54 research outputs found

    A Tool for Time Planning Support in Projects: CPM and PERT Methods

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    Práce se zabývá tématem projektového řízení. Nejprve je vysvětlena teorie týkající se problematiky projektového řízení a principy metod CPM (Critical Path Method) a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique). Dále je na základě analýzy dostupných nástrojů na trhu proveden návrh nové aplikace a jeho implementace. Aplikace byla implementována v jazyce Java. Závěrem jsou zhodnoceny dosažené výsledky a je uveden návrh možných rozšíření.This bachelor's thesis deals with project management. At first is explained theory of project management and principles of method CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique). Based on the analysis of existing tools for planning was made design and implementation of our aplication. The system has been implemented in programming language Java. Conclusion is made summary of the achieved results and~possible future extension.

    Analysis of Mobile Applications Market on Android Platform and Design of Own Application

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    Cílem práce je sumarizovat charakteristické vlastnosti úspěšných a ziskových aplikací na trhu mobilních aplikací s platformou Android a vytvořit tak odrazový bod pro začínající vývojáře. Trh mobilních aplikací je dnes otevřený a má vlastnosti jako kterýkoli jiný, tudíž na něm nelze být úspěšný bez jeho znalosti. Táto práce se proto zabývá jeho analýzou a zjištěné poznatky budou výchozím bodem pro návrh a implementaci nové aplikace.The aim of the thesis is to summarize characteristics of successful and profitable applications on Android market and create a starting point for beginner developers. The market for mobile applications behaves like any other market, so people cannot be successful without its knowledge. That´s why this thesis is primarily focused on analyzing the market. Learned information will be later used for the design and implementation of new application.


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    Morphology of the halfblind Hostěnice Valley was established based on electric resistivity sounding and seismic measurements. A limestone bottom of the valley is situated at altitude 350 m a.s.l bellow ca. 30 m thick fluvial or lacustrine clayey and sandy deposits. At the limestone and non-karstic boundary a 20 m high step was formed. The bottom of the valley (350 m a.s.l.) corresponds with the older cave corridors in the nearby Ochozská Cave forming probably Pliocene cave level. During the Quaternary main cave passages were deepened leaving the older corridors in a hanging position

    Approximation methods for post-processing of large data from the finite element analysis

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    The paper describes efficient methods to post-process results from the finite element analysis. Amount of data produced by the complex analysis is enormous. However, computer performance and memory are limited and commonly-used software tools do not provide ways to post-process data easily. Therefore, some sort of simplification of data has to be used to lower memory consumption and accelerate data loading. This article describes a procedure that replaces discrete values with a set of continuous functions. Each approximation function can be represented by a small number of parameters that are able to describe the character of resulting data closely enough

    Different boundary conditions for LES solver Palm 6.0 used for ABL in tunnel experiment

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    summary:We tried to reproduce results measured in the wind tunnel experiment with a CFD simulation provided by numerical model PALM. A realistic buildings layout from the Prague-Dejvice quarter has been chosen as a testing domain because solid validation campaign for PALM simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) over this quarter was documented in the past. The question of input data needed for such simulation and capability of the model to capture correctly the inlet profile and its turbulence structure provided by the wind-tunnel is discussed in the study. The PALM dynamical core contains a solver for the Navier-Stokes equations. By default, the model uses the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach in which the bulk of the turbulent motions is explicitly resolved. It is well validated tool for simulations of the complex air-flow within the real urban canopy and also within its reduced scale provided by wind tunnel experiments. However the computed flow field between the testing buildings did not correspond well to the measured wind velocity in some points. Different setting of the inlet boundary condition was tested but none of them gave completely developed turbulent flow generated by vortex generators and castellated barrier wall place at the entrance of the aerodynamic section of the wind tunnel

    Hemodynamics in Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms

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    Incidental detection of unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIA) has increased in the recent years. There is a need in the clinical community to identify those that are prone to rupture and would require preventive treatment. Hemodynamics in cerebral blood vessels plays a key role in the lifetime cycle of intracranial aneurysms (IA). Understanding their initiation, growth, and rupture or stabilization may identify those hemodynamic features that lead to aneurysm instability and rupture. Modeling hemodynamics using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) could aid in understanding the processes in the development of IA. The neurosurgical approach during operation of IA allows direct visualization of the aneurysm sac and its sampling in many cases. Detailed analysis of the quality of the aneurysm wall under the microscope, together with histological assessment of the aneurysm wall and CFD modeling, can help in building complex knowledge on the relationship between the biology of the wall and hemodynamics. Detailed CFD analysis of the rupture point can further strengthen the association between hemodynamics and rupture. In this chapter we summarize current knowledge on CFD and intracranial aneurysms

