549 research outputs found

    Wissensvermittlung durch Kinderfilme - am Beispiel der Konzeption eines meereswissenschaftlichen Informationsfilms für 8- bis 10-jährige

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    Es ist nicht zuletzt den Wissenschaftlern und Forschern des Leibniz-Instituts für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR) zu verdanken, dass wir von Jahr zu Jahr mehr über das Meer erfahren. Hier beschäftigen sich neben den Meereswissenschaftlern auch Geologen, Biologen, Vulkanologen und Meteorologen mit vielen Fragen rund um die blauen Riesen. Gibt es Leben in der Tiefsee? Warum brechen Vulkane aus? Sind Algen Tiere? Warum gibt es Tsunamis? Sind Feuerquallen giftig? Wie tief ist der Ozean? Was sind Gashydrate? Wie verraten Steine unsere Geschichte? Warum leuchten manche Tiere im Dunkeln? Wie atmen Fische unter Wasser? Eben solche Fragen beschäftigen jedoch nicht nur die klugen Köpfe weltweit. Auch Kinder sind kleine Forscher. Ihre Neugier ist unermesslich, ihr Wissensdurst oft schwerlich zu stillen. Diesen kindlichen Lerndrang wollen wir nutzen um in kurzen Episoden die acht- bis zehnjährigen Kinder anzuregen und zu motivieren sich aktiv mit dem Thema Meer auseinander zu setzen. Dabei geht es also nicht um reine Wissensvermittlung. Vielmehr ist es unser Ziel, Kinder entsprechend ihrer Veranlagung, früh mit den Naturwissenschaften in Kontakt zu bringen. Das Ziel der Bachelor-Thesis ist die Erstellung eines Konzeptes für diesen meereswissenschaftlichen Film. Dazu haben wir zunächst anhand von bestehenden Informationsformaten und umfangreich vorliegender Literatur die Rahmenbedingungen für solch einen Film analysiert und abgesteckt. Dabei haben wir neben der Ton-, Bild- und Sendungsanalyse wert auf die Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten von Kindern im Umgang mit dem Medium Fernsehen gelegt. Wie der Speicherprozess von Informationen neuropsychologisch passiert, haben wir an dieser Stelle nicht betrachtet. Aus der Analyse entstand in der zweiten Hälfte der Arbeit das Konzept für den meereswissenschaftlichen Film. Auf der Grundlage der abgesteckten Rahmenbedingungen haben wir die Rahmenhandlung entwickelt und die Informationsebenen des Films definiert. Abschließend gibt der Ausblick einen Eindruck, welche Probleme uns bei der Umsetzung des Filmes erwarten. Außerdem zeigen wir auf, an welchen Stellen der Film in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit eingesetzt werden und dieses Konzept als Grundlage für weitere Filme dienen kann

    Systematic evaluation of the 'efficacy-effectiveness gap' in the treatment of depression with venlafaxine and duloxetine

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    Objective Evidence of larger drug effects in highly standardized studies (efficacy) compared to clinical routine (effectiveness) is discussed as efficacy-effectiveness gap. This study aimed to quantify effect size differences of RCTs and non-RCTs in the treatment of depression with venlafaxine and duloxetine and to identify effect modifying predictors. Methods A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted, including all prospective trials, which evaluated the treatment effects of duloxetine or venlafaxine in patients with depression. The primary outcome was the pre-post effect size after acute therapy, which were compared between RCTs and non-RCTs. Moreover, an exploratory analysis of predictors in a mixed meta-regression model within an information-theoretic approach was performed. Results 171 RCTs and 74 non-RCTs were included. The pre-post effect size differed significantly between RCTs and non-RCTs (−3.04 vs. −2.62, Δ = 0.41, p = 0.012, high heterogeneity). Study characteristics were very similar between RCTs and non-RCTs. Most important variables to predict effect sizes were ‘depression severity’, ‘dose’ and ‘number of participants’. Conclusion Despite differences in effect sizes between RCTs and non-RCTs, study design is not clearly an important predictor for the effect sizes. Our results question the common assumption that non-RCTs are generally better suited to describe a drug’s effectiveness in clinical practice than RCTs. Future studies and their reporting should put more emphasis on the description of external validity, in order to allow better assessments of clinical relevance.Young scientists’ programme of the German network 'Health Services Research Baden‐Württemberg' of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Social Order, Family, Women and Senior Citizens, Baden‐WürttembergPeer Reviewe

    Data Management Plan Tools: Overview and Evaluation

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    Data Management Plans (DMPs) are crucial for a structured research data management and often a mandatory part of research proposals. DMP tools support the development of DMPs. Among the variety of tools available, it can be difficult for researchers, data stewards and institutions to choose the one that is most appropriate for their specific needs and context. We evaluated 18 DMP tools according to 31 requirement parameters covering aspects relating to basic functions, technical aspects and user-friendliness. The highest total evaluation scores were reached by Data Stewardship Wizard (703.5), DMPTool (615.5) and RDMO NFDI4Ing (549.5). The tools evaluated satisfied between 10 % and 87 % of the requirement parameters. 11 tools cover at least half of the parameters. Accounting for the recent developments in the area of DMP tools, this study provides an up-to-date evaluation that can support tool developers in identifying potential improvements, and hosting institutions to select a tool suited to their specific needs

    Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial on Pulmonary Metastasectomy vs. Standard of Care in Colorectal Cancer Patients With ≥ 3 Lung Metastases (PUCC-Trial)

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    This is a multicentre prospective randomised controlled trial for patients with 3 or more resectable pulmonary metastases from colorectal carcinoma. The study investigates the effects of pulmonary metastasectomy in addition to standard medical treatment in comparison to standard medical treatment plus possible local ablative measures such as SBRT. This trial is intended to demonstrate an overall survival difference in the group undergoing pulmonary metastasectomy. Further secondary and exploratory endpoints include quality of life (EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-CR29 and QLQ-LC29 questionnaires), progression-free survival and impact of mutational status. Due to the heterogeneity and complexity of the disease and treatment trajectories in metastasised colorectal cancer, well powered trials have been very challenging to design and execute. The goal of this study is to create a setting which allows treatment as close to the real life conditions as possible but under well standardised conditions. Based on previous trials, in which patient recruitment in the given setting hindered successful study completion, we decided to (1) restrict inclusion to patients with 3 or more metastases (since in case of lesser, surgery will probably be the preferred option) and (2) allow for real world standard of care (SOC) treatment options before and after randomisation including watchful waiting (as opposed to a predefined treatment protocol) and (3) possibility that patient can receive SOC externally (to reduce patient burden). Moreover, we chose to stipulate 12 weeks of systemic treatment prior to possible resection to further standardize treatment response and disease course over a certain period of time. Hence, included patients will be in the disease state of oligopersistence rather than primary oligometastatic. The trial was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS-No.: DRKS00024727)

    Photocatalytic generation of hydrogen using iron-containing metal-ceramic composites with simultaneous degradation of organic compounds

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    The phase composition of composites was investigated, which were received by nitriding the ferroboron and ferrosilicoaluminium by the SHS method and modified with additives of schungite and titanium. Photocatalytic activity of composites in combined processes of hydrogen generation and degradation of organic substances was investigated. The activity of composites is related to the presence of a phase of metallic iron in their composition, concentration in the system of activator reagents (Н[2]О[2], Н[2]С[2]О[4]), and also with the presence of high energy-gap semiconductor in the composite matrix

    Irreversible inhibitors of the 3C protease of Coxsackie virus through templated assembly of protein-binding fragments

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    Small-molecule fragments binding to biomacromolecules can be starting points for the development of drugs, but are often difficult to detect due to low affinities. Here we present a strategy that identifies protein-binding fragments through their potential to induce the target-guided formation of covalently bound, irreversible enzyme inhibitors. A protein-binding nucleophile reacts reversibly with a bis-electrophilic warhead, thereby positioning the second electrophile in close proximity of the active site of a viral protease, resulting in the covalent de-activation of the enzyme. The concept is implemented for Coxsackie virus B3 3C protease, a pharmacological target against enteroviral infections. Using an aldehyde-epoxide as bis- electrophile, active fragment combinations are validated through measuring the protein inactivation rate and by detecting covalent protein modification in mass spectrometry. The structure of one enzyme–inhibitor complex is determined by X-ray crystallography. The presented warhead activation assay provides potent non-peptidic, broad-spectrum inhibitors of enteroviral proteases

    Probing Ligand-Receptor Interaction in Living Cells Using Force Measurements With Optical Tweezers

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    This work probes the binding kinetics of COOH-terminus of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (c-CPE) and claudin expressing MCF-7 cells using force spectroscopy with optical tweezers. c-CPE is of high biomedical interest due to its ability to specifically bind to claudin with high affinity as well as reversibly disrupt tight junctions whilst maintaining cell viability. We observed single-step rupture events between silica particles functionalized with c-CPE and MCF-7 cells. Extensive calibration of the optical tweezers’ trap stiffness and displacement of the particle from trap center extracted a probable bond rupture force of ˜ 18 pN. The probability of rupture events with c-CPE functionalized silica particles increased by 50% compared to unfunctionalized particles. Additionally, rupture events were not observed when probing cells not expressing claudin with c-CPE coated particles. Overall, this work demonstrates that optical tweezers are invaluable tools to probe ligand-receptor interactions and their potential to study dynamic molecular events in drug-binding scenarios

    Impacts of Personalized Sensor Feedback Regarding Exposure to Environmental Stressors

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    Feedback on personal exposure to air pollution, noise or extreme temperatures through wearable sensors or sensors installed at home or in the workplace can offer information that might motivate behaviours to mitigate exposure. As personal measurement devices are becoming increasingly accessible, it is important to evaluate the effects of such sensors on human perception and behaviour. We conducted a systematic literature research and identified 33 studies, analysing the effects of personal feedback on air pollution, noise and temperatures. Feedback was given through reports including different forms of visualization, in-person or over the telephone, or directly on the sensor or through a phone app. The exposure feedback led to behaviour changes particularly for noise and temperature feedback while findings on behaviour adaptation to avoid air pollution were mixed. Most studies reported increased awareness and knowledge from receiving exposure feedback. Many participants in studies on air pollution reported low levels of self-efficacy regarding exposure mitigation. For a better understanding of the effects of personal exposure feedback, more studies are required, particularly providing feedback from wearable sensors measuring outdoor air pollution, noise and temperature