177 research outputs found


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    Development of rice varieties for tidal swamp areas is emphasized on the improvement of rice yield potential in specific environment. However, grain yield is a complex trait and highly dependent on the other agronomic characters; while information related to the relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield in the breeding program particularly for tidal swamp areas is very limited. The objective of this study was to investigate relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield of rice as a basis for selection of high yielding rice varieties for tidal swamp areas. Agronomic characters and grain yield of nine advanced rice breeding lines and two rice varieties were evaluated in a series of experiments in tidal swamp areas, Karang Agung Ulu Village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, for four cropping seasons in dry season (DS) 2005, wet season (WS) 2005/2006, DS 2006, and DS 2007. Result from path analysis revealed that the following characters had positive direct effect on grain yield, i.e. number of productive tillers per hill (p = 0.356), number of filled grains per panicle (p = 0.544), and spikelet fertility (p = 0.215). Plant height had negative direct effect (p = -0.332) on grain yield, while maturity, number of spikelets per panicle, and 1000-grain weight showed negligible effect on rice grain yield. Present study suggests that indirect selection of high yielding tidal swamp rice can be done by selecting breeding lines which have many product tive tillers, dense filled grains, and high spikelet fertility


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    Daerah pesisir memiliki tingkat kemiskinan yang tinggi akibat ketidakpastian ekonomi saat nelayan tidak melaut akibat cuaca buruk, dan sebagian besar hanya bergantung pada penangkapan ikan di laut. Hal ini menjadi tantangan dan permasalahan yang harus dicarikan solusinya oleh pemerintah desa yang wilayahnya berbatasan dengan pantai untuk meningkatkan pendapatan nelayan. Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik ini dilaksanakan selama tiga bulan berkat kerjasama Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi dan Kelurahan Sei Bilah Timur. Program KKNT bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ekonomi, kesehatan, dan UMKM di masyarakat. Metode pelaksanaannya adalah Pendidikan, Pelatihan, dan Advokasi Masyarakat. Pelaksanaan program KKNT (a) Mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya pencegahan stunting dan mencegah pernikahan dini, (b) Pelatihan teknik printing dan makeup, (c) Advokasi strategi branding produk UMKM. Hasil kegiatan memberikan dampak bagi masyarakat sehingga mereka memahami bahwa banyak kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga selain dari pekerjaan utama mereka sebagai nelayan, seperti menjual produk UMKM dan jasa sablon dan tata rias. Pemahaman masyarakat tentang pencegahan stunting secara tidak langsung meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga. KKNT sebagai program kegiatan membangun desa membangun Indonesia memberikan solusi baru bagi masyarakat untuk pendidikan kesehatan dan UMKM yang secara langsung akan meningkatkan manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat pesisir

    Correlation Analysis of Agronomic Characters and Grain Yield of Rice for Tidal Swamp Areas

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    Development of rice varieties for tidal swamp areas is emphasized on the improvement of rice yield potential in specific environment. However, grain yield is a complex trait and highly dependent on the other agronomic characters; while information related to the relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield in the breeding program particularly for tidal swamp areas is very limited. The objective of this study was to investigate relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield of rice as a basis for selection of high yielding rice varieties for tidal swamp areas. Agronomic characters and grain yield of nine advanced rice breeding lines and two rice varieties were evaluated in a series of experiments in tidal swamp areas, Karang Agung Ulu Village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, for four cropping seasons in dry season (DS) 2005, wet season (WS) 2005/2006, DS 2006, and DS 2007. Result from path analysis revealed that the following characters had positive direct effect on grain yield, i.e. number of productive tillers per hill (p = 0.356), number of filled grains per panicle (p = 0.544), and spikelet fertility (p = 0.215). Plant height had negative direct effect (p = -0.332) on grain yield, while maturity, number of spikelets per panicle, and 1000-grain weight showed negligible effect on rice grain yield. Present study suggests that indirect selection of high yielding tidal swamp rice can be done by selecting breeding lines which have many product tive tillers, dense filled grains, and high spikelet fertility

    Pengelolaan Kurikulum Dan Pembelajaran Seni Karawitan Jawa (Studi Situs di SDN Wonosidi II Tulakan Pacitan 2013)

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    The objectives of this study are (1) examine about the preparation of Javanese Gamelan Music curriculum; (2) to describe the implementation of Javanese Gamelan Music learning; and (3) examine about the evaluation of Javanese Gamelan Music curriculum at SDN Wonosidi II Tulakan Pacitan. This research is basically a qualitative research with ethnography research design. This study was conducted at SDN Wonosidi II Tulakan Pacitan with the informant consisted of the principal, teacher and students of SDN Wonosidi II Tulakan Pacitan. For data collection method, it used interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis was started from data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion or verification. Data validity used credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability. The results of the research show that: (1) preparation of Education Unit Level Curriculum of Javanese Gamelan Music was a collaboration of several parties consisting of the principal, teachers, committee, and stakeholder of SDN Wonosidi II Tulakan Pacitan. The Annual Program created bytecher of local subject Javanese Musical art. The total amount of time allocated was 84 hours of class IV and V, and 86 hours of class VI. Semester Program derived from the anual program. In the syllabus ; Standards of competency, Basic competence , materials, learning activities, indicators, assessment tools, time allocation, and learning resources. Lesson plan drawn up by the teacher includes 9 components and requested approval of the principal. Minimum Kompetenees Creteria estabilished in accordance with the guidelines issued by the National Education Standards . Minimum Kompetenees Creteria score for grade 4 was 65, while grade 5 and 6 was 70. (2) Implementation of Javanese Gamelan Music was started by a greeting from teacher, a motivation and apperception. The instructional methods used included: (a) expository method (explaining), (b) Question and Answer, (c) demonstration, and (d) direct practice. Instructional instrument used was a set of gamelan Slendro and Pelog. (3) Evaluation of Javanese Gamelan Curriculum was ever done at SDN Wonosidi II Tulakan Pacitan. This evaluation aimed at evaluating the extent to which learning programs have been realized. It was done in a micro evaluation. Evaluation model used was the CIPP evaluation model

