14 research outputs found

    Insights Into Instructors’ Verbal Aggressiveness and Students’ Machiavellianism Through Leadership Style and Motivational Climate

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    The aim of the present study was threefold: a) to explore the relationship between perceived instructor verbal aggressiveness, leadership style, motivational climate and student Machiavellianism, b) to investigate the influence of instructor verbal aggressiveness on their leadership style, motivational climate and student Machiavellianism in physical education context and c) to propose students’ and instructors’ typology. The sample consisted of 247 Greek students (128 males, 119 females) aged 14-17 years old (M=15.4, SD=.49) from secondary schools who completed four types of questionnaires during physical education classes. The results supported the internal consistency of the instruments. Statistically significant differences were observed in instructors’ verbal aggressiveness, autocratic leadership teaching style, democratic leadership style and students’ Machiavellianism between the two genders of the students. Perceived instructors’ verbal aggressiveness was negatively related to their democratic teaching style and mastery climate. Also, there was a positive significant relationship between instructors’ verbal aggressiveness and autocratic teaching style, performance climate and students’ Machiavellianism. The results of regression analysis revealed that perceived instructors’ verbal aggressiveness could significantly predict the variables of leadership teaching style, motivational climate and students’ Machiavellianism. Distinct types of relations between students and instructors may be distinguished: the “insurrection”, the “acceptance of authoritarianism” and the “effective democracy”. The findings and the effects of the instructors’ verbal aggressiveness on leadership style, motivational climate and students’ Machiavellianism are further discussed and future research issues are suggested

    The attractive, the aggressive and the withdrawn student in the university: Social network and content analysis.

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    The aim of this study is to detect and analyse relationships of attractiveness, social power and aggressiveness in the PE university community. A sample of 197 PE university students from University of Thessaly, Greece participated in the social network study, answering about the relationships developed with their fellow students and providing demographic non-network data as well. After the extraction of results, 8 of them were interviewed to further clarify the motives and thoughts that underlie their behaviour regarding attractiveness, social power and aggressiveness. Social network analysis, carried out with Visone 1.1, statistical analysis, carried out with SPSS 26 and content analysis of the qualitative data – interviews, carried out with MaxQDA 2020 led us to the following conclusions: Scientific attractiveness is related to social power and vice versa, protecting from verbal aggressiveness. Aggressiveness is negatively related to attractiveness and social power. Argumentativeness is important for the position one holds in their network and argumentational deficiency may lead to marginalization. Gender, body characteristics and academic distinction affect attractiveness and aggressiveness emergence.El objetivo de este estudio es detectar y analizar las relaciones de atractivo, poder social y agresividad en la comunidad universitaria de educación física. Una muestra de 197 estudiantes universitarios de educación física de la Universidad de Tesalia, Grecia, participaron en el estudio de redes sociales, respondiendo sobre las relaciones desarrolladas con sus compañeros y proporcionando datos demográficos fuera de la red también. Después de la extracción de los resultados, 8 de ellos fueron entrevistados para aclarar aún más los motivos y pensamientos que subyacen a su comportamiento con respecto al atractivo, el poder social y la agresividad. El análisis de redes sociales, realizado con Visone 1.1, el análisis estadístico, realizado con SPSS 26 y el análisis de contenido de los datos cualitativos – entrevistas, realizado con MaxQDA 2020 nos llevaron a las siguientes conclusiones: El atractivo científico está relacionado con el poder social y viceversa, protegiendo de la agresividad verbal. La agresividad está relacionada negativamente con el atractivo y el poder social. La argumentatividad es importante para la posición que uno ocupa en su red y la deficiencia argumentacional puede conducir a la marginación. Las características del género, del cuerpo y la distinción académica afectan a la aparición de atractivos y agresividad

    Verbal Aggressiveness Exploration through Complete Social Network Analysis: Using Physical Education Students’ Class as an Illustration

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    Aim of this study: is a) to detect informal structures (power and position in structures of targeting of verbal aggression) among higher education students, b) to analyze determinants of these structural properties, and c) to propose a typology of verbal aggression targets. Complete network analysis was applied on a sample of a 53 students in Physical Education Faculty, Thessaly University, Greece. Four network analysis algorithms were used: in-degree, Katz status, pagerank, authority. Non-network and network determinants of being target of verbal aggressiveness were analyzed. Gender (particularly femaleness), high grade of school graduation and parents education level protect from verbal aggressiveness while interest in post-graduate study seems to provoke criticism. Ignoring public opinion and intimacy with many “close friends” are positively correlated with verbal aggressiveness. Young (and not old-fashioned) appearance, imposing and eccentric appearance characteristics seem to protect against verbal aggressiveness. Big corporal size, dark skin colors seem to provoke insults in case of female students. Eminent economic state is also provocative as it implies pretentiousness. Phone verbal aggressiveness appears mainly among male students. Eminent qualities such as “good friend”, “desirable partner” etc make someone an eminent target for verbal aggressiveness. Verbal aggressiveness presents a catholic character and thus seems to be destructive and not constructive. Intellectual abilities (weaknesses) constitute a verbal aggressiveness target core. The following types of verbal aggressiveness targets are proposed: a) the “general ‘black sheep’”, b) the “contemptible type”, c) the “bagger” type, d) the “victim of mockers” and e) the “victim of serial criticizers”

