223 research outputs found

    Improving Students' Reading Comprehension by Using SQ3R Method

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    In this research, the writer  uses an action research. For collecting the data, the writer uses test and observation. The data sources of the research are the eleventh grade of  MA Mutmainah Bogor which consists of 38 students and an English Teacher  as the observer. Cycle I consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. Cycle II added by the revision of cycle I. Based on the results of the research, in  cycle I the percentage of students who achieved  Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MAC) 75 is 63%. In other words, 24 students had achieved Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MAC), while 14 students have not reached MAC. In cycle II, all of  students have reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MAC). The result shows, in cycle II all of the students are able to comprehend  the text and to determain the main idea and reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MAC) in  reading  it is 75. Thus, the hypothesis in this research is acceptable. It  means,  there is a significant  increasing in using SQ3R method  to improve the students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of MA Mutmainah Bogor. Therefore, the research was discontinued on the second cycle


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    ABSTRAK Perancangan Panti Rehabilitasi Narkoba Di Provinsi Goronatlo bertujuan untuk menyediakan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana Panti Rehabilitasi Narkoba Di Provinsi Gorontalo, dengan konsep  dalam Arsitektur digunakan untuk mencari yang sebenarnya harus dicapai dalam perancangan yang baik. Oleh karna itu suatu konsep desain sangat penting dilakukan, yang memiliki karakteristik dinamis dengan mempertahankan karakteristik lokal dan ciri khas daerah, maka pendekatan perancangan yang dilakukan ialah Arsitektur Organik. Perancangan Panti Rehabilitasi Narkoba ini merupakan wadah yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pengobatan dan penyembuhan korban atau pecandu Narkoba baik yang di Gorontalo maupun sekitarnya. dan luas lahan yang dibutuhkan dalam perancangan ini yaitu 5000 M2 yang di dalamnya terdapat ruang-ruang yang sesuai  dengan fungsinya, seperti ruang privat, publik, dan semi publik. Tak lupa juga fasilitas penunjang seperti raung olah raga, aula, sirkulasi dan taman. Dalam konsep desain kita juga harus memprhatikan sistem utilitas bangunan agar dapat memperindah bentuk dan penampilan baik di dalam maupun luar bangunan. Kata Kunci : Panti Rehabilitasi Narkoba. Arsitektur Organik, ProvinsiGorontalo.   ABSTRACT AHMAD DJAFAR 201202001 Designing a Drug Rehabilitation Center in Gorontalo Province Using an Organic Architecture Approach Under the Guidance of Baktiar, ST., M.Ars Dan Elawati, S.Pd., M.Si The design of the Drug Rehabilitation Center in Goronatlo Province aims to provide facilities and infrastructure for the Drug Rehabilitation Institution in Gorontalo Province, with the concept in architecture being used to find what should be achieved in a good design. Therefore, a design concept is very important to do, which has dynamic characteristics while maintaining local characteristics and regional characteristics, so the design approach taken is organic architecture. The design of the Drug Rehabilitation Center is a place for treatment and healing of drug addicts or victims both in Gorontalo and its surroundings. and the land area required in this design is 5000 M2, in which there are spaces that are in accordance with their functions, such as private, public, and semi-public spaces. Do not forget also supporting facilities such as sports roar, hall, circulation and garden. In the design concept we must also pay attention to the building utility system so that it can beautify the shape and appearance both inside and outside the building.   Keywords: Drug Rehabilitation Center. Organic Architecture, Gorontalo Province


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    Analisis Peningkatan Pelayanan Suplai Rumah Sakit Hermina Makassar dengan Dua Penyulang Incoming

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    Kendalan dari sistem kelistrikan Rumah Sakit Hermina Makassar yaitu masih menggunakan cubicle single incoming dimana hanya disuplai dengan satu penyulang yaitu Penyulang Toddopuli tetapi dalam perencanaannya akan menggunakan cubicle double incoming dengan suplai dua penyulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kondisi suplai sistem existing rumah sakit Hermina, membandingkan indeks keandalan SAIDI dan SAIFI, drop voltage, load factor, potensi gangguan pada penyulang Toddopuli dan Paropo serta menganalisa sistem Automatic Changeover pada gardu RS.Hermina. Data yang digunakan adalah data jumlah pelanggan, data saluran, data gangguan dan data beban puncak kedua penyulang. Hasil penelitian berupa load factor Penyulang Toddopuli sebesar 0,81 sedangkan Penyulang Paropo sebesar 0,76 dengan drop voltage masing-masing sebesar 0,625% dan 0,795 %. Kondisi jalur Penyulang Toddopuli memiliki 7 titik potensi gangguan sedangkan Penyulang Paropo memiliki 17 titik potensi gangguan dengan Nilai SAIDI dan SAIFI pada Penyulang Toddopuli sebesar 2,5 jam/pelanggan/tahun dan 20,424 kali/pelanggan/tahun sedangkan pada Penyulang Paropo sebesar 4,852 jam/pelanggan/tahun dan 22,040 kali/pelanggan/tahun. Berdasarkan indikator yang telah dianalisis, Penyulang Toddopuli masih unggul dibandingkan dengan Penyulang Paropo sehingga Penyulang ini masih dapat menjadi suplai utama pada Rumah Sakit Hermina dan Penyulang Paropo sebagai suplai cadangan jika terjadi gangguan pada penyulang Toddopuli