    The Use of Appropriate Vocabulary of the First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of appropriate vocabulary by the first grade students of SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu. Population of this research was all of the first grade students of SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu. They were 198 students. The number of the sample was taken 25 % of the population. They were 50 students who were selected randomly. They were given a multiple choice vocabulary test with four choices. The result of this research showed that the vocabulary appropriateness by the first grade students of SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu were as follows: deficient category was 6 %, mediocre category was 58 %, good category was 28 %, and very good category was 8 %. From the result of the study, it can be concluded that the vocabulary appropriateness by most of the first grade students of SMAN 6 Kota were in mediocre category. For further research, it is recommended to find out the factors that was faced the students in the use of appropriate vocabulary

    The Effect of Students\u27 Language Learning Strategies and Motivations Toward Their English Achievements of the English Department; a Study at an Islamic University

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    This study aims to the degree of effects of the language learning strategies and language learning motivations to English achievements of the English Department students at an Islamic university in Indonesia. The design was the ex-post facto research. A total of 25 students were asked to complete the SILL and Motivation questionnaires. In addition, the document of the students\u27 TOEFL scores was used to determine the English achievements. The result of this study showed that the language learning motivations had 27.25% effect on the students\u27 English achievements, while the language learning strategies had 25.6% effect on their English achievements


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             Buku Monograf ini merupakan suatu penelitian sebuah studi dalam mengidentifikasi potensi dan manajemen pencegahan bencana kenaikan permukaan air laut disepanjang pantaui timur Sumatera Utara. Berisi enam tulisan judul yang terbagi dari Bab 1 sampai dengan Bab 6 yang bisa dibaca secara terpisah namun saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Buku ini membahas dan mengetahui tingkat kerentanan desa-desa di pesisir Pantai timur Sumatera Utara terhadap kenaikan permukaan air laut. Adapun Sasaran penelitian ini antara lain: mengidentifikasi wilayah rentan di pesisir Pantai timur Sumatera Utara terhadap kenaikan permukaan laut, ditinjau dari faktor fisik dan sosial- ekonomi dan akan menyediakan peta kerentanan terhadap kenaikan muka laut untuk wilayah pesisir Pantai timur Sumatera Utara


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    A series picture is a sequence of picture dealing with one subject. It may tell a story, present an event, describe a scene, reveal a person, or show how to do something. From the previous studies, series picture has been demonstrated as practical teaching and learning media for students at all grade levels. This method has been identified by researchers as an excellent media for increasing vocabulary and improving writing competence. However, the use of series picture as media for speaking has been relatively unexplored. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of series picture as media to improve students’ speaking ability. The research design of this study was pre- experimental design. The population was the tenth grade students of MA Al-Hikmah Way Halim Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2010/2011 and samples consisted of 32 students. The data was collected via test, observation and interview.   In analyzing thedata,  t test formula was used, it was found that t ratio is 3.45 and ttable for a = 0.01 the ttableis 2.46 and for a = 0.05 the ttable is 1.70 it meant that t ratio was higher than t table. Thefinding showed positive feedback received from the subject on the use series picture fortheir speaking ability. Based on the result of this study, it can be concluded that series picture as media is very effective to improve students’ speaking ability

    Getting Students to Write English Articles for Publication: Student Writers’ Responses

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    There has been a scarcity of writing instruction that aims to enable EFL students to write English articles for publication. This study aims to fill out the gap by developing a procedure for such an instruction and exploring student writers’ responses to the procedure. The design was descriptive, within the context of project-based learning. The subjects comprised some students of an English program at a public university in Bengkulu, Indonesia. Sampling was purposive and included 2 groups. The instrument was a questionnaire. The result showed that the subjects generally agreed to the steps for the writing instruction. The benefit levels of instructor’s activities were generally viewed as high; however, the benefit levels of students’ activities were perceived from low to high. Skills cultivated in the instruction were viewed as transferable to other tasks. The students wanted the final drafts to be directly processed by the editor prior to publication. Adequacy of access for electronic source was high while that of print source was moderate. The students expected that reference tools were provided by the institution. Students’ overall productivity was low. Further study is recommended to refine the instruction

    Sejarah Daerah Jawa Barat

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    Sejarah telah mencatat, bahwa kebesaran suatu bangsa sangat tergantung pada usaha dan perjuangan bangsa itu sendiri. Dalam sejarah bangsa Indonesia sejak kemunculannya di bumi, sampai saat ini banyak peristiwa yang terjadi di Indonesia baik peristiwa positif maupun negatif yang dapat dijadikan pegangan dalam tindak-laku pada masa sekarang dan masa mendatang. Sejarah bersifat mulitidimensional. ia melitputi berbagai aspek yang kompleks dalam kehidupan. Dalam penulisan Sejarah Daerah Jawa Barat ini akan meliputi beberapa masalah, yaitu masalah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pemerintah, perkembangan seni budaya, agama/kepercayaan, organisasi kemasyarakatan, pendidikan, dll