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Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 259-Melih Kiba
With the quick development of technology, the reliability of power electronic devices has increased and costs have been significantly reduced. Depending on that, semiconductor based power electronics circuits have spread. Induction motors are very common all over the world and this motor has attractive in many applications due to robust and maintainless. But squarely motor has constant speed only can be changed by variable frequency in easy way. Sine based switching is a way to reduce harmonics signals in power control strategy. In this study, unique DSP based solid programmed microcontroller has been investigated to control small-power asynchronous motor (1.1kW)
Abdullah BAYRAM
Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ĠĢletme Anabilim Dalı
Tez DanıĢmanı: Doc. Dr. Ece ARMAĞAN
2020, XII + 112 sayfa
Günümüzde çokuluslu firmalar, farklı ülkelerde baĢarılı olabilmek için o ülkelerdeki
tüketicilerin istek ve beklentilerine uygun hareket etmelidir. Bu duruma paralel olarak
ortaya çıkan glokal pazarlama anlayıĢı, çokuluslu ölçekte faaliyet gösteren iĢletmelerin yerel
değerleri dikkate alarak pazarlama faaliyetlerini sürdürmesini ifade etmektedir. Çokuluslu
firmaların glokal pazarlama stratejilerinin incelenmesi ve Coca-Cola‟nın Türkiye'deki
glokal pazarlama stratejilerinin araĢtırılması çalıĢmanın amacını oluĢturmaktadır. ÇalıĢmada
nitel araĢtırma yöntemlerinden mülakat kullanılmıĢ, Coca-Cola‟da yönetici pozisyonunda
görev yapan, uluslararası pazarlama konularına hakim bir uzmanla görüĢme
gerçekleĢtirilmiĢtir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre The Coca-Cola Company‟nin Türkiye
vizyonu, sektöründe akla ilk gelen, en çok tercih edilen marka olmaktır ve baĢarılı glokal
pazarlama stratejileriyle marka bunu baĢarmıĢtır. The Coca-Cola Company‟nin glokal
pazarlama stratejileri gereğince Türkiye'de çok kültürlü yapı, damak tadı, demografik yapı
gibi konuları öne çıkardığı sonucunun elde edildiği çalıĢmada halkın değerleri ve
hassasiyetlerinin dikkate alındığı belirlenmiĢtir. ÇalıĢmada ulaĢılan sonuçlara göre The
Coca-Cola Company, glokal pazarlama stratejileri gereğince Türkiye'de sosyal sorumluluk
projelerine önem vermekte, çok sayıda sosyal sorumluluk projesine katılmakta, bazılarına
ise öncü olmaktadır. ġirkette yönetici olarak görev yapan katılımcının verdiği yanıtlarla bu
sonuçların elde edilmesi çalıĢmanın sınırlılıkları kapsamında yer almaktadır.ĠÇĠNDEKĠLER
ÖZET .....................................................................................................................................iv
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................ v
ÖNSÖZ ..................................................................................................................................vi
TABLOLAR DĠZĠNĠ............................................................................................................. x
ġEKĠLLER DĠZĠNĠ..............................................................................................................xi
EKLER DĠZĠNĠ...................................................................................................................xii
1. BÖLÜM .............................................................................................................................. 1
GĠRĠġ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. ÇalıĢmanın Amacı......................................................................................................3
1.2. ÇalıĢmanın Problemi..................................................................................................3
1.3. ÇalıĢmanın Yöntemi ..................................................................................................3
1.4. ÇalıĢma Planı .............................................................................................................4
1.5. ÇalıĢmanın Literatüre Olası Katkıları ........................................................................4
2. BÖLÜM .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. Çokuluslu Firmalar ....................................................................................................5
2.1.1. KüreselleĢme ve Çokuluslu Firmaların Ortaya Çıkması ..................................5
2.1.2. Çokuluslu Firmaların Organizasyon Yapıları ..................................................9
2.1.3. Çokuluslu Firmaların Özellikleri....................................................................10
2.1.4. Çokuluslu Firmaların Faaliyetlerini Etkileyen Faktörler ...............................13
2.1.5. Çokuluslu Firmaların Stratejileri....................................................................14
2.1.6. Çokuluslu Firmaların Etkileri.........................................................................17 Olumlu Etkileri .....................................................................................17 Olumsuz Etkileri...................................................................................17
2.1.7. Çokuluslu Firmaların Dünyadaki Yeri ve Önemi ..........................................19
2.2. Pazarlama Stratejileri ...............................................................................................21
2.2.1. Pazarlamanın GeliĢimi ve DeğiĢen Pazarlama AnlayıĢı ................................21
2.2.2. Pazarlama Stratejilerinin GeliĢimi..................................................................23
