2,100 research outputs found

    Omega and eta meson production in p+p reactions at E_{kin} = 3.5 GeV

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    We report on the exclusive production of omega and eta mesons in p+p reactions at 3.5 GeV beam kinetic energy. Production cross sections, angular distributions and Dalitz plots of both mesons were determined. Moreover, the relative contribution of the N(1535) resonance in eta production at this energy was evaluated. We conclude that eta mesons produced via N(1535) exihibit an isotropic angular distribution, whereas those produced directly show a strong anisotropic distribition. omega mesons show a slightly anisotropic angular distribition.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, Krak\'ow, Poland, 10 - 15 June 201

    On the muon neutrino mass

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    During the runs of the PS 179 experiment at LEAR of CERN, we photographed an event of antiproton-Ne absorption, with a complete pi+ -> mu+ ->e+ chain. From the vertex of the reaction a very slow energy pi+ was emitted. The pi+ decays into a mu+ and subsequently the mu+ decays into a positron. At the first decay vertex a muon neutrino was emitted and at the second decay vertex an electron neutrino and a muon antineutrino. Measuring the pion and muon tracks and applying the momentum and energy conservation and using a classical statistical interval estimator, we obtained an experimental upper limit for the muon neutrino mass: m_nu < 2.2 MeV at a 90% confidence level. A statistical analysis has been performed of the factors contributing to the square value of the neutrino mass limit.Comment: 18 pages, 5 eps figure

    The evolution of the spatially-resolved metal abundance in galaxy clusters up to z=1.4

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    We present the combined analysis of the metal content of 83 objects in the redshift range 0.09-1.39, and spatially-resolved in the 3 bins (0-0.15, 0.15-0.4, >0.4) R500, as obtained with similar analysis using XMM-Newton data in Leccardi & Molendi (2008) and Baldi et al. (2012). We use the pseudo-entropy ratio to separate the Cool-Core (CC) cluster population, where the central gas density tends to be relatively higher, cooler and more metal rich, from the Non-Cool-Core systems. The average, redshift-independent, metal abundance measured in the 3 radial bins decrease moving outwards, with a mean metallicity in the core that is even 3 (two) times higher than the value of 0.16 times the solar abundance in Anders & Grevesse (1989) estimated at r>0.4 R500 in CC (NCC) objects. We find that the values of the emission-weighted metallicity are well-fitted by the relation Z(z)=Z0(1+z)γZ(z) = Z_0 (1+z)^{-\gamma} at given radius. A significant scatter, intrinsic to the observed distribution and of the order of 0.05-0.15, is observed below 0.4 R500. The nominal best-fit value of γ\gamma is significantly different from zero in the inner cluster regions (γ=1.6±0.2\gamma = 1.6 \pm 0.2) and in CC clusters only. These results are confirmed also with a bootstrap analysis, which provides a still significant negative evolution in the core of CC systems (P>99.9 per cent). No redshift-evolution is observed when regions above the core (r > 0.15 R500) are considered. A reasonable good fit of both the radial and redshift dependence is provided from the functional form Z(r,z)=Z0(1+(r/0.15R500)2)β(1+z)γZ(r,z)=Z_0 (1+(r/0.15 R500)^2)^{-\beta} (1+z)^{-\gamma}, with (Z0,β,γ)=(0.83±0.13,0.55±0.07,1.7±0.6)(Z_0, \beta, \gamma) = (0.83 \pm 0.13, 0.55 \pm 0.07, 1.7 \pm 0.6) in CC clusters and (0.39±0.04,0.37±0.15,0.5±0.5)(0.39 \pm 0.04, 0.37 \pm 0.15, 0.5 \pm 0.5) for NCC systems. Our results represent the most extensive study of the spatially-resolved metal distribution in the cluster plasma as function of redshift.Comment: 5 pages. Research Note accepted for publication in A&

    Numerical simulation and analytical modelling of self-heating in FDSOI MOSFETs down to very deep cryogenic temperatures

