96 research outputs found

    Social media and public administration : social sentiment analysis about the performance of the Brazilian Federal Government

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    Este estudo procurou identificar como a análise de sentimento, baseada em textos extraídos de mídias sociais, pode ser um instrumento de mensuração da opinião pública sobre a atuação do governo, de forma a contribuir para a avaliação da administração pública. Trata-se de um estudo aplicado, interdisciplinar, exploratório, qualitativo e quantitativo. Foram revisadas as principais formulações teóricas e conceituais acerca do tema e realizadas demonstrações práticas, utilizando-se uma ferramenta de mineração de opinião que proporcionou precisão satisfatória no processamento de dados. Para fins de demonstração, foram selecionados temas que motivaram a realização da onda de protestos que envolveu milhões de pessoas no Brasil em junho de 2013. Foram coletadas, processadas e analisadas, aproximadamente, 130 mil mensagens postadas no Facebook e no Twitter sobre esses temas em dois períodos distintos. Por meio dessa investigação, observou-se que a análise de sentimento pode revelar a opinião polarizada dos cidadãos quanto à atuação do governo.This study sought to identify as sentiment analysis, based on texts taken social media can be a measuring instrument of public opinion on the government’s performance in order to contribute to the evaluation of public administration. This is an applied study, interdisciplinary, exploratory, qualitative and quantitative. The main theoretical and conceptual formulations on the subject were reviewed and conducted practical demonstrations using an opinion mining tool which provided satisfactory precision in data processing. For demonstration purposes, themes were selected that motivated the wave of protests involving millions of people in Brazil in June 2013. They were collected, processed and analyzed approximately 130,000 messages posted on Facebook and Twitter on these topics in two distinct periods. Through this analysis, it was observed that the sentiment analysis can reveal the polarized opinions of citizens about the government’s performance

    Innovation in public administration Itineraries of Brazilian scientific production and new research possibilities

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    Purpose – The subject of innovation in public service has been gaining attention in Brazilian scientific practice and production. This paper aims to identify national studies on innovation in public administration and increase the level of knowledge about the subject, as well as to inspire new research and promote advances in theoretical and practical knowledge about innovation in the public sector. Design/methodology/approach – The present study has a descriptive purpose, quantitative nature and was performed through a bibliometric study based on the protocol proposed by Cronin et al. (2008). Documentary data were collected from scientific articles, and quantitative techniques for descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results. Were selected Brazilian scientific journals classified with Qualis equal to or higher than B1, in the area of Public Administration and Business, Accounting and Tourism, in the quadrennium 2013-2016; a total of 164 journals searched. Findings – The results herein indicate a research gap that should be filled by more theoretical studies. Also, they point to the need for multimethod research studies that promote the evaluation of product and process innovation, especially related to the phases of invention and implementation. Originality/value – Few studies have covered public administration and, especially, innovation reviews; none of these studies focused on innovation in the Brazilian public sector, as proposed by this research; the period of analysis and coverage of journals used as search criteria also differ from other reviews in the area of innovation and public sector

    The End-Organ Impairment in Liver Cirrhosis: Appointments for Critical Care

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    Liver cirrhosis (LC) can lead to a clinical state of liver failure, which can exacerbate through the course of the disease. New therapies aimed to control the diverse etiologies are now more effective, although the disease may result in advanced stages of liver failure, where liver transplantation (LT) remains the most effective treatment. The extended lifespan of these patients and the extended possibilities of liver support devices make their admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) more probable. In this paper the LC is approached from the point of view of the pathophysiological alterations present in LC patients previous to ICU admission, particularly cardiovascular, but also renal, coagulopathic, and encephalopathic. Infections and available liver detoxifications devices also deserve mentioning. We intend to contribute towards ICU physician readiness to the care for this particular type of patients, possibly in dedicated ICUs

    Inteligência artificial em sistemas de justiça: uma percepção baseada no Brasil

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    O Dr. Paulo Henrique de Souza. Bermejo responde questões sobre inteligência artificial em sistemas de justiça a partir de uma perspectiva brasileira.

    Crowdsourcing Aimed at Value Innovation

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    We aims relate the theories of the Blue Ocean and Wisdom of the crowds to answer: Can crowdsourcing contribute to the generation of innovation of value? . For this purpose, information on the four businesses used by Howe (2006) to propose the term crowdsourcing: iStockphoto, Web Junk 20, InnoCentive and Amazon Mechanichal Turk - AMT was searched in literature and internet. For each business, we identified the characteristics that allow us to identify them as crowdsourcing nowadays. In this first analysis, it was concluded that, currently, the Web Junk 2J0 would not be classified as crowdsourcing. In a second analysis, we look for the attributes of these businesses capable of generating innovation of value. It was concluded that iStockphoto, Innocentive and AMT have common features that generate value innovation and can be grouped into the Reduce, Eliminate, Rise and Create matrix, according to the Blue Ocea

