1,708 research outputs found

    Comparative material study between PZT ceramic and newer crystalline PMN-PT and PZN-PT mateirals for composite bimorph actuators.

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    International audienceThe advent of commercially available giant piezoelectric coefficient monocrystalline materials such as PMN-PT (lead magnesium niobate - lead titanate) or PZN-PT (lead zinc niobate - lead titanate) broadens the gate for silicon-integrated applications (PiezoMEMS). Becoming more compatible with microtechnology batch processes, further advances are expected in terms of miniaturization, optimization, functionality or integration with electronics, all while reducing manufacturing costs. Subsequently, operating voltage will be lower and devices response time will improve dramatically. The paper compiles a base knowledge for composite bimorph actuators in line with a bottom-up approach for further more complex piezoelectric device designs such as "microrobots-on-chips". Material properties and constitutive equations of piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers are initially overviewed. Analytical and finite elements modeling (FEM) are afterwards performed on two designs : classical PZT on copper cantilevers and innovative PMN-PT and PZN-PT on silicon. Comparative results clearly report quantitative improvement of PMN-PT on Si design in terms of tip displacement and blocking force

    Apport de la technique PCR pour une meilleure compréhension de l'épizootiologie des trypanosomoses bovines : exemple de la zone d'aménagement pastoral de Yalé au Burkina Faso

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    La technique PCR (polymerase chain reaction) a été utilisée pour l'identificat-ion des trypanosomes chez des glossines et des bovins infectés provenant de la zone d'aménagement pastoral de Yalé, au sud du Burkina Faso. Sur les 84 intestins moyens parasitologiquement positifs de Glossina tachinoides qui ont été analysés, 50 ont pu être identifiés par PCR (Trypanosoma congolens-e types « savane » et « forêt », T. simiae et T. vivax). Chez les bovins, la technique PCR a révélé la prédominance de T. congolense « savane » et de T. vivax. Le taxon « forêt » de T. congolense n'a pas été détecté chez le bétail. Certains animaux aparasitémiques mais suspects ont montré des signaux positifs par PCR avec les amorces spécifiques de T. congolense « savane ». Ces résultats confirment le haut intérêt de la technique PCR pour révéler les pauci-infections et les infections mixtes chez les différents hôte et mettre en évidence des relations complexes d'affinité des taxons « savane » et« forêt » de T. congolense vis-à-vis de leurs vecteurs, mais aussi vis-à-vis de leurs hôtes vertébrés

    Nonlocal Detection of Interlayer Three-Magnon Coupling

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    A leading nonlinear effect in magnonics is the interaction that splits a high-frequency magnon into two low-frequency magnons with conserved linear momentum. Here, we report experimental observation of nonlocal three-magnon scattering between spatially separated magnetic systems, viz. a CoFeB nanowire and a yttrium iron garnet (YIG) thin film. Above a certain threshold power of an applied microwave field, a CoFeB Kittel magnon splits into a pair of counterpropagating YIG magnons that induce voltage signals in Pt electrodes on each side, in excellent agreement with model calculations based on the interlayer dipolar interaction. The excited YIG magnon pairs reside mainly in the first excited (n=1) perpendicular standing spin-wave mode. With increasing power, the n=1 magnons successively scatter into nodeless (n=0) magnons through a four-magnon process. Our results demonstrate nonlocal detection of two separately propagating magnons emerging from one common source that may enable quantum entanglement between distant magnons for quantum information applications.</p

    Towards an optimal design of target for tsetse control: comparisons of novel targets for the control of palpalis group tsetse in West Africa

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    Background: Tsetse flies of the Palpalis group are the main vectors of sleeping sickness in Africa. Insecticide impregnated targets are one of the most effective tools for control. However, the cost of these devices still represents a constraint to their wider use. The objective was therefore to improve the cost effectiveness of currently used devices. Methodology/Principal Findings: Experiments were performed on three tsetse species, namely Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides in Burkina Faso and G. p. palpalis in Côte d'Ivoire. The 1×1 m2 black blue black target commonly used in W. Africa was used as the standard, and effects of changes in target size, shape, and the use of netting instead of black cloth were measured. Regarding overall target shape, we observed that horizontal targets (i.e. wider than they were high) killed 1.6-5x more G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides than vertical ones (i.e. higher than they were wide) (P<0.001). For the three tsetse species including G. p. palpalis, catches were highly correlated with the size of the target. However, beyond the size of 0.75 m, there was no increase in catches. Replacing the black cloth of the target by netting was the most cost efficient for all three species. Conclusion/Significance: Reducing the size of the current 1*1 m black-blue-black target to horizontal designs of around 50 cm and replacing black cloth by netting will improve cost effectiveness six-fold for both G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides. Studying the visual responses of tsetse to different designs of target has allowed us to design more cost-effective devices for the effective control of sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis in Africa

