35 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of Variance explained by whole genome sequence variants in coding and regulatory genome annotations for six dairy traits

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    Euclidean matrix with distance values showing the similarities between functional class GRM. The more similar the GRM is between two classes the lower the Euclidean distance measure is. This is also represented by the color green. The more dissimilar the GRM is between two classes the higher the Euclidean distance measure is. Represented by the red color. (XLSX 10 kb

    Additional file 5: of Variance explained by whole genome sequence variants in coding and regulatory genome annotations for six dairy traits

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    Variance Component Analysis 2: performed using variants with MAF thresholds of 0.000000001 and 0.1. For each functional class is the variance explained per sequence variant along with the variance component. (XLSX 10 kb

    Additional file 2: of Variance explained by whole genome sequence variants in coding and regulatory genome annotations for six dairy traits

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    Euclidean matrix with distance values showing the similarities between functional class GRM. The more similar the GRM is between two classes the lower the Euclidean distance measure is. This is also represented by the color green. The more dissimilar the GRM is between two classes the higher the Euclidean distance measure is. Represented by the red color. (XLSX 10 kb

    Additional file 4: of Variance explained by whole genome sequence variants in coding and regulatory genome annotations for six dairy traits

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    Variance Component Analysis 2: performed using variants with MAF thresholds of 0.000000001 and 0.1. For each functional class is the proportion of variance captured by each class, along with the total proportion of variance captured for each trait represented as a percentage, in brackets. (XLSX 11 kb

    Additional file 3: of Variance explained by whole genome sequence variants in coding and regulatory genome annotations for six dairy traits

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    The heritability for each trait along with the permutated heritability obtained from the permutation test using the same number but randomly chosen SNPs (which was replicated 5 times and significance is determined as greater or less than the average of the proportion of variance explained by the randomly chosen SNP ± 2 × S.E). The heritability percent difference is simply the difference between the class heritability and the permutated heritability multiplied by 100. (XLSX 13 kb

    MOESM5 of Detection and validation of structural variations in bovine whole-genome sequence data

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    Additional file 5: Table S7. RefSeq genes that overlap with SV. This file contains the RefSeq genes that overlapped with the validated SV set and the length of the overlap and percentage covered for those genes

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition

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    Multiple plots of the –log10 (P-values) of SNP effects from the multi-trait test results for lead SNP OAR6_37.5 Mb (a) and OAR22_20.3 Mb (b): The lead SNP is shown by a purple diamond in each plot (labelled with chromosome and position, Mb) and the LD between this variant and all others is colour coded. (TIFF 322 kb

    Collaborationism in East Bohemia during the Period of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

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    Práce je zaměřena na projevy kolaborace ve východních Čechách během Protektorátu Čechy a Morava. Zabývá se různými vlivy, které vedly občany protektorátu ke spolupráci s Němci. Neopomíná ani nacistickou správu, která zde byla utvořena a především místní orgány SD a gestapa, které měly za úkol vytvoření agenturní sítě. Dále nastiňuje činnost především ČNST-Vlajky a také povinnosti, které její členové měli. Stěžejní částí je rozbor jednotlivých odsouzených a jejich činnost během okupace. Na závěr je přiblížen průběh poválečných mimořádných lidových soudů.This Bachelor´s thesis is focused on expressions of collaboration in Eastern Bohemia during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. It considers various factors that have led citizen of the Protectorate to cooperate with the Germans. It does not forget nor the Nazi administration, which was formed here and especially the local authorities of SD and the Gestapo, which had the task to create a network of agents. It further outlines the activities of primarily CNST-Vlajka organization and the obligations of its members. The crucial part of the thesis is the analysis of the individual inmates and their activities during the occupation. At the conclusion the process of the post-war Special People's Courts is delineated.Fakulta filozofick