161 research outputs found

    Dynamik von Staubteilchen in Saturns E-Ring

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    In dieser Arbeit wird die dynamische Entwicklung von Staubteilchen in der äußeren Magne- tosphäre des Saturns, den E–Ring, analysiert. Dabei wird ein dynamischen Model benutzt, welches sowohl die Gravitation des Saturns und seiner größeren Monde berücksichtigt, als auch der Einfluss des umgebenden Plasmas durch Plasmareibung, Sputtering und Aufladung des Teilchens, der Einfluss des rotierenden Magnetfelds und der Strahlungsdruck der Sonne. Die Ladung des Teilchens wird durch zeitlich variierende Ladungsflüsse beschrieben. In die- sem Modell gibt es Materialparameter die durch den Vergleich mit den gemessenen Staubteil- chenpotentiale durch den Staubanalysator CDA der Cassini-Sonde bestimmt wurden. Messungen der Cassini-Sonde fanden ebenfalls heraus, dass der Südpol des Eismondes Ence- ladus geologisch aktiv ist. Diese Staubfontänen sind die Hauptquelle der Teilchen des E–Rings. Aus Simulationen von Staubteilchen, die an der Oberfläche des Eismondes an den detektier- ten Staubfontänen gestartet werden, kann die minimale Startgeschwindigkeit der Teilchen be- stimmt werden, um ein E–Ring–Teilchen zu werden. Die Startgeschwindigkeit der Teilchen steht in direkten Zusammenhang mit der Ringdicke in der Umgebung des Quellmondes. Die durch diese Simulationen bestimmte Ringdicke von 4000km stimmt sehr gut mit der gemesse- nen Ringdicke des Staubdetektors überein. Die Langzeitsimulationen der Dynamik der Staubteilchen zeigen, dass Staubteilchen die am Enceladus gestartet wurden den E–Ring bevölkern können. Dabei ist die dynamische Entwick- lung der Teilchen stark von dem Potentialverlauf abhängig. Anhand der Langzeitsimulationen von tausenden individuellen Teilchen kann ein globales Model des E–Rings aufgestellt wer- den. Aus diesem Modell kann eine Einschlagsrate auf ein In–situ Instrument abgeleitet werden

    Zurich Consensus: German Expert Opinion on the St. Gallen Votes on 15 March 2009 (11th International Conference at St. Gallen: Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer)

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    A German working group of 23 breast cancer experts discussed the results from the vote at this year's St. Gallen Consensus Conference on Primary Therapy for Early Breast Cancer ( March 11-14, 2009) and came up with some concrete recommendations for day-to-day therapeutic decisions in Germany. Due the fact that the concept of the St. Gallen Consensus Conference merely allows for a minimal consensus, the objective of the working group was to provide practice-related recommendations for day-to-day clinical decisions in Germany. One area of emphasis at St. Gallen was tumor biology as a starting point for reaching individual therapeutic decisions. Intensive discussion was necessary with respect to the clinical relevance of predictive and prognostic factors. A new addition to the area of systemic therapy was a first-ever discussion of the adjuvant administration of bisphosponates and the fact that therapy with trastuzumab in HER2 overexpressing breast cancer has been defined as the standard for neoadjuvant therapy. The value of taxanes as a component of (neo) adjuvant chemotherapy as well as the value of aromatase inhibitors for the endocrine adjuvant treatment of postmenopausal patients were affirmed

    Forschung zum SGB II aus Sicht des IAB: Die neuen Forschungsaufgaben im Ãœberblick

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    Das Inkrafttreten des SGB II am 1.1.2005 bringt umfangreiche Änderungen des Arbeitsmarktgeschehens in Deutschland mit sich. Deren wissenschaftliche Begleitung wird vom IAB als eine der wichtigsten kommenden Herausforderungen an die Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung betrachtet. Die folgende Darstellung strukturiert den Forschungsbedarf zum SGB II aus Sicht des IAB. Die hier skizzierten Forschungsansätze bedürfen weiterer Diskussion und Spezifizierung sowie sicherlich auch der Ergänzung. Ausgeklammert werden an dieser Stelle sich mit dem Optionsgesetz verbindende Zusatzfragestellungen. Zudem ist nicht davon auszugehen, dass das IAB alle genannten Themen bearbeiten wird: § 55 SGB II sieht explizit vor, dass Dritte mit Teilen der Wirkungsforschung beauftragt werden können

    Zurich Consensus: Statement of German Experts on St. Gallen Conference 2011 on Primary Breast Cancer (Zurich 2011)

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    Every 2 years, the International Consensus Conference on the Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer takes place in St. Gallen. Given that the concept of the St. Gallen Consensus Conference mainly reflects an international opinion, it appears useful to adapt the results of the vote for everyday therapy in Germany. A German working group comprising 28 breast cancer experts, amongst whom there are 3 members of the international St. Gallen panel, has therefore commented on this year's St. Gallen Consensus Conference (2011) from the German viewpoint. The focus of interest of this year's St. Gallen Conference was tumour biology as the starting point for decisions regarding individual therapy. There was an intensive discussion in relation to the clinical relevance of predictive and prognostic factors and possible consequences for decisions regarding therapy. Therefore, questions concerning the indication for adjuvant chemotherapy focused especially on the significance of the molecular phenotype of the tumour. In addition, important points for discussion were also the value of complete axillary dissection and the use of accelerated complete breast irradiation