    Bullying y maquiavelismo en la universidad a través del análisis de redes sociales

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    The objectives of this study are to detect combinations of Machiavellian and bullying actions and to point out their determinants. A sample of five students’ networks from Higher Education departments in central Greece (Business Administration, Veterinary and Physical Education & Sport Science) has been collected (245 nodes). Standardized questionnaires were used. Social Network Analysis, Spearman and PCA have been implemented. The Physical Education department exhibits denser bullying and Machiavellianism. Students who try to get beneficial information from their colleagues are susceptible to harm others. Deception is often more likely to happen under conditions of controllability. Making fun is present together with causing unhappiness. Victims of bullying in childhood are susceptible to be bullies as students. Students of high economic status seem to avoid the practice of bullying. Types of Machiavellian and bullying behaviors were proposed based on outdegree (“Offended Machiavellian”, “Merciless”, “Almost Bullying”), authority (“Angry-Machiavellian”, “Bully Machiavellian”, “Hidden-troublemaker”) and Katz (“Just Offended Machiavellian”, “Annoyed”, “Amateur/self-seeker”).Los objetivos de este estudio son detectar combinaciones de acciones maquiavélicas y de bullying (acoso escolar) y señalar sus determinantes. Se ha recopilado una muestra de cinco redes de estudiantes de los departamentos de Educación Superior en el centro de Grecia (Administración de Empresas, Veterinaria y Educación Física & Ciencias del Deporte) (245 nodos). Se han utilizado cuestionarios estandarizados. Se ha implementado análisis de redes sociales, Spearman y PCA. El departamento de Educación Física exhibe un bullying más denso y acciones maquiavelicas. Los estudiantes que tratan de obtener información beneficiosa de sus colegas son susceptibles de dañar a otros. El engaño a menudo es más susceptible de ocurrir en condiciones de controlabilidad. Burlarse aparece junto con causar infelicidad. Las víctimas de bullying en la infancia son susceptibles de ser acosadas como estudiantes. Los estudiantes de alto estado económico parecen evitar practicar el bullying. Se propusieron tipos de comportamientos maquiavélicos y de acoso escolar basados en el grado de salida (“Maquiavélico ofendido”, “Despiadado”, “Casi bullying”), la autoridad (“Maquiavélico enojado”, “Maquiavélico acosador”, “Agente de problemas oculto”) y el marcador de nivel funcional (“Sólo Ofendido Maquiavélico”, “Molesto”, “Amateur/ auto-buscador”)

    Analyzing Social Networks of Destructive Behaviours in Universities/Analizando las redes sociales de comportamientos destructivos en las universidades

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    AbstractThe aim consists in presenting determinants and types of verbal aggressiveness, bullying and Machiavellian behaviour among Physical Education students. Twelve network samples were collected from four Greek departments (538 students). Network questionnaires were used. Visone software was used for calculating network variables (in/outdegree, Katz, pagerank, authority). Spearman and PCA have been implemented for relating non-network variables with network ones. Results: Travelling abroad for athletic reasons, surfing internet for studies and being inspired from others’ behaviours trigger disruptive behaviours. Mothers’ education level, economic state, surfing internet for entertainment encourage victimization. Students who have experienced these detrimental behaviours as victims or victimizers during school years continue to experience destructive behaviours during academic years showing that such negative behaviours are adopted.Keywords: Verbal Aggressiveness; Bullying; Machiavellianism; Social Network Analysis; University students ResumenEl objetivo consiste en presentar los determinantes y tipos de agresión verbal, intimidación y comportamiento maquiavélico entre los estudiantes de Educación Física. Se recogieron doce muestras de red de cuatro departamentos griegos (538 estudiantes). Se utilizaron cuestionarios de red. El software de Visone se utilizó para calcular las variables de red (entrada / salida, Katz, pagerank, autoridad). Spearman y PCA se han implementado para relacionar variables que no son de red con las de red. Resultados: viajar al extranjero por razones deportivas, navegar por Internet para estudiar e inspirarse en los comportamientos de comportamiento disruptivo de los demás. El nivel de educación de las madres, el estado económico, navegar por Internet para entretenerse fomentan la victimización. Los estudiantes que han experimentado estos comportamientos perjudiciales como víctimas o victimarios durante los años escolares continúan experimentando comportamientos destructivos durante los años académicos, lo que demuestra que se adoptan tales comportamientos negativos.Palabras clave: agresividad verbal; Intimidación Maquiavelismo; Análisis de redes sociales; Estudiantes universitario

