45 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study: Evaluation of Formation Education by Teacher Candidates, Mentor Teachers and Coordinators: An Example of Karabuk University/Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to learn the opinion of the teacher candidates who study pedagogical formation in Karabuk University in 2016-2017 teaching session, as well as mentor teachers and coordinators who lead them during the teaching practices at schools. This research study is mainly based on qualitative techniques. Working group of this study is composed of 155 teacher candidates, 56 mentor teachers and 16 coordinators. Three open-ended questions were given to the teacher candidates, mentors and coordinators for collection of data. The data were evaluated as in the mean of content analysis. According to the findings, teacher candidates expressed that “mentor teachers and coordinators at schools of implementation had a positive and supportive attitude towards them” while some of the candidates were expressing that “mentor teachers are not supportive.” Mentor teachers and coordinators found teacher candidates’ attitudes positive and refined. Mentor teachers and coordinators mentioned negative references about teacher candidates. They said that teacher candidates didn’t use proper teaching methods, techniques and materials when the teacher candidates are teaching, and failed to manage and maintain classroom atmosphere and the intended lesson time. It is considerable that teacher candidates had also mentioned that “they were doing the same mistakes what their coordinators and teachers determined.” As a result, teaching practice schedules should be well arranged in the way of cooperation between the University and the National Ministry of education, which was suggested to the authorities in the Turkish Higher Education Board

    Two patientswith aseptic meningitis and immune trombocytopenic purpura following chickenpox

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    Suçiçeği, Varicella Zoster virüsünün (VZV) primer enfeksiyonudur. VZV viremisine bağlı olarak iç organ ve santral sinir sistemi tutulumu gözlenebilir. Nörolojik komplikasyonlar, suçiçeği enfeksiyonu geçiren çocukların hastaneye en sık yatış endikasyonları arasındadır. Üstelik tipik deri döküntüsü olmadan da görülebilirler. Suçiçeğinin hemorajik komplikasyonları çocuklukta nadirdir. İmmün yetmezliklilerde trombositopeniyle birlikte yaygın hemorajik döküntülere yol açabilir. Trombositopeni suçiçeğini izleyen 1-2 hafta içinde gözlenebileceği gibi daha geç de ortaya çıkabilir. Bu makalede, suçiçeği enfeksiyonundan sonra gelişmiş aseptik menenjitli 7 yaşında erkek olgu ile immun trombositopenik purpuralı (İTP) 6 yaşında erkek olgu sunulmuştur. Her iki olguda da iyileşen suçiçeği döküntüleri vardı. Aseptik menenjitli olgu spontan iyileşirken, İTP'li olgu metil prednizolon tedavisine yanıt verdi. Bu iki olgu nedeniyle suçiçeğinin komplikasyonlu seyredebileceği ve aşı ile korunmanın önemi vurgulanmıştır.Chickenpox is the primary infection of varicella zoster virus. The viscera and central nervous system can be affected due to viremia of VZV. Neurologic complications are among the most frequent indications for hospitalization of children with varicella. Furthermore, they can be seen in the absence of characteristic cutaneous rash. Haemorrhagic complications of varicella are rare in childhood. Varicella can cause trombocytopenia and disseminated hemorrhagic lesions in immunocompromised children. Trombocytopenia maybegin 1to 2weeks ormore after varicella. In this paper,a sevenyear oldmalewith asepticmeningitis and a six year oldmalewithimmune trombocytopenic purpura (ITP) following varicella are presented. Both of them had resolving cutaneous rashes of varicella. The patient with aseptic meningitis recovered spontaneously; on the otherhand, the patient with ITP responded to metil prednisolone treatment.Due to these two cases, it is stressed that varicella can be complicated and it can be prevented withvaccine

    Analysis and investigation of different advanced control strategies for high-performance induction motor drives

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    Induction motor (IM) drives have received a strong interest from researchers and industry particularly for high-performance AC drives through vector control method. With the advancement in power electronics and digital signal processing(DSP), high capability processors allow the implementation of advanced control techniques for motor drives such as model predictive control (MPC). In this paper, design, analysis and investigation of two different MPC techniques applied to IM drives; themodel predictive torque control (MPTC) and model predictive current control (MPCC) are presented. The two techniques are designed in Matlab/Simulink environment and compared interm of operation in different operating conditions. Moreover, a comparisonof these techniques with field-oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) is conducted based on simulation studies with PI speed controller for all control techniques. Based on the analysis, the MPC techniques demonstrates a better result compared with the FOC and DTC in terms of speed, torque and current responses in transient and steady-state conditions

