400 research outputs found

    Marine monitoring during an economic crisis: The cure is worse than the disease

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    Borja, A., M. Elliott, 2013. Marine monitoring during an economic crisis: The cure is worse than the disease. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 68: 1-3

    IMusic: a Bluetooth music application

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    Nowadays, we can see a huge amount of customized services in lots of applications. A more customized experience get a real full satisfaction to the customers. The project was born with the aim of providing this kind of service. Thus a client takes part in the decision‐ making of the local songs, creating a playlist with songs ordered as the customer’s data preferences. The way is easy: a customer who enters the premises, install the software that local provides and then he has to indicate their customer likes and get it transmitted via Bluetooth. This information is received by the customer attention server and it generates a playlist with personalized songs

    An ecological status indicator for all time: Are AMBI and M-AMBI effective indicators of change in deep time?

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    Increasingly environmental management seeks to limit the impacts of human activities on ecosystems relative to some ‘reference’ condition, which is often the presumed pre-impacted state, however such information is limited. We explore how marine ecosystems in deep time (Late Jurassic) are characterised by AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI), and how the indices responded to natural perturbations. AMBI is widely used to detect the impacts of human disturbance and to establish management targets, and this study is the first application of these indices to a fossil fauna. Our results show AMBI detected changes in past seafloor communities (well-preserved fossil deposits) that underwent regional deoxygenation in a manner analogous to those experiencing two decades of organic pollution. These findings highlight the potential for palaeoecological data to contribute to reconstructions of pre-human marine ecosystems, and hence provide information to policy makers and regulators with greater temporal context on the nature of ‘pristine’ marine ecosystems

    Effects of Web Experience factors on virtual retail purchase preferences

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    This article examines the effects of different elements of the Web Experience (WE) on the buying behaviour of virtual consumers, specifically on the choice of the online retail vendor. The purpose of the study is to empirically test the theoretical findings as to the main parameters of the online customer experience and measure their relative importance and role as inputs in the customer’s decision-making process. The study was conducted by means of an online consumer survey in a realistic virtual shopping environment. The results of the study show that out of the five web experience components analyzed, four (the usability, trust building, marketing mix and aesthetics) have a positive and significant effect on the choice of e-vendor while the fifth one (interactivity) does not seem to positively influence the choice of an online vendor. Furthermore the study examines the effect of two behavioural variables (experience and motivation) on the choice of online -vendors. This topic could expand the scope of academic research on the issue of online marketing and at the same time provide online marketers with new insights and tools for building a commercially successful online presence

    Compact Folded Bandpass Filter in Empty Substrate Integrated Coaxial Line at S-Band

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] This letter presents a novel compact folded bandpass filter in empty substrate integrated coaxial line (ESICL) technology. To obtain these compact filters, the inverters are modified to provide a 180 degrees bend when inserted in an ESICL. As a result, the proposed filter has a more compact topology based on parallel resonators. A sixth-order Chebyshev bandpass filter operating at 3 GHz has been designed, manufactured, and measured to experimentally validate this new folded configuration. The length of the novel compact filter has been reduced by 82.2% with respect to an equivalent in-line filter, obtaining very similar results in terms of electrical response.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spanish Government through Research Projects under Grant TEC2016-75934-C4-3-R and Grant TEC2016-75934-C4-1-R and in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades through the Fellowship Program for Training University Professors.Martinez, L.; Belenguer, A.; Boria Esbert, VE.; Borja, AL. (2019). Compact Folded Bandpass Filter in Empty Substrate Integrated Coaxial Line at S-Band. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 29(5):315-317. https://doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2019.2909178S31531729

    Monetary valuation of recreational fishing in a restored estuary and implications for future management measures

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    Recreational fishing is considered a cultural ecosystem service, important in terms of the socio-economic benefits that it provides. In the Nerbioi estuary (northern Spain), investments in water treatment and the closure of polluting industries have led to several benefits such as improvements in water quality, fish abundance and richness, and recreational fishing activity. Currently, this activity is performed along the whole estuary including areas that previously were severely polluted. Valuing the benefits of recreational fishing is crucial to support the management of the estuary. The economic valuation is performed using a multi-site travel cost analysis. In addition, the effect on welfare measures of future scenarios where environmental conditions and accessibility change is analysed. Results indicate that each recreational trip in Nerbioi has a use value of 14.98€, with an aggregate value of 1.12 M€year−1 for the whole recreational fishers’ community. The simulated scenarios suggest that further environmental improvements would have a positive effect in the activity, increasing the current welfare by 7.5–11.5%. In contrast, worsening of environmental conditions and accessibility could translate into a welfare reduction up to 71%. The monetary use value of recreational fishing partially covers (4.7%) the costs of maintaining the environmental quality of the estuary
