29 research outputs found

    Analysis and Implementation of Augmented Reality Using Markerless and A-Star Algorithm (Case Study: Gedung Kuliah Umum ITERA)

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    Institut Teknologi Sumatera is a public university in the province of Lampung. Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) has many buildings, including Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU). GKU is the largest and widest lecture building in ITERA. GKU has four floors, where each floor has many rooms in it with different functions in each room. As the largest building in ITERA, GKU is often used for various events, including CPNS exams, new student admissions, or for visits from other campuses. Due to the size of this building, this allows visitors from outside ITERA to GKU to experience problems in terms of time to ask questions and difficulty finding various spaces in the GKU Building. This research uses Augmented Reality technology to help make it easier for visitors from outside ITERA to find space quickly and precisely. In its development using several tools, including the ARWaKit SDK. This framework is used on devices with the IoS operating system. In its implementation, it requires a camera on a smartphone to capture existing images and convert them into cyberspace. In the ARWayKit framework, Azure Spatial Anchors have been used which can be used to carry out the mapping process as a markerless method and to optimize the distance from the user's position to the destination location, the a-star algorithm is used. The results obtained from the Variation-2 test were 91.6%


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    The development of information technology is currently growing, where now everything has been transformed digitally. Consumers today to shop no longer need to come to the market. Consumers shop through e-commerce applications and just wait for the goods between the couriers from the expedition to arrive at their doorstep. Based on a survey conducted on March 10, 2021, with 100 respondents, it was concluded that 62% of the problems experienced were the process of receiving packages and security risks during package delivery, where the courier did not find the owner of the package at home. Answering the IUI problem requires an IoT-based package receiving box that helps make it easier for couriers to send goods and helps package owners to monitor packages that have been delivered by couriers. This package recipient box is accompanied by an ESP32 Cam camera module to scan the QR code receipt number, ESP8266 helps connectivity and android-based mobile applications with a firebase real-time database to make it easier for package recipients to monitor packages. In helping to facilitate decision making, Mamdani fuzzy logic is used. From the research experiment, it was found that the system can carry out the package storage process with an average time of 11 seconds and the time required to update to firebase is around an average of ±3 seconds


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah berkembang sangat pesat, sehingga memberikan kemudahan dalam mengakses dan mendapatkan data informasi. Dampak negatifnya adalah masalah keamanan dan munculnya berbagai macam teknik yang digunakan oleh berbagai pihak untuk mendapatkan informasi yang bersifat rahasia. Oleh karena itu, keamanan informasi merupakan aspek penting untuk menjaga kerahasian suatu informasi. Salah satu metode keamanan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengamankan pesan rahasia tanpa dapat dipersepsi adalah dengan menggabungkan metode kriptografi dan steganografi. Dalam penelitian ini, metode kriptografi yang digunakan adalah Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dan metode Steganografi yang digunakan adalah Least Significant Bit (LSB) dengan media audio MP3. Pada awalnya pesan teks akan di dilakukan enkripsi menggunakan AES, kemudian hasil ciphertextnya akan disisipkan ke dalam audio MP3 dengan menggunakan metode LSB untuk mendapatkan file MP3Stego. Tahapan terakhir untuk mendapatkan file pesan adalah melakukan ekstraksi pada MP3Stego dan melakukan dekripsi dengan menggunakan AES untuk mendapatkan pesan asli. Hasil akhir dari aplikasi ini berupa audio MP3 stego yang telah memuat pesan yang disisipkan. Audio MP3 stego mempunyai ukuran dan bentuk yang sama persis seperti audio MP3 aslinya. Meskipun bit-bit audio MP3 sudah mengalami perubahan akibat penyisipan, namun perubahan itu tidak begitu signifikan, sehingga audio MP3Stego tidak menimbulkan kecurigaan. Berdasarkan pengujian terhadap Signal Noise to Ratio (SNR) maka didapatkan nilai SNR berbanding terbalik dengan ukuran pesan yang disisipkan, semakin besar ukuran pesan yang disisipkan maka nilai SNR semakin kecil

    Expert System and IoT for Diagnose of Feline Panleukopenia Virus using Certainty Factor