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    Self-heating (SHE) TCAD numerical simulations have been performed, for the first time, on 30nm FDSOI MOS transistors at extremely low temperatures. The self-heating temperature rise dTmax and the thermal resistance Rth are computed as functions of the ambient temperature Ta and the dissipated electrical power (Pd), considering calibrated silicon and oxide thermal conductivities. The characteristics of the SHE temperature rise dTmax(Pd) display sub-linear behavior at sufficiently high levels of dissipated power, in line with standard FDSOI SHE experimental data. It has been observed that the SHE temperature rise dTmax can significantly exceed the ambient temperature more easily at very low temperatures. Furthermore, a detailed thermal analysis of the primary heat flows in the FDSOI device has been conducted, leading to the development of an analytical SHE model calibrated against TCAD simulation data. This SHE analytical model accurately describes the dTmax(Pd) and Rth(Ta) characteristics of an FDSOI MOS device operating at extreme low ambient temperatures. These TCAD simulations and analytical models hold great promise for predicting the SHE and electro-thermal performance of FDSOI MOS transistors against ambient temperature and dissipated power

    Apparent high metallicity in 3-4 keV galaxy clusters: the inverse iron-bias in action in the case of the merging cluster Abell 2028

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    Recent work based on a global measurement of the ICM properties find evidence for an increase of the iron abundance in galaxy clusters with temperature around 2-4 keV up to a value about 3 times larger than that typical of very hot clusters. We have started a study of the metal distribution in these objects from the sample of Baumgartner et al. (2005), aiming at resolving spatially the metal content of the ICM. We report here on a 42ks XMM observation of the first object of the sample, the cluster Abell 2028. The XMM observation reveals a complex structure of the cluster over scale of 300 kpc, showing an interaction between two sub-clusters in cometary-like configurations. At the leading edges of the two substructures cold fronts have been detected. The core of the main subcluster is likely hosting a cool corona. We show that a one-component fit for this region returns a biased high metallicity. This inverse iron bias is due to the behavior of the fitting code in shaping the Fe-L complex. In presence of a multi-temperature structure of the ICM, the best-fit metallicity is artificially higher when the projected spectrum is modeled with a single temperature component and it is not related to the presence of both Fe-L and Fe-K emission lines in the spectrum. After accounting for the bias, the overall abundance of the cluster is consistent with the one typical of hotter, more massive clusters. We caution the interpretation of high abundances inferred when fitting a single thermal component to spectra derived from relatively large apertures in 3-4 keV clusters, because the inverse iron bias can be present. Most of the inferences trying to relate high abundances in 3-4 keV clusters to fundamental physical processes will likely have to be revised.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures.Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysycs. Minor changes to match published versio

    Bottom-Up Approach to Moduli Dynamics in Heavy Gravitino Scenario : Superpotential, Soft Terms and Sparticle Mass Spectrum

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    The physics of moduli fields is examined in the scenario where the gravitino is relatively heavy with mass of order 10 TeV, which is favored in view of the severe gravitino problem. The form of the moduli superpotential is shown to be determined, if one imposes a phenomenological requirement that no physical CP phase arise in gaugino masses from conformal anomaly mediation. This bottom-up approach allows only two types of superpotential, each of which can have its origins in a fundamental underlying theory such as superstring. One superpotential is the sum of an exponential and a constant, which is identical to that obtained by Kachru et al (KKLT), and the other is the racetrack superpotential with two exponentials. The general form of soft supersymmetry breaking masses is derived, and the pattern of the superparticle mass spectrum in the minimal supersymmetric standard model is discussed with the KKLT-type superpotential. It is shown that the moduli mediation and the anomaly mediation make comparable contributions to the soft masses. At the weak scale, the gaugino masses are rather degenerate compared to the minimal supergravity, which bring characteristic features on the superparticle masses. In particular, the lightest neutralino, which often constitutes the lightest superparticle and thus a dark matter candidate, is a considerable admixture of gauginos and higgsinos. We also find a small mass hierarchy among the moduli, gravitino, and superpartners of the standard-model fields. Cosmological implications of the scenario are briefly described.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, typos correcte

