110 research outputs found

    Morphology, dynamics and plasma parameters of plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes

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    Coronal plumes, which extend from solar coronal holes (CH) into the high corona and - possibly - into the solar wind (SW), can now continuously be studied with modern telescopes and spectrometers on spacecraft, in addition to investigations from the ground, in particular, during total eclipses. Despite the large amount of data available on these prominent features and related phenomena, many questions remained unanswered as to their generation and relative contributions to the high-speed streams emanating from CHs. An understanding of the processes of plume formation and evolution requires a better knowledge of the physical conditions at the base of CHs, in plumes and in the surrounding inter-plume regions (IPR). More specifically, information is needed on the magnetic field configuration, the electron densities and temperatures, effective ion temperatures, non-thermal motions, plume cross-sections relative to the size of a CH, the plasma bulk speeds, as well as any plume signatures in the SW. In spring 2007, the authors proposed a study on "Structure and dynamics of coronal plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes" to the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern to clarify some of these aspects by considering relevant observations and the extensive literature. This review summarizes the results and conclusions of the study. Stereoscopic observations allowed us to include three-dimensional reconstructions of plumes. Multi-instrument investigations carried out during several campaigns led to progress in some areas, such as plasma densities, temperatures, plume structure and the relation to other solar phenomena, but not all questions could be answered concerning the details of plume generation process(es) and interaction with the SW.Comment: To appear on: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 72 pages, 30 figure

    Lyman-Alpha Imaging Polarimetry with the CLASP2 Sounding Rocket Mission

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    Ultraviolet polarimetry offers a unique opportunity to explore the upper solar chromosphere and the transition region (TR) to the million-degree corona. These outer atmospheric regions play a key role in the transfer of mass and energy from the solar photosphere to the corona. With a sounding rocket experiment called the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP), in September 2015 we succeeded in obtaining the first measurement of the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in the hydrogen Lyman-alpha line of the solar disk radiation. The analysis and interpretation of such spectro-polarimetric observation allowed us to obtain information on the geometrical complexity of the corrugated surface that delineates the TR, as well as on the magnetic field strength via the Hanle effect. At the same time, the CLASP slit-jaw (SJ) optics system, which is a Lyman-alpha filter imager characterized by a FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum) equals 7 nanometers, allowed us to obtain broad-band Stokes-I and Q/I images over a large field of view. The obtained broad-band Q/I images are dominated by the scattering polarization signals of the Lyman-alpha wings, and not by the much weaker line-center signals where the Hanle effect operates. On April 11, 2019, we performed another sounding rocket experiment, called the Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP2). We used the same instrument after significant modifications in order to obtain spectro-polarimetric observations of a plage and a quiet region in the Mg II h & k lines. At the same time, the CLASP2 SJ optics system allowed us to obtain broad-band Q/I and U/I images around the Lyman-alpha wavelength, in addition to the well- known SJ intensity images

    Impact of the 26-30 May 2003 solar events on the earth ionosphere and thermosphere.

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    During the last week of May 2003, the solar active region AR 10365 produced a large number of flares, several of which were accompanied by Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). Specifically on 27 and 28 May three halo CMEs were observed which had a significant impact on geospace. On 29 May, upon their arrival at the L1 point, in front of the Earth's magnetosphere, two interplanetary shocks and two additional solar wind pressure pulses were recorded by the ACE spacecraft. The interplanetary magnetic field data showed the clear signature of a magnetic cloud passing ACE. In the wake of the successive increases in solar wind pressure, the magnetosphere became strongly compressed and the sub-solar magnetopause moved inside five Earth radii. At low altitudes the increased energy input to the magnetosphere was responsible for a substantial enhancement of Region-1 field-aligned currents. The ionospheric Hall currents also intensified and the entire high-latitude current system moved equatorward by about 10°. Several substorms occurred during this period, some of them - but not all - apparently triggered by the solar wind pressure pulses. The storm's most notable consequences on geospace, including space weather effects, were (1) the expansion of the auroral oval, and aurorae seen at mid latitudes, (2) the significant modification of the total electron content in the sunlight high-latitude ionosphere, (3) the perturbation of radio-wave propagation manifested by HF blackouts and increased GPS signal scintillation, and (4) the heating of the thermosphere, causing increased satellite drag. We discuss the reasons why the May 2003 storm is less intense than the October-November 2003 storms, although several indicators reach similar intensities

    A Statistical Inference Method for Interpreting the CLASP Observations

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    On 3rd September 2015, the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) successfully measured the linear polarization produced by scattering processes in the hydrogen Lyman-α\alpha line of the solar disk radiation, revealing conspicuous spatial variations in the Q/IQ/I and U/IU/I signals. Via the Hanle effect the line-center Q/IQ/I and U/IU/I amplitudes encode information on the magnetic field of the chromosphere-corona transition region (TR), but they are also sensitive to the three-dimensional structure of this corrugated interface region. With the help of a simple line formation model, here we propose a statistical inference method for interpreting the Lyman-α\alpha line-center polarization observed by CLASP.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Earth-Affecting Solar Causes Observatory (EASCO): A Potential International Living with a Star Mission from Sun-Earth L5

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    This paper describes the scientific rationale for an L5 mission and a partial list of key scientific instruments the mission should carry. The L5 vantage point provides an unprecedented view of the solar disturbances and their solar sources that can greatly advance the science behind space weather. A coronagraph and a heliospheric imager at L5 will be able to view CMEs broadsided, so space speed of the Earth-directed CMEs can be measured accurately and their radial structure discerned. In addition, an inner coronal imager and a magnetograph from L5 can give advance information on active regions and coronal holes that will soon rotate on to the solar disk. Radio remote sensing at low frequencies can provide information on shock-driving CMEs, the most dangerous of all CMEs. Coordinated helioseismic measurements from the Sun Earth line and L5 provide information on the physical conditions at the base of the convection zone, where solar magnetism originates. Finally, in situ measurements at L5 can provide information on the large-scale solar wind structures (corotating interaction regions (CIRs)) heading towards Earth that potentially result in adverse space weather

    Sounding Rocket Experiment CLASP2: Development of the UV High-Precision Polarization Spectroscopy Device

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    Sounding Rocket Experiment CLASP2 (Chromospheric LAyer Spectro-Polarimeter-2): Development of the UV (Ultraviolet) High-Precision Polarization Spectroscopy Devic
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