13 research outputs found

    Hematological parameters in shortnose guitarfish Zapteryx brevirostris Müller and Henle, 1841 (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae)

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    ABSTRACT Objective. In view of the deficiency of information in the area of clinical pathology of elasmobranchs, mainly of the physiological parameters, the aim of this work was to study hematological parameters of the Zapteryx brevirostris species. Materials and methods. Four specimens apparently healthy of Zapteryx brevirostris; three females and a male were used. These animals are all pertaining ones to the Aquarium of Ubatuba, São Paulo (Brazil). Results. The obtained average of hematological values for the Zapteryx brevirostris were: Red Blood Cells were - 0.96 x 106/μL, Packed Cell Volume - 24.3% and White Blood Cells - 36.8 x 103/μL. Conclusion. Although the small N, which decreases the accuracy, this research has scientific value because the situation of vulnerability of Zapteryx brevirostris, suggesting other studies. RESUMEN Objetivo. En vista de la carencia de información en el área de patología clínica de los elasmobranquios, especialmente en lo que respecta a los parámetros fisiopatológicos, el objetivo de este trabajo fue el de obtener parámetros de la hematología de la especie Zapteryx brevirostris. Materiales y método. Cuatro animales clínicamente saludables de Zapteryx brevirostris; tres hembras y un macho fueron utilizados, todos procedentes del Acuario de Ubatuba, S. P. Resultados. Los valores promedio de hematología para el Zapteryx brevirostris fueron: glóbulos rojos - 0.96 x 106/ μL, volumen de los hematíes - 24.3 % y glóbulos blancos 36.8 x 103/ μL. Conclusiones. A pesar de la pequeña N, que disminuye la precisión, la investigación tiene valor científico debido a que Zapteryx brevirostris es una especie vulnerable; sugiriendo otros estudios

    Sea Turtle Beach Monitoring Program in Brazil

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    Beach monitoring programs provide important information on spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence, mortality, age structure, sex ratio, and variations associated with climatic and anthropogenic events as well as for the assessment of the health of marine organisms. The purpose of the Santos Basin Beach Monitoring Project is to evaluate the possible effects of oil and gas production and transport activities at Santos Basin on marine turtles, birds, and mammals by monitoring beaches and veterinary care facilities for live and dead animals. Five species of sea turtles occur in Brazil: the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), olive turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), and leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), all of which are endangered and are fragile organisms that suffer from the impact of human activities during their long lifecycle. This chapter reports monitoring strategy activities and preliminary results after 1 year since the implementation the monitoring project to provide an important overview of sea turtles found in the Santos Basin


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    ABSTRACTRecords of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) as vagrants along the SE Brazilian coast date back the late 50’s and have been relatively common over the last decades. These large marine mammals usually call much attention when they arrive on tropical beaches worldwide and are generally treated as ‘occasional visitors’ and ‘vagrants’. This note reports on sightings of a youngelephant seal along SE Brazil in the summer and autumn of 2020. We also reviewed records in both the literature and open sources, totaling eight records of infant southern elephant seals known since the late 70’s along the Brazilian coast. It was noted that the arrival of an infant in February of 2020is coincident with a previous cyclonic activity off the SE and NE Brazilian coast. The connection of such unlikely records of pinnipeds on tropical beaches and extreme weather events associated to ocean currents should be better evaluated in the context of climatic change RESUMOÉ reportada uma ocorrência recente de um infante de elefante-marinho (Mirounga leonina) na costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro com um intervalo aproximado de um mês entre as avistagens do mesmo indivíduo. A comparação das fotografias obtidas em ambos os registros permitiu a comparação e confirmação. Em adição, se discute a presença de infantes na costa brasileira, que totalizam oito casos, mas que não apontam uma sazonalidade marcada, mas uma tendência aos registros serem reportados em junho, seguido por outubro e novembro. Como o presente registro se deu em janeiro, pico do verão, fatores climáticos de larga escala podem estar atuando para deslocar alguns indivíduos muito ao longe das suas colônias.Palavras-chave: Mirounga leonina; Movimentos; Vagante; Atlântico Sul

    Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) as a persistent organic pollutants indicator