    Hierarchical effects on body size evolution and the macroecology of South American rainforest mammals

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    The relationship between geographic range size and body size analyzed at the continental scale for many species has been described recently by an envelope region defined in bivariate space and limited by ecological and physical constraints. These constraints can be explained by stochastic extinction related to minimum population density and energetic theories for an optimal body size. However, since data are obtained for different species in a large taxonomic group, it is possible that these variables may be strongly affected by phylogenetic autocorrelation. In this paper, we analyzed data on geographic range size and body size for 87 species of Neotropical rainforest mammals from South America, searching for phylogenetic effects changing the shape of constraint space. We used a nested ANOVA design to evaluate and remove large scale hierarchical (phylogenetic) trends in the two variables. Body size was more affected by phylogenetic effects than geographic range size. After removing these effects, we noted that the two macroecological variables analyzed support the shape of constraint space previously observed in North American species. The most important aspect of our analyses is that a model for optimal body size related to life-history variations provides an useful theoretical framework to understand how processes of species dynamics can lead to the observed macroecological patterns

    The Gravitino-Overproduction Problem in Inflationary Universe

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    We show that the gravitino-overproduction problem is prevalent among inflation models in supergravity. An inflaton field \phi generically acquires (effective) non-vanishing auxiliary field G_\phi, if the K\"ahler potential is non-minimal. The inflaton field then decays into a pair of the gravitinos. We extensively study the cosmological constraints on G_\phi for a wide range of the gravitino mass. For many inflation models we explicitly estimate G_\phi, and show that the gravitino-overproduction problem severely constrains the inflation models, unless such an interaction as K = \kappa/2 |\phi|^2 z^2 + h.c. is suppressed (here z is the field responsible for the supersymmetry breaking). We find that many of them are already excluded or on the verge of, if \kappa \sim O(1).Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures. v2: minor correction

    TCAD Modeling of High-Field Electron Transport in Bulk Wurtzite GaN: The Full-Band SHE-BTE

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    Gallium Nitride (GaN) High-Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) actually represent one of the best candidates for medium-high power and radio frequency applications. As they operate at large bias and electric fields, a comprehensive analysis of the high-field transport properties is fundamentals, as hot electrons are expected to play a relevant role for the device reliability. In this perspective, Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) simulations can be a very useful tool for the understanding of the phenomena dominating hot-electron degradation mechanisms. The most-accurate modeling approaches are based on the direct solution of the Boltzmann equation, which is not actually available for the GaN material. In this work, the deterministic solution of the Boltzmann transport equation via the spherical-harmonics expansion (SHE-BTE), as incorporated in a commercial TCAD tool, has been extended to the analysis of GaN electrons. To this purpose, the details of the full-band structure has been derived from DFT calculations as in state-of-art literature works, and the electron density of states, g(E), and group velocity g(E), have been calculated for the SHE-BTE for the first time. In addition to this, an accurate calibration of the total scattering rate accounting for nonpolar acoustic and optical carrier-phonon interaction, Coulomb scattering and impact ionization has been carried out against available Monte Carlo data and experiments. The proposed model is also shown to correctly predict the temperature dependence of the electron impact-ionization coefficient and current density up to breakdown

    High efficiency thermionic converter studies

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    The objective is to improve thermionic converter performance by means of reduced interelectrode losses, greater emitter capabilities, and lower collector work functions until the converter performance level is suitable for out-of-core space reactors and radioisotope generators. Electrode screening experiments have identified several promising collector materials. Back emission work function measurements of a ZnO collector in a thermionic diode have given values less than 1.3 eV. Diode tests were conducted over the range of temperatures of interest for space power applications. Enhanced mode converter experiments have included triodes operated in both the surface ionization and plasmatron modes. Pulsed triodes were studied as a function of pulse length, pulse potential, inert gas fill pressure, cesium pressure, spacing, emitter temperature and collector temperature. Current amplifications (i.e., mean output current/mean grid current) of several hundred were observed up to output current densities of one amp/sq cm. These data correspond to an equivalent arc drop less than 0.1 eV