2.2.3. Pazarlama Stratejilerini Etkileyen Faktörler ..................................................25
2.2.4. Pazarlama Stratejilerinden Beklentiler...........................................................27
2.3. Çokuluslu Firmalarda Pazarlama Stratejileri ...........................................................29
3. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 32
GLOKAL PAZARLAMA KAVRAMSAL ÇERÇEVE................................................... 32
3.1. GlokalleĢme Kavramı ve ĠĢletme Fonksiyonları Üzerindeki Etkileri......................32
3.1.1. Yönetim Fonksiyonu Üzerindeki Etkiler........................................................33
3.1.2. Üretim Fonksiyonu Üzerindeki Etkiler ..........................................................33
3.1.3. Finansman Fonksiyonu Üzerindeki Etkiler....................................................33
3.1.4. Ġnsan Kaynakları Fonksiyonu Üzerindeki Etkiler..........................................34
3.1.5. Pazarlama Fonksiyonu Üzerindeki Etkiler.....................................................34
3.2. Glokal Pazarlama Tanımı.........................................................................................34
3.3. Glokal Pazarlamanın Tarihi GeliĢimi.......................................................................35
3.4. Glokal Pazarlamanın Özellikleri..............................................................................37
3.5. Glokal Pazarlamayı Etkileyen Faktörler..................................................................39
3.5.1. Ekonomik Faktörler........................................................................................39
3.5.2. Rekabetle Ġlgili Faktörler................................................................................40
3.5.3. Politik Faktörler..............................................................................................41
3.5.4. Sosyokültürel Faktörler ..................................................................................41
3.6. Glokal Pazarlama Karması.......................................................................................43
3.7. Glokal Pazarlama Stratejileri ve Kapsamı ...............................................................47
3.8. Glokal Pazarlama Stratejilerinin Özellikleri ............................................................50
3.9. Glokal Pazarlama ve YerelleĢtirme..........................................................................53
4. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 54
STRATEJĠLERĠ)................................................................................................................. 54
4.1. AraĢtırmanın Amacı.................................................................................................54
4.2. AraĢtırmanın Problemi.............................................................................................54
4.4. AraĢtırmanın Evren ve Örneklemi ...........................................................................56
4.5. Verilerin Analizi.......................................................................................................56
4.6. Bulgular....................................................................................................................56
4.7. Mülakat Cevaplarının Yorumu ................................................................................92
5. TARTIġMA VE SONUÇ ................................................................................................ 94
6. KAYNAKÇA.................................................................................................................... 99
7. EKLER ........................................................................................................................... 107
7.1. EK 1: AraĢtırma Kapsamında Sorulan Sorular......................................................107
7.2. EK 2: ĠĢletme Hakkında Genel Bilgi .....................................................................109
ÖZGEÇMĠġ ....................................................................................................................... 11
Network size variation of geographical aided routing protocols in MANET
In position-based or geo-casting ad hoc networking applications, the data packets flooded in a limited area of the expected region toward the destination node. In such networks, a multi-hop routing is to followed when the position of the destination node is residing off-range the wireless transmission of the source node. Scientific literature references in this concept have been conducted depended on the diversity of quantitative metrics-tests regarding the size of the assigned networks so that this space is intended to be the variation in the density of the moving nodes (the number of nodes per unit of measurement). In this work, we studied the impact of the change in the size (area) of the ad hoc network with the concept of variation in the network's area while remaining the total number of nodes as a constant volume. In this paper, three of the position-based routing protocols have evaluated in terms of a network size variation. These routing protocols are: locations aided routing LAR, the distance routing effect algorithm for mobility DREAM, and the greedy perimeter stateless routing GPSR. With each simulation test, a quantitative metrics evaluation determined the most efficient protocol and the most efficient accessibility with the network environment changes in terms of actual workspace.
