68 research outputs found

    ALOJA: A benchmarking and predictive platform for big data performance analysis

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    The main goals of the ALOJA research project from BSC-MSR, are to explore and automate the characterization of cost-effectivenessof Big Data deployments. The development of the project over its first year, has resulted in a open source benchmarking platform, an online public repository of results with over 42,000 Hadoop job runs, and web-based analytic tools to gather insights about system's cost-performance1. This article describes the evolution of the project's focus and research lines from over a year of continuously benchmarking Hadoop under dif- ferent configuration and deployments options, presents results, and dis cusses the motivation both technical and market-based of such changes. During this time, ALOJA's target has evolved from a previous low-level profiling of Hadoop runtime, passing through extensive benchmarking and evaluation of a large body of results via aggregation, to currently leveraging Predictive Analytics (PA) techniques. Modeling benchmark executions allow us to estimate the results of new or untested configu- rations or hardware set-ups automatically, by learning techniques from past observations saving in benchmarking time and costs.This work is partially supported the BSC-Microsoft Research Centre, the Span- ish Ministry of Education (TIN2012-34557), the MINECO Severo Ochoa Research program (SEV-2011-0067) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improved self-management of datacenter systems applying machine learning

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    Autonomic Computing is a Computer Science and Technologies research area, originated during mid 2000's. It focuses on optimization and improvement of complex distributed computing systems through self-control and self-management. As distributed computing systems grow in complexity, like multi-datacenter systems in cloud computing, the system operators and architects need more help to understand, design and optimize manually these systems, even more when these systems are distributed along the world and belong to different entities and authorities. Self-management lets these distributed computing systems improve their resource and energy management, a very important issue when resources have a cost, by obtaining, running or maintaining them. Here we propose to improve Autonomic Computing techniques for resource management by applying modeling and prediction methods from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning methods can find accurate models from system behaviors and often intelligible explanations to them, also predict and infer system states and values. These models obtained from automatic learning have the advantage of being easily updated to workload or configuration changes by re-taking examples and re-training the predictors. So employing automatic modeling and predictive abilities, we can find new methods for making "intelligent" decisions and discovering new information and knowledge from systems. This thesis departs from the state of the art, where management is based on administrators expertise, well known data, ad-hoc studied algorithms and models, and elements to be studied from computing machine point of view; to a novel state of the art where management is driven by models learned from the same system, providing useful feedback, making up for incomplete, missing or uncertain data, from a global network of datacenters point of view. - First of all, we cover the scenario where the decision maker works knowing all pieces of information from the system: how much will each job consume, how is and will be the desired quality of service, what are the deadlines for the workload, etc. All of this focusing on each component and policy of each element involved in executing these jobs. -Then we focus on the scenario where instead of fixed oracles that provide us information from an expert formula or set of conditions, machine learning is used to create these oracles. Here we look at components and specific details while some part of the information is not known and must be learned and predicted. - We reduce the problem of optimizing resource allocations and requirements for virtualized web-services to a mathematical problem, indicating each factor, variable and element involved, also all the constraints the scheduling process must attend to. The scheduling problem can be modeled as a Mixed Integer Linear Program. Here we face an scenario of a full datacenter, further we introduce some information prediction. - We complement the model by expanding the predicted elements, studying the main resources (this is CPU, Memory and IO) that can suffer from noise, inaccuracy or unavailability. Once learning predictors for certain components let the decision making improve, the system can become more ¿expert-knowledge independent¿ and research can focus on an scenario where all the elements provide noisy, uncertainty or private information. Also we introduce to the management optimization new factors as for each datacenter context and costs may change, turning the model as "multi-datacenter" - Finally, we review of the cost of placing datacenters depending on green energy sources, and distribute the load according to green energy availability

    Discovering ship navigation patterns towards environmental impact modeling

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    In this work a data pipe-line to manage and extract patterns from time-series is described. The patterns found with a combination of Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) and k-Means algorithms are then validated using a visualization tool. The motivation of finding these patterns is to leverage future emission model

