828 research outputs found

    Maximum or Minimum Differentiation? An Empirical Investigation into the Location of Firms

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    We empirically test some implications from location theory using the location of Los Angeles area gasoline stations in physical space and in the space of product attributes. We consider the effect of demand patterns, entry costs, and several proxies for competition -- the total number of stations, the proportion of independent stations, and the proportion of same-brand stations in a market -- on the tendency for a gasoline station to be physically located more or less closely to its competitors. Using an estimation procedure that controls for spatial correlation and controlling for market characteristics as well as non- spatial product attributes, we find that firms locate their stations in an attempt to spatially differentiate their product as general market competition increases. In other words, the incentive to differentiate in order to soften price competition dominates the incentive to cluster locations to attract consumers from rivals. We also find that spatial differentiation increases as stations become more differentiated in other station characteristics.product differentiation, spatial theory, location theory, retail gasoline


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    Citing research in consciousness, quantum physics, biophysics and cosmology, we propose the collective amplification of quantum effects as the basis for scientifically describing Kundalini awakening, and the higher-order, emergent phenomenon of Unity consciousness, Such alterations of consciousness have their origin in quantum-scale processes, such as self-induced transparency, superradiance, superpositions, quantum tunneling, and Bose-Einstein condensation, Microtubules are considered to be key components in non-local, quantum processes critical to human consciousness, We postulate that bundles of fibers (neural cells), each containing numerous microtubule "lasers" acting in unison, collectively result in a massive surge of light energy to the brain, The sudden onset and radically altered nature of such states are consistent with a model based on the activation of a laser. The liquid crystalline nature of the human body likely provides a foundation for the non-local aspect ofVniry consciousness, The unifYing paradigm of the "quantum hologram" is introduced ro apply quantum properties to macroscopic events

    Is it possible to predict students' ability to develop skills in practical phonetics?

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    Predicting ability to develop skills in practical phonetics is of particular importance for Speech and Language Therapy (SLT), where these skills are an integral part of clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of two screening tests to predict later student performance in practical phonetics. SLT students with no previous phonetics training were asked to complete two tests on entry to the course: a test of phonetic skill and a test of musical aptitude. Results indicate that both tests have some predictive power, but that selection on the basis of pre-tests alone would have excluded some students who subsequently achieved near- or above-average marks in phonetics exams. The musical aptitude test is at least as effective as the phonetics test in predicting later phonetic ability.caslpub2246pu

    Assessing voice health using smartphones: Bias and random error of acoustic voice parameters captured by different smartphone types

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Jannetts, S., Schaeffler, F., Beck, J. M. & Cowen, S. (2019) Assessing voice health using smartphones: Bias and random error of acoustic voice parameters captured by different smartphone types. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 54 (2), pp. 292-305, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12457. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.BACKGROUND: Occupational voice problems constitute a serious public health issue with substantial financial and human consequences for society. Modern mobile technologies like smartphones have the potential to enhance approaches to prevention and management of voice problems. This paper addresses an important aspect of smartphone-assisted voice care: the reliability of smartphone-based acoustic analysis for voice health state monitoring. AIM: To assess the reliability of acoustic parameter extraction for a range of commonly used smartphones by comparison with studio recording equipment. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Twenty-two vocally healthy speakers (12 female; 10 male) were recorded producing sustained vowels and connected speech under studio conditions using a high-quality studio microphone and an array of smartphones. For both types of utterances, Bland-Altman-Analysis was used to assess overall reliability for Mean F0; CPPS; Jitter (RAP) and Shimmer %. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: Analysis of the systematic and random error indicated significant bias for CPPS across both sustained vowels and passage reading. Analysis of the random error of the devices indicated that that mean F0 and CPPS showed acceptable random error size, while jitter and shimmer random error was judged as problematic. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Confidence in the feasibility of smartphone-based voice assessment is increased by the experimental finding of high levels of reliability for some clinically relevant acoustic parameters, while the use of other parameters is discouraged. We also challenge the practice of using statistical tests (e.g. t-tests) for measurement reliability assessment.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1460698454pubpub

    Voice Quality Variation In Scottish Adolescents: Gender Versus Geography

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    Given the importance of voice quality in signalling personal identity and social group membership, effective control of voice features may become especially important during adolescence, yet this has to be achieved in the context of significant physical changes within the speech production system. Most previous research has focussed on phonation, but this study used Vocal Profile Analysis (VPA) [11] for perceptual analysis of both laryngeal and vocal tract voice settings in Scottish adolescents, in order to identify voice quality markers of gender and geographical background in this age group. VPA analysis was carried out for 76 speakers (31 male; 45 female), drawn from three geographically distinct areas of Scotland. Some of the observed variation in voice quality (especially phonatory settings) may be attributable to physical changes associated with puberty, but other setting adjustments seem more likely to be sociophonetic in origin.Background. Protein-energy wasting is a frequent anddebilitating condition in maintenance dialysis. We randomlytested if an energy-dense, phosphate-restricted,renal-specific oral supplement couldmaintain adequate nutritional intake and prevent malnutrition in maintenancehaemodialysis patients with insufficient intake.Methods. Eighty-six patients were assigned to a standardcare (CTRL) group or were prescribed two 125-ml packsof Renilon 7.5 R daily for 3 months (SUPP). Dietary intake, serum (S) albumin, prealbumin, protein nitrogen appearance(nPNA), C-reactive protein, subjective global assessment(SGA) and quality of life (QOL) were recorded atbaseline and after 3 months.Results. While intention to treat analysis (ITT) did not reveal strong statistically significant changes in dietary intake between groups, per protocol (PP) analysis showed that theSUPP group increased protein (P < 0.01) and energy (P <0.01) intakes. In contrast, protein and energy intakes further deteriorated in the CTRL group (PP). Although there was no difference in serum albumin and prealbumin changesbetween groups, in the total population serum albumin andprealbumin changes were positively associated with the increment in protein intake (r = 0.29, P = 0.01 and r = 0.27, P = 0.02, respectively). The SUPP group did not increase phosphate intake, phosphataemia remained unaffected, and the use of phosphate binders remained stable or decreased. The SUPP group exhibited improved SGA and QOL (P < 0.05).Conclusion. This study shows that providing maintenancehaemodialysis patientswith insufficient intake with a renal-specific oral supplement may prevent deterioration in nutritional indices and QOL without increasing the need forphosphate binders.caslpub3964pub73

