404 research outputs found

    Caribbean Plate margin evolution : constraints and current problems

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    Oceanic crust was generated at multiple spreading centres during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, forming a "proto-Caribbean" oceanic domain. During the Cretaceous, part of that crustal domain thickened into an oceanic plateau, of petrologic Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) to Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) affinity. Simultaneously, the South and North American continental plates developed rifting and tholeiitic magmatism in the Middle America region (Venezuela and Cuba). The rifting created space for the proto-Caribbean oceanic domain. Petrological and regional correlations suggest that, beginning in the Cretaceous, the proto-Caribbean domain was involved into two main stages of subduction, referred to as first and second "eo-Caribbean" phases. Each phase is characterized by oblique convergence. The older (mid-Cretaceous) stage, involved in subduction (probably eastward dipping) of thin proto-Caribbean lithosphere, with generation of Island Arc Tholeiitic (IAT) and Calc-Alkaline (CA) magmatism, accompanied by high pressure - low temperature (HP - LT) metamorphic effects, and formation of arc units and ophiolitic melanges (Guatemala, Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in the northern margin; Venezuela in the southern). The Late Cretaceous second stage consisted of westward dipping intra-oceanic subduction; it is recorded by tonalitic arc magmatism related to the onset of the Aves - Lesser Antilles arc system. Since the Late Cretaceous, the inner undeformed portions of the Caribbean oceanic plateau (i.e. the Colombian and Venezuelan Basins) were trapped east of the Pacific subduction of the Chortis, Chorotega and Choco blocks, ultimately building the Central American Isthmus. From Tertiary to Present, continuous eastward movement of the Caribbean Plate with respect to the Americas, gave rise to transpression along both the northern and southern margins, marked by scattered and dismembered ophiolitic terranes

    Caribbean Plate margin evolution: constraints and current problems

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    Oceanic crust was generated at multiple spreading centres during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, forming a “proto-Caribbean” oceanic domain. During the Cretaceous, part of that crustal domain thickened into an oceanic plateau, of petrologic Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) to Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) affinity. Simultaneously, the South and North American continental plates developed rifting and tholeiitic magmatism in the Middle America region (Venezuela and Cuba). The rifting created space for the proto-Caribbean oceanic domain. Petrological and regional correlations suggest that, beginning in the Cretaceous, the proto-Caribbean domain was involved into two main stages of subduction, referred to as first and second “eo-Caribbean” phases. Each phase is characterized by oblique convergence. The older (mid-Cretaceous) stage, involved in subduction (probably eastward dipping) of thin proto-Caribbean lithosphere, with generation of Island Arc Tholeiitic (IAT) and Calc-Alkaline (CA) magmatism, accompanied by high pressure - low temperature (HP - LT) metamorphic effects, and formation of arc units and ophiolitic melanges (Guatemala, Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in the northern margin; Venezuela in the southern). The Late Cretaceous second stage consisted of westward dipping intra-oceanic subduction; it is recorded by tonalitic arc magmatism related to the onset of the Aves - Lesser Antilles arc system. Since the Late Cretaceous, the inner undeformed portions of the Caribbean oceanic plateau (i.e. the Colombian and Venezuelan Basins) were trapped east of the Pacific subduction of the Chortis, Chorotega and Choco blocks, ultimately building the Central American Isthmus. From Tertiary to Present, continuous eastward movement of the Caribbean Plate with respect to the Americas, gave rise to transpression along both the northern and southern margins, marked by scattered and dismembered ophiolitic terranes

    Constraints on the mantle sources of the Deccan traps from the petrology and geochemistry of the basalts of Gujarat state (Western India)

