162 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-hatian dari Aspek 5C dalam Pembiayaan Multi Guna iB di Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Semarang

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    Bank Mega Syariah merupakan suatu lembaga keuangan yang bertugas untuk menghimpun dana dari masyarakat yang kelebihan dana dan menyalurkan dananya ( lending ) kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Dalam menyalurkan dananya bank mega syariah tidak akan lepas dari resiko kredit macet, sehingga dalam analisa pembiayaannya bank mega syariah harus menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian yang dilihat dari aspek 5C (Character, Capital, Capacity, Collateral, dan condition of economy ) sebelum bank menyalurkan dananya kepada calon nasabah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : bagaimana analisa penerapan prinsip 5C dalam pembiayaan multi guna iB di Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Semarang dan bagaimana realisasi pengawasan pembiayaan sebagai upaya penerapan prinsip kehati - hatian pada pembiayaan multi guna iB di Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, adapun metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara kepada pihak Bank Mega Syariah Cabang Semarang. Analisis 5C dalam pembiayaan multi guna iB di Bank Mega Syariah sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan penerapan prinsip 5c pada masing - masing aspek dan ketika nasabah tidak memenuhi salat satu aspek maka pembiayaan tidak bisa dicairkan, kemudian dalam pengawasan realisasi pembiayaan Bank Mega Syariah cabang Semarang dengan baik, bank tidak hanya menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam pengajuan pembiayaan namun bank juga menerapkan sampai pelunasan pembiayaan, hal itu dilakukan agar meminimalisir terjadinya resiko kredit macet ( Non Performing Finance )

    Studi Kualitas Bakteriologis Air di Pemandian Umum Pengging Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Pemandian umum merupakan salah satu sarana rekreasi air tanpa pengolahan yang berpotensi menjadi media penyebaran gangguan kesehatan seperti penyakit gastrointestinal. Kualitas air pemandian umum harus selalu terjaga secara terus menerus sehingga terbebas dari pencemaran. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas air Pemandian Umum Pengging Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian observasional deskriptif analitik pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian ini menggunakan air Pemandian Umum Pengging yang terdiri dari Umbul Temanten, Umbul Ngabean, dan Umbul Duda. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah grab sampling, sampling dilakukan 3 kali yaitu pada hari padusan, hari Minggu, dan hari Senin pada tiap umbul. Total sampel yang diambil dalam sehari 13 sampel, yaitu 5 sampel di Umbul Temanten, 5 sampel di Umbul Ngabean, dan 3 sampel di Umbul Duda. Total sampel yang diteliti 39 sampel air. Persyaratan untuk kualitas bakteriologis air pemandian telah diatur dalam Permenkes RI Nomor 32 Tahun 2017 dimana baku mutu untuk E. coli sebesar 126 CFU/ 100 ml dan untuk Enterococci sebesar 35 CFU/100 ml. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata jumlah E.coli di Pemandian Umum Pengging saat padusan 208 CFU/100 ml, saat hari Minggu 152 CFU/100 ml, dan saat hari Senin 57 CFU/100 ml. Rata-rata jumlah Enterococci saat padusan 231 CFU/100 ml, hari Minggu 49 CFU/100 ml, dan hari Senin 23CFU/100 ml. Rata-rata jumlah pengguna saat padusan 122 orang, hari Minggu 56 orang, dan hari Senin 22 orang. Rata-rata nilai pH saatpadusan 6,6, hari Minggu 6,7, dan hari Senin 6,8. Rata-rata suhu saat padusan 27oC, hari Minggu 26,6oC, dan hari Senin 26,3oC. Secara keseluruhan kualitas bakteriologis air Pemandian Umum Pengging belum memenuhi syarat berdasarkan Permenkes RI Nomor 32 Tahun 2017 saat terjadi lonjakan pengguna Kata Kunci: E. coli, Enterococci, Pemandian Umum, Pengguna, Nilai pH, Suh

    An Empirical Analysis of Bike Safety in Lawrence Using Road Geometry and Traffic Characteristics

