8 research outputs found

    Edukasi Zat Aditif Makanan dan Jajanan Sehat Pada Pelajar

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    The food sold in the market contains many unhealthy additives, such as preservatives, artificial colourings, and sweeteners. Consuming healthy snacks can provide numerous health benefits to students. Healthy snacks made from natural ingredients without harmful additives can provide adequate nutritional intake, improve energy levels, and enhance concentration during the study. The educational goal was to enhance the understanding of food additives and healthy snacks among the students of SMK 2 Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The implementation method of community engagement includes identifying issues related to unhealthy food, conducting a pre-test to assess initial knowledge, providing education and training to students, conducting a post-test to measure knowledge improvement, and evaluating and analysing data to enhance future programs. The pre-test was conducted before the activities to measure the knowledge, behaviour, or skills of the students regarding healthy food and food additives. The post-test was conducted after the completion of activities to measure the increase in students’ knowledge, behaviour, or skills after receiving education and training. Community engagement activities in SMK 2 Muhammadiyah can enhance student awareness of the importance of choosing healthy snacks and avoiding harmful additives


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    Meningkatnya taraf hidup masyarakat terutama di negara maju dan kota besar membawa perubahan pada pola hidup individu. Perubahan pola hidup tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran pola makan. Kondisi tersebut mengubah banyaknya kasus penyakit infeksi menjadi penyakit degeneratif dan metabolik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengnalisis kandungan zat gizi makro dan mikro pada produk bubur bekatul instankaya serat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan postestonly control design dengan teknik dua kali pengulangan (duplo). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah bekatul yang dihasilkan dari penggilingan beras di Kabupaten Gowa. Penarikan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan secara random sampling pada masing-masing formulasi bubur bekatul instan kaya serat yang telah dibuat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan zat gizi makro per 30 gr bubur bekatul instan dari kelima formula yang terdiri dari kadar air (0,171-1,32%), kadar abu (8,709-12,505%), kadar karbohidrat (9,33-15,54 gr), kadar protein (1,98-2,63 gr), kadar lemak (1,85-2,86 gr), kadar serat kasar (5,33-9,03 gr), kadar energi (110,12-136,09 Kkal), sedangkan kandungan zat gizi mikro terdiri dari kadar magnesium (78-160,5 mg), kadar kalsium (48-387 mg), kadar seng (0,79-1,54 mg), dam kadar fosfor (150-213 mg). Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa formula yang terbaik adalah formula 1.Kriteria penentuan formula terbaik berdasarkan banyaknya zat gizi makro dan mikro yang terkandung pada bubur bekatul instan


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    Factors influencing stunting is complementary feeding practices which related to dietary diversity. Dietary Diversity has been documented as an indicator of adequate intake and associated with nutritional status. Nutrition education are needed to provide information through increase the knowledge, attitude, and feeding practices. Emotional demonstration (EMO-DEMO) as a participatory intervention approach in conveying information has become a purpose of the study to see the effect of intervention in Langensari Village, Banten. Pre-experimental with one group pre-post-test was a design of this study. The sample of respondent was 50 mothers who had a children aged 6-59 months. Simple random sampling was a technical method in collecting sample. The Wilcoxon Rank test was used to see the effect of knowledge, attitudes and feeding practices before and after the intervention. The result showed that there were a significant difference on knowledge, attitude, and feeding practices before and after intervention (p=0.000). Dietary Diversity Scores as an indicator of feeding practices found that there was an increase in the median score. Before the intervention, only 3 food groups were consumed by the children and became 4 food groups after the intervention. Emo demo has an effect on changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour. This approach not only provides health related information, but also evokes the respondent’s feelings and emotions. So that, emo demo was encouraging them to change the behaviour especially on feeding practices with using dietary diversity scores

    Peer Review Artikel Ilmiah Bderjudul Perbedaan Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Berdasarkan Tingkat Ketahanan Pangan Pada Rumah Tangga Miskin Perkotaan dan Perdesaan di Sulawesi Selatan.

