52 research outputs found

    ¿Qué desigualdades toleramos? Un análisis de los discursos sobre la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina

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    Las desigualdades sociales son producidas y reproducidas en forma constante a través de las relaciones sociales; y son también legitimadas en términos culturales en los discursos y las representaciones. En este trabajo presentamos resultados preliminares de un análisis de los discursos sociales que circulan en los medios masivos de comunicación, en torno a la política de la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina. Sobre un corpus que incluye notas de periodismo gráfico publicadas en los principales diarios a nivel nacional (Clarín y La Nación) hemos realizado un trabajo de sistematización acerca de los tópicos, los motivos y los argumentos que se utilizan para legitimar o cuestionar las políticas sociales de carácter igualitario. Nuestro análisis se inspira en las propuestas del análisis crítico del discurso de Teun Van Dij

    A practical approach to adaptive sliding mode control

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    This paper is concerned with the development of a practical approach to the design of adaptive sliding mode controllers. The objective is to define an adaptive control law that presents some desired advantages such as non overestimation of the disturbance input, cancellation of the chattering phenomenon, zero overshooting response, avoid control saturation and simplicity of algorithm tuning. In this practical approach a solution is provided that uses both, adaptive sliding surfaces and adaptive control gains so the proposed controller is able to manage input disturbances with bounded derivatives.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. DPI2017-84259-C2-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. PTQ-14-07366Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. DPI2016-79278-C2-2-

    ¿Qué desigualdades toleramos? : Un análisis de los discursos sobre la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina

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    Las desigualdades sociales son producidas y reproducidas en forma constante a través de las relaciones sociales; y son también legitimadas en términos culturales en los discursos y las representaciones. En este trabajo presentamos resultados preliminares de un análisis de los discursos sociales que circulan en los medios masivos de comunicación, en torno a la política de la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina. Sobre un corpus que incluye notas de periodismo gráfico publicadas en los principales diarios a nivel nacional (Clarín y La Nación) hemos realizado un trabajo de sistematización acerca de los tópicos, los motivos y los argumentos que se utilizan para legitimar o cuestionar las políticas sociales de carácter igualitario. Nuestro análisis se inspira en las propuestas del análisis crítico del discurso de Teun Van Dijk.Mesa 45: La razón populista. Comunicación, política y poder. Medios e industrias culturales en el entramado de la cultura.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    ¿Qué desigualdades toleramos? : Un análisis de los discursos sobre la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina

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    Las desigualdades sociales son producidas y reproducidas en forma constante a través de las relaciones sociales; y son también legitimadas en términos culturales en los discursos y las representaciones. En este trabajo presentamos resultados preliminares de un análisis de los discursos sociales que circulan en los medios masivos de comunicación, en torno a la política de la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina. Sobre un corpus que incluye notas de periodismo gráfico publicadas en los principales diarios a nivel nacional (Clarín y La Nación) hemos realizado un trabajo de sistematización acerca de los tópicos, los motivos y los argumentos que se utilizan para legitimar o cuestionar las políticas sociales de carácter igualitario. Nuestro análisis se inspira en las propuestas del análisis crítico del discurso de Teun Van Dijk.Mesa 45: La razón populista. Comunicación, política y poder. Medios e industrias culturales en el entramado de la cultura.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    ¿Qué desigualdades toleramos? : Un análisis de los discursos sobre la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina

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    Las desigualdades sociales son producidas y reproducidas en forma constante a través de las relaciones sociales; y son también legitimadas en términos culturales en los discursos y las representaciones. En este trabajo presentamos resultados preliminares de un análisis de los discursos sociales que circulan en los medios masivos de comunicación, en torno a la política de la Asignación Universal por Hijo en la Argentina. Sobre un corpus que incluye notas de periodismo gráfico publicadas en los principales diarios a nivel nacional (Clarín y La Nación) hemos realizado un trabajo de sistematización acerca de los tópicos, los motivos y los argumentos que se utilizan para legitimar o cuestionar las políticas sociales de carácter igualitario. Nuestro análisis se inspira en las propuestas del análisis crítico del discurso de Teun Van Dijk.Mesa 45: La razón populista. Comunicación, política y poder. Medios e industrias culturales en el entramado de la cultura.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    An Experimental Set-Up for Measurement of the Power Absorbed from 900 MHz GSM Standing Waves by Small Animals, Illustrated by Application to Picrotoxin-Treated Rats

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    [Abstract] We describe an experimental set-up for exposure of small animals to radiofrequency standing waves that allows direct measurement of the power absorbed by the animal. Essentially, the set-up consists of a metallic box containing an antenna and experimental animal immobilized in a methacrylate holder; a signal generator feeding the antenna; and a power meter. In addition, the box can also contain a video camera to record the animal's behaviour, and a receiving antenna (connected externally to a power meter and a spectrum analyser) to detect alien radiation and harmonics. The absorbed power measurement trivially allows calculation of whole-body mean SAR from the animal's weight; and assuming local SARs to be proportional to whole-body mean SAR, the latter can be used to adjust organ-specific SAR predictions obtained by simulation using a commercial FDTD program with a numerical phantom. The use of the system is illustrated by application to rats given subconvulsive doses of picrotoxin to induce a seizure-prone state analogous to epilepsy: levels of the neuronal activity marker c-Fos in the frontal and piriform cortex of picrotoxin-treated rats exposed to 900 MHz GSM radiation were twice as high as those of unexposed animals

    Rumo ao monitoramento contínuo de variáveis oceanográficas no Parque Nacional Isla de Flores, Uruguai

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    Las mediciones continuas de variables ambientales en zonas costeras son fundamentales para comprender la compleja dinámica de los procesos oceanográficos y atmosféricos, así como mejorar la comprensión del medio marino para fines operativos y de conservación que se puedan integrar en un proceso de planificación espacial marina. En Uruguay se han llevado adelante distintos esfuerzos para la generación de este tipo de información in situ, pero en su mayoría no lograron mantenerse en el tiempo, principalmente por los altos costos operativos y de mantenimiento de sensores específicos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares de más de un año de mediciones continuas de temperatura y salinidad en el Río de la Plata, obtenidos a partir de soluciones de bajo costo y un fuerte trabajo de coordinación multiinstitucional entre la academia y organismos del Estado. Las mediciones fueron obtenidas a partir de la instalación de sensores DST-CTD en el Parque Nacional Isla de Flores, un sitio clave para el muestreo de la zona exterior del Río de la Plata. Se destaca el valor de contar con este tipo de información, y se discute la importancia y complejidad de la implementación de un sistema de monitoreo continuo a largo plazo.Continuous measurements of environmental conditions in coastal zones are key to understanding oceanographic and atmospheric processes, as well as improving the understanding of the marine environment for operational and conservation purposes that can be integrated into a marine spatial planning process. Several efforts have been made in Uruguay in order to achieve these goals, but they have not sustained over time due to high operative and maintenance costs of specific sensors. This work presents the first results of more than a year of continuous measurements of temperature and salinity in the Río de la Plata obtained using a low cost solution and through a high-commitment multi-institutional teamwork between the academy and state agencies. Measurements were obtained with a DST-CTD sensor installed in Isla de Flores National Park, a key sampling point for the external zone of Río de la Plata. The relevance of having this type of information is presented and the need for the implementation of a continuous long-term monitoring system is discussed

    VME indicator species collected during exploratory fishing in Macaronesian seamounts

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    During the second half of 2012, the longline vessel MARANSA completed 13 fishing trips in international waters of CECAF Area (Division FAO 34), in nine Seamounts from northeast off Madeira (Lion, Ampere, Unicorn, Seine, “Camaguay”, “Cabezos”, Dacia and “Fantasma”) to south off the Canary Islands (Eco/Endeavour), between latitudes 19°N and 35°N, using bottom longlines. The main target species were demersal species such as Wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) or Splendidalfonsino (Beryx splendens). An observer on board recorded the bycatch of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME) indicator species in order to evaluate the potential adverse impact of bottom fishing activities on VME and samples of the specimens for later identification in the laboratory were stored. The main indicator species found were cold-water corals (black corals, scleractinians and gorgonians) and sponges, species broadly associated with seamounts. The shallower banks, Ampere and Dacia in the north and centre of the area, show the greater biodiversity and the higher percentage of presence of VME indicator species (52% and 53% of the sets respectively), followed by Endeavour (South of the Canary Islands), 36.4%. In these three banks the species distribution is strongly related to depth, finding Antipatharia (mainly Stichopathes sp) and Scleractinia (Dendrophyllia cornigera and D. ramea) in shallower depths and Porifera (Neophryssospongia nolitangere, Leiodermatium lynceus and Asconema setubalense) in deeper bottoms. Species of the Porifera group are present in all banks except of so-called ”Cabezos”

    Banco de La Concepción: A new Natura 2000 Marine Site off Canary Islands

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    The main objective of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the Spanish seas through the identification of valuable areas for the Natura 2000 Network. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been in charge of implementing scientific surveys to map sensitive habitats of seven of the ten INDEMARES areas, and to determine the fisheries footprint over these areas. Banco de La Concepci´on is one of the areas chosen to be depicted in the frame of INDEMARES project. Located at 71 km to the NE of Lanzarote, at the coordinates 29º 55’ Latitude N and 12º 45’ Longitude W, Banco de la Concepci´on raises from 2,541 m up to its summit at 170 m deep. The biological richness of Banco de la Concepci´on is very influenced by the deep water up-welling phenomena, which create a high productivity, attracting a multitude of pelagic species, such as cetaceans, turtles, sharks, and tunas looking for food. In its vicinity, fishery resources such as goraz, anglerfish, and hakes, are abundant, and a rich invertebrate fauna cohabits in their bottoms. Banco de la Concepci´on is a traditional fishing area of oceanic pelagic species, and very good to catch demersal fish; it is highly visited by Galician and Portuguese drifters and long liners that fish in Mauritania, and mainly by the Andalusian longliners. In general, its main impacts are related to uncontrolled fishing pressure. The available information on the anthropogenic impact of the area was scarce, and its level of research was very poor as well, before INDEMARES project. Methodology approach complies with a multidisciplinary perspective, having described the area from geological, oceanographic, biological and fisheries points of view. Several surveys have taken place since 2009 to 2013 at Banco de La Concepci´on waters. Traps, longlines, beam trawls, benthic dredges and box corers have been used to sample benthic fauna. These last two, plus EM 3002 multibeam echosounder, PS 18 parametric sub bottom profiler, EA600 monobeam sounder, Seapath 200 positioning sensor and SV Plus sound velocity calibration sensor were used to make a geophysical study which provides a range of environmental factors. CTD was used to depict physical conditions of the water column. Finally, Remote Operated Vehicle Liropus 2000 and different photogrammetric tugged sleds were used to make a great effort of visual sampling. Data from VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) were used, combined with interviews to users (fishers), to describe the fishery uses in the area. Results from all this field work provide enough information for the administrations to establish a new Natura 2000 area, trying to reconcile protection of biodiversity and artisanal local economic activities. This establishment should take place at the end of a process of public consultation to stakeholders which is taking place in the present and which will help to shape the future Management Plan which will give details about permitted and prohibited uses

    Sensitive Habitats and fishing footprint off Canary Islands seamounts Amanay and El Banquete

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    The main objective of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the Spanish seas through the identification of valuable areas for the Natura 2000 Network. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been in charge of implementing scientific surveys to map sensitive habitats of seven of the ten INDEMARES areas, and to determine the fisheries footprint over these areas. Sur y Oriente de Fuerteventura y Lanzarote is one of the areas chosen to be depicted in the frame of INDEMARES project, although the study about benthic habitats and fishery footprint carried by IEO has restricted to Amanay and El Banquete Seamounts. El Banquete really is the extension of southern continental shelf while Amanay seamount is located at 25 km from Jand´ıa Lighthouse (S of Fuerteventura) and 55 km from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, at the coordinates 28º 07’ Latitude N and 14º 44’ LongitudeW, both volcanic buildings raise from more than 2,000 m up to their summits at 25-30 m deep, separated by a 1.500 m deep channel. The biological richness of Amanay and El Banquete seamounts is very influenced by the deep water up-welling phenomena, which create a high productivity, attracting a multitude of pelagic species, such as cetaceans, turtles, sharks, and tunas looking for food. There is also a high influence from Saharian up-welling. Both the seamounts tops and their vicinities are often visited by a large artisanal local fishing fleet which profits of their fishery resources; also a rich invertebrate fauna cohabits in their bottoms. In general, its main impacts are related to uncontrolled fishing pressure, and maritime navigation. The available information on the anthropogenic impact of the area was scarce, and its level of research was very poor as well, before INDEMARES project. Methodology approach complies with a multidisciplinary perspective, having described the area from geological, oceanographic, biological and fisheries points of view. Several surveys have taken place since 2009 to 2013 at Amanay and El Banquete waters. Traps, longlines, beam trawls, benthic dredges and box corers have been used to sample benthic fauna. These last two, plus EM 3002 multibeam echosounder, PS 18 parametric sub bottom profiler, EA600 monobeam sounder, Seapath 200 positioning sensor and SV Plus sound velocity calibration sensor were used to make a geophysical study which provides a range of environmental factors. CTD was used to depict physical conditions of the water column. Finally, different photogrammetric tugged sleds were used to make a great effort of visual sampling. Data from VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) were used, combined with interviews to users (fishers), landing samplings and scientific observation onboard, to describe the fishery uses in the area