    Monitoring voice condition using smartphones

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    Firenze, ItalySmartphone mediated voice monitoring has the potential to support voice care by facilitating data collection, analysis and biofeedback. To field-test this approach we have developed a smartphone app that allows recording of voice samples alongside voice self-report data. Our longterm aim is convenient and accessible voice monitoring to prevent voice problems and disorders. Our current study focussed on the automatic detection of voice changes in healthy voices that result from common transient illnesses like colds. We have recorded a database of approximately 700 voice samples from 62 speakers and selected a subset of 225 voice samples from 8 speakers who had submitted at least 10 recordings and reported at least one instance of a moderate cold. We extracted 12 acoustic parameters and applied multivariate statistical process control procedures (Hotelling's T2) to detect whether instances of cold caused violations of distributional control limits. Results showed significant association between control limit violations and reporting of a cold. While there is scope for further improvement of sensitivity and specificity of the procedure, it could already support early detection of voice problems, especially if mediated by voice experts.http://www.fupress.comcaslpub4892pu

    Pattern languages in HCI: A critical review

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    This article presents a critical review of patterns and pattern languages in human-computer interaction (HCI). In recent years, patterns and pattern languages have received considerable attention in HCI for their potential as a means for developing and communicating information and knowledge to support good design. This review examines the background to patterns and pattern languages in HCI, and seeks to locate pattern languages in relation to other approaches to interaction design. The review explores four key issues: What is a pattern? What is a pattern language? How are patterns and pattern languages used? and How are values reflected in the pattern-based approach to design? Following on from the review, a future research agenda is proposed for patterns and pattern languages in HCI

    Phonation stabilisation time as an indicator of voice disorder

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    There is increasing emphasis on use of connected speech for acoustic analysis of voice disorder, but the differential impact of disorder on initiation, maintenance and termination of phonation has received little attention. This study introduces a new measure of dynamic changes at onset of phonation during connected speech, phonation stabilisation time (PST), and compares this measure with conventional analysis of sustained vowels. Voice samples obtained from the KayPENTAX Disordered Voice Database were analysed (202 females, 128 males) including 'below threshold' voices where there was a clinical diagnosis but acoustic parameters for sustained vowels were within the normal range. Female disordered voices showed significantly longer PST duration than normal voices, including those in the 'below threshold' group. Overall differences for male voices were also significant. Results suggest that, at least for females, PST measurement from connected speech could provide a more sensitive indicator of disorder than traditional analysis of sustained vowels.Discussions on the use of anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) in developing countries have in the past focused on the limitations caused by the high cost of the drugs and by the lack of health system capacity to adequately deliver and make use of them (Colebunders et al. 2000; The New York Times 2001). An additional concern has been the risk of increasing resistance to ARVs if there were widespread inappropriate administration and lack of monitoring (Harries et al. 2001). Lately, however, including at the 2002 International AIDS Conference in Barcelona, there have been stronger calls for scaling up access to ARVs with less attention paid to these concerns and limitations, as expressed by Lange (2002): 'If we can get cold Coca-Cola and beer to every remote corner of Africa, it should not be impossible to do the same with drugs'.caslpub3940pub33

    Reliability of clinical voice parameters captured with smartphones – measurements of added noise and spectral tilt

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    Proceedings of INTERSPEECHSmartphones have become powerful tools for data capture due to their computational power, internet connectivity, high quality sensors and user-friendly interfaces. This also makes them attractive for the recording of voice data that can be analysed for clinical or other voice health purposes. This however requires detailed assessment of the reliability of voice parameters extracted from smartphone recordings. In a previous study we analysed reliability of measures of periodicity and periodicity deviation, with very mixed results across parameters. In the present study we extended this analysis to measures of added noise and spectral tilt. We analysed systematic and random error for six frequently used acoustic parameters in clinical acoustic voice quality analysis. 22 speakers recorded sustained [a] and a short passage with a studio microphone and four popular smartphones simultaneously. Acoustic parameters were extracted with Praat and smartphone recordings were compared to the studio microphone. Results indicate a small systematic error for almost all parameters and smartphones. Random errors differed substantially between parameters. Our results suggest that extraction of acoustic voice parameters with mobile phones is not without problems and different parameters show substantial differences in reliability. Careful individual assessment of parameters is therefore recommended before use in practice.http://dx.doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2019-2910pubpu
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