evidence in support of the thesis: where capital goes, labor-capital conflict shortly follows. The world historical impact of the rise of class struggle in China is evaluated by looking on different and overlapping responses by capital: geographical relocation (spatial fix), modernizing of technology and work organization, and the trajectory of the product cycle. These analytical tools are used to interpret the findings of recent fieldwork by Zhang in automobile manufacturers in China, which hint to the fact, that a stable social compact is unlikely to be reached in the „standardization phase“ of the product cycle. The implications of the further rise of labor unrest in China for the global labor movements are not yet clear. What is missing is a vision of new forms of labor organization in face of the threat of a catastrophic collapse of global capitalism

    Sensing the fuels: glucose and lipid signaling in the CNS controlling energy homeostasis

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    The central nervous system (CNS) is capable of gathering information on the body’s nutritional state and it implements appropriate behavioral and metabolic responses to changes in fuel availability. This feedback signaling of peripheral tissues ensures the maintenance of energy homeostasis. The hypothalamus is a primary site of convergence and integration for these nutrient-related feedback signals, which include central and peripheral neuronal inputs as well as hormonal signals. Increasing evidence indicates that glucose and lipids are detected by specialized fuel-sensing neurons that are integrated in these hypothalamic neuronal circuits. The purpose of this review is to outline the current understanding of fuel-sensing mechanisms in the hypothalamus, to integrate the recent findings in this field, and to address the potential role of dysregulation in these pathways in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus

    The political economy machinery: toward a critical anthropology of development as a contested capitalist practice

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    This article discusses anthropology’s current mainstream understandings of development and offers a historical materialist alternative. According to these, development was and is either a discourse-backed anti-politics machine that strengthens the power of postcolonial governments or a category of practice, a universal that generates frictions when it clashes with local historical–cultural formations. The approach proposed here reintegrates the analysis of development into the anthropological analysis of capitalism’s uneven and contested histories and practices. A reassessment of World Bank reporting on Lesotho and an analysis of the Bank’s impact on the wider policies of development in postcolonial Mauritius, one of the twentieth century’s preeminent success stories of capitalist development, underlines that development is best understood as a political economy machinery that maintains and amends contested capitalist practices in an encounter with earlier global, national, and local historical–cultural formations

    Workers North and South

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    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the relationship between the unevenness of capitalist development on a world scale and processes of working-class formation both before and during the current crisis. Our main argument is that, contrary to widespread opinion, the so-called North-South divide continues to constitute (as it has throughout the twentieth century) the main obstacle to the formation of a homogeneous world proletarian condition. In spite of the relocation of industrial activities from North to South typical of the current crisis, conditions of working-class formation remain thoroughly dependent on the huge and still widening gap that separates the wealth, status and power of a relatively small number of Western countries from those of the countries that contain the vast majority of the world's population. Any meaningful attempt to reconstruct socialist politics must put the overcoming of this gap at the centre of its theoretical and practical concerns

    Capitalism and world (dis)order

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