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    Cats are animals that are loved by many people and are widely used as pets. All things related to cat health will be pursued by cat owners. However, sometimes the prevention efforts that have been made by cat owners cannot stop the spread of cat diseases, especially those caused by viruses. One of the viruses that can infect cats is feline panleukopenia virus. Where this virus can be deadly and can spread easily. Sometimes the symptoms caused are like ordinary diseases and can not be easily understood by cat owners. Early diagnosis is needed to prevent this disease. What can be done is to create an expert system, which with this system can diagnose feline panleukopenia based on the initial symptoms seen. In addition, to support diagnosis, use IoT devices to determine the body temperature and heart rate of the cat. The purpose of this study is to provide an early prediction of Panleu disease in cats, so that it can make it easier for users to immediately follow up from the initial diagnosis obtained. The research was conducted by conducting a literature study, collecting and analyzing data, making designs and tools, implementing, and testing. The results obtained from this study used 13 samples obtained from veterinarians, where the results of the expert diagnosis were eight samples of acute panleukopenia, four samples of chronic panleukopenia, and 1 sample of non-panleukopenia. The results were obtained with an accuracy of 92 %. The average deviation value of the pulse sensor is 2.40 % and the average deviation value of the LM35 sensor is 1.30 %


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    mini golf entertainment. Currently, the number of visitors to Kolepa can reach up to 3000 people per month. As a form of digitizing and improving service to customers, Kolepa wants to develop a mobile-based application that can make it easier for customers who want to visit by providing a table reservation feature, as well as a mini golf score calculation feature to replace physical paper for writing scores. Before the application is developed, it is necessary to design the user interface according to the results of interviews with the company. In designing the user interface, the author uses Figma as a tool and method of design thinking to formulate the system architecture including the features contained in the application. From the results of the design carried out, testing was carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method and the results showed that the Kolepa Mobile App user interface design got an 'A' value in the grading method and a 'good' value in the adjective method based on the SUS assessment conversion matrix.Kolepa Mini Golf & Coffee Shop merupakan sebuah usaha yang bergerak di bidang penjualan makanan dan minuran disertai dengan hiburan yang menghadirkan jasa hiburan mini golf. Saat ini, jumlah pengunjung Kolepa dapat mencapai hingga 3000 orang per bulannya. Sebagai bentuk digitalisasi dan peningkatan layanan terhadap pelanggan, Kolepa ingin mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi berbasis mobile yang dapat memudahkan pelanggan yang ingin berkunjung dengan menyediakan fitur reservasi meja, serta fitur perhitungan skor mini golf untuk menggantikan kertas fisik untuk menulis skor. Sebelum aplikasi dikembangkan, dibutuhkan perancangan tampilan antarmuka pengguna (user-interface) sesuai hasil dari wawancara dengan pihak perusahaan. Dalam perancangan antarmuka pengguna, penulis menggunakan Figma sebagai tools dan metode design thinking untuk merumuskan arsitektur sistem termasuk fitur yang terdapat pada aplikasi. Dari hasil perancangan yang dilakukan, dilakukan pengujian dengan System Usability Scale (SUS) dan didapatkan hasil bahwa rancangan antarmuka pengguna Kolepa Mobile App mendapatkan nilai 'A' pada metode grading dan nilai 'good' pada metode ajektiva berdasarkan matriks konversi penilaian SUS.   Kata kunci: Antarmuka, Mobile, Design Thingking, System Usability Scale, Grading. &nbsp

    Pelatihan Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Penggunaan Sistem Pengkabutan Otomatis pada Mitra Kepung Seto

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    Pengujian sistem pengkabutan kumbung jamur tiram secara otomatis pada mitra kelompok pemuda mandiri Kepung Seto telah dilaksanakan. Sistem tersebut diuji-coba selama satu bulan pada masa pendampingan. Permasalahan dalam mengoperasikan sistem terutama karena mitra belum mengetahui bagaimana sistem bekerja. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman cara kerja sistem agar mitra dapat mengoperasikannya secara mandiri. Pendekatan penyelesaian masalah ini dengan pelatihan. Metodologi dalam pelatihan tersebut diantaranya dengan teknik ceramah plus diskusi, dan demostrasi tentang sistem dan penggunaannya serta evaluasi dengan cara pre-test dan post-test. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pelatihan ini adalah meningkatnya pemahaman mitra sebesar 29,83%  tentang pemahaman sistem dan penggunaannya. Nilai efektifitas pelatihan ini masuk kategori cukup efektif dengan presentasi nilai N-Gain sebesar 57,11%. Mitra merasakan puas atas kegiatan ini dan mengucapkan terima kasih semoga kegiatan ini berlanjut di tahun mendatang untuk implementasi alat atau sistem pada anggota lainnya

    Image Steganography Analysis Using GOST Algorithm and PRNG Based on LSB

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    Security in communication is very important for everyone to pay attention to. To prevent data leakage and illegal retrieval of data, cryptography and steganography can be used. In this study, GOST and XOR LSB with PRNG were used to inject text into images. The final result shows that the combination of these two methods is quite good in terms of image quality, message capacity, embedding speed, and imperceptibility (cannot be seen with the naked eye). Of the 9 image formats tested, 7 images containing messages could be extracted properly with a median MSE of 0.0001935 and a median of PSNR of 85.261. Then, in terms of rotation, all im-age rotations from 90°, 180°, and 270° fail to extract messages and in terms of resizing all sizes from 10%, 30%, 50%, and 80% also fail to extract messages. The average time required for encryption with test data 6 test data is 0.073 seconds with the GOST algorithm, using GOST + XOR LSB with PNRG is 0.485 seconds. By using the XOR combination method LSB with PRNG can store an average of 43.3 bits. From the impercibility test using 5 respondents and visualization using an RGB histogram, it can be seen that there is no difference be-tween the cover image and the stego image