Inverse Spectral Problems for Spectral Data and Two Spectra of N by N Tridiagonal Almost-Symmetric Matrices
One way to study the spectral properties of Sturm-Liouville operators is difference equations. The coefficients of the second order difference equation which is equivalent Sturm-Liouville equation can be written as a tridiagonal matrix. One investigation area for tridiagonal matrix is finding eigenvalues, eigenvectors and normalized numbers. To determine these datas, we use the solutions of the second order difference equation and this investigation is called direct spectral problem. Furthermore, reconstruction of matrix according to some arguments is called inverse spectral problem. There are many methods to solve inverse spectral problems according to selecting the datas which are generalized spectral function, spectral data of the matrix and two spectra of the matrix. In this article, we study discrete form the Sturm-Liouville equation with generalized function potential and we will focus on the inverse spectral problems of second order difference equation for spectral data and two spectra. The examined difference equation is equivalent Sturm-Liouville equation which has a discontinuity in an interior point. First, we have written the investigated Sturm-Liouville equation in difference equation form and then constructed N by N tridiagonal matrix from the coefficients of this difference equation system. The inverse spectral problems for spectral data and two-spectra of N by N tridiagonal matrices which are need not to be symmetric are studied. Here, the matrix comes from the investigated discrete Sturm-Liouville equation is not symmetric, but almost symmetric. Almost symmetric means that the entries above and below the main diagonal are the same except two entries
Identifying the optimal level of gold as a reserve asset using Black-Litterman model: the case for Malaysia, Turkey, KSA and Pakistan
Purpose – After the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system in 1971, countries moved
towards floating exchange rates, and the expectation was that the requirement for foreign reserves would
decrease. However, central banks currently hold more foreign exchange reserves to enhance the credibility of
exchange rate policies. The demand for gold, which was the main reserve asset prior the collapse of the
Bretton Woods system, has increased as a reserve asset once again following the global financial crisis (GFC)
of 2008, given gold’s characteristics as a safe haven asset and a store of value. This study aims to analyse
official reserves of four countries, namely, Malaysia, Turkey, KSA and Pakistan. The Black–Litterman model
was used to build a new strategic portfolio with optimal allocation to gold. This study shows that all countries
under the analyses should increase their gold holdings to preserve the value of the portfolio during times of
financial turmoil.
Design/methodology/approach – The Black–Litterman model has been used to build a new strategic
portfolio with optimal allocation to gold. The study shows that all countries in our analyses suggested
increasing their gold holdings to preserve the value of the portfolio during times of financial turmoil.
Findings – The study found that countries under the analyses, namely, Turkey, Malaysia, KSA and Pakistan,
suggested increasing their official gold holding given the outstanding performance of gold during the GFC.
Research limitations/implications – Research can be further extended by including few more
countries from Organisation of Islamic Cooperation such as Qatar and Indonesia.
Originality/value – Emerging economies such as China, India and Russia started to sharply increase their
official gold holdings in the aftermath of the GFC. According to recent statistics, central banks of China and
Russia have been adding to their gold reserves. Of note, only in few European countries and in the USA, is the
share of gold in foreign reserves more than 50%. In the rest of the world, this figure is about 3-5%. The paper
elaborates the aforementioned subject and suggests the strategic weight of gold reserve for each country
under analysis
A study on the calculations of cross–sections for 66,67ga and 75se radionuclides production reactions via 3he particles
The intend of this paper is to study on different production routes of medical 66,67Ga and 75Se radionuclides used in cancer diagnostic. Both 66,67Ga and 75Se are the most well-known radionuclides used in diagnostics of malignant and benign tumors also brain studies and scintigraphy scanning. For this purpose, production cross–section calculations of medical 66,67Ga and 75Se radionuclides have been calculated for 64Zn(3He,p)66Ga, 65Cu(3He,2n)66Ga, 65Cu(3He,n)67Ga, 66Zn(3He,n+p)67Ga, 69Ga(3He,n+α)67Ga, 76Se(3He,α)75Se, 77Se(3He,n+α)75Se reactions. In the calculations, TALYS 1.8 and ALICE/ASH computer codes have been used. The models which have been employed within the calculations are Two Component Exciton and Equilibrium of TALYS 1.8 and Hybrid and Geometry Dependent Hybrid of ALICE/ASH. The results obtained from the calculations for each reaction have been compared with other calculation results and previously recorded experimental values collected from the Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data (EXFOR) library.No sponso
The Effect of Different Irrigation Water Levels on Grain Yield, Yield Components and Some Quality Parameters of Silage Maize (Zea mays indentata Sturt.)
This research was conducted in Bursa, Marmara region, Turkey, in order to determine grain yield and some morphological traits which affect the silage maize response to different irrigation water amounts. The grains’ percentage of crude oil and of crude protein were determined. Field experiments were planned following randomized complete block design with three replications and included six irrigation treatments. Irrigation treatments were created as water levels of pan evaporation (Epan) applied via drip irrigation [1.25 × Epan (I125), 1.00 × Epan (I100), 0.75 × Epan (I75), 0.50 × Epan (I50), 0.25 × Epan (I25) and 0 × Epan (I0)]. The highest value of grain yield was found to be 18,268 kg ha-1 in the I125 treatment, which represents excessive water. A quadratic relationship between grain yield and irrigation water applied was obtained. Deficit irrigation decreased grain yield and yield components except the percentage of crude oil and crude protein of grain, but improved the efficient use of irrigation water. Relationships between the grain yield and each yield component were positively significant. The highest correlation coefficient in the research gave the relationship between grain yield and plant height (r=0.957**). The results revealed that 1.25 × Epan and 1.00 × Epantreatments are preferable for higher yield. The results of this study also suggest that if water is limited, the application of 0.75 × Epan can be recommended as optimal treatment, because the best compromise among yield, yield components, quality and irrigation water use efficiency for maize was achieved with this application
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