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    Backgorund; Nutritional problems arise due to the problem of food security at the household level, namely the ability of households to obtain food for all household members. This reflects the lack of accessibility of households to obtain food, one of which is caused by poverty. Many factors can affect household food security. Aim; This study aims to analyze differences in socio-economic characteristics based on the level of food security of poor urban and rural households in South Sulawesi as measured by the HFIAS Method and the modified Maxwell Method. Method; This study used a cross sectional design. Sampling using purposive sampling with a sample size of 170 households. Data analysis performed was bivariate analysis with t-independent test and chi square test. Results; The results showed that the variables that had differences between food-security and foodinsecurity household groups as measured by the HFIAS method were household size (p = 0,000), while variables that had differences between household groups were food-security and food-insecurity (0.029) and household size (p = 0.000). Conclusions; Household size variables have differences between food-security and foodinsecurity household groups as measured by the HFIAS method and the modified Maxwell method. Household size is an important variable that affects the level of household food security. Keywords: poor, food insecurity, food security, househol

    Food Security and Sociodemographic Factors During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

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    The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the government implementing the large-scale social restrictions regulation. It was implemented to overcome the spread of COVID-19 and also have an impact on community food security. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine socio-demographic factors and food security among communities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. A total of 1,017 respondents involved in this rapid online survey. The result of this study found the strong factors related to food security were having stress or depression, poor dietary habits, and living alone. Furthermore, the low factors found such as being a female, unemployed, and living in Java Island. The government should give intervention for communities that got stressed, have poor dietary habits, and those who live alone without family during pandemic COVID-19

    Pembentukan Kader Muda Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Gizi di Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Tanah Abang I: The Establishment of Public Health and Nutrition Young Cadres at the Muhammadiyah Tanah Abang 1 Orphanage

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    One of the pillars of public health is nutrition which is an essential part of the growth and development of children. Nutrition has a close relationship with intelligence and health. Good and correct nutritional intake is needed so that children grow and develop optimally. This activity aims to form young community health and nutrition cadres at the Tanah Abang 1 Orphanage. The method used in this activity is the delivery of material, and then knowledge is measured before and after the children are given the material. The results of the Statistical Paired-Samples T-Test on the participants' pre and post-test results, the p-value was 0.005 (p-value <0.05), meaning that there was a significant difference between participants' knowledge before and after being given the material. In conclusion, this activity can increase knowledge about becoming a cadre of public health and nutrition

    Edukasi Gizi Efektif Terkait Pemantauan Status Gizi Anak dengan Down Syndrome

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    Pertumbuhan fisik merupakan salah satu aspek penting pada anak dan remaja utuk menilai status kesehatannya. Oleh karena itu, pemantauan pertumbuhan fisik melalui penilaian status gizi sangat penting untuk dilakukan secara berkala. Hal ini berlaku tidak hanya untuk anak sehat, namun juga bagi anak-anak dengan kondisi khusus seperti anak dengan Down Syndrome (DS). Tujuan utama dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta webinar mengenai penilaian status gizi khusus untuk anak DS. Rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berlangsung sejak bulan April 2020 dimulai dengan tahap persiapan yang meliputi kegiatan koordinasi antar anggota tim dan mengurus masalah administratif. Kegiatan utama pengabdian masyarakat yaitu pemberian edukasi metode penilaian status gizi pada anak down syndrome serta sosialisasi buku pemantauan status gizi anak dengan DS yang dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2020. Teknis pelaksanaan kegiatan melalui webinar dengan 72 peserta beserta dengan sosialisasi buku saku pemantauan status gizi bagi anak dengan DS

    Sociodemographic Factors Related to Food Security During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

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    The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic with uncontrolled transmission led to the government implementing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) regulation. It was implemented to overcome the spread of COVID-19 and will also have an impact on community food security. The cross-sectional study aimed to examine socio-demographic factors and food security among communities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. A total of 1,017 respondents partake in this rapid online survey. The result of multi logistic regression showed that who had stress or depression (Adj. OR = 2.81, 95% C.I = 2.03-3.89), poor dietary habit (Adj. OR = 1.94, 95% C.I = 1.46-2.57), and who live alone (Adj. OR = 6.53, 95% C.I = 2.99-14.25) strongly significant associated with poor food security. Who female of sex (Adj. OR = 1.47, 95% C.I = 0.04-2.07), no have working status (Adj. OR = 1.45, 95% C.I = 1.03-2.05), and not living on java island (Adj. OR = 1.35, 95% C.I = 1.02-1.83) have low associated correlation with poor food security. These findings suggested that the government should give intervention for communities that got stressed, have poor dietary habits, and those who live alone without family during pandemic COVID-19