42 research outputs found

    Kinetics And Kinematics Determinations Of Martial Arts Performers Using 3d Motion Capture Camera

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    A motion Capture camera is the process of recording movements of real-life through a computer. Many studies have been conducted to broaden the use of this optical motion camera such as in animation, surveillance, sports mechanics, and clinical applications. MOCAP system is constantly being upgraded throughout the year, from media arts applications to more cutting-edge technology applications ensuring that this technology will never become obsolete. Hence this main objective was put to test in measuring the performer dynamic movement using MOCAP by introducing SOP with the help of physics classical mechanics. To test the accuracy of this system, an intermediate tech system of MOCAP is used to measure the dynamic motion of martial artists (silat) and non-martial artists. A standard operating procedure (SOP) was created to standardize the measurement. Using MOCAP system supplied by Motion Analysis, Cortex Motion Analysis (CMA) software and Osprey optical camera is used. 5 performers with experience in martial arts training (N ‘professional’, Z ‘Intermediate’, H ‘intermediate’) and non-experience in martial arts training (S and A). Measurement was done according to the SOP created according to another previous research. Divided into 5 parts the protocol was followed from the first protocol which is a construction of MOCAP, the second protocol is accuracy Testing, 3. Physical Evaluation, 4

    Malaysia halal trust : between reality and challenges

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    Public confidence regarding the permissibility of certain products or whether it is lawful, particularly for Muslims, founded through the display or the label to verify the halal certification issued by an authorized organization or recognized. Accordingly, the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) is an organization that has the authority to issue halal certificates, especially in Malaysia. Islam has laid down rules and regulations for driving humanity to adhere to the principles of Islam prescribed in the Quran and Hadith. The research methodology of this paper is to use library research methods. This article describes the rules and regulations mentioned in the Quran and hadith which are the two primary sources of Islam. This article also describes recent developments in the halal industry conducted by the Malaysian government. In fact, it has been a goal of the government to make Malaysia a global halal hub. The purpose of this article is to introduce Malaysia as a halal hub at the international level and to share experience in the challenges and problems when conducting activities related to the halal industry. Finally, some proposals for improving the operations of halal in Malaysia has been proposed by some academics involved, so it provides an opportunity for a broad agenda for future research in the halal industry in Malaysia

    Etika dan tanggungjawab pendidik dalam profesion perguruan dan cabaran pendidik masa kini

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    Profesion perguruan atau bekerja sebagai guru adalah antara beberapa jenis pekerjaan yang penting dalam proses pembangunan manusia, masyarakat dan negara. Profesion perguruan merupakan profesion paling utama di dalam proses penyerapan ilmu pengetahuan kepada individu dan masyarakat. Dalam era globalisasi sekarang, peranan guru menjadi semakin kompleks dan mencabar. Golongan guru hendaklah memastikan martabat perguruan sentiasa dipertingkatkan dari masa ke semasa ke tahap yang lebih tinggi dan dihormati seterusnya dapat merealisasikan Misi Nasional seperti yang digariskan oleh Y.A.B. Perdana Menteri Malaysia dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9. Guru juga merupakan saluran untuk murid mewujudkan pemikiran yang kritis dan kreatif bagi membentuk jati diri yang sempurna agar dapat berbakti kepada agama, bangsa dan negara. Dalam usaha meningkatkan martabat profesion perguruan yang cemerlang, Kementerian Pendidikan telah menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan dan memastikan semua guru menjalani pelbagai kemahiran dan latihan yang sesuai mengikut arus globasisai masa kini

    Pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar dan pencapaian pelajar Bahasa Arab / Azman Che Mat … [et al.]

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    Pembelajaran bahasa secara berpusatkan pelajar amat membantu untuk menguasai bahasa secara alamiah.Tugasan yang berbentuk aktiviti bahasa bertujuan untuk memberi peluang kepada pelajar bahasa mempraktikkan kemahiran bahasa secara berkesan.Namun hal ini tidak mungkin berjaya sekiranya aktiviti ini tidak dirancang dengan betul dan tersusun.Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pandangan kendiri pelajar berkait dengan penyediaan aktiviti bahasa dan pencapaian pembelajaran bahasa.Kajian ini mengedarkan soal selidik ke atas 330 orang pelajar yang mengambil bahasa Arab 2 & 3.Satu set soal selidik telah diedarkan untuk mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada pelajar terhadap aktiviti bahasa. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pelajar memberi maklumbalas positif terhadap aktiviti bahasa

    Purification of nucleocapsid protein of Newcastle Disease virus for immunodiagnostic kit