    Low computational complexity for optimizing energy efficiency in mm-wave hybrid precoding system for 5G

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    Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) communication is the spectral frontier to meet the anticipated significant volume of high data traffic processing in next-generation systems. The primary challenges in mm-wave can be overcome by reducing complexity and power consumption by large antenna arrays for massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) systems. However, the circuit power consumption is expected to increase rapidly. The precoding in mm-wave mMIMO systems cannot be successfully achieved at baseband using digital precoders, owing to the high cost and power consumption of signal mixers and analog-to-digital converters. Nevertheless, hybrid analog–digital precoders are considered a cost-effective solution. In this work, we introduce a novel method for optimizing energy efficiency (EE) in the upper-bound multiuser (MU) - mMIMO system and the cost efficiency of quantized hybrid precoding (HP) design. We propose effective alternating minimization algorithms based on the zero gradient method to establish fully-connected structures (FCSs) and partially-connected structures (PCSs). In the alternating minimization algorithms, low complexity is proposed by enforcing an orthogonal constraint on the digital precoders to realize the joint optimization of computational complexity and communication power. Therefore, the alternating minimization algorithm enhances HP by improving the performance of the FCS through advanced phase extraction, which involves high complexity. Meanwhile, the alternating minimization algorithm develops a PCS to achieve low complexity using HP. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm for MU - mMIMO systems improves EE. The power-saving ratio is also enhanced for PCS and FCS by 48.3% and 17.12%, respectively

    Fuzzy Membership Functions Tuning For Speed Controller Of Induction Motor Drive: Performance Improvement.

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    Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has gained high interest in the field of speed control of machine drives in both academic and industrial communities. This is due to the features of FLC of handling non-linearity and variations. FLC system consists of three main elements: scaling factors (SFs), membership functions (MFs), and rule-base. Fuzzy MFs can be designed with different types and sizes. For induction motor (IM) speed control, (3x3), (5x5) and (7x7) MFs are the most used MFs sizes, and normally designed based on symmetrical distribution. However, changing the width and peak position of MFs design enhance the performance. In this paper, tuning of MFs of FLC speed control of IM drives is considered. Considering (3x3), (5x5) and (7x7) MFs sizes, the widths and peak positions of these MFs are asymmetrically distributed to improve the performance of IM drive. Based on these MFs sizes, the widths and peak positions are moved toward the origin (zero), negative and positive side that produces a controller less sensitive to the small error variations. Based on simulation and performance evaluations, improvement of 5% in settling time (Ts), 0.5% in rise time and 20% of steady-state improvement achieved with the tuned MFs compared to original MFs

    Analysis And Investigation Of Different Advanced Control Strategies For High-Performance Induction Motor Drives

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    Induction motor (IM) drives have received a strong interest from researchers and industry particularly for high-performance AC drives through vector control method. With the advancement in power electronics and digital signal processing (DSP), high capability processors allow the implementation of advanced control techniques for motor drives such as model predictive control (MPC). In this paper, design, analysis and investigation of two different MPC techniques applied to IM drives; the model predictive torque control (MPTC) and model predictive current control (MPCC) are presented. The two techniques are designed in Matlab/Simulink environment and compared in term of operation in different operating conditions. Moreover, a comparison of these techniques with field-oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) is conducted based on simulation studies with PI speed controller for all control techniques. Based on the analysis, the MPC techniques demonstrates a better result compared with the FOC and DTC in terms of speed, torque and current responses in transient and steady-state conditions

    Long-baseline, sub-decimeter kinematic GPS positioning of moving object, with potential application to monitor ocean surface wave