    "Living in Barcelona" Li-BCN workload 2010

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    Nowadays lots of Internet users are clients of web hosting companies, willing to offer their web services, store their content, or just publish their web sites on the network. This has made the hosting companies to use big data-centers or just the Cloud, in order to serve a web server, domain names, disk space and bandwidth to this great demand. In hosting companies, customers are often big companies or just private users or small business wanting to offer a web service or publish a website. Here we present and detail workloads from a set of different real web sites, of different owners and with different kind of content or offered web services. Some of them are personal or professional web-log sites, also small eCommerce sites, file storage/support sites, and information panel sites. The presented workload brings pieces of loads, that compared withPostprint (published version

    Constant-time sliding window framework with reduced memory footprint and efficient bulk evictions

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    The fast evolution of data analytics platforms has resulted in an increasing demand for real-time data stream processing. From Internet of Things applications to the monitoring of telemetry generated in large data centers, a common demand for currently emerging scenarios is the need to process vast amounts of data with low latencies, generally performing the analysis process as close to the data source as possible. Stream processing platforms are required to be malleable and absorb spikes generated by fluctuations of data generation rates. Data is usually produced as time series that have to be aggregated using multiple operators, being sliding windows one of the most common abstractions used to process data in real-time. To satisfy the above-mentioned demands, efficient stream processing techniques that aggregate data with minimal computational cost need to be developed. In this paper we present the Monoid Tree Aggregator general sliding window aggregation framework, which seamlessly combines the following features: amortized O(1) time complexity and a worst-case of O(log n) between insertions; it provides both a window aggregation mechanism and a window slide policy that are user programmable; the enforcement of the window sliding policy exhibits amortized O(1) computational cost for single evictions and supports bulk evictions with cost O(log n) ; and it requires a local memory space of O(log n) . The framework can compute aggregations over multiple data dimensions, and has been designed to support decoupling computation and data storage through the use of distributed Key-Value Stores to keep window elements and partial aggregations.This project is partially supported by the European Research Council (ERC), Spain under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 639595). It is also partially supported by the Ministry of Economy of Spain under contract TIN2015- 65316-P and Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain under contract 2014SGR1051, by the ICREA Academia program, and by the BSC-CNS Severo Ochoa program (SEV-2015-0493).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An integer linear programming representation for data-center power-aware management

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    This work exposes how to represent a grid data-center based scheduling problem, taking the advantages of the virtualization and consolidation techniques, as a linear integer programming problem including all three mentioned factors. Although being integer linear programming (ILP) a computationally hard problem, specifying correctly its constraints and optimization function can contribute to find integer optimal solutions in relative short time. So ILP solutions can help designers and system managers not only to apply them to schedulers but also to create new heuristics and holistic functions that approximate well to the optimal solutions in a quicker way.Postprint (author’s final draft

    ALOJA: A framework for benchmarking and predictive analytics in Hadoop deployments

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    This article presents the ALOJA project and its analytics tools, which leverages machine learning to interpret Big Data benchmark performance data and tuning. ALOJA is part of a long-term collaboration between BSC and Microsoft to automate the characterization of cost-effectiveness on Big Data deployments, currently focusing on Hadoop. Hadoop presents a complex run-time environment, where costs and performance depend on a large number of configuration choices. The ALOJA project has created an open, vendor-neutral repository, featuring over 40,000 Hadoop job executions and their performance details. The repository is accompanied by a test-bed and tools to deploy and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different hardware configurations, parameters and Cloud services. Despite early success within ALOJA, a comprehensive study requires automation of modeling procedures to allow an analysis of large and resource-constrained search spaces. The predictive analytics extension, ALOJA-ML, provides an automated system allowing knowledge discovery by modeling environments from observed executions. The resulting models can forecast execution behaviors, predicting execution times for new configurations and hardware choices. That also enables model-based anomaly detection or efficient benchmark guidance by prioritizing executions. In addition, the community can benefit from ALOJA data-sets and framework to improve the design and deployment of Big Data applications.This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 639595). This work is partially supported by the Ministry of Economy of Spain under contracts TIN2012-34557 and 2014SGR1051.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sequence-to-sequence models for workload interference prediction on batch processing datacenters