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    The aim of the present study is to purify recombinant nucleocapsid (NP) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) using microfitration fitration system and improve the processing conditions as well. A microporous membrane screening using two different sizes of membrane which are 0.1µm and 0.45µm was performed before further improvement on NP protein filtration was carried out. Several conditions of the independent variables that affect the microfiltration process such as the temperature, transmembrane pressure (TMP), and viscosity were observed. It turned out to be that 0.45µm membrane gave higher yield of NP protein than that of 0.1µm membrane. Thus, 0.45µm membrane was used to improve the filtration process for NP protein. Based on the Full Factorial Design (STATISTICA 8.0, Statsoft, Inc.), eight sets of experiment were designed to identify the best conditions for the NP protein filtration. From these experiments, the optimal conditions that gave the highest yield of NP protein are; TMP 4.5psi, viscosity 2.39cP at 4ºC. Based on ANOVA (analysis of variance), all the independent variables studied do not significantly affect the purification of NP protein. However, based on the lowest p value for each variable corresponding to the response, temperature has the largest effect for the NP protein yield

    Bentuk Bantuan Modal Agihan Zakat Asnaf dan Pencapaian Usahawan Asnaf di Malaysia: Kajian Empirikal

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    Bantuan modal zakat merupakan salah satu bentuk bantuan yang disalurkan oleh agensi zakat di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan asnaf melibatkan diri dalam dunia perniagaan seterusnya merubah kehidupan mereka lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa isu yang timbul seperti berlaku penipuan ke atas bantuan yang diberikan, kegagalan usahawan asnaf dalam perniagaan, serta modal yang tidak mencukupi. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk bantuan modal yang disediakan oleh Institusi zakat serta mengenal pasti sejauhmanakah pencapaian bantuan modal membantu asnaf dalam perniagaan. Kajian ini telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu menemu bual seramai 12 orang informan asnaf dan 5 orang pegawai zakat. Tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan pertama berkaitan dengan bentuk bantuan modal perniagaan ialah bantuan kemahiran, bantuan peralatan dan bantuan kewangan. Manakala tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan yang kedua iaitu pencapaian bantuan agihan zakat, adalah keluar dari kelompok asnaf dan berjaya menjadi pembayar zakat. Secara keseluruhannya hasil dapatan menunjukkan kajian yang dijalankan memuaskan tetapi perlu dipertingkatkan dari segi bantuan modal perniagaan dan pengurusan. Penyelidik berharap agar kajian yang dijalankan dapat membantu institusi zakat dalam mempertingkatkan agihan zakat kepada golongan asnaf serta mempertingkatkan kehidupan mereka ke arah yang lebih baik. Bantuan modal zakat merupakan salah satu bentuk bantuan yang disalurkan oleh agensi zakat di Malaysia bagi membantu golongan asnaf melibatkan diri dalam dunia perniagaan seterusnya merubah kehidupan mereka lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa isu yang timbul seperti berlaku penipuan ke atas bantuan yang diberikan, kegagalan usahawan asnaf dalam perniagaan, serta modal yang tidak mencukupi. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk bantuan modal yang disediakan oleh Institusi zakat serta mengenal pasti sejauhmanakah pencapaian bantuan modal membantu asnaf dalam perniagaan. Kajian ini telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif iaitu menemu bual seramai 12 orang informan asnaf dan 5 orang pegawai zakat. Tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan pertama berkaitan dengan bentuk bantuan modal perniagaan ialah bantuan kemahiran, bantuan peralatan dan bantuan kewangan. Manakala tema yang terhasil daripada persoalan yang kedua iaitu pencapaian bantuan agihan zakat, adalah keluar dari kelompok asnaf dan berjaya menjadi pembayar zakat. Secara keseluruhannya hasil dapatan menunjukkan kajian yang dijalankan memuaskan tetapi perlu dipertingkatkan dari segi bantuan modal perniagaan dan pengurusan. Penyelidik berharap agar kajian yang dijalankan dapat membantu institusi zakat dalam mempertingkatkan agihan zakat kepada golongan asnaf serta mempertingkatkan kehidupan mereka ke arah yang lebih baik

    [Bibliometric Studies on Research Publication Materials: Towards The Latest Research in Islamic Studies] Kajian Bibliometrik Terhadap Bahan Penerbitan Penyelidikan Berkaitan Delima: Ke Arah Penyelidikan Terkini Dalam Bidang Pengajian Islam