    How Information Technology Governance Influences Organizational Agility: The Role of Market Turbulence

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    Elazhary, M., Popovič, A., Bermejo, P. H. D. S., & Oliveira, T. (2022). How Information Technology Governance Influences Organizational Agility: The Role of Market Turbulence. Information Systems Management, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/10580530.2022.2055813We used a novel approach by extending the resource-based view with the dynamic capabilities view to capture the relationship between IT governance and organizational agility. Results from our survey of senior managers suggest that IT and innovation capabilities fully mediate IT governance on organizational agility. They show the strong impact of both IT governance and IT capability on organizational agility with high market turbulence, whereas innovation capability highly impacts organizational agility with low market turbulence.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Planejamento estratégico de tecnologia da informação com ênfase em conhecimento

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoO planejamento estratégico de Tecnologia da Informação (PETI) tem sido identificado como essencial para integrar a TI à organização e para alinhá-la aos negócios. Adicionalmente, a busca incessante pela vantagem competitiva tem despertado em muitas organizações a necessidade de explorarem o seu principal ativo intangível - o conhecimento. A ênfase na relação entre essas duas perspectivas tem sido desconsiderada por muitos estudos existentes envolvendo o PETI, o que pode comprometer os resultados e dificultar a operacionalização do planejamento. Este trabalho apresenta um método específico para PETI com ênfase em conhecimento. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza aplicada, com abordagem exploratória descritiva e fundamentada em estudos de casos. Preliminarmente, foram realizados um estudo de caso piloto com características da pesquisa-ação e, na seqüência, um estudo de caso múltiplo. Com isso, ao final, obteve-se um método específico para PETI com ênfase em conhecimento, o qual foi verificado em 11 empresas de diferentes portes e de diversos setores da economia. O método resultante contempla práticas específicas da área de gestão do conhecimento voltadas para uso do conhecimento organizacional, além de caracterizar a gestão do conhecimento nas atividades do PETI por meio da identificação de subprocessos de conhecimento, relação de atores com os modos de conversão (socialização, exteriorização, combinação e interiorização), tipos de conhecimento envolvidos no planejamento estratégico de TI, assim como ferramentas e tecnologias. O método proposto permitiu um melhor uso do conhecimento organizacional no PETI e uma maior participação dos colaboradores das organizações, contribuindo diretamente para a eficácia e efetividade dos resultados dos planejamentos estratégicos de TI

    Metodologia para definição de unidades de informação para plataformas de governo eletrônico: uma aplicação à Plataforma Lattes

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Unidades de informação são as dimensões fundamentais de um domínio. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para definição de unidades de informação para sistemas de governo eletrônico articulada com uma arquitetura de desenvolvimento de sistemas de e-gov. A metodologia é organizada nas etapas de identificação, especificação, padronização e gestão de unidades de informação. Para a sua descrição, são contemplados exemplos práticos dessas etapas por meio da unidade de informação de Grupos de Pesquisa da Plataforma Lattes. A metodologia é ainda usada neste trabalho para a definição de uma unidade de informação para o Programa de Fomento em Iniciação Científica, que será submetida à homologação da Comunidade CONSCIENTIAS - LMPL e adotada pelo CNPq e por outros interessados. A aplicabilidade permitiu a definição de unidades de informação padronizadas que forneçam uma especificação explícita e completa do seu domínio. Information units are the fundamental dimensions of a domain. This work presents a methodology for the definition of information units for e-gov systems in the context of an architecture for e-gov platforms. The methodology is organized in four stages: identification, specification, standardization, and management of information units. It is illustrated through the definition of an existing information unit - Research Group - from the Lattes Platform. The methodology is applied in the definition of a new unit for the Institutional Program of Research Initiation Scholarships to be submitted for homologation by the Conscientias-LMPL Community and adopted by the Brazilian National Research Council and other interested parties. The methodology allows for the definition of standardized information units with explicit and complete specification of a domain

    Interoperability and Information Integration in an Early Online Academic Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: The Case of {BTD}

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    Cooperative organization has been proposed as a means to improve the usefulness of virtual libraries. Information interchange among library and other academic applications is often hindered by the lack of application interoperability. This hindrance may be overcome through the development of standards that allow for digital libraries to exchange and share information with other applications. The Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), was launched in 1995 together with its Theses and Dissertations Bank (BTD). From a digital document repository, the BTD evolved into a system that combines bibliometry and informetry features. BTD is used by students and faculty in their research activities, but also by decision makers from industry and academia. They use it, respectively, to search for specialists and to measure interest and knowledge interchange among PPGEP research areas. This article presents the history, features, and development prospects for the BTD project. The integration of BTD with other academic applications, especially those of the Brazilian national science and technology platform, is emphasized