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    Precise relative kinematic positioning of moving platforms using GPS carrier phase observables has numerous applications. One prominent application is utilization of highly stabilized GPS technology mounted on the buoy, which is specially designed for detecting tsunami wave at open sea. The essential point of this research is to investigate a potential use of a GPS tsunami buoy for the purpose of tsunami early warning system with long-baseline kinematic GPS processing method. The rule of thumb GPS positioning concept, GPS position results are affected by. baseline length mostly due to de-correlation of atmospheric errors. As baseline lengths increase, position results degrade due to the difficulty to correctly fix the cariier phase ambiguity to its integer value. carrier phase fixed ambiguity solutions are more accurate that float arnbiguify solutions. It is generally accepted that carrier phase can be successfUlly fixed for baselines of up to 10 km. After that, fixing ambiguities becomes more difficult and risky. It would be certainty more advantageous to have a reliable float solution rather than an unreliable fixed solution. In this study, we have developed a new quasi-real time long-baseline kinematic analysis method using dual-frequency carrier phase with floated ambiguities, implemented in the Bernese GPS Software Version 5.0. We demonstrate that early detection of a damaging tsunami can be achieved by tracking the anomalous changes in sea surface height. The movements of a GPS buoy relative to a base station with baseline length of 500 km have been monitored in quasi-real time mode, and the tsunami waves caused by the 5th September 2004 Off Kii Peninsula earthquake, Japan, have been successful detected as they went by, even though these were only 15 cm high. The filtered record of the solution closely resembles that of short baseline, with RMS of 3.4 cm over 2.5 hours. To test the robustness of our Iong-baseline kinematic GPS method under various meteorological, we conducted the GPS tsunami buoy data analysis continuously for 8 days to monitor the motion of the buoy. The average scatterings of GPS buoy heights by the low-pass filtered 1 -Hz positioning result after tidal correction are about 3.4 cm and 1.2 cm under both typhoon and calm weather conditions. This accuracy is precise enough to be applicable to a tsunami early warning system. Since our long-baseline kinematic GPS analysis is effective to a long baseline up to 500 km, we can place a GPS buoy far offshore, which ensures an adequate evacuation time even, for people living on the coast

    A Real-Life Turkish Experience of Ruxolitinib in Polycythemia Vera

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    Introduction:Ruxolitinib is a small -molecule inhibitor of the JAK1/2 pathway. This study aimed to reveal the results and side-effect profile of the use of ruxolitinib as a treatment option in polycythemia vera (PV).Methods:A total of 34 patients with PV from 18 different centers were included in the study. The evaluation of the response under treatment with ruxolitinib was determined as a reduction in spleen volume (splenomegaly size: ≥35%) by imaging and control of hematocrit levels (≤45%) compared to baseline.Results:While the number of patients in which a reduction in spleen volume and hematocrit control was achieved was 19 (55.9%) at 3 months of treatment, it was 21 (61.8%) at 6 months. Additionally, while the number of side effects was negatively correlated with the reduction in spleen volume (Spearman’s rho: -0.365, p=0.034), a decrease in the hematocrit level was positively correlated (Spearman’s rho: 0.75, p=0.029). Those without a reduction in spleen volume experienced more constipation (chi-square: 5.988, Fisher’s exact test: p=0.033).Conclusion:This study shed light on the use of ruxolitinib in PV and the importance of splenomegaly on studies planned with larger patient groups


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    Bu çalışmada, zamanla değişen lineer olmayan bir sistemin Bulanık Model Referans Öğrenmeli Denetim (BMRÖD) metodu kullanılarak adaptif kontrolü gerçekleştirilmiştir. BMRÖD metodu, bulanık denetleyicilerin tasarımı için sistematik bir yordam sağlamaktadır. BMRÖD yönteminde bir bulanık ilişki tablosu yerine, kural tabanlı bir dizi tablosu kullanılmak suretiyle hesaplama süresini ve bellek ihtiyacını azaltan bir bilgi tabanlı güncelleme algoritması kullanılmaktadır. Çoğu klasik bulanık denetim sisteminde, üyelik fonksiyonlarının bazı parametreleri deneme-yanılma yöntemi ile belirlenirken, BMRÖD  metodunda ise parametreler bu öğrenme mekanizması ile belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada önerilen BMRÖD algoritması, bir tanker gemisinin lineer olmayan dümen denetiminde kullanılmıştır. Denetim tekniğinin etkinliğini gösteren simülasyon sonuçları makalede verilmiştir

    Optimal design of a variable coefficient fractional order PID controller by using heuristic optimization algorithms

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    This paper deals with an optimal design of a new type Variable coefficient Fractional Order PID (V-FOPID) controller by using heuristic optimization algorithms. Although many studies have mainly paid attention to correct the performance of the system's transient and steady state responses together, few studies are interested in both transient and steady state performances separately. It is obvious that handling these two cases independently will bring out a better control response. However, there are no studies using different controller parameters for the transient and steady state responses of the system in fractional order control systems. The major contribution of the paper is to fill this gap by presenting a novel approach. To justify the claimed efficiency of the proposed VFOPID controller, variable coefficient controllers and classical ones are tested through a set of simulations which is about controlling of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) system. According to the obtained results, first of all it was observed that proposed V-FOPID controller has superiority to the classical PID, Variable coefficient PID (V-PID) and classical Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controllers. Secondly, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has shown its advantage compared to the Artificial Immune System (AIS) algorithm for the controller design. © 2018 The Science and Information (SAI) Organization Limited