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    Pomegranates are an antioxidant-rich superfood with alternative and natural medicine resources for the natural health community. From the perspective of ancient medical practice, pomegranate is in a highest ranking of healthy fruits because of its diverse beneficial in curing diseases. Trend research publications pomegranates were studied. The study focused on content analysis, especially in the field of primary research on pomegranate. Referring to the results of 'literature review' on pomegranate, researchers found that the majority of previous research on pomegranate dominated by journal articles by 85.5 percent. Research on the method of analysis conducted in the previous studies found that most studies on pomegranate done on a scientific analysis (laboratory studies). Studies on aspects of science has been divided into six areas. Focus areas include scientific discussion of pomegranate is pharmaceutical, Food Science, Botany, Bio-Medical, Bio-Chemistry and Microbiology. Only one field of study that focuses on the analysis of Islamic view focusing on Islamic Education. Additional fields of Environmental Education (Flora) are also included by researchers to collect data and find a results on plants that contain pomegranate. Thus, the efforts of researchers from Universiti Malaya through grants TRGS (TR001A-2014) entitled 'Safe and Health Uses of Fruits and Herbs Mentioned in Al-Quran and Ahadith: An Analysis of ethnomedicinal Importance in Islamic Products in Malaysia' are very significant in the development of science. Advanced new study of henna is expected to produce benefits to Malaysia as a whole.   Keyword: Pomegranate; Research trend; Recommandations, New Research Studies, Malaysian Product     Delima (pomegranate) merupakan bahan perubatan semula jadi yang amat bernilai. Dalam amalan perubatan kuno (ancient healing benefits), delima berada pada senarai teratas disebabkan manfaat kegunaannya yang versatile. Trend penerbitan penyelidikan berkenaan delima telah dikaji. Kajian ditumpukan kepada analisis kandungan terutamanya dalam bidang penyelidikan utama berhubung delima. Merujuk hasil tinjauan literatur, pengkaji mendapati majoriti penyelidikan lepas mengenai delima di dominasi oleh artikel jurnal sebanyak 85.5%. Melihatkan metode analisis yang pernah dilakukan, penyelidikan lepas berkenaan delima kebanyakannya berkisar tentang analisis saintifik (kajian makmal). Bagi kajian sains sahaja, telah terbahagi kepada enam bidang kajian. Fokus aspek perbincangan saintifik terhadap delima meliputi bidang farmasi, sains pemakanan (food science), sains botani, bio-perubatan, bio-kimia dan mikrobiologi. Hanya satu bidang yang memfokuskan analisis berasaskan pengajian Islam (Islamic Studies). Tambahan bidang pendidikan alam sekitar (flora) turut dimuatkan pengkaji bagi mengumpulkan hasil kajian yang bersifat data umum tentang tumbuhan termasuk delima. Justeru, usaha terkini para penyelidik dari Universiti Malaya melalui geran TRGS (TR001A-2014A) bertajuk ‘Safe and Health Uses of Fruits and Herbs Mentioned in Al-Quran and Ahadith: An Analysis of Ethnomedicinal Importance in Islamic Products in Malaysia’ amat signifikan dalam perkembangan ilmu. Lanjutan kajian baru terhadap delima diharapkan menghasilkan sesuatu bagi manfaat Malaysia seluruhnya

    Analysis of the significance treatment of henna in the formulation based on fiqh al-hadith

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    Henna is a type of plant that is normally used in our society as an accessory to paint their nails, hair and for men, beards. However, it is usually an accessory designed for women. Even so, there are some people in the society who use henna as a treatment for postpartum internal wounds. Through inductive and deductive analysis, the objective of this article is to analyse, from the fiqh al-hadith perspective, on the usage of henna that is explained in the hadiths in order to get a comprehensive explanation of the use of henna that was recommended by the Prophet PBUH so that the discussion can be related with the reality of the proper use of henna in society. The results of the study found that, from the fiqh al hadith perspective, the discussion on the use of henna is [1] Henna as a hair dye to darken grey hair; [2] Henna also acts as an accessory designed for women whether it is for their nails or hair; [3] The law prohibits the use of the colour of henna for men as accessories that resemble women (tasyabbuh); [4] Henna as wound treatments; and [5] Henna for leg pain treatments. Hence, the outcome of this discussion can be developed into a scientific study to prove precisely the use of henna to benefit the society as a whole

    Effect of GA4+7 treatment on the capsaicinoid content of chilli (Capsicum annuum L. var. Kulai)

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    The effect of GA4+7 treatment on the capsaicinoid content of chilli was studied in chilli fruit grown under glasshouse and field conditions. The major capsaicinoids – capsaicin (CAP), nordihyrocapsaicin (NDHC) and dihydrocapsaicin (DHC) were separated and quantified by HPLC and their identity further confirmed by GCMS. Higher total capsaicinoid content was obtained with GA4+7 treatment compared with the untreated control. More pronounced effect of GA4+7 was observed on NDHC and DHC. The capsaicin content was significantly increased by GA4+7 treatment at peak flowering (PF) and with double application at early flowering and peak flowering (EF + PF) only. The difference between glasshouse and field treated fruit was not significant