    Spam filtering implementation using open source software / Ahmad Bakhtiar Ibrahim

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    Spam is a serious problem that has been increasing plaguing users of the Internet. Programs known as spam filters are employ to assist the user in deciding if an email is worth reading or not. This paper is focuses on build the mail server with spam filter and analysis the effectiveness of rule based (Heuristic) and Bayesian filtering method that use in SpamAssassin. The mail server consolidates software which is available in public domain as a powerful and low cost solution for seeking option in fighting spam. The rule based method using set of rules to define the incoming email as spam or not and Bayesian method using probability of incoming mail to define that the mail is belong to either spam or legitimate mail category after its require a training period for SpamAssassin. The combination of both methods show that SpamAssassin is a better spam checking

    Impact of land legislation in Sarawak: politics and its legislative trends / Ahmad Bakhtiar Hamdan, Ahmad Dzufadzli, Nur ‘Asyiqin Ahmad

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    This paper is entitled "Impact of Land Legislation in Sarawak: Politics and its Legislative Trends". It is aimed at analyzing the development of land related legislations that have been passed by the Sarawak Legislative Assembly, since its inauguration till date. The analysis will also include the impact of the numerous amendments made to the ordinances and the Sarawak Land Code. Then, this paper seeks to highlight probable reasons that fuelled the initiative to amend the legislations

    Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan Sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Berbah Sleman Tahun 2013

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    The study aims to determine the implementation and the factors that play a role in the PKH program conducted in thedistrict Berbah 2013. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. Data was collected throughinterviews and documentation. The data analysis done by qualitative descriptive. The results showed: 1. Aspects ofcompliance in the implementation of CCT programs in the district Berbah can be seen from: a). PKH implementationrules in the district Berbah besides the rules of the center, are also required to attend group meetings, b). Commitmentto the rule implementing CCT implementation in districts Berbah year 2013 has been very good, c). Implementingcompliance in implementing the phases of activity in the district PKH Berbah in 2013 is good, and 2. Factors that playa role in the implementation of the poverty reduction program (PKH) in the district Berbah in 2013: a). Resource; tosource funds using budget funds I, II budget, and governmental organizations, and to human resources from thedistrict level up to the hamlet level has been good, b). Communication fellow companion if no help each activity, c).Implementing attitude if there are conditions on the ground which is not in accordance with the rules of implementationof the CCT, the immediate improvement to validate the data, d). Socio-economic conditions of communities in thedistrict Berbah fish farmers have had good production, the trade sector has also been improved

    The effect of special training exercise on FGF21 expression and FGFR-1 among CABG patients

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    Background: The aim of this study is to evalute special training exercise on the FGF21 and FGFR-1 among coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) patients. Materials and Methods: The study method was semi-experimental and the statistical population was patients who had heart disease, after coronary artery bypass surgery. Results: The study results showed 8 weeks of special exercises among the experimental group had a significant increase in the expression levels of FGF21 and FGFR1 among CABG patients, compared to the control group. Physical activity may increase FGF21 levels, which is an important factor in oxidative stress and inflammation. Conclusion: The study results showed 8 weeks of special exercises among the experimental group had a significant increase in the expression levels of FGF21 and FGFR1 among CABG patients, compared to the control group. Physical activity may increase FGF21 levels, which is an important factor in oxidative stress and inflammation. &nbsp

    Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression and HbA1C in Diabetics type II

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    Behavioral activation is the principal non-pharmacologic method for the management of depression, but its usefulness for depressed patients with diabetes remains unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of behavioral activation therapy (BA) for depression in patients with diabetes. Patients with type 2 diabetes and major depression (n = 29) were randomized to 16 sessions of behavioral activation (n = 15) and control group (n = 14). All patients participated in a diabetes education program to control for the effects of supportive attention and the possible influence of enhanced diabetes control on mood. The main outcome was depression, measured with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) assessed at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 4 months, and the glycemic control was measured by using hemoglobin A1C levels, Outcomes were assessed immediately after treatment and 4 months after treatment.  The percentage of patients achieving remission of depression (Beck Depression Inventory score < 9) was greater in the BA group than in the control group: post-treatment 75% of patients in the BA group (9 of 12) compared with 14.2% of controls (2 of 14) achieved remission (difference, 60.8 percentage points (P < 0.01); at follow-up 66.6% of patients in the BA group (8 of 12) compared with 15.3% of controls(2 of 13) achieved remission (P = 0.03). Post-treatment HbA1C levels were not different in the two groups, but follow-up mean HbA1C levels were significantly better in the BA group than in the control group (9.5% compared with 10.9%; P = 0.03). The combination of Behavioral activation and supportive diabetes education is an effective non-pharmacologic treatment for major depression in patients with type 2 diabetes. It can successfully be disseminated into routine practice settings in Iran and it may also be associated with improved glycemic control