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    This study focuses on analyzing bike route safety in Lawrence using road geometry, infrastructure, and traffic characteristics. Bike crash incidence has been considered as a measure of bike route safety in this study. The independent variables considered for the bike route safety analysis are the number of lanes, route slopes (average), traffic volume (dummy variable based on functional road classification), the availability of bike routes, and posted speed limits. Bike crash data (the dependent variable), and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data were collected from city of Lawrence. For the study purpose, streetwise bike route facilities, and traffic lane numbers have been updated based on city of Lawrence database. Finally, the average slope for each street in Lawrence has been calculated from DEM raster using ArcMap. As the data were characterized by over-dispersion and zero inflation, conventional negative binomial and zero inflated negative binomial models generate statistically significant variable coefficients. Interestingly, coefficients from both model have produced near identical bike compatibility maps for Lawrence. The study has found that bike route safety decreases with the increase of the traffic volume and lane numbers. In other words, collector and arterial roads are not the safest option for bicyclists in Lawrence, but the local neighborhood level streets are more suitable for biking. The route slope has no significant impact on bike route safety and the speed is negatively related with bike crash incidence. The unavailability of actual bike count data and bike speed data result in some flaws in the outcome of bike compatibility map. In a nutshell, complex statistical analysis adds some values in the current understanding of bike safety with the data available

    Review on composite cation exchanger as interdicipilinary materials in analytical chemistry

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    Green chemistry and technology is the design of chemical manufacturing systems to minimize their adverse affects on the environment. Thus, a primary goal of green chemistry and technology is to reduce the environmental impact of chemical processes and chemical manufacturing while simultaneously enhancing the overall process performance. Although it is beneficial to simply reduce the use of organic solvents in chemical processes, green chemistry and technology goes further, in that it evaluates the entire thing to identify techniques that can be applied to minimize the overall process hazard, while maintaining economic practicality. Evaluation of the environmental impacts of the manufacturing process requires a systematic approach and appropriate metrics that permit quantitative assessment of environmental hazards. Thus, this review begins with a introduction of cation-exchange materials the drivers for green technology and the metrics through which processes can be started. Then, the cation-exchange materials have so many applications described in this review and their many derivative and we describes inorganic to nanocomposite cation exchange materials and their technological improvement from old era to latest age of nano because green chemistry can be applied to real processes. Two elements are specifically highlighted: (a) the use of new materials to facilitate active and selective chemistry and the use of said materials within removal of environment hazardous

    Influence of additives (inorganic/organic) on the clouding behavior of amphiphilic drug solutions: Some thermodynamic studies

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    AbstractHerein we provide a detailed result about the effect of various additives, viz. inorganic salts, quaternary ammonium bromides (QABs) and amino acids on clouding behavior of amphiphilic drug amitriptyline hydrochloride (AMT). The continuous increase in the cloud point (CP) of drug by increase in inorganic salt concentration and the magnitude of increases rely upon the position of the salts in Hofmeister series and hydrated radii. The QABs also influence continuous increase in the CP, which is illustrated in terms of the alkyl chain length of peculiar QAB. The effect of amino acids on CP of the drug solution is dependent upon the characteristics (acidic, basic, polar or nonpolar) of particular amino acids. The overall behavior of additives has been analyzed and discussed on the basis of electrostatic repulsion or interaction, micellar growth, and mixed micelle formation between the ingredients. In addition to this, thermodynamic parameters are also evaluated

    Acetone sensor based on solvothermally prepared ZnO doped with Co3O4 nanorods

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    This paper describes a reliable and sensitive method for sensing dissolved acetone using doped nanomaterials. Large-scale synthesis of ZnO nanorods (NRs) doped with Co(3)O(4) was accomplished by a solvothermal method at low temperature. The doped NRs were characterized in terms of their morphological, structural, and optical properties by using field-emission scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive system, UV-Vis., Fourier transform IR, X-ray diffraction, and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy. The calcinated (at 400 °C) doped NRs are shown to be an attractive semiconductor nanomaterial for detecting acetone in aqueous solution using silver electrodes. The sensor exhibits excellent sensitivity, stability and reproducibility. The calibration plot is linear over a large concentration range (66.8 μM to 0.133 mM), displays high sensitivity (~3.58 μA cm(−2) mM(−1)) and a low detection limit (~14.7 ± 0.2 μM; at SNR of 3). [Figure: see text

    Ultrastructural localization of rRNA shows defective nuclear export of preribosomes in mutants of the Nup82p complex

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    To study the nuclear export of preribosomes, ribosomal RNAs were detected by in situ hybridization using fluorescence and EM, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In wild-type cells, semiquantitative analysis shows that the distributions of pre-40S and pre-60S particles in the nucleolus and the nucleoplasm are distinct, indicating uncoordinated transport of the two subunits within the nucleus. In cells defective for the activity of the GTPase Gsp1p/Ran, ribosomal precursors accumulate in the whole nucleus. This phenotype is reproduced with pre-60S particles in cells defective in pre-rRNA processing, whereas pre-40S particles only accumulate in the nucleolus, suggesting a tight control of the exit of the small subunit from the nucleolus. Examination of nucleoporin mutants reveals that preribosome nuclear export requires the Nup82p–Nup159p–Nsp1p complex. In contrast, mutations in the nucleoporins forming the Nup84p complex yield very mild or no nuclear accumulation of preribosome. Interestingly, domains of Nup159p required for mRNP trafficking are not necessary for preribosome export. Furthermore, the RNA helicase Dbp5p and the protein Gle1p, which interact with Nup159p and are involved in mRNP trafficking, are dispensable for ribosomal transport. Thus, the Nup82p–Nup159p–Nsp1p nucleoporin complex is part of the nuclear export pathways of preribosomes and mRNPs, but with distinct functions in these two processes