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    The late Cretaceous-early Tertiary flood basalts in the Gujarat area of the northwestern Deccan Traps (Kathiawar peninsula, Pavagadh hills and Rajpipla) exhibit a wide range of compositions, from picrite basalts to rhyolites; moreover, the basaltic rocks have clearly distinct TiO2 contents at any given degree of differentiation and strongly resemble the low-titanium and hightitanium basalts found in most of the Gondwana continental flood basalt (CFB) suites. Four magma groups are petrologically and geochemically distinguished: (1) A low-Ti group, characterized by rocks with varying SiO2 saturation, and with TiO2 <1.8 wt%, extremely low incompatible trace element abundances, low Zr/γ (av- 3.8), Ti/ V (av. 27), and a very slight large ion lithophile element (LJLE) enrichment over high field strength elements (HFSE). These rocks share some features with the Bushe Formation of the Western Ghats farther south, but have distinct geochemical characters, in particular the strong depletion in most incompatible trace elements. (2) A high-Ti group, characterized by a more K-rich character than the low-Ti rocks, and with a strong enrichment in incompatible elements, similar to average ocean island basalt (OIB), e.g. high TiO2 (>1.8 wt% in picrites), Nb (>19 p.p.m.) Zr/γ (av. 6.5) and Tt/V (av. 47). (3) An intermediate-Ti group, with TiO2 contents slightly lower than the high-Ti rocks at the same degree of evolution, and with correspondingly lower incompatible trace element contents and ratios, in particular K2O, Nb, Ba and Zr/Y (av. 5.2). (4) A potassium-rich group (KT), broadly similar in geochemical character to the high-Ti group but showing more extreme K, Rb and Ba enrichment (av. K20/Na20~l; Ba/Y~20). The most primitive low-Ti and high-Ti picrites, when corrected for low-pressure olivine fractionation, show distinct major (and trace) element geochemistry, in particular for CaO/AI2O3, CaO/TiO2 and Al2O3/TiO2, and moderate but significant variations in their SiO2 and Fe2Ost contents; these characteristics strongly suggest the involvement of different mantle sources, more depleted for the low-Ti picrites, and richer in cpxfor the high-Ti picrites, but with broadly the same pressures of equilibration (27-14 kbar). This, in turn, suggests a strong lateral heterogeneity in the Gujarat Trap mantle. Low-Ti picrites and related differentiates in Kathiawar are reported systematically for the first time here, and suggest the existence of HFSE-depleted mantle in the northwestern Deccan Traps, with extension at least to the Seychelles Islands and to the area of the Bushe Formation near Bombay in the pre-drift position, before the development of the Carlsberg Ridge. The absence of correlations between LILE/HFSE ratios and SiO2 argues against crustal contamination processes acting on the low-Ti picrites, possibly owing to their probably rapid uprise to the surface. Consequently, the mantle region of this rock group was probably re-enriched by small amounts of ULE-rich materials. The substantially higher, trace element enrichment of the least differentiated high-Ti picrites, relative to the basalts of the Ambe-noli and Mahableshwar Formations of the Western Ghats, testifies also to the presence of more incompatible element rich, OIB4ike mantle sources in northern and northwestern Gujarat. These sources were geochemicaily similar to the present-day Reunion mantle sources

    Petrology, geochemistry and origin of the Sierra de Baza ophiolites (Betic Cordillera, Spain)

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    In this work we present for the first time a petrological-geochemical and genetic study of the Sierra de Baza ophiolites, which represent one of the ophiolitic occurrences of the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain). They are composed of ultramafic, mafic and sedimentary rocks, largely affected both by ocean floor and polyphasic metamorphism during the Alpine orogeny. Ultramafic rocks are serpentinized lherzolites and harzburgites, whereas the metabasites are meta-gabbros and meta-basalts. On the whole, Sierra de Baza ophiolites show striking geochemical similarities with those from other Betic occurrences, as well as with other Tethyan ophiolites of the Western Mediterranean (Calabria, Internal and External Ligurides, Platta, Corsica and Western Alps). In particular, metabasites show petrological and geochemical features similar to the E-MORB magmatism of the Atlantic Ridge between 45 and 63ºN generated under ultra-slow spreading ridge conditions. This process originated a strip of few hundreds km of ocean floor at the western end of the Tethys, located SE of the Iberian-European margin during the Mesozoic. The inversion of the stress regime in the European-Iberian and African geodynamics, starting from the Late-Middle Cretaceous, caused subduction and metamorphism in the eclogite facies of oceanic slices that were partially exhumed on the continental margin, forming the Betic Ophiolites. These ophiolites were disarticulated and dismembered as a result of the shift towards SW of the Alboran continental block, progressively separated from the AlKaPeCa (Alboran, Kabilias, Peloritani, Calabria) microplate, finally occupying their current position in the Betic Internal Zones

    Subduction-related hybridization of the lithospheric mantle revealed by trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data in composite xenoliths from Tallante (Betic Cordillera, Spain)

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    Ultramafic xenoliths are rarely found at convergent plate margins. A notable exception is in the Betic Cordillera of southern Spain, where the eruption of xenolith-bearing alkaline basalts during the Pliocene post-dated the Cenozoic phase of plate convergence and subduction-related magmatism. Mantle xenoliths of the monogenetic volcano of Tallante display extreme compositional heterogeneities, plausibly related to multiple tectono-magmatic episodes that affected the area. This study focuses on two peculiar composite mantle xenolith samples from Tallante, where mantle peridotite is crosscut by felsic veins of different size and mineralogy, including quartz, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase. The veins are separated from the peridotite matrix by an orthopyroxene-rich reaction zone, indicating that the causative agents were alkali-rich hydrous silica-oversaturated melts, which were likely related to recycling of subducted continental crust components. The present study reports new and detailed major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb analyses of the minerals in the composite Tallante xenoliths that confirm the continental crust derivation of the metasomatic melts, and clarifies the mode in which subduction-related components are transferred to the mantle wedge in orogenic areas. The particular REE patterns of the studied minerals, as well as the variation of the isotopic ratios between the different zones of the composite xenoliths, reveal a complex metasomatic process. The distribution of the different elements, and their isotope ratios, in the studied xenoliths are controlled by the mineral phases stabilised by the interaction between the percolating melts and the peridotitic country rock. The persistence of marked isotopic heterogeneities and the lack of re-equilibration suggest that metasomatism of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle occurred shortly before the xenolith exhumation. In this scenario, the studied xenoliths and the metasomatic processes that affected them may be representative of the mantle sources of mafic potassic to ultrapotassic magmas occurring in post-collisional tectonic settings

    Mesozoic to Present tectono-magmatic evolution of the Central-Western Mediterranean area

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