11 research outputs found

    Next Generation Dynamic Inter-Cellular Scheduler

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) in Long Term Evolution (LTE) can effectively eliminate intra-cell interferences between the subcarriers in a single serving cell. But, there is more critical issue that, OFDMA cannot accomplish to decrease the inter-cell interference. In our proposed method, we aimed to increase signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) by dividing the cells as cell center and cell edge. While decreasing the interference between cells, we also aimed to increase overall system throughput. For this reason, we proposed a dynamic resource allocation technique that is called Experience-Based Dynamic Soft Frequency Reuse (EBDSFR). We compared our proposed scheme with different resource allocation schemes that are Dynamic Inter-cellular Bandwidth Fair Sharing FFR (FFRDIBFS) and Dynamic Inter-cellular Bandwidth Fair Sharing Reuse-3 (Reuse3DIBFS). Simulation results indicate that, proposed EBDSFR benefits from overall cell throughput and obtains higher user fairness than the reference schemes

    Primary teachers’ opinions about the difficulties encountered in the Play and Physical Activities courseSınıf öğretmenlerinin Oyun ve Fiziki Etkinlikler dersinde karşılaştıkları güçlüklere ilişkin görüşleri

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the challenges that class teachers face while teaching play and physical activities course. The study is based on the instrumental case study which is one of the qualitative research methods. The work group consists of 12 class teachers who teach at Ordu City center, suburb, and centralized villages. In order to determine the challenges that class teachers face while teaching play and physical activities course, in the study, interview forms, which had been created by researchers, have been employed. During the analysis of the data acquired from the interviews, descriptive analysis method has been used. As a result of the research, it has been determined, according to teachers’ opinions, that pre-service training regarding to Play and Physical activities course that they have taken was inadequate, that they felt need for in-service training regarding to teaching the course, that school equipment and instruments were insufficient, that there were lack of field information and that they have been living challenges caused by curriculum. Additionally, in the study, it has been seen that although teachers think that play and physical activities course is important for physical, social and cognitive development of children, they do not deploy the class hours effectively. ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı sınıf öğretmenlerinin Oyun ve Fiziki Etkinlikler dersinin öğretiminde karşılaştıkları güçlüklerin belirlenmesidir. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden araçsal durum çalışmasına dayanmaktadır. Çalışma grubunu Ordu İli kent merkezi, kenar mahalle (varoş) ve merkeze bağlı köylerde çalışan 12 sınıf öğretmeni oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada sınıf öğretmenlerinin Oyun ve Fiziki Etkinlikler dersinde yaşadıkları güçlüklerin belirlenmesi için araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen öğretmen görüşme formundan yararlanılmıştır. Görüşmeden elde edilen verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen görüşlerine göre;  Oyun ve Fiziki Etkinlikler dersine ilişkin aldıkları hizmet öncesi eğitimin yetersiz olduğu, dersin öğretimine ilişkin hizmet içi eğitim ihtiyacı hissettikleri, dersin işlenmesinde okul donanımı, araç-gereç yetersizliği, alan bilgisi eksikliği ve öğretim programından kaynaklanan güçlükler yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmada, öğretmenlerin Oyun ve Fiziki Etkinlikler dersinin çocukların fiziki, sosyal ve bilişsel gelişimi için önemli olduğunu düşünmelerine rağmen ders saatlerini etkin bir şekilde işlemedikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Classification of Breast Cancer Using Data Mining

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     According to the publications of leading health organization in the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that breast cancer is the most propagated disease among women and it may end with mortality. The precautions and regular investigations are the options for preventing this cancer. Furthermore, the recognition of the sickness may begin at early stages for combating purpose.  From data science perspectives, data mining technology is used to uncover the disease according to some parameters like BMI, age and sugar routine database. The deployment of those technologies had resulted in considerable results that may help for breast cancer aid. In this research, Coimbra dataset are collected and studied according to 10 predictors. We used these predictors to estimate if the breast cancer is occurring or not. The 6 algorithms used are compared according to their performance in WEKA and in MATLAB. The comparison is useful to prove the possibility of using Data Mining algorithms to help Medicine decision engine with good precision