    Radiation effects on optical frequency domain reflectometry fiber-based sensor

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    We investigate the radiation effects on germanosilicate optical fiber acting as the sensing element of optical frequency domain reflectometry devices. Thanks to a new setup permitting to control temperature during irradiation, we evaluate the changes induced by 10 keV x rays on their Rayleigh response up to 1 MGy in a temperature range from −40°C up to 75°C. Irradiation at fixed temperature points out that its measure is reliable during both irradiation and the recovery process. Mixed temperature and radiation measurements show that changing irradiation temperature leads to an error in distributed measurements that depends on the calibration procedure. These results demonstrate that Rayleigh-based optical fiber sensors are very promising for integration in harsh environments

    Radiation Hardened Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Distributed Temperature Fiber-Based Sensors

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    We study the performance of Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry (OFDR) distributed temperature sensors using radiation resistant single-mode optical fibers. In situ experiments under 10 keV X-rays exposure up to 1 MGy( SiO 2 ) were carried out with an original setup that allows to investigate combined temperature and radiation effects on the sensors within a temperature range from 30 ° C to 250 ° C. Obtained results demonstrate that optical fiber sensors based on Rayleigh technique are almost unaffected by radiation up to the explored doses. We show that a pre-thermal treatment stabilize the sensor performance increasing the accuracy on temperature measurement from ~ 5 ° C down to ~ 0.5 ° C by reducing the packaging-related errors (such as ones related to coating modification) that could be introduced during the measurement. These results are very promising for the future integration of Rayleigh based sensors in nuclear facilities

    Tumor collagenase stimulatory factor (TCSF) expression and localization in human lung and breast cancers.

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    Tumor cell-derived collagenase stimulatory factor (TCSF) stimulates in vitro the biosynthesis of various matrix metalloproteinases involved in tumor invasion, such as interstitial collagenase, gelatinase A, and stromelysin 1. The expression of TCSF mRNAs was studied in vivo, using in situ hybridization and Northern blotting analysis, in seven normal tissues and in 22 squamous cell carcinomas of the lung, and in seven benign proliferations and in 22 ductal carcinomas of the mammary gland. By in situ hybridization, TCSF mRNAs were detected in 40 of 44 carcinomas, in pre-invasive and invasive cancer cells of both lung and breast cancers. TCSF mRNAs and gelatinase A mRNAs were both visualized in the same areas in serial sections in breast cancers, and were expressed by different cells, tumor cells, and fibroblasts. The histological results were confirmed by Northern blot analysis, which showed a higher expression of TCSF mRNAs in cancers than in benign and normal tissues. These observations support the hypothesis that TCSF is an important factor in lung and breast tumor progression

    Ir-CPI, a coagulation contact phase inhibitor from the tick Ixodes ricinus, inhibits thrombus formation without impairing hemostasis

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    Blood coagulation starts immediately after damage to the vascular endothelium. This system is essential for minimizing blood loss from an injured blood vessel but also contributes to vascular thrombosis. Although it has long been thought that the intrinsic coagulation pathway is not important for clotting in vivo, recent data obtained with genetically altered mice indicate that contact phase proteins seem to be essential for thrombus formation. We show that recombinant Ixodes ricinus contact phase inhibitor (Ir-CPI), a Kunitz-type protein expressed by the salivary glands of the tick Ixodes ricinus, specifically interacts with activated human contact phase factors (FXIIa, FXIa, and kallikrein) and prolongs the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) in vitro. The effects of Ir-CPI were also examined in vivo using both venous and arterial thrombosis models. Intravenous administration of Ir-CPI in rats and mice caused a dose-dependent reduction in venous thrombus formation and revealed a defect in the formation of arterial occlusive thrombi. Moreover, mice injected with Ir-CPI are protected against collagen- and epinephrine-induced thromboembolism. Remarkably, the effective antithrombotic dose of Ir-CPI did not promote bleeding or impair blood coagulation parameters. To conclude, our results show that a contact phase inhibitor is an effective and safe antithrombotic agent in vivo