    Analysis of casualty insurance in Czech Republic

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    I divided my work into a theoretical and analytical part. In the introduction I presented a casualty insurance and its essential components. I also mentioned the example of the insurance money. In the second part I analyzed the situation on the Czech insurance market for an accident insurance, and then I described the accident insurance products of the Generali. At the end I compared one of them with the competitive product and I made a final summary

    Influence of municipal enterpreneurial activities on municipal budget

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    Práce se zabývá hospodařením s municipálním majetkem a jeho vlivem na municipální rozpočet. Práce je rozdělena do třech částí. První část se zabývá vymezením obce a jejího majetku a vznikem vlastnictví municipálního majetku. Druhá část se zabývá využitím majetku vybraných obcí s názvem Mikroregion Hlinecko, jedná se o město Hlinsko a obce Krounu a Trhovou Kamenici. Ve třetí části je obsaženo hodnocení zjištění údajů ve sledovaném období třech let 2000, 2001 a 2002.Ústav ekonomieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Audit of commercial insurance companies

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá auditem komerčních pojišťoven, který je od auditu klasických podnikatelů v řadě věcí odlišný. Je rozdělena do třech částí, kde první teoretická část uvádí čtenáře do obecné problematiky auditu, druhá rovněž teoretická část detailně popisuje auditní proces a to od samého počátku, kdy dochází k získání auditního klienta, až po fázi konečnou, kdy je formulován výrok auditora. Třetí praktická část poté uvádí příklady nejvýznamnějších auditních procedur prováděných během auditu pojišťoven, zejména oblast mapování klientských procesů s následným testováním kontrol a poté samotné substantivní testování. Cílem a zároveň hlavním přínosem práce je snaha rozšířit obzory potencionálních čtenářů o oblast externího auditu pojišťoven, která dosud není na rozdíl od klasického auditu dostatečně literárně zmapovaná.This thesis elaborates on the audit of commercial insurance companies, which is different from the audit of standard companies in many respects. The thesis is divided into three parts, where the first one is theoretical and it introduces to a reader the general issues of the audit. The second one is also theoretical and it describes the audit process in detail. This description starts with an acquisition of an audit client and it ends with an issue of the audit opinion. The third practical part of the thesis illustrates the most common audit procedures performed during the audit of insurance companies, in particular identification and a division of key processes of the client's business with the resulting testing of effectiveness of selected controls and subsequent substantive testing. The aim and the main benefit of the thesis are to broaden the knowledge of potential readers in the area of the external audit of insurance companies. This area has not been enough described in current literature yet

    Strategic Sourcing Implementation

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    Předložená diplomová práce charakterizuje nákupní procesy v podniku. Vymezuje a definuje způsob práce nákupu, jeho podnikové funkce a procesy. Cílem práce je komplexním způsobem seznámit s nákupními procesy vč. všech důležitých vazeb. Teoretická část předkládá teoretická východiska řešení problémů spojených s absencí strategického nákupu v podniku. Popisuje chybějící procesy a způsob implementace nového oddělení strategického nákupu. Praktická část obsahuje návrh řešení nákupního problému na základě analýzy podniku s cílem implementovat chybějící procesy a soustředit se na volbu dodavatele a jeho rozvoj jako na klíčový nákupní problém. Práce řeší zadanou problematiku koncepčně a dává ucelený přehled všech nákupních činností souvisejících s obstaráváním materiálu do výroby.The diploma thesis decsribes the company purchasing processes. The thesis is focusing on the company purchasing functions. It defines the working methods and the processes through which the purchasing processes are coordinated. The target is to describe the complexity of the system and its complete structure. The theoretical part presents theoretical solutions to the problems related to absence of the strategic purchasing in the company. It describes the missing processes and suggests how to implement the strategic sourcing department. The practical part is focusing on presenting the solution to problems related to material procuring based on the company financial analysis. The goal is to implement missing processes in the company organization a to focus on the supplier selection and the supplier development as the key purchasing problem. The diploma thesis describes the purchasing system in its complexity. The thesis is structurized to describe every single function and process ensuring that the material procurement works effectively and efficiently.