917 research outputs found

    Discretizations in isogeometric analysis of Navier-Stokes flow

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    Abstract This paper deals with isogeometric analysis of the 2-dimensional, steady state, incompressible Navier-Stokes equation subjected to Dirichlet boundary conditions. We present a detailed description of the numerical method used to solve the boundary value problem. Numerical infsup stability tests for the simplified Stokes problem confirm the existence of many stable discretizations of the velocity and pressure spaces, and in particular show that stability may be achieved by means of knot refinement of the velocity space. Error convergence studies for the full Navier-Stokes problem show optimal convergence rates for this type of discretizations. Finally, a comparison of the results of the method to data from the literature for the the lid-driven square cavity for Reynolds numbers up to 10,000 serves as benchmarking of the discretizations and confirms the robustness of the method

    A generalized finite element formulation for arbitrary basis functions : from isogeometric analysis to XFEM

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    Many of the formulations of cm-rent research interest, including iosogeometric methods and the extended finite element method, use nontraditional basis functions. Some, such as subdivision surfaces, may not have convenient analytical representations. The concept of an element, if appropriate at all, no longer coincides with the traditional definition. Developing a new software for each new class of basis functions is a large research burden, especially, if the problems involve large deformations, non-linear materials, and contact. The objective of this paper is to present a method that separates as much as possible the generation and evaluation of the basis functions from the analysis, resulting in a formulation that can be implemented within the traditional structure of a finite clement program but that permits the use of arbitrary sets of basis functions that are defined only through the input file. Elements ranging from a traditional linear four-node tetrahedron through a higher-order element combining XFEM and isogeometric analysis may be specified entirely through an input file without any additional programming. Examples of this framework to applications with Lagrange elements, isogeometric elements, and XFEM basis functions for fracture are presented

    Weakly Enforced Boundary Conditions for the NURBS-Based Finite Cell Method

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    In this paper, we present a variationally consistent formulation for the weak enforcement of essential boundary conditions as an extension to the finite cell method, a fictitious domain method of higher order. The absence of boundary fitted elements in fictitious domain or immersed boundary methods significantly restricts a strong enforcement of essential boundary conditions to models where the boundary of the solution domain coincides with the embedding analysis domain. Penalty methods and Lagrange multiplier methods are adequate means to overcome this limitation but often suffer from various drawbacks with severe consequences for a stable and accurate solution of the governing system of equations. In this contribution, we follow the idea of NITSCHE [29] who developed a stable scheme for the solution of the Laplace problem taking weak boundary conditions into account. An extension to problems from linear elasticity shows an appropriate behavior with regard to numerical stability, accuracy and an adequate convergence behavior. NURBS are chosen as a high-order approximation basis to benefit from their smoothness and flexibility in the process of uniform model refinement

    The value of continuity: Refined isogeometric analysis and fast direct solvers

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    We propose the use of highly continuous finite element spaces interconnected with low continuity hyperplanes to maximize the performance of direct solvers. Starting from a highly continuous Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) discretization, we introduce . C0-separators to reduce the interconnection between degrees of freedom in the mesh. By doing so, both the solution time and best approximation errors are simultaneously improved. We call the resulting method "refined Isogeometric Analysis (rIGA)". To illustrate the impact of the continuity reduction, we analyze the number of Floating Point Operations (FLOPs), computational times, and memory required to solve the linear system obtained by discretizing the Laplace problem with structured meshes and uniform polynomial orders. Theoretical estimates demonstrate that an optimal continuity reduction may decrease the total computational time by a factor between . p2 and . p3, with . p being the polynomial order of the discretization. Numerical results indicate that our proposed refined isogeometric analysis delivers a speed-up factor proportional to . p2. In a . 2D mesh with four million elements and . p=5, the linear system resulting from rIGA is solved 22 times faster than the one from highly continuous IGA. In a . 3D mesh with one million elements and . p=3, the linear system is solved 15 times faster for the refined than the maximum continuity isogeometric analysis

    Direct immersogeometric fluid flow analysis using B-rep CAD models

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    We present a new method for immersogeometric fluid flow analysis that directly uses the CAD boundary representation (B-rep) of a complex object and immerses it into a locally refined, non-boundary-fitted discretization of the fluid domain. The motivating applications include analyzing the flow over complex geometries, such as moving vehicles, where the detailed geometric features usually require time-consuming, labor-intensive geometry cleanup or mesh manipulation for generating the surrounding boundary-fitted fluid mesh. The proposed method avoids the challenges associated with such procedures. A new method to perform point membership classification of the background mesh quadrature points is also proposed. To faithfully capture the geometry in intersected elements, we implement an adaptive quadrature rule based on the recursive splitting of elements. Dirichlet boundary conditions in intersected elements are enforced weakly in the sense of Nitsche\u27s method. To assess the accuracy of the proposed method, we perform computations of the benchmark problem of flow over a sphere represented using B-rep. Quantities of interest such as drag coefficient are in good agreement with reference values reported in the literature. The results show that the density and distribution of the surface quadrature points are crucial for the weak enforcement of Dirichlet boundary conditions and for obtaining accurate flow solutions. Also, with sufficient levels of surface quadrature element refinement, the quadrature error near the trim curves becomes insignificant. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our immersogeometric method for high-fidelity industrial scale simulations by performing an aerodynamic analysis of an agricultural tractor directly represented using B-rep

    Multiscale modeling of blood flow: Coupling finite elements with smoothed dissipative particle dynamics

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    A variational multi scale approach to model blood flow through arteries is proposed. A finite element discretization to represent the coarse scales (macro size), is coupled to smoothed dissipative particle dynamics that captures the fine scale features (micro scale). Blood is assumed to be incompressible, and flow is described through the Navier Stokes equation. The proposed coupling is tested with two benchmark problems, in fully coupled systems. Further refinements of the model can be incorporated in order to explicitly include blood constituents and non-Newtonian behavior. The suggested algorithm can be used with any particle-based method able to solve the Navier-Stokes equation. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Wind turbine simulation: structural mechanics, fsi and computational steering

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    A fluid-structure interaction (FSI) validation study of Micon 65/13M wind turbine with Sandia CX-100 composite blades is presented. KirchhoffLove shell theory is used for blade structures, while the aerodynamics formulation is performed using a moving-domain finite-element-based ALE-VMS technique. The structural mechanics formulation is validated through the eigenfrequency analysis of the CX-100 blade. For coupling between two domains a nonmatching discretization of the fluid-structure interface is adopted. This adds flexibility and relaxes the requirements placed on geometry modeling and meshing tools employed. The simulations are done at realistic wind conditions and rotor speeds. The rotor-tower interaction that influences the aerodynamic torque is captured. The computed aerodynamic torque generated by the Micon 65/13M wind turbine compares well with that obtained from on-land field tests. We conclude by illustrating the application of the Dynamic Data-Driven Applications System (DDDAS) to investigate the fiber waviness defects embedded in the CX-100 wind turbine blade
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