    Extraction of microcrystalline cellulose from Washingtonia fibre and its characterization

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    Washingtonia is a desert plant with great sustainability and renewability in nature and is abundantly cultivated across global urban regions. Its fibre biomass comprises cellulose as the major structural part, and this is why it can be potentially utilized as an alternative biomaterial for manufacturing microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) products that can be widely applied in industrial fields. In the present study, NaOH-treated Washingtonia fibre (WAKL), NaClO2-treated Washingtonia fibre (WBLH), and Washingtonia microcrystalline cellulose (WMCC) were extracted through combined treatments of alkalization, bleaching, and acidic hydrolysis, respectively. The obtained chemically treated fibre samples were subjected to characterization to investigate their morphology, physico-chemistry, and thermal stability. In a morphological examination, the large bunch WAKL fibre reduced into small size WMCC fibrils, evidencing that the lignin and hemicellulose components were greatly eliminated through chemical dissolution. The elemental composition revealed that almost all impurities of anions and cations had been removed, particularly for the WMCC sample, showing its high purity of cellulose content. Additionally, the WMCC sample could attain at 25% yield, giving it the advantage for feasible economic production. Furthermore, the physicochemical analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared-ray (FTIR), indicated the presence of a crystalline cellulose region within the WMCC structure, which had promoted it with high crystallinity of 72.6% as examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). As for thermal analysis, WMCC showed greater thermal stability comparing to WAKL and WBLC samples at high temperature. Therefore, Washingtonia fibre can be a reliable biosubstituent to replace other plant material for MCC production in the future

    Uso de yuca (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) ensilada como alternativa en la ceba de cerdos

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    Creating alternatives in pig feeding is currently the best option to reduce production costs, cassava is the most used worldwide for its nutritional value, it is for this reason that the present research aims to replace the 20, 30 and 40% of the corn from the commercial balanced by cassava silage to evaluate the productive and economic results in the fattening of pigs in the beginning and final stages of fattening of pigs raised in rustic backyard conditions in the Parroquia Canuto del Cantón Chone. The variables were: average daily consumption, total feed and average daily and total gain, feed conversion, feed costs and determination of fat on the very long back. Twenty pigs of 25 kg of average live weight were used, hybrids of the Belgian Landrace and Pietrain breeds, randomly distributed in 4 equal groups in weight, sex and age with 5 replicas each; A one-factor analysis of variance model, IBM SPSS version 20, was applied. The results obtained did not show significant differences. Differences were found in determining the thickness of the back fat (p <0.05), being better in all TY3 analyzes. The economic analysis favors the TY3 treatment. Cassava silage can partially replace corn throughout the pig fattening cycle without affecting production results and reducing costs, especially at the end of fattening.Crear alternativas en la alimentación de cerdos, la yuca es la más usada a nivel mundial por su valor nutricional, es por esta razón que la presente investigación tiene como objetivo sustituir el 20, 30 y 40% del maíz del balanceado comercial por ensilado de yuca para evaluar los resultados productivos y económicos en la ceba de cerdos en las etapas de inicio y final de ceba de cerdos criados en condiciones rústicas de traspatio en la Parroquia Canuto del Cantón Chone. Las variables fueron: consumo promedio diario, total del alimento y ganancia media diaria y total, conversión alimenticia, costos de la alimentación y determinación de grasa en el longisimo dorso. Se utilizaron 20 cerdos de 25 kg de peso vivo promedio, híbridos de las razas Landrace Belga y Pietrain, distribuidos al azar en 4 grupos iguales en peso, sexo y edad con 5 réplicas cada uno; se aplicó un modelo de análisis de varianza de un factor, IBM SPSS versión 20. Los resultados obtenidos no mostraron diferencias significativas. En la determinación del grosor de la grasa dorsal se encontraron diferencias (p<0.05), siendo mejor en todos los análisis TY3. El análisis económico favorece al tratamiento TY3. El ensilado de yuca puede sustituir parcialmente al maíz en todo el ciclo de ceba de cerdos sin afectar los resultados productivos y disminuyendo los costos sobre todo al final de la ceba