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    Co-scheduling of jobs in data centers is a challenging scenario where jobs can compete for resources, leading to severe slowdowns or failed executions. Efficient job placement on environments where resources are shared requires awareness on how jobs interfere during execution, to go far beyond ineffective resource overbooking techniques. Current techniques, most of which already involve machine learning and job modeling, are based on workload behavior summarization over time, rather than focusing on effective job requirements at each instant of the execution. In this work, we propose a methodology for modeling co-scheduling of jobs on data centers, based on their behavior towards resources and execution time and using sequence-to-sequence models based on recurrent neural networks. The goal is to forecast co-executed jobs footprint on resources throughout their execution time, from the profile shown by the individual jobs, in order to enhance resource manager and scheduler placement decisions. The methods presented herein are validated by using High Performance Computing benchmarks based on different frameworks (such as Hadoop and Spark) and applications (CPU bound, IO bound, machine learning, SQL queries...). Experiments show that the model can correctly identify the resource usage trends from previously seen and even unseen co-scheduled jobs.This work is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 639595); [Generalitat] de Catalunya under contract 2014SGR1051; the ICREA Academia program; and the BSC-CNS Severo Ochoa program (SEV-2015-0493); the Spanish Ministry of Economy under contract TIN2015-65316-P and the Generalitat.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Adaptive sliding windows for improved estimation of data center resource utilization

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    Accurate prediction of data center resource utilization is required for capacity planning, job scheduling, energy saving, workload placement, and load balancing to utilize the resources efficiently. However, accurately predicting those resources is challenging due to dynamic workloads, heterogeneous infrastructures, and multi-tenant co-hosted applications. Existing prediction methods use fixed size observation windows which cannot produce accurate results because of not being adaptively adjusted to capture local trends in the most recent data. Therefore, those methods train on large fixed sliding windows using an irrelevant large number of observations yielding to inaccurate estimations or fall for inaccuracy due to degradation of estimations with short windows on quick changing trends. In this paper we propose a deep learning-based adaptive window size selection method, dynamically limiting the sliding window size to capture the trend for the latest resource utilization, then build an estimation model for each trend period. We evaluate the proposed method against multiple baseline and state-of-the-art methods, using real data-center workload data sets. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed solution outperforms those state-of-the-art approaches and yields 16 to 54% improved prediction accuracy compared to the baseline methods.This work is partially supported by the European ResearchCouncil (ERC) under the EU Horizon 2020 programme(GA 639595), the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry andCompetitiveness (TIN2015-65316-P and IJCI2016-27485), theGeneralitat de Catalunya, Spain (2014-SGR-1051) and Universityof the Punjab, Pakistan. The statements made herein are solelythe responsibility of the authors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The state of SQL-on-Hadoop in the cloud

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    Managed Hadoop in the cloud, especially SQL-on-Hadoop, has been gaining attention recently. On Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), analytical services like Hive and Spark come preconfigured for general-purpose and ready to use. Thus, giving companies a quick entry and on-demand deployment of ready SQL-like solutions for their big data needs. This study evaluates cloud services from an end-user perspective, comparing providers including: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Rackspace. The study focuses on performance, readiness, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of the different solutions at entry/test level clusters sizes. Results are based on over 15,000 Hive queries derived from the industry standard TPC-H benchmark. The study is framed within the ALOJA research project, which features an open source benchmarking and analysis platform that has been recently extended to support SQL-on-Hadoop engines. The ALOJA Project aims to lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) of big data deployments and study their performance characteristics for optimization. The study benchmarks cloud providers across a diverse range instance types, and uses input data scales from 1GB to 1TB, in order to survey the popular entry-level PaaS SQL-on-Hadoop solutions, thereby establishing a common results-base upon which subsequent research can be carried out by the project. Initial results already show the main performance trends to both hardware and software configuration, pricing, similarities and architectural differences of the evaluated PaaS solutions. Whereas some providers focus on decoupling storage and computing resources while offering network-based elastic storage, others choose to keep the local processing model from Hadoop for high performance, but reducing flexibility. Results also show the importance of application-level tuning and how keeping up-to-date hardware and software stacks can influence performance even more than replicating the on-premises model in the cloud.This work is partially supported by the Microsoft Azure for Research program, the European Research Council (ERC) under the EUs Horizon 2020 programme (GA 639595), the Spanish Ministry of Education (TIN2015-65316-P), and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft