92 research outputs found

    Description of Maribacter forsetii sp nov., a marine Flavobacteriaceae isolated from North Sea water, and emended description of the genus Maribacter

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    Three rod-shaped, Gram-negative, chemo-organotrophic, heterotrophic, strictly aerobic, gliding bacterial strains, KT02ds18-4, KT02ds18-5 and KT02ds18-6T, were isolated from North Sea surface waters near the island of Helgoland, Germany. Their taxonomic position was investigated by a polyphasic approach. The three strains were light yellow, oxidase- and catalase-positive, and grew optimally at 25 degrees C, at pH 7.5, and in the presence of 2.5 % (w/v) NaCl. The Chargaff's coefficient was 34.2-34.4 mol%. The three strains shared >90 % DNA-DNA relatedness and an identical 16S rRNA gene sequence. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis allocated the three strains to the genus Maribacter in the family Flavobacteriaceae, with similarities of 97.0-97.4 % to five of the recognized Maribacter species. Their low level of DNA-DNA relatedness (<20 %) with these species and differentiating phenotypic characteristics demonstrated that they constitute a new Maribacter species for which the name Maribacter forsetii sp. nov. is proposed. Strain KT02ds18-6T (=CIP 109504T=DSM 18668T) is the type strain. An emended description of the genus Maribacter is also proposed

    Specific detection and quantification of the marine flavobacterial genus Zobellia on macroalgae using novel qPCR and CARD-FISH assays

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    The flavobacterial genus Zobellia is considered as a model to study macroalgal polysaccharide degradation. The lack of data regarding its prevalence and abundance in coastal habitats constitutes a bottleneck to assess its ecological strategies. To overcome this issue, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) methods targeting the 16S rRNA gene were optimized to specifically detect and quantify Zobellia on the surface of diverse macroalgae. The newly designed qPCR primers and FISH probes targeted 98 and 100% of the Zobellia strains in silico and their specificity was confirmed using pure bacterial cultures. The dynamic range of the qPCR assay spanned 8 orders of magnitude from 10 to 108 16S rRNA gene copies and the detection limit was 0.01% relative abundance of Zobellia in environmental samples. Zobellia-16S rRNA gene copies were detected on all surveyed brown, green and red macroalgae, in proportion varying between 0.1 and 0.9% of the total bacterial copies. The absolute and relative abundance of Zobellia varied with tissue aging on the kelp Laminaria digitata. Zobellia cells were successfully visualized in Ulva lactuca and stranded Palmaria palmata surface biofilm using CARD-FISH, representing in the latter 10(5) Zobellia cells.cm(2) and 0.43% of total bacterial cells. Overall, qPCR and CARD-FISH assays enabled robust detection, quantification and localization of Zobellia representatives in complex samples, underlining their ecological relevance as primary biomass degraders potentially cross-feeding other microorganisms. (C) 2021 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Discovering novel enzymes by functional screening of plurigenomic libraries from alga-associated <i>Flavobacteriia</i> and <i>Gammaproteobacteria</i>

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    Alga-associated microorganisms, in the context of their numerous interactions with the host and the complexity of the marine environment, are known to produce diverse hydrolytic enzymes with original biochemistry. We recently isolated several macroalgal-polysaccharide-degrading bacteria from the surface of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum. These active isolates belong to two classes: the Flavobacteriia and the Gammaproteobacteria. In the present study, we constructed two “plurigenomic” (with multiple bacterial genomes) libraries with the 5 most interesting isolates (regarding their phylogeny and their enzymatic activities) of each class (Fv and Gm libraries). Both libraries were screened for diverse hydrolytic activities. Five activities, out of the 48 previously identified in the natural polysaccharolytic isolates, were recovered by functional screening: a xylanase (GmXyl7), a beta-glucosidase (GmBg1), an esterase (GmEst7) and two iota-carrageenases (Fvi2.5 and Gmi1.3). We discuss here the potential role of the used host-cell, the average DNA insert-sizes and the used restriction enzymes on the divergent screening yields obtained for both libraries and get deeper inside the “great screen anomaly”. Interestingly, the discovered esterase probably stands for a novel family of homoserine o-acetyltransferase-like-esterases, while the two iota-carrageenases represent new members of the poorly known GH82 family (containing only 19 proteins since its description in 2000). These original results demonstrate the efficiency of our uncommon “plurigenomic” library approach and the underexplored potential of alga-associated cultivable microbiota for the identification of novel and algal-specific enzymes

    Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga

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    Porphyra is a macrophytic red alga of the Bangiales that is important ecologically and economically. We describe the genomes of three bacteria in the phylum Planctomycetes (designated P1, P2 and P3) that were isolated from blades of Porphyra umbilicalis (P.um.1). These three Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belong to distinct genera; P2 belongs to the genus Rhodopirellula, while P1 and P3 represent undescribed genera within the Planctomycetes. Comparative analyses of the P1, P2 and P3 genomes show large expansions of distinct gene families, which can be widespread throughout the Planctomycetes (e.g., protein kinases, sensors/response regulators) and may relate to specific habitat (e.g., sulfatase gene expansions in marine Planctomycetes) or phylogenetic position. Notably, there are major differences among the Planctomycetes in the numbers and sub-functional diversity of enzymes (e.g., sulfatases, glycoside hydrolases, polysaccharide lyases) that allow these bacteria to access a range of sulfated polysaccharides in macroalgal cell walls. These differences suggest that the microbes have varied capacities for feeding on fixed carbon in the cell walls of P.um.1 and other macrophytic algae, although the activities among the various bacteria might be functionally complementary in situ. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses indicate augmentation of gene functions through expansions arising from gene duplications and horizontal gene transfers; examples include genes involved in cell wall degradation (e.g., ÎÂș-carrageenase, alginate lyase, fucosidase) and stress responses (e.g., efflux pump, amino acid transporter). Finally P1 and P2 contain various genes encoding selenoproteins, many of which are enzymes that ameliorate the impact of environmental stresses that occur in the intertidal habitat

    Metabolism of multiple glycosaminoglycans by <i>Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron</i> is orchestrated by a versatile core genetic locus

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    The human gut microbiota (HGM), which is critical to human health, utilises complex glycans as its major carbon source. Glycosaminoglycans represent an important, high priority, nutrient source for the HGM. Pathways for the metabolism of various glycosaminoglycan substrates remain ill-defined. Here we perform a biochemical, genetic and structural dissection of the genetic loci that orchestrates glycosaminoglycan metabolism in the organism Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Here, we report: the discovery of two previously unknown surface glycan binding proteins which facilitate glycosaminoglycan import into the periplasm; distinct kinetic and genetic specificities of various periplasmic lyases which dictate glycosaminoglycan metabolic pathways; understanding of endo sulfatase activity questioning the paradigm of how the ‘sulfation problem’ is handled by the HGM; and 3D crystal structures of the polysaccharide utilisation loci encoded sulfatases. Together with comparative genomic studies, our study fills major gaps in our knowledge of glycosaminoglycan metabolism by the HGM

    DNA Adenine Methylation

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