    Surface Modification of Luminescent Lanthanide Phosphate Nanorods with Cationic "Quat-primer" Polymers

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    Komban R, Beckmann R, Rode S, et al. Surface Modification of Luminescent Lanthanide Phosphate Nanorods with Cationic "Quat-primer" Polymers. Langmuir. 2011;27(16):10174-10183."Quat-primer" polymers bearing cationic groups were investigated as a surface modifier for Tb-doped cerium phosphate green-emitting fluorescent nanorods (NRs). The NRs were synthesized by a microwave process without using any complex agents or ligands and were characterized with different analytical tools such as X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Poly(ethyleneimine) partially quarternized with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride was synthesized separately and characterized in detail. (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopic studies revealed that the quaternary ammonium group was covalently attached to the polymer. UV-vis spectroscopy was used to examine the stability of the colloidal dispersions of the bare NRs as well as the modified NRs zeta potential, thermogravimetric analysis, and atomic force microscopy studies were carried out to confirm that the positively charged Quat-primer polymer is adsorbed on the negatively charged surface of the NRs, which results in high dispersion stability. Emission spectra of the modified NRs indicated that there was no interference of the Quat-primer polymer with the fluorescence behavior

    Prevalence of Stunting and Relationship between Stunting and Associated Risk Factors with Academic Achievement and Cognitive Function: A Cross-Sectional Study with South African Primary School Children

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    Childhood stunting can have negative long-term consequences on cognitive development, academic achievement, and economic productivity later in life. We determined the prevalence of stunting and examined whether stunting and associated risk factors (low dietary diversity, insufficient hemoglobin, food insecurity, and soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections) are associated with academic achievement and cognitive function among South African children living in marginalized communities. A cross-sectional sample of 1277 children (aged 5-12 years) was analyzed. Stunting was defined according to 2007 WHO growth references. Cognitive functioning was measured with the computerized Flanker task and academic performance via school grades. Blood and stool samples were collected to obtain hemoglobin level and STH infection. Dietary diversity was assessed by a food frequency questionnaire. Associations were examined via mixed linear regression (with school class as a random intercept). Nine percent of the children were stunted (95% CI: 7.6-10.8%). Low dietary diversity (β = 0.13,; p; = 0.004), food insecurity (β = -0.12,; p; = 0.034), and stunting (β = -0.13,; p; = 0.031) were associated with poorer end of the year results among girls. No such associations were found among boys. No significant associations were found for socioeconomic status and hemoglobin levels. The prevalence of stunting and STH infections were low in the present sample. Risk factors seem differently associated with girls' and boys' academic achievement. Promoting nutrition may help to promote academic achievement among girls living in low- and middle-income countries

    Shifting cancer care towards Multidisciplinarity: the cancer center certification program of the German cancer society

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    Background: Over the last decades numerous initiatives have been set up that aim at translating the best available medical knowledge and treatment into clinical practice. The inherent complexity of the programs and discrepancies in the terminology used make it difficult to appreciate each of them distinctly and compare their specific strengths and weaknesses. To allow comparison and stimulate dialogue between different programs, we in this paper provide an overview of the German Cancer Society certification program for multidisciplinary cancer centers that was established in 2003. Main body: In the early 2000s the German Cancer Society assessed the available information on quality of cancer care in Germany and concluded that there was a definite need for a comprehensive, transparent and evidence-based system of quality assessment and control. This prompted the development and implementation of a voluntary cancer center certification program that was promoted by scientific societies, health-care providers, and patient advocacy groups and based on guidelines of the highest quality level (S3). The certification system structures the entire process of care from prevention to screening and multidisciplinary treatment of cancer and places multidisciplinary teams at the heart of this program. Within each network of providers, the quality of care is documented using tumor-specific quality indicators. The system started with breast cancer centers in 2003 and colorectal cancer centers in 2006. In 2017, certification systems are established for the majority of cancers. Here we describe the rationale behind the certification program, its history, the development of the certification requirements, the process of data collection, and the certification process as an example for the successful implementation of a voluntary but powerful system to ensure and improve quality of cancer care. Conclusion: Since 2003, over 1 million patients had their primary tumors treated in a certified center. There are now over 1200 sites for different tumor entities in four countries that have been certified in accordance with the program and transparently report their results from multidisciplinary treatment for a substantial proportion of cancers. This led to a fundamental change in the structure of cancer care in Germany and neighboring countries within one decade

    Associations of growth impairment and body composition among South African school-aged children enrolled in the KaziAfya project

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    (1) Background: Early childhood malnutrition may result in increased fat mass (FM) among school-aged children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We explored whether South African children with shorter stature have greater overall and abdominal FM compared to normal stature children. (2) Methods: Baseline assessments of body composition and weight were determined among school-aged children enrolled in a randomized controlled trial in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Multiple linear regression models tested associations of children's height and degree of stunting with FM, fat free mass (FFM), truncal fat mass (TrFM), and truncal fat free mass (TrFFM) overall and by sex. (3) Results: A total of 1287 children (619 girls, 668 boys) were assessed at baseline. Reduced child height was associated with higher FM and lower FFM and TrFFM, but these associations were reversed with increases in height. Girls classified as mildly or moderately/severely stunted had higher FM and TrFM but lower FFM and TrFFM, while no association was found for boys. (4) Conclusions: Our study suggests that efforts to reduce the non-communicable disease burden in LMICs should target growth-impaired children who may have greater overall FM and greater abdominal FM
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