37 research outputs found

    Texting against abuse and violence

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    A text message-based helpline helps women in Guatemala to prevent and report physical and sexual abuse. Text messages are not only cheap but also much less intimidating for victims of violence in their delicate search for hel

    Implementación de la metodología 5S para aumentar la productividad en el aula de 4 años de la I.E.I.004 – Chiclayo, 2022

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    Toda empresa en la actualidad anhela ser competitiva y que para alcanzarla eligen implementar metodologías nuevas para lograr cumplir sus objetivos planeados. Por ello, se aplicó en una institución educativa de nivel inicial la metodología 5 S, que permitió aumentar la productividad en los procesos operativos del aula de 4 años; se desarrolló en tres etapas; como primera etapa, se pretendió realizar un entendimiento sobre el nivel organizacional de la institución educativa, con la finalidad de definir la realidad problemática y delimitar los problemas. Como segunda etapa, se realizó el diseño metodológico en base a los objetos de estudio, se contó con la confiabilidad de 3 expertos en el tema, y a su vez, se certificó su validez con la prueba V de Aiken; posterior a ello, se desarrolló la implementación de cada etapa de la metodología de las 5s en el centro educativo. Finalmente, como tercera etapa, se pudo contrastar la hipótesis, los resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones

    Metabolite-related dietary patterns and the development of islet autoimmunity

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    The role of diet in type 1 diabetes development is poorly understood. Metabolites, which reflect dietary response, may help elucidate this role. We explored metabolomics and lipidomics differences between 352 cases of islet autoimmunity (IA) and controls in the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in theYoung) study. We created dietary patterns reflecting pre-IA metabolite differences between groups and examined their association with IA. Secondary outcomes included IA cases positive for multiple autoantibodies (mAb+). The association of 853 plasma metabolites with outcomes was tested at seroconversion to IA, just prior to seroconversion, and during infancy. Key compounds in enriched metabolite sets were used to create dietary patterns reflecting metabolite composition, which were then tested for association with outcomes in the nested case-control subset and the full TEDDY cohort. Unsaturated phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, phosphatidylethanolamines, glucosylceramides, and phospholipid ethers in infancy were inversely associated with mAb+ risk, while dicarboxylic acids were associated with an increased risk. An infancy dietary pattern representing higher levels of unsaturated phosphatidylcholines and phospholipid ethers, and lower sphingomyelins was protective for mAb+ in the nested case-control study only. Characterization of this high-risk infant metabolomics profile may help shape the future of early diagnosis or prevention efforts

    Back to its roots: REDD+ via the Copenhagen Accord

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    Although it may be easy to forget, forests affect everyone. Forests, particularly in the tropics, provide a home for millions of people, support 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, and drive many of the earth’s local and global climatic and hydrological cycles. Forests also seriously contribute to climate change when they are cut down. In fact, deforestation and forest degradation activities emit more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the entire global transportation sector. Unfortunately, the increasing demand for agriculture and timber products, among others, requires the land that forests occupy, which in turn drives deforestation. This especially rings true in developing countries, where land-use changes are often associated with economic development. Recognizing the crucial role that trees play in climate change mitigation, in 2009 the international community presented the Copenhagen Accord at the 15th session of the Conference of Parties (the decision-making body of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change). A large portion of the Accord emphasizes Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) as a viable climate change mitigation strategy. The concept of REDD+ is simple: developed countries, as the main emitters of greenhouse gases, will provide financial incentives to developing countries to keep their forests standing. REDD+ attempts to give an economic value to the carbon stored within the biomass of trees. This article aims to give an overview of the issues that surround deforestation in developing countries, the history of the REDD+ solution, current initiatives that support it, and a suggestion for a phased-implementation approach that will ensure that REDD+ is financially feasible in the long-term. REDD+ has the potential to be the most rapid and cost-effective solution in the fight to mitigate climate change. If implemented, REDD+ will have impacts that reach beyond reducing carbon dioxide emissions: ultimately, REDD+ provides an economic solution for enhancing the sustainable growth of developing countries

    Effects of Neonatal Neural Progenitor Cell Implantation on Adult Neuroanatomy and Cognition in the Ts65Dn Model of Down Syndrome

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    As much of the aberrant neural development in Down syndrome (DS) occurs postnatally, an early opportunity exists to intervene and influence life-long cognitive development. Recent success using neural progenitor cells (NPC) in models of adult neurodegeneration indicate such therapy may be a viable option in diseases such as DS. Murine NPC (mNPC, C17.2 cell line) or saline were implanted bilaterally into the dorsal hippocampus of postnatal day 2 (PND 2) Ts65Dn pups to explore the feasibility of early postnatal treatment in this mouse model of DS. Disomic littermates provided karyotype controls for trisomic pups. Pups were monitored for developmental milestone achievement, and then underwent adult behavior testing at 14 weeks of age. We found that implanted mNPC survived into adulthood and migrated beyond the implant site in both karyotypes. The implantation of mNPC resulted in a significant increase in the density of dentate granule cells. However, mNPC implantation did not elicit cognitive changes in trisomic mice either neonatally or in adulthood. To the best of our knowledge, these results constitute the first assessment of mNPC as an early intervention on cognitive ability in a DS model

    The Story of Justice For My Sister: Combatting Gender-Based Violence Across Borders

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    Femmes et TIC : Des SMS contre la violence

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    Une ligne d'assistance par SMS permet aux femmes guatémaltèques de prévenir et de signaler tout abus physique et sexuel. Les SMS sont bien moins chers mais surtout bien moins intimidants pour les victimes de violence dans leur délicate quête d'assistanc

    Fungal Endophthalmitis on Ocular Ultrasound: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Endophthalmitis is a rare intraocular infection caused by numerous organisms from several possible sources. Fungal endophthalmitis is a rare subset of this pathology with limited diagnostics available. One of the few options to make this diagnosis is vitreous sampling, which is invasive, and results are not immediately available.Case Report: This case report describes the successful use of point-of-care ultrasound to visualize an intraocular fungal mass in a 60-year-old male who presented to the emergency department (ED) with two weeks of left eye pain and erythema approximately two months postoperative from a cataract extraction surgery.Conclusion: Fungal endophthalmitis is a rare and challenging diagnosis. Methods of diagnosing this pathology are not readily available in the ED. Point-of-care ultrasound may be a useful adjunct for the prompt diagnosis of fungal endophthalmitis