    A Research On Students Perception Of The Some Concepts In 4th and 5th Grade Curriculum Of The Socıal Studies

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    Araştırmada, Sosyal Bilgiler 4 ve 5. sınıf öğretim programında yer alan kavramların (savaş, barış, vatan ve aile) Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olan beş, altı, yedinci sınıf öğrencileri ve aynı yaş gurubundaki Irak Türkü katılımcılar tarafından nasıl algılandığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda; katılımcıların her bir değere ilişkin geliştirdikleri metaforlar incelenmiştir. Nitel araştırma deseninde tarama modelinde gerçekleştirilmiş olan araştırmada mecazlar yoluyla veri toplama formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu; Ankara ili Mamak ilçesinde on üç okulda öğrenim gören 5, 6, ve 7. sınıf öğrencileri 225 (119 kız 106 erkek) ile yine aynı okullarda öğrenimine devam eden, aynı yaş gurubunda olan Irak Türkü 125 (59 kız 66 erkek) katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinde ve yorumlanmasında içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda; katılımcı farkı gözetmeksizin büyük bir çoğunluğun savaşı; zarar ve korku veren, yok edici şeklinde algıladıkları görülmektedir. Ayrıca savaş kavramına ilişkin bir başka sonuç ise Irak Türklerinin yaşantıları sonucu kavramın algılanmasında etkisinin olduğudur. Barış kavramına ilişkin katılımcı farkı gözetmeksizin büyük bir çoğunluğun algısına bakıldığında; huzur veren, huzur veren/mutlu eden şeklinde algıladıkları görülmektedir. Irak Türkü katılımcıların, genel algı durumuna bakıldığında normalleştiren, istenilen ortam algısı görülmektedir. Vatan kavramına ilişkin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı katılımcıların; huzur veren/mutlu eden şeklinde algıları diğer algılanmalara göre göre az sayıdadır. Gözlenen diğer algılamalar ise hemen hemen aynı yoğunluktadır. Irak Türklerinin vatan kavramına ilişkin algılarına bakıldığında çoğunluğun; vazgeçilmez olan/yaşanılan yer şeklinde algı geliştirdikleri görülmektedir. Aile kavramına ilişkin katılımcı farkı gözetmeksizin oluşan algılara bakıldığında; katılımcıların büyük bir çoğunluğunun aileyi birliktelik sağlayan, bütün halinde şeklinde algıladıkları görülmektedir.On the research, it is aimed to determine how the concepts in 4th and 5th grade curriculum (war, peace, homeland and family) of social studies are perceived by 5th, 6th and 7th grade students who are Turkish Republic citizens and the Turkish participants from Iraq who are in the same age group. In accordance with this purpose the metaphors are examined wich the participants have come up with for each concept. Based on qualitative research design and done with general survey model, on the research, the technique of data accumulation with methaphors is used. Working group of the research is consist of the 225 students, 119 famale and 106 male students, who are 5th, 6th and 7th grade and study at 13 schools in Mamak, Ankara and also the 125 Turkish participantsfrom Iraq, 59 female and 66 male students, who are continuing their education at the same schools and are in the same age group. Content analysis is used in analysing and interpreting the acquried data. In the light of the research; it is seen that a great majority perceive war as damaging, dreadfuland destructingwithout a difference among te participants, moreover, another conclusion about the concept of war is that the Iraq Turk's experiences have an effect on the perception of the concept. Again without a difference among the participants it is seen that they perceive peace as peaceful and making happy when it is looked at a great majority of participants perception of the peace concept. When iy is looked at the Iraq Turk's general perception state it is seen that they have the perception of making normal and desired atmosphere. About homeland concept the participants who are the Turkish Republic citizens have less perceptions observed are almost the some. When it is looked at the Iraq Turk's perceptions about the homeland, it is seen that the majority perceives it as indispensable and living space". It is seen that a great majority of the participants perceives the family as being together and all when it is looked at the perceptions of the family concept among the participants, without disciriminating them at all

