4,739 research outputs found

    Determination of stochastic vs. deterministic trend in quarterly GDP of Pakistan

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    Many economic and financial time series show evidence of trending behavior or non stationarity in the mean. An important econometric goal is determining the most proper form of the trend in the data. The transformations of series depend on whether the series is trend stationary or difference stationary. In this paper, study is conducted to declare the nature of trend component in quarterly GDP of Pakistan whether it is trend stationary or difference stationary. It is necessary to know, because trend stationary and difference stationary models imply very different short run and long run dynamics. We have explored the type of trend in GDP series by ADF unit root test and also support our arguments by empirical distribution instead of asymptotical ones i.e., bootstrapping test. The purpose of the paper is not only to investigate the type of trend in the series by conventional methods but also to motivate small distribution theory like bootstrapping techniques that can helps ones in selection of advocate model for observed series.Bootstrapping, Stationarity, Pivotal statistic, Unit root

    Ordered semigroups characterized by (ϵ ϵ vqk)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals

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    In this paper, we introduce a considerable machinery that permits us to characterize a number of special (fuzzy) subsets in ordered semigroups. In this regard, we generalize (Davvaz and Khan in Inform Sci 181:1759-1770 2011) and define (is an element of, is an element of boolean (ϵ ϵ vqk)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideals in ordered semigroups, which is a generalization of the concept of an (alpha, beta)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal in an ordered semi-group. We also define (is an element of, is an element of boolean (ϵ ϵ vqk)-fuzzy left (resp. right)ideals. Using these concept, some characterization theorems of regular, left (resp. right) regular, completely regular and weakly regular ordered semigroups are provided. The upper/lower parts of an (is an element of, is an element of boolean (ϵ ϵ vqk)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal and (is an element of, is an element of boolean (ϵ ϵ vqk)-fuzzy left (resp. right)-ideal are given, and some characterizations are provided

    Impact of Development of Technology on Education: Key Micro and Macro Economies of Australia

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    The purpose of this paper was to discuss and examine the impact of development of technology on education in key micro and macro economies of Australia. Research for this paper included application of micro and macro economics concepts, presentation of facts that are collected from different sources as well as deeper analysis of the changes in micro and macro economies of Australia caused by technological changes in education supported by a range of other scholarly articles. The paper provides advantages and disadvantages of development of technology on education as well as impact of technology on education in key micro and macro economies of Australia. Based on the analysis, the education industry in general is benefitted by development of technology caused by increasing access to information and flexible study schedule through e-learning. The paper then moved into micro and macro analysis of the impact technology has on education.  The key factors in micro economics that were discussed are long run demand and supply, labour demand and supply, resistance to change and effect on universities and the environment. In macro economics, the key factors that were discussed are increased access to education in the country, decrease in structural unemployment rate, decreased demand for Australian academics, increased level of global competition and decrease in GDP as well as increase in information asymmetry. The paper provides detailed analysis on the impact of technological development on key micro and macro economies. In general, this paper suggests that as the inevitable development of technology in education will have both positive and negative effects on Australian economies, the key challenge is in managing the development by minimising its negative impacts and nourishing the positive impact

    Exploration of usability of PLSR for implementation in the RENT feature selection method

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    RENT (Repeated Elastic Net Technique) is a feature selection technique developed for binary classification and regression tasks. But most real life cases are multi-class. RENT is not currently capable of handling multi-class classification or regression problems. Our thesis is an attempt to extend RENT to handle multi-class problems. To this end we have explored the PLSR algorithm to study if it is a good option for multi-class classification tasks. We call this method PLSR-RENT. PLSR-RENT gives us a reduced set of features which are then used with different classifiers. The results obtained are compared with other feature selection algorithms. We observe that performance of PLSR-RENT is comparable to other feature selectors by very slight differences, though it is not better than others. More tests need to be conducted to conclude if PLSR-RENT is the best option for extending RENT, but it is a good candidate

    Data Analysis for Physical Activity Monitoring

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    Master's thesis in Computer SciencePhysical activity is essential for humans for maintaining a healthy and comfortable lifestyle. With science and technological advancements, there comes various guidelines for the amount of physical activity a person should perform. Monitoring the physical activity enables us to follow those guidelines and be aware of own activity. Wearable computing is allowing us to track and monitor our own performed physical activities by mostly intrinsic (minimal) interaction. Physical activity monitoring is an emerging research area in wearable computing. Our thesis is about identifying and classifying which activity is being performed. We have used various classifiers and evaluation metrics to validate our classifier models

    A new classification of hemirings through double-framed soft h-ideals

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    Due to lack of parameterization, various ordinary uncertainty theories like theory of fuzzy sets, and theory of probability cannot solve complicated problems of economics and engineering involving uncertainties. The aim of the present paper was to provide an appropriate mathematical tool for solving such type of complicated problems. For the said purpose, the notion of double-framed soft sets in hemirings is introduced. As h-ideals of hemirings play a central role in the structural theory, therefore, we developed a new type of subsystem of hemirings. Double-framed soft left (right) h-ideal, double-framed soft h-bi-ideals and double-framed soft h-quasi-ideals of hemiring are determined. These concepts are elaborated through suitable examples. Furthermore, we are bridging ordinary h-ideals and double-framed soft h-ideals of hemirings through double-framed soft including sets and characteristic double-framed soft functions. It is also shown that every double-framed soft h-quasi-ideal is double-framed soft h-bi-ideal but the converse inclusion does not hold. A well-known class of hemrings i.e. h-hemiregular hemirings is characterized by the properties of these newly developed double-framed soft h-ideals o

    Bi-ideals of ordered semigroups based on the interval-valued fuzzy point

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    Interval-valued fuzzy set theory (advanced generalization of Zadeh’s fuzzy sets) is a more generalized theory that can deal with real world problems more precisely than ordinary fuzzy set theory. In this paper, we introduce the notion of generalized quasi-coincident with (q(Formula Presented)) relation of an interval-valued fuzzy point with an interval-valued fuzzy set. In fact, this new concept is a more generalized form of quasi-coincident with relation of an interval-valued fuzzy point with an interval-valued fuzzy set. Applying this newly defined idea, the notion of an interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) -fuzzy bi-ideal is introduced. Moreover, some characterizations of interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) -fuzzy bi-ideals are described. It is shown that an interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) -fuzzy bi-ideal is an interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideal by imposing a condition on interval-valued fuzzy subset. Finally, the concept of implication-based interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideals, characterizations of an interval-valued fuzzy bi-ideal and an interval-valued (∈,∈vq(Formula Presented)) - fuzzy bi-ideal are considered

    Challenges and learning opportunities involved in the professional development of mathematics teachers within the government sector

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    As Professional Development Teachers (PDTs), we have been working in the government sector for the last several years to improve the profile of Mathematics teachers within the sector. Our experience of the Professional Development of teachers suggests that working in the government sector is not an easy task. However, neither is it an impossible one. The government’s system faces varied challenges in tackling the professional development needs of teachers. The most important one is the capacity of the professional staff to undertake this mammoth job. Secondly, there is a strong need to change the perceptions of policymakers to consider the professional development in the continuum rather than one singular event. This requires a strong support structure to conduct the Professional Development activities in an ongoing manner. Through our paper, we would like to outline our experiences to present how we have become engaged in the processes of developing Mathematics teachers within the government sector and what are the challenges that we are facing in continuing our efforts to take these efforts further. It is also very important to mention that the Mathematics Association of Pakistan (MAP) has remained very responsive to our ongoing professional needs to carry forward our responsibilities within the government sector