    Analyzing Social Networks of Destructive Behaviours in Universities

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    The aim consists in presenting determinants and types of verbal aggressiveness, bullying and Machiavellian behaviour among Physical Education students. Twelve network samples were collected from four Greek departments (538 students). Network questionnaires were used. Visone software was used for calculating network variables (in/outdegree, Katz, pagerank, authority). Spearman and PCA have been implemented for relating non-network variables with network ones. Results: Travelling abroad for athletic reasons, surfing internet for studies and being inspired from others’ behaviours trigger disruptive behaviours. Mothers’ education level, economic state, surfing internet for entertainment encourage victimization. Students who have experienced these detrimental behaviours as victims or victimizers during school years continue to experience destructive behaviours during academic years showing that such negative behaviours are adoptedEl objetivo consiste en presentar los determinantes y tipos de agresión verbal, intimidación y comportamiento maquiavélico entre los estudiantes de Educación Física. Se recogieron doce muestras de red de cuatro departamentos griegos (538 estudiantes). Se utilizaron cuestionarios de red. El software de Visone se utilizó para calcular las variables de red (entrada / salida, Katz, pagerank, autoridad). Spearman y PCA se han implementado para relacionar variables que no son de red con las de red. Resultados: viajar al extranjero por razones deportivas, navegar por Internet para estudiar e inspirarse en los comportamientos de comportamiento disruptivo de los demás. El nivel de educación de las madres, el estado económico, navegar por Internet para entretenerse fomentan la victimización. Los estudiantes que han experimentado estos comportamientos perjudiciales como víctimas o victimarios durante los años escolares continúan experimentando comportamientos destructivos durante los años académicos, lo que demuestra que se adoptan tales comportamientos negativos

    Mixed Methods in Analysis of Aggressiveness and Attractiveness: Understanding PE Class Social Networks with Content Analysis

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    The aim of this study is to detect and analyze the relationship between verbal aggressiveness and interpersonal attractiveness using four secondary-school PE classes in central Greece (88 nodes). Content analysis of open-ended questions, social network analysis, Spearman test and PCA have been implemented. Main results: scientific and social attractiveness are interrelated with a subsequent emergence of power structures and negatively related to verbal aggressiveness. Targets of verbal aggressiveness receive aggressiveness consisting of hurt, irony, rudeness and threat. The general grade and students’ tendency for distinction are positively related to attractiveness and negatively related to verbal aggressiveness. Types of targets of interpersonal attractiveness are proposed (“the untargeted powerful” and “the targeted powerful”)

    Mixed Methods in Analysis of Aggressiveness and Attractiveness: Understanding PE Class Social Networks with Content Analysis

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    The aim of this study is to detect and analyze the relationship between verbal aggressiveness and interpersonal attractiveness using four secondary-school PE classes in central Greece (88 nodes). Content analysis of open-ended questions, social network analysis, Spearman test and PCA have been implemented. Main results: scientific and social attractiveness are interrelated with a subsequent emergence of power structures and negatively related to verbal aggressiveness. Targets of verbal aggressiveness receive aggressiveness consisting of hurt, irony, rudeness and threat. The general grade and students’ tendency for distinction are positively related to attractiveness and negatively related to verbal aggressiveness. Types of targets of interpersonal attractiveness are proposed (“the untargeted powerful” and “the targeted powerful”)

    International journal of sociology of education

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen, palabras clave en español e inglesSe detecta y analiza las relaciones de atractivo, poder social y agresividad en la comunidad universitaria de educación física. Una muestra de 197 estudiantes universitarios de educación física de la Universidad de Tesalia, Grecia, participaron en el estudio de redes sociales, respondiendo sobre las relaciones desarrolladas con sus compañeros y proporcionando datos demográficos fuera de la red también. Después de la extracción de los resultados, 8 de ellos fueron entrevistados para aclarar aún más los motivos y pensamientos que subyacen a su comportamiento con respecto al atractivo, el poder social y la agresividad. El análisis de redes sociales, realizado con Visone 1.1, el análisis estadístico, realizado con SPSS 26 y el análisis de contenido de los datos cualitativos –entrevistas, realizado con MaxQDA 2020 llevaron a las siguientes conclusiones : el atractivo científico está relacionado con el poder social y viceversa, protegiendo de la agresividad verbal. La agresividad está relacionada negativamente con el atractivo y el poder social. La argumentatividad es importante para la posición que uno ocupa en su red y la deficiencia argumentacional puede conducir a la marginación. Las características del género, del cuerpo y la distinción académica afectan a la aparición de atractivos y agresividad.ES