    Hybrid Secure Authentication and Key Exchange Scheme for M2M Home Networks

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    In this paper, we analyzed Sun et al.’s scheme which proposes an M2M (Machine-to-Machine) secure communication scheme by using existing TD SCMA (Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) networks. They offer a password-based authentication and key establishment protocol for mutual authentication. Moreover, their proposed secure channel establishment protocol uses symmetric cryptography and one-way hash algorithms and they considered using their protected channel model for mobile users and smart home networks. In this paper, we propose to complete the missing part of Sun et al.’s scheme. This can occur by addressing privacy-preserving and message modification protection. Moreover, improvements can be made to MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) attack resistance, anomaly detection and DoS (Denial-of-Service) attacks with timing. ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman) cryptography based protected cipher-key exchange operation used on initial setup and key-injection operations to provide secure user registration, user password change and home gateway network join phases. We simulated both the proposed and Sun et al.’s schemes. We analyzed Sun et al.’s scheme for performance, network congestion and resource usage. Missing privacy-preserving was analyzed and compared with the GLARM scheme, and the storage cost of each phase was analyzed according to Ferrag et al.’s survey proposal. In Sun et al.’s scheme, future work for the security architecture of the home network is related to Li et al.’s protocol being implemented in our proposed design

    ESAR: Enhanced secure authentication and revocation scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Vehicle Ad Hoc Network (VANET) systems that use Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) experience significant delays when checking Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and performing key pair-based asymmetric cryptographic operations. This paper offers a fast and secure mechanism for revocation checking, processing and PKI key pair updating called the Enhanced Secure Authentication and Revocation (ESAR) scheme for VANETs. The ESAR Vehicle-To-Vehicle (V2V) authentication method applies Keyed-Hash-based Message Authentication Code (H MAC) cryptogram validation for On-Board-Unit (OBU) revocation checks instead of the CRL search. We examined the ESAR together with a similar VANET scheme and achieved better results. We selected the Expedite Message Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (EMAP), which, upon a review of the literature, was seen to offer fewer countermeasures to provide resistance to most attacks. In addition, we completed the missing parts of the EMAP scheme with performance improvements and we compared it with other schemes in terms of security. Our ESAR scheme includes the following improvements. (1) The unauthorized update protection of sensitive assets is handled by revocation key sender verification and revocation version validation. (2) Privacy concerns are addressed by the use of keyed trimmed H-MAC-based pseudo ID creation. (3) Reliable data transmission issues are resolved by including missing message identification tags. (4) Performance concerns are addressed by eliminating and combining network requests to offer fast security key revocation. We targeted system performance and durability and also attack resistance using anomaly detection improvements. We ran three simulations: the standard (using CRL only), the proposed (ESAR), and the existing (EMAP) methods. According to the findings of our simulation analysis, our proposed system was more efficient in terms of performance and network congestion than the other examined methods

    Lightweight offline authentication scheme for secure remote working environment

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    During pandemic situations, remote work security and reliability become more important for sustainability. The main problem in remote working is providing a reliable internet connection between remote working employees and remote systems. Lack of internet connection issues cause remote working problems, and some companies allow employees to work on untrusted personal computers, which causes untrusted and unmanageable IT systems. According to these problems, this study proposed a lightweight, offline authentication scheme for the secure remote work environment. The proposed model is designed for LPS (Lightweight Portable Security) devices, and these LPS devices provide portable USB bootable images with a secure environment for this connection and trust problems. LPS devices are single USB dongles to make users more dependent on these LPS devices. This design provides mobile application-dependent authentication to provide strong user authentication with 2FA (2 Factor Authentication), which is something you have (mobile phone and USB dongle) and something you know (mobile PIN). Also, the proposed model provides geofencing between USB dongles and Mobile phones to offer robust security