    Comparative Analysis of OpenMP and MPI Parallel Computing Implementations in Team Sort Algorithm

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    Tim Sort is a sorting algorithm that combines Merge Sort and Binary Insertion Sort sorting algorithms. Parallel computing is a computational processing technique in parallel or is divided into several parts and carried out simultaneously. The application of parallel computing to algorithms is called parallelization. The purpose of parallelization is to reduce computational processing time, but not all parallelization can reduce computational processing time. Our research aims to analyse the effect of implementing parallel computing on the processing time of the Tim Sort algorithm. The Team Sort algorithm will be parallelized by dividing the flow or data into several parts, then each sorting and recombining them. The libraries we use are OpenMP and MPI, and tests are carried out using up to 16 core processors and data up to 4194304 numbers. The goal to be achieved by comparing the application of OpenMP and MPI to the Team Sort algorithm is to find out and choose which library is better for the case study, so that when there is a similar case, it can be used as a reference for using the library in solving the problem. The results of research for testing using 16 processor cores and the data used prove that the parallelization of the Sort Team algorithm using OpenMP is better with a speed increase of up to 8.48 times, compared to using MPI with a speed increase of 8.4 times. In addition, the increase in speed and efficiency increases as the amount of data increases. However, the increase in efficiency that is obtained by increasing the processor cores decreases

    Sistem Kontroling Dan Monitoring Hama Padi Berbasis Internet of Thing Di Kelompok Tani Bina Karya Pringsewu, Lampungb

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    Indonesia salah satu negara agraris dengan penghasil produk pertanian untuk keperluan pangan. Komoditas utama yang paling banyak dikembangkan dan ditanam pada sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah padi. Lahan pertanian yang luas dan produksi padi yang melimpah menjadi unggulan. Lampung sendiri memiliki kabupaten penghasil taman pangan utama padi yang terdapat di kabupaten pringsewu dan sekaligus lumbung padi salah satunya Kelompok Tani Bina Karya. Kebutuhan pangan yang terus meningkat harus diimbangi dengan jumlah produksi padi yang cukup setiap tahunnya. Terlepas dari lahan dan produksi petani memiliki kendala pada masa tanam padi. Kendala yang terjadi mengakibatkan menurunnya hasil panen secara menyuruh atau malah gagal panen dikarenakan hama. Wereng coklat, belalang, burung bagian dari hama yang menyerang padi. Kelompok Tani Bina Karya melakukan pembasmian hama secara manual dengan menggunakan pestisida dan bertahan sementara. Penggunaan pestisida sebagai pembasmian hama secara kimiawi menimbulkan dampak pencemaran lingkungan, misalnya pencemaran air tanah, petani mengalami keracunan ketika melakukan penyemprotan pestisida. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan hama padi tim pengusul membuat teknologi tepat guna sebagai salah satu solusi alternatif dalam pengurangan serta kontroling dan monitoring lahan pertanian dari hama pengganggu dan kondisi lahan. Sistem Kontroling dan Monitoring Hama Padi Berbasis Internet of Thing di Kelompok Tani Bina Karya Pringsewu, Lampung

    Optimizing Driving Completeness Prediction Models: A Comparative Study of YOLOv7 and Naïve Bayes at Institut Teknologi Sumatera

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    The number of vehicles in Indonesia is increasing every year. The number of motor vehicle accidents in 2022 will be more than 100,000. It is hoped that several regulations regarding motorbike rider equipment will increase awareness of rider safety. By utilizing image recognition technology developed with artificial intelligence, it is possible to create digital image processing models or images that are fast and accurate for detecting driving equipment. The object detection model developed uses a dataset in the form of images of motorists who want to enter ITERA through the main gate. The object detection model will also be integrated with the classification model to create a program that can detect motorbike rider equipment, such as mirrors, helmets, not wearing a helmet, shoes, not wearing shoes, open clothes, and closed clothes. After detecting motorized rider equipment in the classification area, the results will be transferred to a classification model to determine the level of safety for motorized riders, either insufficient or sufficient safety. The test results show that the optimal object detection model was found at an epoch value of 70 with a batch-size of 16, producing a mAP value of 0.8914. The optimal classification model uses the naive Bayes method which has been trained with a dataset of 62 data and achieves an accuracy of 94%