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    O Pinguim-de-Magalhães, Spheniscus magellanicus, é o mais abundante dos pinguins que vivem em regiões temperadas da América do Sul, sendo um bom indicador de poluição ambiental. Poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) foram detectados em fígado de Pinguins-de-Magalhães encontrados debilitados ou mortos nas praias do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul) entre 2008 - 2012 e, do Uruguai e do Chile, em 2011. Os bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) predominaram em relação aos pesticidas organoclorados (DDTs ∼ HCB ∼ Drins) e aos éteres difenilos polibromados (PBDEs). O contaminante emergente fipronil não foi detectado apesar de seu uso na América do Sul. Entre os PCBs predominaram os congeneres penta, hexa e heptaclorados. Concentrações de POPs foram similares entre as áreas de migração e reprodução exceto para os PCBs que foram relativamente maiores na área de reprodução. Avaliação temporal (2008 - 2012) de POPs apresentou constância para os pesticidas organoclorados e tendência ao declínio para os PCBs. A glândula uropigiana de Pinguim-de-Magalhães mostrou-se um tecido alternativo adequado para análise de POPs em aves debilitadas. No geral, as regiões de reprodução e migração dos pinguins na América do Sul apresentam baixas concentrações de POPs com tendência constante ou indícios de declínio.The Magellanic Penguin , Spheniscus magellanicus, is the most abundant penguin that live in temperate regions of South America and a good indicator of environmental pollution in that region. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were detected in the liver of Magellanic penguins found debilitated or dead on the beaches of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) between 2008 - 2012, and in Uruguay and Chile in 2011. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were more prevalent than organochlorine pesticides (DDTs ∼ HCB ∼ Drins) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Fipronil, an emerging contaminant, was not detected despite its use in South America. Among PCBs, the congeners penta, hexa and heptaclorados were predominant. Concentrations of POPs are similar between the migration and reproduction areas except for PCBs that are relatively higher in the breeding area. At this time point (2008 - 2012) POPs showed constancy for organochlorine pesticides and PCBs tendency to decline. The Magellanic penguin uropygian gland has proved to be a suitable alternative for POPs tissue analysis in debilitated birds. Overall, southern South America has low concentrations of POPs with constant trend or decline evidence

    Hematological parameters in shortnose guitarfish Zapteryx brevirostris Müller and Henle, 1841 (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae)

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    Objective. In view of the deficiency of information in the area of clinical pathology of elasmobranchs, mainly of the physiological parameters, the aim of this work was to study hematological parameters of the Zapteryx brevirostris species. Materials and methods. Four specimens apparently healthy of Zapteryx brevirostris; three females and a male were used. These animals are all pertaining ones to the Aquarium of Ubatuba, São Paulo (Brazil). Results. The obtained average of hematological values for the Zapteryx brevirostris were: Red Blood Cells were - 0.96 x 106/μL, Packed Cell Volume - 24.3% and White Blood Cells - 36.8 x 103/μL. Conclusion. Although the small N, which decreases the accuracy, this research has scientific value because the situation of vulnerability of Zapteryx brevirostris, suggesting other studies

    Persistent organic pollutants in juvenile Magellan penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) found on the northern shore of the state of São Paulo and southern shore of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    In the present study, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were determined in 25 livers from Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus, found on the state of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The following concentrations of POPs (wet weight) were found: Sigma PCBs: 18.9-775.8 ng g(-1); Sigma DDTs: 2.3-275 ng g(-1); and Sigma HCHs: 1.0-11.8 ng g(-1). Among the PCBs, there was a predominance of hexachlorobiphenyls (138 and 153) and heptachlorobiphenyls (180 and 187). Among the organochlorines, DDT predominated. Through histopathologic exams a positive correlation was found between HCB and cardiovascular failure (p = 0.012), as HCB values (wet weight) were 6.33-96.49 ng g(-1) for positive animals and 2.45-19.63 ng g(-1) for negative animals. Studies on POPs in Magellan penguins contribute to a better understanding of the distribution and trends of these pollutants in the western South Atlantic Ocean. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Serious lesions in Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) afflicted by fatal Spirorchiidiasis found stranded in south and southeastern Brazil

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    Several diseases have been reported as affecting endangered wild sea turtle population worldwide, including spirorchiidiasis. This parasitic infection results in serious circulatory disorders in sea turtles, as well as tissue damage due to the presence of spirorchiids eggs. However, few reports of organs severely affected by tissue replacement caused by granulomatous inflammatory processes due to spirorchiidiasis in sea turtles are available. In this regard, this study describes massive lesions in 16 juvenile green turtles from southeastern Brazil presenting no other detectable diseases or injuries, associated to parasitic compression of air spaces, parasitic thyroid atrophy, parasitic encephalic compression and parasitic splenic lymphoid depletion. These rare injuries were categorized as extremely severe, affecting most spirorchiidiasis-infected organs. Spirorchiidiasis was, thus, noted herein as capable of causing a variety of lethal injuries to vital or extremely important organs in sea turtles. Spirorchiidiasis should, therefore, also be considered a potential cause of death in stranded green sea turtle monitoring efforts