2,020 research outputs found

    Color flux tubes in SU(3)SU(3) Yang-Mills theory: an investigation with the connected correlator

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    In this work we perform an investigation of the flux tube between two static color sources in four dimensional SU(3)SU(3) Yang-Mills theory, using the so called connected correlator. Contrary to most previous studies we do not use any smoothing algorithm to facilitate the evaluation of the correlator, that is performed using only stochastically exact techniques. We first examine the renormalization properties of the connected operator, then we present our numerical data for the longitudinal chromoelectric component of the flux tube, that are used to extract the dual superconductivity parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 6 eps figure

    Dell’Università: tra storia, percorsi, problemi. Note a margine di un convegno

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    Ripensando al valore simbolico oltre che eminentemente culturale del convegno del 12 ottobre 2012 dedicato a Claudio Desinan dai suoi “discepoli”, viene naturale affermare che la storia della Facoltà di Magistero/Scienze della Formazione dell’Università degli studi di Trieste è stato luogo particolarmente attento ai princìpi qui sommariamente evocati. Non sono mancati, come ovunque d’altronde, anni di minor tensione ideale, ma credo di poter dire che sul lungo periodo essi hanno rappresentato fasi di passaggio, non momenti caratterizzanti l’insieme della vita e del lavoro di questa comunità

    Exposures to silica and inducers of xenobiotic metabolism in the rat lung

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    CYP1A1 metabolizes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as those in cigarettes, to reactive intermediates which interact with DNA and lead to cancer. Silica is a lung carcinogen. Epidemiology studies of silica and lung cancer are not all positive. A possible explanation for these inconsistencies may be that silica is a modifier of PAH metabolism and, thus, cigarette smoke carcinogenesis. We hypothesize that crystalline silica exposure alters CYP1A1 expression, thereby modifying lung cancer risk. Rats exposed to both crystalline silica and the model PAH, beta-naphthoflavone (NF), a CYP1A1 inducer have significantly decreased CYP1A1 enzymatic activity and CYP1A1 protein expression. In the proximal alveolar region of NF-exposed rats, silica exposure increases markers of alveolar type II cells but decreases proportional CYP1A1 expression in type II cells as detected by immunofluorescence. Our experiments support the hypothesis that silica is a negative modifier of CYP1A1 induction by PAH

    Melnikov theory for weakly coupled nonlinear RLC circuits

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    We apply dynamical system methods and Melnikov theory to study small amplitude perturbation of coupled nonlinear RLC systems. In particular we show persistence of such orbits connecting singularities in finite time provided a Melnikov like condition holds

    Morfološka i reproduktivna morfologija Cystoseira foeniculacea f. tenuiramosa (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) u Strunjanskoj laguni (Tršćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran)

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    The results of a study on morphological features and reproductive phenology of the brown alga Cystoseira foeniculacea f. tenuiramosa (Ercegović) A. Gómez Garreta, M.C. Barceló, M.A. Ribera & J. Rull Lluch from the marine lagoon of Strunjan (Gulf of Trieste), are reported. Based on monthly samplings carried out during one year period, it was observed that this species shows considerable seasonal morphological variations. The Strunjan marine lagoon appears to be the only location of the Slovenian coast where population of this taxon occur. Based on the high associated biodiversity, we propose the inclusion of this population in the conservation management plans in the area.Prikazani su rezultati istraživanja morfoloških značajki i reproduktivne fenologije smeđe alge Cystoseira foeniculacea f. tenuiramosa (Ercegović) A. Gómez Garreta, M.C. Barceló, M.A. Ribera & J. Rull Lluch u morskoj laguni Strunjan (Tršćanski zaljev). Na temelju mjesečnih uzorkovanja, provedenih tijekom jedne godine, utvrđeno je kako ova vrsta pokazuje značajne sezonske morfološke varijacije. Strunjanska morska laguna vjerojatno je jedina lokacija na slovenskoj obali gdje obitava populacija ove svojte. Na temelju velike povezane bioraznolikosti, predlažemo uključivanje ove populacije u planove upravljanja očuvanja na tom području

    Prvo izvješće o epizoičnoj crvenoj algi Polysiphonia carettia (Hollenberg, 1971) na glavatoj želvi Caretta caretta u Jadranskom moru

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    The authors report the first record of the red alga Polysiphonia carettia (Hollenberg, 1971) in the Adriatic Sea, collected from two loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta captured along the coast of the Savudrija peninsula (Croatia, Northern Adriatic Sea). The identification of the samples is based on both vegetative and reproductive tetrasporangial features. The morphological characters of the specimens studied are in agreement with previous reports of this species from other parts of the Mediterranean Sea.Autori navode prvi zapis o pojavljivanju crvene alge Polysiphonia carettia (Hollenberg, 1971) u Jadranskom moru. Podaci su prikupljeni s dvije glavate želve Caretta caretta koje su primijećene uz obalu poluotoka Savudrija (Hrvatska, Sjeverni Jadran). Identifikacija uzoraka temeljila se na vegetativnim i na reproduktivnim tetrasporangijalnim značajkama. Morfološke značajke jedinki istraživane su u skladu s prethodnim izvješćima o ovoj vrsti iz drugih dijelova Sredozemnog mora

    Connections to fixed points and Sil’nikov saddle-focus homoclinic orbits in singularly perturbed systems

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    We consider a singularly perturbed system depending on two parameters with two (possibly the same) normally hyperbolic centre manifolds. We assume that the unperturbed system has an orbit connecting a hyperbolic fixed point on one centre manifold to a hyperbolic fixed point on the other. Then we prove some old and new results concerning the persistence of these connecting orbits and apply the results to find examples of systems in dimensions greater than three which possess Sil’nikov saddle-focus homoclinic orbits.Розглянуто сингулярно збурену систему, що залежить вiд двох параметрiв та має два (можливо, однаковi) нормально гiперболiчнi центрованi многовиди. При цьому припускається, що незбурена система має орбiту, яка поєднує гiперболiчну нерухому точку на одному центрованому многовидi з гiперболiчною нерухомою точкою на iншому. Доведено деякi вiдомi та новi результати щодо збереження цих орбiт та наведено приклади систем розмiрностi бiльше, нiж три, що мають сiдловi фокуснi гомоклiнiчнi орбiти Сiльнiкова

    Morfološka i reproduktivna fenologija alohtone crvene alge Caulacanthus okamurae Yamada (Gigartinales, Caulacanthaceae) na području slovenske obale (Tršćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran)

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    This study reports the occurrence of the non-native red alga Caulacanthus okamurae, previously unknown on the Slovenian coast (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea). The distribution of the species, its abundance, morphological characteristics and reproductive phenology are described. The study is based on seasonal sampling conducted during one year, from winter to autumn 2021, on two different substrates (limestone and sandstone) of the midlittoral zone, and showed a moderate variation in the biomass of C. okamurae populations between the winter-spring and summer-autumn periods. The native algal assemblages of the two substrates impacted by C. okamurae were characterized by generally limited species diversity and consisted mainly of small-sized species with simple morphology. During the study, in addition to non-fertile thalli of C. okamurae, tetrasporophytic thalli with tetrasporocysts and female gametophytes with cystocarps were found.Ovo istraživanje prikazuje nalaz alohtone crvene alge Caulacanthus okamurae, dosad nepoznate na području slovenske obale (Tršćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran). U radu se opisuje rasprostranjenost vrste, njezina brojnost, morfološke karakteristike te reproduktivna fenologija. Istraživanje se temelji na sezonskom uzrokovanju provedenom tijekom jedne godine, od zime do jeseni 2021., na dvije različite podloge (vapnenac i pješčenjak) mediolitoralne zone, a istim je utvrđena umjerena promjenjivost u biomasi naselja C. okamurae između zimsko-proljetnog i ljetno-jesenskog razdoblja. Zajednice zavičajnih algi dvaju supstrata pod utjecajem C. okamurae općenito su okarakterizirane ograničenom raznolikošću vrsta, uglavnom onih malih dimenzija s jednostavnom morfologijom. Tijekom istraživanja, osim sterilnih talusa C. okamurae, pronađeni su tetrasporofitni talusi s tetrasporocistama i ženski gametofiti s cistokarpima

    Melnikov theory for nonlinear implicit ODEs

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    Abstract We apply dynamical system methods and Melnikov theory to study small amplitude perturbation of some implicit differential equations. In particular we show persistence of such orbits connecting singularities in finite time provided a Melnikov like condition holds

    Zoonoses and information of the public: the role of media, with special reference to Italy

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    The significance of zoonoses varies depending on many socio\u2010economic factors and on the specific situation that prevails in a specific area. The role of the media often determines the importance given to a disease. In resource\u2010rich countries, a zoonosis may be perceived as being important due to inaccurate information that has been circulated by mass media on the risk of infection for animals and humans and on the possible use of the agent for terrorist actions. Images of sick or dead people and animals, drastic methods of control and others, can contribute to an overestimation of the significance of a disease. Information can be lacking or absent in regard to socio\u2010economic factors that clarify occurrence and also on geographic distribution. Therefore, the sensitivity of people can be influenced rapidly and negative socio\u2010economic consequences can occur. These zoonoses can be named \u2018mediaoriented (emphasised) zoonoses\u2019. On the contrary, some zoonoses are scarcely considered for several reasons, for instance: occurrence in poverty\u2010stricken areas and populations, risks of infection for people not considered important enough to deserve medical care, little interest from the media, decision\u2010makers and health services, lack of information and official reports. These zoonoses can be named \u2018neglected zoonoses\u2019. Some examples of zoonoses included in the above categories are described